Tag Archives: Wedding Food Catering

13 Things to Consider Before Hiring a Wedding Caterer

Caterers play a major role when it comes to any event—debuts, weddings, baptisms, and even kiddie parties. This is because caterers make these events so much easier for the coordinators and the hosts by giving catering companies the job of handling food services. Wedding food catering, for one, is special and should be prepared well in advance. This is because it does not only concern one family but two, along with close friends of the bride and groom.
You should aim for caterers who could meet your demands, your specifications; the way you want everything to be ‘perfect’. But is this all the standard to look for in caterers? Is good food the measurement for hiring catering services per se? Here are some of the other considerations you should take—other than their menu options—before you hire caterers for your upcoming wedding event.


Personal Attention

Personal Attention

The first consideration you should think about before hiring caterers is their time, and how much of that time they can give to you. You always want updates; you always want to hear from them for changes. They should be readily available when called upon.




Take into account the caterer staff’s attitude. When you first make contact with the caterer, you can easily sense if they have a good air about them. Did they greet you with a smile? Are they polite throughout your whole inquiry? If so, proceed with the consideration of hiring them. Otherwise, it’s better to turn to someone else.




Personal attention isn’t enough to consider the uprightness of a catering service. You also have to note how much time you need to make contact with them to get your point across. The standard contact time between a caterer and a client should be 10 times, up until the wedding day.


Food Preparation

Food Preparation

You are hiring a wedding food catering service not just to provide a buffet to serve your guests. Rather, you are hiring them because you want a sense of class and professionalism even when it comes to your wedding fare. Consider caterers who have this respect towards food as much as making them taste good.


Quality Ingredients

Quality Ingredients

You don’t want to spend a fortune on a caterer only to get complaints that their food tastes dull, dry, or stale. Ensure that the caterer uses only quality and fresh ingredients for their recipes to avoid negative comments on the wedding day itself. You may even ask to sample their food for confirmation before hiring.


Cost Per Plate
Cost Per Plate

Find out how much they charge per plate served. This does not only concern the plates alone, but also the cost of linens used, tables, chairs, and other miscellaneous fees. Simply put, ask them for their package rates before closing deals. Do not hesitate to bargain with your caterer.


Menu Rates

Menu Rate

Other than the utensils used and the set-up for tables and chairs, scrutinize the menu and the rates for dishes that will be served. Usually, it comes in sets (set A, B, and so on), but you can bargain for what to include or not. This way, you can reduce unnecessary items if need be that may cost more.


Willingness to Help

Willingess To Help

You can judge if the caterer is merely there to “do their job”, or if the caterer really shows passion and willingness to be of service. The caterer will give his/her all out from the point of your inquiry to the end of your wedding ceremony. They should support you (giving suggestions and taking criticisms) to the point you want to recommend them to friends and family, or re-hire them in the future.


Flexibility and Experience

Flexibility And Experience

It’s not that you should avoid caterers that are new to the business, but if you truly aim for a top-notch, class, and high-performance caterers, go for those who have enough experience in the field. You can find that by browsing through their website and reading about their background and accomplishments. Flexibility also means the ability to handle any event, not just weddings. This often indicates a worthy caterer with enough experience.


Knowledge of the Venue

Knowledge Of The Venue

A good caterer to consider is not only praised for their craft when it comes to food (and table) preparation but for their knowledge of the venue that you would want as well. It’s a huge advantage to know what the venue looks like, so they can have an insight of how to set-up their service to make it appealing. They can also measure their travel time from their catering area to the venue on the day itself.


Complete Contract Details

Complete Contract Details

Up until the point of signing the contract necessary to make the deal official, you have to ensure that everything that was explained to you. In addition, everything that was discussed should be in written form on the contract. Read the terms carefully to avoid any points which might have been left off in the discussion.


Cancellation is Possible

Cancellation Is Possible

Should an anomaly arise or should you decide that you have a different option other than catering, there should always be a cancellation option. If this is not stated in the contract, then it should at least be allowed by the caterer. They are not to hold you hostage and be aggressive towards cancellation as long as your reasons are valid.


Check For References

Check For References

Just like reading book and/or movie reviews to find out other people’s thoughts about this particular title, find out what previous clients have to say about your caterer. This isn’t because you distrust their services, but you want to feel a sense of security when you look into the experience of other people by hiring this or that caterer.


Key Takeaway

If you are searching for the right, fair, and quality catering service to be provided for your wedding event, we at Juan Carlo assure you that we practice professionalism on everything we do.

At Juan Carlo, we cater with love, sheer hard work, and an unrelenting dedication to delivering you the best catering experience. Click here to learn more about what we can offer you!

Impress Guests With These Simple, Yet Stand-out Food Catering Ideas

What are some ideas for unique and simple wedding food catering?

  1. Bite-sized food style
  2. Food truck style
  3. Wedding party potluck style


Simple is beautiful. Celebrations don’t always have to mean an elaborate display of design, venue, or even food catering for weddings. What’s important are the treasured memories and the fact that the people you invited as trusted and loving guests are there to witness a life-changing event.

However, this doesn’t mean that preparations are just so-and-so. Making last minute hassles—trying to find a venue, a catering service, or (event) coordinators—will take so much out of you and your partner. You want to keep it simple, but you want it to be an unforgettable reception for the beloved guests. Ease your worries, and plan how you will execute that unique yet uncomplicated food catering with these suggestions:


Bite-sized Food Style

To summarize this in two words that will surely catch your guests’ attention: mini food! That’s right! If you want to show a simple yet new experience for everyone, why not try teasing the guests with bite-sized catering food? It doesn’t literally mean you’ll be making miniature versions of food (like those Japanese mini-kitchen videos you may have come across on social media). Rather, you’ll produce a menu where guests are left wanting for more, so they’ll ask for seconds or come back to the buffet area.

Sample menus for this style include:

Buttermilk (fried) chicken and waffles — have servings of small waffle slices and fried buttermilk chicken cut in nugget-shaped sizes. You could have a small container or a small saucer (depending on how creative or unique you can get) with syrup in it for dipping.

Food pops — it’s like candy pops, but using food like mac n’ cheese or even meatballs coated in a special sauce, for instance. As candy pop makers get creative with how they present their sweet desserts, so can you! Get your creative juices flowing and experiment with which food pops your guests might want to try. You can even surprise your guests by letting them choose which food pop they think would make their mouths water.

Miniature desserts —— if the theme of your food catering will focus solely on sweets, then opt for this one. Desserts can be better appreciated in moderation. Guests will be satisfied with small portions of dessert. Go for cute and photo-worthy miniature sweets. This includes bite-sized donuts of varying flavors (for example, munchkin-type donuts), graham balls, or even miniature ice cream complete with finger-length cones and different flavor options. This could either be done in a buffet style or single-serving only.


Food Truck Style

Food Truck Style

One of the unique ideas on this list would be a food truck-style wedding food catering service. Food trucks are common in countries such as the United States. They range from ice cream trucks parked outside schools to tasty taco-selling trucks on a freezing day. With this said, it will be quite an uncommon experience to bring the idea of a ‘food truck’ in the country.

Since we’re aiming for simplicity, it doesn’t necessarily require that you rent actual trucks and have them decorated just to say that it’s truly one of a kind. Why not go for something as simple as our favorite go-to food parks with stalls (or tables) instead of actual vehicles? Besides, what we’re after is the vibe that guests are eating from food trucks by including hamburgers, grilled cheese sandwiches or sliders, barbecue, sushi, ice cream in the menu. You could even substitute the “American” food truck menu for Filipino flavors such as tusok-tusok food.


Wedding Party Potluck Style

Wedding Party Potluck Style

Here’s an idea which calls for guest participation: instead of asking your guests for gifts, why not ask them to bring their share of dishes for the wedding day? Of course, certain rules still apply such as letting them know beforehand how many people will be present at the event. Give them the final count and not just an estimate. Brief them on your requirements: is there a theme? What are the menus already offered by others?

This idea also appeals to guests whom you and your partner may be very close to. You can’t expect all guests to comply, so you must respect the declination of those who don’t plan on joining this unique potluck idea. As much as possible, limit the guest list to your close relatives and friends.


Key Takeaway

What will impress your guests are the innovative ways to play with the wedding reception, especially in the food catering segment, as well as the modesty which comes with executing the service. Planning is as important as the nuptial day itself, so keep it simple yet amusing with the power of originality.

Creative Wedding Reception Ideas

What creative reception ideas can you incorporate in your wedding?

  1. Provide a guest transportation service
  2. Apply themes to food catering
  3. Have an area exclusive to children
  4. Add a unique element which will stand out


One of the best part about a wedding—any event, really — is the actual planning process of where the reception will be held after the formal program is done. Once the couples have made their vows and have received their blessings, only then can the festivities can begin. To have the perfect wedding food catering, the venue, and ambiance, and the overall program flow should all be considered. But nowadays, everyone wants to have an event which is not only memorable but also stands-out.

If a wedding is one of the greatest celebrations that will happen in your life, why not plan one which you and your guests will never forget? Here are some creative and unique ideas to give that “wow” factor and ensure satisfaction among your guests:


Provide a Guest Transportation Service

Provide a Guest Transportation Service

The moment the priest or pastor announces “you may kiss the bride”, whispers of where the reception will be held and how to get there starts filling the air. Guests will end up asking the coordinators or the couples themselves on where the reception area is and how they can get there Sometimes convoys are held just to avoid getting lost and missing the program because of it. But even this isn’t completely foolproof.

The solution? Make it comfortable and fun for your family and friends by renting a transportation service with a twist. If your wedding (or reception) has a working theme, why not hint that the fun is only getting started by having a vehicle related to the theme? For example, renting a yellow school bus or anything which is nostalgic of school days will remind guests of their childhood, where perhaps you and your partner first met. How about keeping it simple and asking your guests to post funny signs related to the wedding on their cars so it’s “paraded” while traveling towards the reception area? Whatever idea you have in mind, assure your guests that this is the start of a great time you want to build memories with.


Apply themes to food catering

Admit it, you are getting tired of attending receptions with a bland presentation. It’s time to show guests how to liven up the wedding catering design through the most awaited part of the program: food. Here are some amusing themes you could consider:

Carnival Style – a carnival or a fair is a great way to have fun, so bring that ‘fun’ on your wedding day by having your food catered in carnival style. This includes food such as popcorn, donuts, cake pops, or even hotdogs. You can go further and have a mini Ferris wheel hold up the food, for instance.

Do it Yourself Dessert area – this works well with a buffet-style catering for the main dishes. Sure, it may not be all too unique now that this idea is being reused, but still, you can go one step better by planning out what will be involved in your dessert area. You can serve cookies, cakes, foreign candies, or perhaps a fountain which features different chocolates.

Children’s Bar – Sure, there may already be a built-in bar area serving cocktails and wine, but have you ever thought of a bar exclusive for children? That’s right, we’re talking about serving milk tea, shakes, carbonated drinks, and all other non-alcoholic drinks.


Have an area exclusive to children

Have an area exclusive to children

Children have the tendency of losing interest after their curiosity of the happenings around them. They will get bored if they see that the program does not involve their age. One creative and unique idea you can do is to provide some sort of children’s area with about 2 tables where your guests’ young ones can bond and play without having to bother the adults. The table can include coloring and/or art materials, activity books, or puzzles to keep them busy and entertained. A kiddie buffet that’s still part of the food catering can also be done, complete with their own child-friendly menu.

If you want the kids to participate, you can also allot a part of the program which can associate them.


Add a unique element which will stand-out

Add a unique element which will stand-out


This is the “I didn’t see this coming” point of your wedding reception. If you really plan in raising the bar for a creative celebration, don’t limit yourself to the ideas mentioned above. For example, have your pets tag along dressed in bowties or tutus. If they trained to fetch, have them bring wedding gifts, for example.


Key Takeaway

Weddings are truly an anticipated life event. Making sure that everything is “perfect” in your wedding could keep the relationship strong and inspire others to unleash their creativity in event planning. No matter how colorful or strange your wedding reception can get, be sure it’s one of the stories you can tell over and over again in the future.

Wedding Food Catering: Cocktail Style Wedding Reception

What are the advantages of a cocktail style wedding?

  1. It has a more relaxed atmosphere
  2. There is freedom in planning it
  3. Budget-friendly menu
  4. Flexibility towards guests and hosts


Among the modern ways of planning a nuptial event which includes the wedding food catering, venue, program, and all, what appeals to couples these days (especially the youth) is the so-called cocktail wedding style.

It’s becoming more prevalent with its lax nature and affordability. But for some, they consider it as an informal way of executing a wedding reception. This is mostly because of its light atmosphere and the slight breakaway from the traditional wedding reception experience. Still, it attracts most lovers who are planning their wedding day. These are the advantages and the beauty of why weddings of the modern age would opt for this famous catering style:


It has a more relaxed atmosphere

It has a more relaxed atmosphere

Oftentimes, there is a slight pressure on the part of the coordinators and the guests on how they will act upon arriving at the reception area. Where will the guests sit? How will the coordinators instruct them on the program proper? These are just a few questions that pop up in their minds.

With a cocktail style wedding, there is no need to panic as guests are free to choose their own seating space. Table numbers and guests’ table assignments aren’t very strict. In fact, it is encouraged among guests that they sit where they are most comfortable so they could mingle with others while enjoying the rest of the wedding proper. If they feel hungry, they could go ahead and walk towards the designated food stations and have their fill of food. Otherwise, it is part of the catering that appetizers be passed around by the waiters when guests have settled down.

The couple or the wedding planners do not need to worry if their guests are confused about what to do or how to act as they wait for the program to start. The bride and groom can rest assured knowing that with a cocktail style wedding, there won’t be any pressure on their part or worries if their loved ones are doing alright.


There is freedom in planning it

Most of the time, during an appointment with the wedding food catering service who will provide for the reception, there will be packages of services and deals which you could avail. You could just discuss with the caterer on what goes with these promos and how best to arrange it. You can make a few tweaks and optimizations based on what you and your partner may or may not like. However, in requesting for a cocktail style arrangements, you are given the reins in planning everything goes over all. Your only limitation will be the lack of originality or perhaps the fear that you will overdo the whole thing.

Freedom in a cocktail style wedding can also be exercised on the program flow itself. You don’t have to do it in the boring, usual tradition. Rather, you can give it a twist or have it arranged in a different manner which best suits our program flow.


Budget-friendly food options

Budget-friendly food options

The highlight of a cocktail style wedding is the selection of food and how it is presented. This is entirely at your disposal as well. You can coordinate the menu with your caterer during the planning process. The cocktail style is known to have budget-friendly food offerings. The menu can range from chicken strips, grilled cheese combos, to sliders and sandwiches. You can even serve everyone’s comfort food of fries and ketchup on the side.

It’s budget friendly in a way that there are no requirements urging you to prepare a classy dinner if you don’t want to nor is it confining you to just this specific food theme alone. Just like a cocktail style’s purpose is to exercise the liberty to experiment and customize, so is it lenient towards food catering ideas. Mix and match casual potato fries with a fancy lobster menu if you must, the choice is entirely yours.


Flexibility towards guests and hosts

Flexibility towards guests and hosts

There are no awkward moments with a cocktail style wedding. You provide space for your guests to explore and be satisfied with their day. You give them the right to move at their own pace as long as it’s not interrupting the program flow. They could eat and drink at any time they want to, be sociable towards others, or be by themselves. You and your significant other can relax and enjoy your wonderful celebration without too much concern.


Key Takeaway

The cocktail style wedding is a fun idea you can do for your wedding. It seems to break away from tradition, but really, it just gives the dull, usual wedding reception a bit of a kick with an exciting twist!

Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Wedding Catering

How do you make the most out of your wedding catering?

  1. Have a concept in mind
  2. Go for what’s in season
  3. Do as much as you can on your own
  4. Work within a budget


Many couples leave the wedding food catering necessities to the experts. All they end up doing is paying their dues and letting the caterers do the magic. But most of these packages are not usually tailor-made for you. Chances are, it’s not going to meet your standards of style.

If you want to make the most out of your wedding catering, you should be hands-on. You should have a solid plan and stick to it. This way, you could make your wedding reception a much more magical occasion. How do you make the most out of your wedding catering services? Simple: work hand in hand with the catering services Here’s how:


Have a Concept in Mind

One must lay out a detailed plan when catering a wedding. The food, theme, and the number of guests, while essential, shouldn’t be the only thing in mind. You must have a concept that covers every single detail that would help the wedding catering services fulfill your needs. Providing a comprehensive checklist for the wedding catering service will be of great use for them to fully execute your dream wedding catering.

Without a clear concept, you may end up spending much more than what you initially expected. Following a plan prevents you from making too many changes over the course of your wedding planning. Of course, at times it’s inevitable that you’re going to make some changes. But with a concept in mind, you can stick as close as you can to your original ideas.

Here are some common questions to ask to develop your own wedding catering checklist:

  1. When is the date of your wedding?
  2. Where will it be held?
  3. How many guests are you expecting?
  4. What food will be served?
  5. What food style would you want at the event?
  6. Are there special foods you want to be served?
  7. How much staff do you need at the event? What is the theme of your wedding?

These are but a few questions you need to ask yourself. You can start with these basic questions and then develop your own wedding plan.


Go With What’s in Season

Go With What’s in Season

Similar to the approach of choosing seasonal flowers to maximize your total wedding budget, going with in-season products can be applied when choosing ingredients for your wedding catering. To make the most of your budget even more, you could opt for in-season local food or ingredients. It isn’t necessary to really go for offseason food and ingredients to satisfy your guests. There’s always some good or better in season meal and ingredients during the time of your wedding.

Food that is in season is more likely to taste better and easier to order. Keeping your food in season means that you get fresher ingredients at a cost-effective price.


Do as Much DIY as You Can

Your wedding catering service will probably offer to decorate the place with their own furnishings. However, this will obviously come with a price. To cut costs and save more money, offer to provide your own decorations. Crafting your own decorations may take up a lot of your time, but it gives you the chance to incorporate how you really want the place to look. You could even ask a couple of friends to help you out to speed things up and have a good time.

Don’t think you’re limited to decorations when you want to DIY, either. You could also help your catering services with the food, provide your own utensils, plates, and table decor. Though this requires a lot of time, effort, and organization, it’s the most fulfilling of all wedding DIY’s to do.


Work Within a Budget

Work Within a Budget

Establishing an amount of money to spend is not only important for you but for the wedding caterer as well. It will be easier for the caterer to come up with a perfect menu if they know how much their client is willing to spend. Many caterers can whip up astounding menus with any budget. Leaving them clueless about your budget will be a disaster for you and the caterer.

Finalize a set amount of money you’re willing to spend and let your wedding catering services know about it right away. Don’t make too many shifts in the budget allocation as this will mess up with the plans of the catering services. Don’t forget to give an allowance for a few more people, adjust your budget accordingly.


Key Takeaway

Maximizing your budget when it comes to food catering is always possible. Make sure to coordinate everything with your wedding catering services. It’s key to never leave them out of the blue. Working accordingly with everyone involved from the wedding to reception will bring out the most of your big day. This special day of yours doesn’t have to cost millions to make it special. You could work with a tight budget and it can turn out as grand as any other expensive wedding.

6 Popular Wedding Food Catering Styles

What are popular wedding food catering styles?

  1. Buffet Style
  2. Plated Dinner
  3. Cocktail Style
  4. Family Style
  5. Serve-yourself Style


Back then, you didn’t really need to think much about food catering services. After you’ve chosen a venue, you would either go for a sit-down dinner or a buffet-style dinner. In recent years, wedding food catering services have gotten more creative and can fit any type for venue or theme. You could make your reception mealtime more conversation-inducing than ever before!


Buffet Style

Buffet Style

A buffet-style catering for your wedding food service is perfect for any kind of reception. Guests will have the freedom to choose the food they want and how many servings they’ll get, making it quite the popular catering style for many. What’s great about buffet style dinners is that there’s sure to be food for everyone. At weddings, it’s common to have a server behind the buffet table to assist with giving food and describing the dish.

This style should definitely be a part of your wedding catering checklist as it gives you the option to save more by not having to hire too many servers and waiters. It also provides your guests with a variety of food choices. Buffets are also a good way to encourage interaction among guests. A few drawbacks of this food catering style is that the guests may have to fall in line to get their food. You’re also going to need larger quantities of food, you should expect every guest to make the most out of the buffet.


Plated Dinner

The most traditional and the most formal catering style of all, plated sit-down dinners are perhaps the most eloquent of food services. Usually, guests will be served a three- or four-course meal. Catering services will give the guests a limited selection of appetizers, and entrées. Before the reception, guests are given a menu on what meal course they will have. A sit-down meal service will require more servers, waiters, and most likely more expensive food. This option will require you to shell out much more money than other catering style options.

This may be a costly catering service, but it’s worth the price. Your guests will experience a lush dining event where everyone receives their food at the same time. Having everyone seated gives the event an opportunity for activities such as band performances, dance numbers, and dedication speeches.


Cocktail Style

Cocktail Style

This catering style has recently grown in popularity for weddings and other formal events. Instead of serving full meals, guests are served hors-d’oeuvres and bite-sized food throughout the event. Usually, cocktail style catering services offer hot and cold food options. You could have the meals served on a table much like a buffet-style or have servers walking around to offer food to guests. If you have a small venue in your wedding catering checklist, then cocktail catering services will be the ideal option.

This catering style has been trending in recent years due to its space-saving potential. It allows the bride and groom to roam the reception area and interact with friends and family members. This option could prove to be cost-efficient due to the fact that you won’t be serving any main entrées. Cocktail-style receptions highly encourage guests to interact and mingle since there won’t be any set tables or fixed seating arrangements.


Family Style

In a family-style setting, guests are served on their table, much like the plated style. But instead of set menus being served to the guests, meals are served on the table for guests to serve themselves. In some events, waiters may even replenish the dishes upon request of the guests. It’s just like having dinner in your own home, hence the name.

This catering style cuts across the buffet style and plated style catering service. Guests are served a meal that has been previously chosen, and they can get as many servings as they want. This makes for a more efficient mealtime as guests can help themselves with the presented foods. This style may be costly due to the serving pieces and serving sizes of food that have to be prepared. Rental for larger tables and more platters may require a large venue.


Serve-your-self Style

Serve-your-self Style

A trendy option would be to go for a serve-yourself-catering service. Much like a buffet style catering service, a serve-yourself-service doesn’t require the guests to fall in line and have them all pass through the same table of food. This style sets multiple stations of different cuisines very similar to hotel buffet set-ups. These stations are a great way to spice up your wedding reception’s theme.

Guests can enjoy a wide variety of cuisines and the freedom to choose what they want to eat — minus having to fall in line. You could have different stations that serve different cuisines or you could take the more traditional approach of having separate stations for appetizers, entrees, finger foods, and desserts.


Key Takeaway

There are many food catering service styles to choose from, all of which have their own pros and cons. It’s important to allocate your budget properly so that you can have more creative and fun food catering services options to choose from.

Why You Should Hire a Catering Service for the Holidays

Why should you consider hiring a catering service for the holidays?

  1. They offer extensive menu options
  2. They help you save time
  3. They provide detailed preparation
  4. They provide convenient clean-up services


The holiday season is indeed the most wonderful time of the year to be merry through great food and company; the important thing is you and your loved ones are having some wonderful time together.

Christmas parties are one of the events people look forward to once the month of December comes. After all, it is the perfect excuse for families and co-workers to get together and hire a food catering—regardless if there’s a wedding or not.

By hiring a catering service in Manila, you will immediately remove the stress of making sure you have food that is not only tasty, but is also enough for everyone attending the event. It’s certainly one less thing you can worry about, especially if you are part of the organizing committee in your company or you are the one handling it for your family.

If you need more reasons why you should hire a catering service, then continue reading below.

Extensive Menu Options

Extensive Menu Options

Food is definitely the star of the show during get-togethers.

When you hire caterers for the event, they can provide you a guarantee that you will enjoy great food from appetizers to desserts complete with palatable presentations that will taste as good as they look.

They might also include a mobile bar if you guys prefer to have a complimentary beverage to go with their tasty dishes. You can also discuss with your food caterer some of the menu items you want to include or exclude. Let them know your specific needs. For example, if there are some people in your company who are vegetarians or who have allergies. They should be able to tailor fit their menu for these people.


Saves Time

Organizing a party takes a lot of responsibility and a lot of it goes down to planning all sorts of things that can be stressful on your part. Hiring a catering service will surely ease some of the stress you are feeling. Also, this should save you a lot of time considering you only need to get your food and beverages from just one source. Hence, you only need to have one contact.

Services for food catering, whether they are for weddings or other events, will take care of food concerns from ingredients to suppliers to the presentation. All you got to do is sit down, relax, and mingle with your friends and family.

 Detailed Preparation

Detailed Preparation

There are catering services that provide more than food. They can also take care of your table settings, venue decorations, and sound equipment. Exceptional caterers will help execute your vision of a perfect holiday party that everyone in attendance will remember.

If you are having difficulties coming up with the program, they should come up with various suggestions for your celebration. Their overall service should put a smile on your face and make each and every one of you feel the holiday spirit!


Convenient Clean-Up

The aftermath of every party means a lot of dirty work to do in the kitchen and in the main venue. It can be an exhausting job for people to clean up their mess after the event. It’s a good thing that professional caterers can assist you with this. Some of their packages will include cleaning up after the party, making sure there is no dirty spot left!


Key Takeaway

Welcoming the holidays through colorful and lively parties is one of the best things people look forward during the latter part of the year. Hiring a catering service in Manila will help you achieve a lot in many ways. You will be a successful host to your guests. It is indeed a wise decision for you to trust them to make your Christmas party a memorable one!

Top 5 Fascinating Wedding Food Catering Traditions From Around the World

What are the top 5 fascinating wedding food catering traditions from around the world?

  1. San-San-Kudo in Japan
  2. Croquembouche in Paris
  3. Breaking Bread in Bulgaria
  4. Bom Bom Yara in Greece
  5. Foy Thong Cakes in Thailand


Each culture has unique wedding celebrations. These traditions influence the union of two people. There are so many of them, but most of them actually involve the food being included in a wedding food catering.

Ever wondered how newlyweds celebrate their special day across the world? Take a look at some of these traditions we listed below.

San-San-Kudo in Japan

Source: 3oku.info

San-San-Kudo in Japan

San-San-Kudo is a ritual that is part of the sake-sharing ceremony in many unions in the country.

San-san-kudo means three-three-nine.  This ritual signifies several meanings for the relationship of the couple. They each take turns to drink three sips of sake from three cups for a total of nine sips. The first cup is for the couple, the second one is for the bride’s parents, and the third is for the groom’s.

The first three sips signify the union of two families and the couple. The second sip represents human flaws from hatred, passion, and ignorance. The final sip represents the deliverance from these flaws. Without sake-sharing, wedding celebrations are not considered complete.


Croquembouche in Paris

Instead of the traditional wedding cake, the French enjoy a tower of cream-filled pastry profiteroles in the shape of a giant pyramid. It will, then, be drizzled with caramelized sugar.

The literal translation of its name comes from the words croquet en bouche which means “crunch in the mouth.” Croquembouche is typically served as a centerpiece in wedding receptions and the observance of this tradition are all rooted in its rich lineage in the country. It became popular in the 1700s when it officially became a common wedding cake for many unions.

Breaking Bread in Bulgaria

Breaking Bread in Bulgaria

Bread is a huge thing in Bulgaria. In the whole duration of the wedding, bread plays a vital role in signifying many elements in the relationship.

It starts when the mother bakes pitka—a pull-apart bread that is being compared to monkey bread. In turn, the rising dough of this pastry represents the beginning of a family unit.

At the wedding reception, the mothers of the newlyweds feed them bread and honey to express their wishes of a long and sweet life together. Breaking the bread happens when a giant loaf is held over their heads and the couple reaches out and pulls on one end. Whoever gets the larger piece of the bread is bound to be dominant in the relationship.


Bom Bom Yara in Greece

Greek couples sure know how to inject sweetness in their wedding because of the tradition of Bom Bom Yara. Aside from the traditional plate smashing and dance parties, they give out Bom Bom Yaras as wedding favors.

Bom Bom Yara is a series of packages that comes in an odd number and is typically consist of white chocolate or sugar-covered koufeta (almond candies). The Bom Bom Yara is always created in odd numbers because it wants the couple to remain undivided—just like the numbers.

Foy Thong Cakes in Thailand

Sources: guyana.hoop.la

Foy Thong Cakes in Thailand

In Thailand, Foy Thong cakes are part of the wedding menu not as a sweet addition to the delicious dishes, but also because it holds a more significant meaning for the couple.

Foy Thong is a cake topped with long noodles made from egg yolks and sweet syrup. This recipe was influenced by the Portuguese. But it was Maria Guyomar de Pinha who introduced it to the people of Thailand.

The word Thong means gold in Thai, this dessert contains a message of positivity to the ceremony and to the union of the couple. This long-serving tradition in Thai culture remains as one of the most fascinating food traditions at weddings. It symbolizes an eternal love between the bride and groom.


Key Takeaway

The wedding food traditions maintain their crucial roles in the celebration of the union for two people. If you are from these countries but are currently based in the Philippines, you should know that only the best caterer in Manila can recreate these recipes and practices even when you’re away from home.

Give us a call and let’s talk about your wedding plans. We will commit to making it happen in the best way possible!

Different Wedding Food Catering Menus Around the World

What are the different wedding catering foods on menus around the world?

  1. Lechon (Philippines) – roasted suckling pig.
  2. Foy Thong (Thailand) – sweet dessert made up of noodles.
  3. Croquembouche (France) – wedding cake made out of cream puffs.
  4. Fruitcake (Britain) – a wedding cake being served at royal weddings in Britain.
  5. Bem Casados (Brazil) – a mini sponge cookie sandwich with a dulce de leche


When it comes to planning a wedding, one of the most important things to consider is none other than the wedding food catering. After all, the reception is one of the most awaited segments in a wedding besides the ceremony itself; it is the part in the entire celebration where your guests can let loose, indulge, and pretty much enjoy every moment of the event.

With that being said, any wedding in general must have their own variations of a wedding menu. If you’re looking for ideas for your own wedding, here are some examples from all over the world:

Lechon (Philippines)

Source: General’s Lechon

  1. Lechon (Philippines)

Of course, the best way to start this list is none other than with our very own country! The Philippines is one of the most recognizable countries around Asia, especially when it comes to cuisine! If you’re looking for a homegrown touch in your wedding catering menu, then this country is definitely your best bet!

One of the most notable dishes to include in this wedding menu is none other than lechon. The crispy and juicy texture of this dish can really up the indulgence factor for your wedding, which can really make the entire celebration all the more memorable!

  1. Foy Thong (Thailand)

Speaking of Asia, another notable country in this continent is Thailand, a country rich in exotic foods and generally rich cuisine. When it comes to having a menu for your wedding that’s inspired from this country, there’s no other dish that’s more iconic in this country than foy thong.

This dish is a dessert variation of traditional noodles, which in this case, is made from egg yolks and sweet syrup. Serving this in your wedding will symbolize eternal love for the bride and groom, which makes your wedding reception all the more meaningful.

Croquembouche (France)

Source: Taste.com.au

  1. Croquembouche (France)

When it comes to the topic of love and romance, no other country embodies them than vive la France!

France is known for a lot of their desserts, especially when it comes to a wedding. For this, the most important dessert to include for your wedding menu is none other than the cake itself, which is in the form of a dessert called croquembouche.

Croquembouche is a traditional French dessert that consists of a tower of cream puffs. The great thing about serving this in your wedding is you could easily share it with your guests. In most French weddings, the bride and groom share their cake (croquembouche) to their lovely guests, who witnessed their union.

  1. Fruitcake (Britain)

Another European country, where you could get a food idea from, is Britain. The British people definitely have their tricks up their sleeves, especially when it comes to a wedding.

For this, the most important dish to include in the menu is none other than the iconic fruitcake. Besides making a great gift offering, it’s also seen as a sign of nobility and power. For example, Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton served fruitcake at their own wedding. If you serve this dish in your wedding, you’ll definitely feel like royalty!

Pro tip: England also loves tea. In fact, this drink is the second most popular drink next to water. For those, who want to have an English wedding, tea would be a great addition to your entire theme. You don’t even have to stick to just one kind, for there are lots of them you could try out.

Bem Casados (Brazil)

Source: Harald.com.br

  1. Bem Casados (Brazil)

This country is known for more than football, as the Brazilians can also definitely showcase their own skills in the kitchen. When it comes to a wedding in this country, one of the most iconic dishes to include is a dessert known as bem casados, which is a mini sponge cookie sandwich with a dulce de leche filling.

One of the best things you can do with this dish in a wedding is give it away to your guests as gifts, as a way of telling them that you are ‘happily married,’ which is also the literal translation of the dessert.


Key Takeaway

 Wedding food inspirations from around the world will certainly give you the excitement you crave for; and with these 5 countries in tow and many others around the globe, you will definitely never run out of ideas for your wedding food catering!