Tag Archives: ways to organize a pool party

7 Ways To Organize A Pool Party

What are the ways to organize a pool party?

  1. Designate a fun location
  2. Inform your guests about the dress code
  3. Set the mood using upbeat music
  4. Prepare filling dishes for hungry guests
  5. Have a food station ready
  6. Make sure to have floaters provided
  7. Plan fun activities for everyone

Reunion with school friends? Bonding with relatives? Whether it’s summertime or not, pool parties are one of the go-to activities when it comes to get-togethers. It provides recreation for everyone, with the option to chill out by the poolside to chat or frolic under the sun. To level up your event, here are ways to organize a pool party! Read on.


Designate A Fun Location

Designate A Fun Location

Just like any other party, the first step you should do is to find a venue. Whether you have your own pool in your house or opt for places you can rent, make sure to consider the location of your guests. Fortunately, there are great choices inside and outside the metro. Check them and see which one best suits your tastes:


Inform Your Guests About The Dress Code

There’s nothing worse than arriving at an event with the wrong attire. For your pool party, make sure that everyone knows that you will be swimming. Certain places also require a swimsuit to prioritize your safety.

If you’re holding this event at home, having the same attire for your guests will also help set the mood for your party. You can also opt to customize giveaways so everyone will have matching beach towels or swimming caps. It’s really all up to you.


Set The Mood Using Upbeat Music

Set The Mood Using Upbeat Music

Parties can be awkward and bland without music. To help you set the mood—which is especially important at the beginning of the event, you can create a fitting playlist in advance. There are many ready-to-play collections from popular music streaming applications you can use to do this.

If at home, you can use your Bluetooth speakers or soundbar to play your songs. Some venues also have heavy-duty sound systems that can be borrowed.


Prepare Filling Dishes For Hungry Guests

Pool parties will surely make your guests tired and hungry. While this can give you a lot of pressure when preparing meals, take this as an opportunity to curate fun summer-themed dishes that can also fill the tummy. You can order group meals from a caterer for affordable prices.

Some of the dishes that a caterer can make for you are as follows:

  • Ox Tail Kare Kare
  • Pork Sisig
  • Cordon Bleu
  • Blue Marlin In Lemon Butter Sauce
  • Filipino Spaghetti
  • Pancit Bihon Guisado
  • Twice Baked Potato
  • Sushi Sashimi Platter

All of these can make for a delicious pool party menu selection that your guests won’t forget.


Have A Food Station Ready

Have A Food Station Ready

Aside from full meals, it is also recommended to prepare snacks and drinks that can be consumed at any time. A pool party is full of activities and your guests require additional food to fuel their energy. To give you some ideas, here are some food stations that are available from a caterer.

These finger foods are easy-to-eat and filling, allowing your guests to jump back into the swimming action, anytime.

  • Sushi Sashimi Station
  • Kebab Station
  • Italian Fresh Pasta Bar
  • Tea Cart Garden
  • European Cheese And Cold Cuts
  • Cocktail And Juice Station


Make Sure To Have Floaters Provided

Not all your guests will know how to swim. That’s why you should always have floaters and life jackets available on hand. This is especially important if you have children that are not confident in pool settings.

To make it fun and inviting, you can purchase themed floaters for your pool party. There are tons of designs available in the market, with kid-friendly designs your children will love. Even adults will enjoy spending time on these.


Plan Fun Activities For Everyone

Plan Fun Activities For Everyone

Depending on the age of your guests and the location of your party, the kind of water activities you plan will also differ. Children and kids at heart will enjoy water balloons, squirt guns, and floaters. You can also host games such as volleyball and swim races. Just make sure to have the adults keep an eye on the younger ones.

Aside from games, you can also set up a portable movie theater for a poolside film viewing. Bring a projector or borrow a television from your venue provider and play your favorite summer flicks. You can also make things a bit more fun by having a guest speaker talk about something personal, memorable, and/or funny.


Key Takeaway

From the venue, dress code, music, and water activities—planning a party is both hectic and fun. But one thing that you shouldn’t forget is the good food. To lessen the hassle of preparing and to ensure only the best quality of meals are served to your guests, you can hire Juan Carlo The Caterer.

Aside from ways to organize a pool party, you can also read other tips on hosting events here. Don’t miss out on the chance to host an unforgettable event that will linger in your guests’ minds for quite some time.