Tag Archives: Wedding checklist

A Quick Guide To Renewing Your Wedding Vows

How do you renew your wedding vows?

  1. Determine the reason for renewing vows
  2. Consider an officiant
  3. List down guests
  4. Send out renewal invitation


Planning for a wedding vow renewal is almost the same as planning for a wedding. A vow renewal is more of a symbolic and sentimental ceremony whereas a wedding is a legal ceremony that binds couples together for eternity. Regardless of whether you are celebrating your special silver or golden anniversary, you can never go wrong with taking inspiration from wedding vows examples when writing your own vows. Take extra precautions with the vows that you will write by determining the purpose of your celebration. Note that an anniversary wedding vow is different from vows written after an illness of a partner.


Determine the Reason for Renewing Vows

A senior asian couple is looking at a laptop

It is common for people to exchange vows during anniversary celebrations. However, there are other reasons for renewing vows. From reconciliation to reaffirmation after emotional turmoil, here are some of the most common reasons why.



Celebrate your anniversary by reaffirming your commitment to your spouse. Honor the years you have spent together despite the obstacles you faced. Express your gratitude towards each other’s unconditional love and support.


After a Breach of Trust

Renewing vows is not always about recalling joyous moments together. Rekindle the love and passion you had for each other through a private and intimate session. With this, you do not need to have an officiator. All you need is your partner and your vows. Reconciliation requires forgiveness and renewing your vows sooner will allow you more chances of keeping your spouse.


After Emotional Turmoil

Save your relationship from an unpleasant and unhealthy case of emotional turmoil. With everything you both have to do on your own, there are chances that you are emotionally unavailable to your partner. With this, renewing your vows and reaffirming to each other the promise you made during your wedding day can save the relationship.


After an Illness

The best way to affirm an ill partner is to renew your vows with them. By doing this, you are reminding them of your wedding vows, “in sickness and in health”. Let them know that despite the situation, you will never get tired of them. Renewing vows after an illness is one of those that should be celebrated with the entire family.

Once you have determined the reason for the renewal of vows, you must immediately prepare and write your vows. There is no formal format for writing one. Instead, every word that you must write should come from the heart and should describe the reason for the sentimental ceremony. Take note, you should refer to the vows that you have made during your wedding.


Consider an Officiant

A young couple getting married laughing with their officiator

More often than not, couples celebrate their renewal of vows just by reading their prepared script. Unlike legal marriages, there is no need for an officiant to guide the entire process of exchanging vows. If it is going to be meaningful for you, there is no harm in considering an officiant. You can either invite a clergy member, judge officiates, or even a family member who knows how to assist in the renewal of vows. Again, the renewal of vows is not a legal ceremony. With that, you are not required to have a parish priest to preside over the sentimental ceremony.


List Down Guests

Senior asian couple using the laptop while talking

Listing down guests for your ceremony should not be as daunting of a task as planning for a wedding. Take note, you are not required to invite the ones you have invited during your wedding celebration. The obligation is to yourselves as well as the immediate family members. Regardless of whether you are the type to throw huge celebrations or intimate get-togethers, the important part is that your family witnesses and shares the beautiful and sincere moment.


Send Out Renewal Invitation

A cut out of the email image being held up to the sky

While you should certainly send an invite to your guests to let them know all the details, it does not have to be printed. Just like any invitation, it should consist of a date, venue, time, and purpose of the celebration as well as RSVP. Take note that you do not have to include requests for gifts. A gift registry is among a list of things not recommended to celebrate the renewal of vows. The sentimental ceremony should be kept casual and simple without the lavish gift-giving.


Key Takeaway

Unlike a wedding, there is no need for traditional ways and rules for the renewal of vows. Conversely, weddings require the presence of a priest presider to make the ceremony official. For the renewal of vows, an officiant is enough. Finally, the most important part of the sentimental ceremony is to prepare a heartfelt message for your spouse. Take note of how other people wrote their vows. With plenty of wedding vows as an example, ensure that you are taking inspiration from the most appropriate source.

Important Information Every Wedding Invitation Must Have

What is important information to include in a wedding invitation?

  1. Who
  2. What
  3. Where
  4. When
  5. RSVP Date


Like most couples, it is normal to wonder what to include in a wedding invitation. You are not expected to be detailed experts since this is going to be your first time. From designing, packaging, and sending wedding invitations, ideas available online are plenty enough to choose from.

It is clear that every part of planning for a wedding is a major undertaking. Your head may be starting to overload or you may be finding it hard to tell the difference between cards. If that is the case, here is some of the vital information you must remember to include in your wedding invitation.



A wedding couple and their entourage looking down at the camera

Determining who to include is the easiest part of planning a wedding invitation card. Naturally, before you finalize a wedding invitation, you already have a list of the important people’s names as well as their roles. You must decide if you want to include the best man, maid-of-honor, principal sponsors, flower girls, and ring-bearers on the invitation.


Here is a quick checklist of the names you should include:


Couple’s Full Name

In writing the couple’s names on the invitation, it is common to use ones that people are familiar with. Others choose to write only the first name but typically, Filipino couples put their whole names. The reason behind putting the entire name on the invitation is to avoid confusion. Some of your guests might confuse you for another person with the same name.


Parent’s Names

Traditionally, Filipino couples pay their respect to their parents by placing their names right below that of the couple. The father’s name usually comes before the mother’s. However, it is entirely up to you which names you wish to put first. The important part is you include your parents’ names to give them credits.


Key People

While it is not necessary, most Filipino invitations include the names of the best man, maid of honor, bridesmaids, principal sponsors, flower girls, and other key people of the event. If you are cutting down on expenses, you can omit this part of the invitation as it can occupy 2 to 3 pages.



A sample of a wedding invitation

Putting in the “what” details can be quite tricky for many couples. In some instances, couples would only like to invite certain guests to the reception to keep the wedding private. With this, invitations given to these guests should only indicate the necessary details of the reception. Conversely, if you only wish to invite guests to the church wedding and not the reception, then the invitations must solely include the location of the church as well as the time.

One way to do it is to include the first page of the wedding invitation with the couple’s name on it as well as other details to the reception. Insert a card to indicate to the guests that they are to proceed to the reception. Take note, there is no need for you to put the wedding church venue and time in the invitations of those who are only invited to the reception.



A couple who just wed stepping out of the church together

When including the location of the wedding and the venue for the reception, make sure to include a mini-map that will help them reach their destination. While mini-maps are very traditional, they still work for elderly guests that are not familiar with using navigation applications. Otherwise, you can include instructions for guests who are going to use GPS navigation apps. Give your guests everything they require to save them from the hassle of driving to the venue.



A close up of a calendar with a pin on a specific date

Writing the date of the wedding celebration as well as the time is almost as easy as the location. Make sure to include the time the eucharistic celebration starts and when it should end. This way, you are informing your guests of the expected time of their arrival at the venue. Take note, if you have some guests that are only invited to the reception, make sure to provide them with the best estimated time.



A group of friends toasting on top of a table full of confetti

The RSVP deadline should include the month and date. Typically, invitations are sent out two to three months prior to the wedding day. The time is allotted for guests to confirm their attendance. With this, the deadline for the RSVP date should be a month before the wedding.

Another way to confirm RSVP is through social media platforms. Facebook, Viber, Twitter, and other forms of communication platforms are now used to track the attendance of guests. Aside from sending a hard copy of the wedding invitations to guests, an online communication message can make things easier and faster. With this, you will receive up to date confirmation of attendance.


Key Takeaway

With the number of wedding invitation ideas available online, choosing the most suitable can be a tedious task. With this, choose to finalize everything first before worrying about what your invitation should look like.

When planning for the wedding invitations, you must get your date and time straight. It can be very costly to produce plenty of hard copies only to find little mistakes. Finally, always optimize space. You can cut on budgets by limiting the information on the invitation to the details that are important to the guests.

Wedding Packages Manila: What Not to Do Before and During Your Wedding

What are some things that are best avoided before and during a wedding?


  1. Drastic haircuts
  2. Dye your hair
  3. Drinking alcohol
  4. Trying new workout schemes


  1. Panicking
  2. Making any last-minute changes
  3. Arguing with any member of the entourage
  4. Being too hands-on with EVERYTHING


Numerous wedding packages in Manila are guaranteed to give your wedding the amount of joy and excitement you crave for, not to mention the tremendous amounts of convenience you can get from these packages. With that said, a wedding is definitely something to look forward to, especially with all the right things in place and in store for you.

However, while there are some things you could look forward to do in favor of having a special wedding day, there are just as many things that should avoid completely, particularly before and during your big day.

If you do not want any unnecessary issues happening on your wedding, then here are some advice you could adhere to regarding what not to do before and during your wedding:

What Not to Do Before the wedding


Preparing for your dream wedding can be quite stressful and hectic at times, causing you to do things irrationally. However, you could prevent yourself from doing some “drastic” measures by being on the lookout for them. To give you a clue, here are some of the things you could do before the wedding:

  1. Any Drastic Haircuts

Sure, getting your hair done before your wedding is a very important and exciting thing for a bride to do. But as much as possible, try and limit your hair projects to simple straightening or curling. That way, you’ll achieve a look that you are comfortable with.

However, if you really do want to sport a new haircut, then try to really think about it so you wouldn’t end up regretting your decision afterwards. Also, try to talk to a professional hairdresser that could give you great wedding hair advice.

  1. Coloring Your Hair

Speaking of hair, dyeing it with any color other than brown can definitely alter the aesthetics of your celebration. Dyeing your hair in a new color can give it a new and vibrant sight for your spouse-to-be to behold. However, it could also cause you some issues – particularly if you don’t time it right. This is because dyeing it too early before your big day could end up with you having uneven hair color.

Thankfully, this could easily be managed with the help of a professional hairdresser. Be sure to talk to one before doing any coloring to your locks.

  1. Drinking Alcohol

While numerous wedding package deals in Manila offer a great deal on alcohol, as well as a variety of drinks for you to choose from, it’s not really the best thing to enjoy before your wedding. While it may taste great with every sip, they actually pack on the calories, which can make fitting in your dress or suit a bit of a hassle.

With that said, try to hold off on the alcohol for the time being. Besides, you’ll have more than enough to enjoy on your special day.

  1. Trying a New Workout Scheme

Yes, working out is a great way to shed the pounds in time for your wedding day, especially when it comes to fitting into your dress with minimal effort. However, when you try a new workout scheme, your muscles will surely be sorry in the future.

As much as possible, your wedding should be as stress-free as possible; and with your muscles going through all that stress before your wedding, it’ll definitely be a hassle for you. With that being said, it would be much better for you to stick to your regular routine.

What Not to Do During Your Wedding


Problems could arise not only prior to your big day, but also during the momentous occasion. If you want to avoid these things as much as possible, then be sure to avoid the following:

  1. Panic

This is one of the biggest no-no’s during such a wedding occasion, especially during the minutes leading up to the start of your new lives together. In this case, it’s okay to keep a keen eye on any details of the wedding, while at the same time keeping a level head when things may seem out of line. Mistakes of any size are almost unavoidable, therefore it’s best to approach these little hairs out of place with a calm demeanor.

  1. Make any Last-Minute Changes

This is another thing that should be avoided at all costs! The point of planning for your wedding is to ensure that things go smoothly during your special day; and if you ever have any last-minute changes you would like to make, be sure to act on them WAY BEFORE your wedding and not during.

This is why it is advisable for you to have a wedding checklist that you could rely on and follow through to avoid any mishaps on the day, itself.

  1. Argue with any Member of your Entourage

As mentioned before, mistakes are almost unavoidable, which also goes for any personal mistake made by anyone, including you. That being said, if you happen to have any personal grudges against anyone, best keep it to yourself for the meantime, or at least until the wedding has finished. Surely, you’ll be able to mend any bridges once the air has cleared.

Also, when it comes to family drama, make sure that any fight anyone would have against the other be handled with a calm and civil approach. That way, you’ll be able to avoid any screaming matches that may ensue, as well as any fist fights.

  1. Handle EVERYTHING

This is also best avoided even before your wedding. The point of getting some help in planning your wedding, as well as availing for the best Manila wedding package deal is to help you cover all details. Stressing yourself out by overseeing or handling everything is a sure way to get your blood boiling.

In the end, you must trust your entourage and everyone, who wishes to help you out. After all, you are the one that’s about to get married, which means you should be able to enjoy your day as much as you wish.


Key Takeaway

These things are definitely the best ones to avoid before and during your wedding. Without any of these present in your special day, the road to holy matrimony and love is sure to be a smooth one!

The Ultimate Wedding Checklist for Brides and Grooms

You recently got engaged and you and your partner are at a high and are full of excitement. As you fantasize about your big day and what the future holds, certain concerns and questions start popping up. You start worrying about who offers the best catering in Manila, locations for receptions, and who to invite. You also start thinking about the planning process; you probably have all these ideas in your head but you don’t know where to begin.

Take a deep breathe, look at your partner, and continue reading because the key to dispelling all of these worries is through organizing your ideas and making a plan. 

Set your Budget and Consider Who are Invited

Settle how much you are willing to spend on your wedding and reception. It is one of the most important events you’ll ever celebrate so make sure you have a big enough budget for your essential wedding features without going broke afterwards. Considering the people who will be there with you to celebrate your big day is also important. Carefully deliberate who to invite because they will form the group that will be immortalized in photos and videos. 

Setting (Theme, Site, Date)

Time to set the when and where of your wedding. Decide the theme and color schemes that your wedding will revolve around, as well as when the big day will be. Make a list of locations where you can hold your wedding and reception. Then, narrow them down based on price and whether it can accommodate your needs. Make sure the date coincides with the availability of the venue and will not clash with any other occasions to ensure that all of your guests can come. 


Bridal Party

Decide on your bridal party, the groomsmen, and bridesmaids. These are the people who will be by your side from now until the wedding. Make sure that your closest and most reliable friends and family members are in your bridal party. Take this opportunity to figure out what they will wear and what all their roles would be as well. 


Now that you have a date and place set, it’s time to notify your guests. Make sure to create the invitations in accordance with your themes. Also, see to it that all the necessary information are clearly indicated in the invitation. 

Food, Flowers, Film

Look up the different services you’re going to need. Check the best catering services you can afford; then, consider whether you and your guests will enjoy the food and, again, if they are in line with your theme. Flowers and decorations are also important because they will frame your wedding. These things will help modify the ambience in the venue. Filming, may it be photos or video, is something you need to book early. Make sure that your videographers clearly understand how you want to present your wedding. 



Find the best DJ or Band to play all your favorite songs. They will be in-charge of the music that will play during the entrance, as well as the different moments in your wedding. The music they play and their performance will influence the atmosphere on your wedding and reception so make sure to choose only the best musicians. Lastly they have the burden of making sure everyone has fun in your reception – there should be no one sitting when the dancing begins!

These are the things you have to take note of to make your wedding a happy and memorable experience. Make sure to enjoy the planning process because you will only experience this once in your life.