Tag Archives: wedding planning

5 Things You Should NOT to Include in Your Wedding Package

What are things that shouldn’t be included in a wedding package?

  1. Too many expensive things
  2. A long guest list
  3. Unavailable entertainers
  4. Inconvenient wedding venues and other locations
  5. Non-professionals


Wedding packages are there for a reason. Planning a wedding can be pretty stressful from the get-go and we wish for things to be a little easier to handle. Thankfully, things like wedding packages are there to provide us with little saving graces by including any wedding essential in one neat little package to be availed of. With these kinds of packages and deals to be made, every wedding to come can be a breezy process all throughout.

However, while wedding packages include a variety of offerings for your own wedding, there are some things that should definitely not be included in the entire wedding itself, lest you want to risk any inconvenience happening on the big day. If you’re hoping to avoid that, here are some of the best things you may want to opt out of your wedding:


Too Many Expensive Things

Sure, we all want our weddings to be as luxurious as it can be. After all, it’s one of the many moments in our lives that we want to be memorable. However, it can be more memorable if you can actually afford the expenses that need to be covered for your wedding and too much luxury in your wedding can spell an early end for the celebration even before it begins.

With that said, too many expensive things for a wedding is a good thing to opt out in your wedding package. It’s okay to consider things of luxury for some items for your wedding, as long there are kept in close moderation and are also properly considered in terms of expense.

A Long Guest List

A Long Guest List

Another thing to consider when planning a wedding is your guest list. For this to properly work out, you must keep in mind the capacity of your chosen venue.

It is understandable if you want to invite all your friends and family. However, you really should contemplate the available size your venue has. It wouldn’t make sense if you invite 500 guests when your venue is only good for 300 people. If you do so, your wedding will feel cramped – and you wouldn’t want this.

In order to avoid this predicament, carefully examine your guest list and only invite the people closest to you. For sure, your other friends and family will understand if you explain your predicament to them properly.


Unavailable Entertainers

Another thing to consider in a wedding is none other than the entertainment that’s certainly going to draw a crowd for the event. In this case, there are only a certain number of entertainers around the Philippines that are sure to commit to the event you invite them for. Of course, you could try to contact your chosen act for your wedding. However, if they chose not to respond or tell you that they are not available, then it would be better for you to move on and find someone else.

Inconvenient Locations

Inconvenient Locations

We understand that some brides and grooms have a specific venue in their mind to hold their dream wedding. However, sometimes the truth is some of them are pretty hard to book, which is why we encourage everyone to book their weddings as early as possible.

In the event that your chosen location is unavailable for whatever reason, it is yet again best to move on and find somewhere else. Waiting for it to become available could be possible, of course. However, we wouldn’t want you to get your hopes up, which is why it would be better for you to look for somewhere just as good to hold your special day.



Most wedding packages are made possible thanks to the work of professionals in this field. When it comes to having a wedding, you definitely want to hire people, who have been trained professionally to provide the best service possible.


Key Takeaway

Getting a wedding package for your wedding will surely make your life easier as you plan the day that will mark a new chapter in your life. Be sure to add all the necessary items you would need in your wedding, but you also must not forget all the ones that you should definitely avoid to make everything flow smoothly during your special day!

Wedding Packages Manila: What Not to Do Before and During Your Wedding

What are some things that are best avoided before and during a wedding?


  1. Drastic haircuts
  2. Dye your hair
  3. Drinking alcohol
  4. Trying new workout schemes


  1. Panicking
  2. Making any last-minute changes
  3. Arguing with any member of the entourage
  4. Being too hands-on with EVERYTHING


Numerous wedding packages in Manila are guaranteed to give your wedding the amount of joy and excitement you crave for, not to mention the tremendous amounts of convenience you can get from these packages. With that said, a wedding is definitely something to look forward to, especially with all the right things in place and in store for you.

However, while there are some things you could look forward to do in favor of having a special wedding day, there are just as many things that should avoid completely, particularly before and during your big day.

If you do not want any unnecessary issues happening on your wedding, then here are some advice you could adhere to regarding what not to do before and during your wedding:

What Not to Do Before the wedding


Preparing for your dream wedding can be quite stressful and hectic at times, causing you to do things irrationally. However, you could prevent yourself from doing some “drastic” measures by being on the lookout for them. To give you a clue, here are some of the things you could do before the wedding:

  1. Any Drastic Haircuts

Sure, getting your hair done before your wedding is a very important and exciting thing for a bride to do. But as much as possible, try and limit your hair projects to simple straightening or curling. That way, you’ll achieve a look that you are comfortable with.

However, if you really do want to sport a new haircut, then try to really think about it so you wouldn’t end up regretting your decision afterwards. Also, try to talk to a professional hairdresser that could give you great wedding hair advice.

  1. Coloring Your Hair

Speaking of hair, dyeing it with any color other than brown can definitely alter the aesthetics of your celebration. Dyeing your hair in a new color can give it a new and vibrant sight for your spouse-to-be to behold. However, it could also cause you some issues – particularly if you don’t time it right. This is because dyeing it too early before your big day could end up with you having uneven hair color.

Thankfully, this could easily be managed with the help of a professional hairdresser. Be sure to talk to one before doing any coloring to your locks.

  1. Drinking Alcohol

While numerous wedding package deals in Manila offer a great deal on alcohol, as well as a variety of drinks for you to choose from, it’s not really the best thing to enjoy before your wedding. While it may taste great with every sip, they actually pack on the calories, which can make fitting in your dress or suit a bit of a hassle.

With that said, try to hold off on the alcohol for the time being. Besides, you’ll have more than enough to enjoy on your special day.

  1. Trying a New Workout Scheme

Yes, working out is a great way to shed the pounds in time for your wedding day, especially when it comes to fitting into your dress with minimal effort. However, when you try a new workout scheme, your muscles will surely be sorry in the future.

As much as possible, your wedding should be as stress-free as possible; and with your muscles going through all that stress before your wedding, it’ll definitely be a hassle for you. With that being said, it would be much better for you to stick to your regular routine.

What Not to Do During Your Wedding


Problems could arise not only prior to your big day, but also during the momentous occasion. If you want to avoid these things as much as possible, then be sure to avoid the following:

  1. Panic

This is one of the biggest no-no’s during such a wedding occasion, especially during the minutes leading up to the start of your new lives together. In this case, it’s okay to keep a keen eye on any details of the wedding, while at the same time keeping a level head when things may seem out of line. Mistakes of any size are almost unavoidable, therefore it’s best to approach these little hairs out of place with a calm demeanor.

  1. Make any Last-Minute Changes

This is another thing that should be avoided at all costs! The point of planning for your wedding is to ensure that things go smoothly during your special day; and if you ever have any last-minute changes you would like to make, be sure to act on them WAY BEFORE your wedding and not during.

This is why it is advisable for you to have a wedding checklist that you could rely on and follow through to avoid any mishaps on the day, itself.

  1. Argue with any Member of your Entourage

As mentioned before, mistakes are almost unavoidable, which also goes for any personal mistake made by anyone, including you. That being said, if you happen to have any personal grudges against anyone, best keep it to yourself for the meantime, or at least until the wedding has finished. Surely, you’ll be able to mend any bridges once the air has cleared.

Also, when it comes to family drama, make sure that any fight anyone would have against the other be handled with a calm and civil approach. That way, you’ll be able to avoid any screaming matches that may ensue, as well as any fist fights.

  1. Handle EVERYTHING

This is also best avoided even before your wedding. The point of getting some help in planning your wedding, as well as availing for the best Manila wedding package deal is to help you cover all details. Stressing yourself out by overseeing or handling everything is a sure way to get your blood boiling.

In the end, you must trust your entourage and everyone, who wishes to help you out. After all, you are the one that’s about to get married, which means you should be able to enjoy your day as much as you wish.


Key Takeaway

These things are definitely the best ones to avoid before and during your wedding. Without any of these present in your special day, the road to holy matrimony and love is sure to be a smooth one!

How to Feast on a Budget: The Wedding Edition

A wedding is considered to be one of the grandest occasions society has ever bore witness to. It’s the union of two people in love in front of their friends and family. In other words, a wedding signifies the start of a new life between two individuals.

However, as touching as it seems, a wedding is no cheap feat for anyone to avail of. The couple, who is planning to get married, has to take care of a few factors, including the décor, the service provided on their big day, the wedding food, as well as the clothing and apparel to be worn by their entourage (the bridesmaids and the bride herself). Most of these things are, of course, not cheap – which could cause some minor complications in your wedding planning.

If you are looking for ways to save sums of money on your special day, fear not as there are many ways to achieve this goal. With that said, here are some things you can apply to lower the costs of your wedding:

On the Décor

On the Décor

When it comes to any wedding, it’s important to capture the eyes of your guests and stun them with such beautiful and intricate color schemes and designs. However, as previously stated, these are not easy to afford, which is why if you’re looking to save money on your wedding decorations, here are some things you can consider cutting down on:

Hiring Professionals

  • Hiring Professionals

Professional designers lending a helping hand in your wedding are all the rage right now. They are able to come up with elaborate and extravagant designs and genius color pallets for any theme the wedding is based on. However, the fees they charge for their services can be a bit exorbitant.

Using Extravagant and Expensive Materials

  • Using Extravagant and Expensive Materials

In most cases, wedding days exude an amount of style and luxury. However, it doesn’t always have to be the case, as there are alternative materials available for anyone’s use. All you have to do is look and consider them well.

Preparing your Invitations

  • Preparing your Invitations

This is one of the things that most couples tend to spend a lot of money on. They focus on intricate designs on the invitations to the point where it becomes expensive. But it is important to remember that an invitation does not have to be costly to be captivating. In fact, there are many do-it-yourself invitation tutorials available online that you can follow without having to spend too much on them.


  • Flowers

Managing this aspect is easy enough to handle. Depending on which fauna you want to showcase in your wedding, make sure to not buy too much and find the best flowering service to better service you in this field.

On the Venue

On the Venue

One of the key factors to a great wedding is a great venue. Depending on the venue, it can speak of serenity and memorability in terms of the celebration at hand. Touching as it sounds, availing for one does not come cheap. Here are some things you can do to manage your costs of the venue:


  • Locations

This is one thing one must try to avoid. The further the venue from everyone’s locations, the more likely it is to cause an exorbitant amount.

The Size of the Venue

  • The Size of the Venue

When it comes to the size of your desired venue, all you need to consider is if its size is just right for the number of guests you wish to invite. The venue will be more likely expensive, if it’s a bit too big for you and your guests to celebrate in.

On the Food

On the Food

Of course, what makes a wedding more complete than the food you enjoy with your guests? When one thinks about ensuring high-class, quality food to serve to their guests, one must also think about the expenses it will cost. To help you out in this endeavor, here are some things that you need to consider:

Hiring a Waiting Staff

  • Hiring a Waiting Staff

In most cases, it’s better to have a buffet set-up instead of having to hire waiting staff on your wedding. By doing this, you won’t have to pay extra fees once the celebration is over.

Serving Extravagant Foods

  • Serving Extravagant Foods

Good food, given any kind of occasion, can guarantee a good time with your guests. However, you must remember that expensive is not actually synonymous with good. This is why instead of getting extravagant choices like lobster, steak, and others of the sort, you are better off choosing something much simpler.


  • Desserts

Desserts are one thing couples usually splurge on. They do this as part of their efforts to impress all of their guests. However, one does not have to go to such lengths to do so. All you really have to do is concentrate on the quality (instead of quantity) of the confectionery treats you plan to share with the congregation.

On the Drinks

On the Drinks

Besides the food, one mustn’t forget about the array of drinks available in the reception for every adult’s indulgence. If you’re looking to save money on this one, here is something you could try:

Limit your Alcohol Offerings

  • Limit your Alcohol Offerings

There is an abundance of alcohol for you to choose from. But that doesn’t mean you should serve them all. Just pick several kinds of alcohol to serve that fits in your budget.

On the Apparel

On the Apparel

Lastly, this aspect should be taken into heavy consideration when it comes to saving some money. For this, here is the one thing you must take into account:

Trust in your Local Designers

  • Trust in your Local Designers

While getting married in a gown that’s designed by an internationally-renowned designer is every bride’s dream, it is definitely not an easy and cheap feat to achieve. With your local designers, not only will you be able to get the best dress that there is, but you’ll also be able to save a lot of money.

Key Takeaway

Everyone dreams of having a grand wedding. But sometimes having one is not really ideal. This does not mean, however, that your wedding day will no longer be a day everybody will remember. As mentioned above, there are a lot of things you can do in order to have a beautiful day worth celebrating without entirely breaking your bank. Just follow these tips and tricks, and you’re good to go!