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Here’s the Trendiest Wedding Proposal Ideas of 2017

What are the trendiest wedding proposal ideas of 2017?

  1. Proposal secretly captured on film – The proposal will be secretly captured, with its images and footage to be unveiled on the wedding day.
  2. Live performance proposal – A perfect example of this is a flash mob proposal.
  3. Destination proposal – Men would take their girlfriends to a special place before proposing.
  4. Collaborative act with family and friends – The man, who is planning to propose, will as the help of the girl’s family and friends to pull it off.


Before getting a wedding catering in Manila, most men will have to go through the challenge of planning a wedding proposal. The best thing about it though, is that there’s always a certain point during engagement seasons when men are able to pull it off creatively and smoothly. It almost seemed like it wasn’t a tough job to plan out – even though we all know that it is.

Summing up the viral wedding proposals of this year 2017, people have seen various marriage proposals that are all seemingly different; some relatively cool while others are grandiose and too perfect to even imagine them happening.

Are you curious for the trendiest wedding proposal ideas this 2017? Then, look no further because you can check them out below.


Proposal Secretly Captured on Film

Proposal Secretly Captured on Film

The first item on this list features couples, who seemingly have a normal wedding proposal until their wedding day. The whole idea behind this is for the groom to surprise the bride after they exchange vows.

Basically, the guy who’s planning to propose to his girlfriend would be hiring a “secret” photographer to capture the wonderful moment when the girl says “Yes.” This footage or pictures will remain hidden until their wedding day, when the guy finally unveils them.

The result of this delightful surprise is an emotional reception not just for the bride, but also for the guests as well. Essentially, all of them will get to see the occasion at its genuine moments.


Live Performance Proposal

Live Performance Proposal

Truth be told, clips of flash mob proposals have been going viral for a few years now, one of which showcases the Filipino actor, John Prats’ wedding proposal to his now-wife, Isabel Oli. This very video was uploaded on YouTube in the year 2014 and garnered a total of 1,233,775 views as of writing.

For this type of wedding proposal, it can be said that it needed a whole lot of effort to make it happen. As seen in the video, Prats had extended lengths of efforts to give Oli the best of what he can give her on his wedding proposal.

Over the years, the flash mob has become an inspiration to many. Though it may seem generic, some did a few takes of their own to make it creative and unique for the woman in their lives. Indeed, you could say that this type of proposal will continue to remain trending for some more time.


Destination Proposal

Destination Proposal

While some prefer strolling in a memorable place, or going off to buildings overlooking a scenic view of the city, some prefer to seal the deal in the most beautiful places they can bring their partners to. This may be somewhere exotic, or somewhere dreamy, depends on the woman’s preference.

While this may seem pricey, with the expenses on travel, hotels and others, for men, this is their way to make their proposals as memorable as they can be.


Collaborative Act with Family and Friends

Collaborative Act with Family and Friends

If the woman’s particularly close to her family and friends, it’s a great deal to include these special people in the actual wedding proposal. A wonderful instance of this viral act is Matt’s proposal to his then-girlfriend, Ginny. The proposal went as smooth as it can be, from Matt telling Ginny he’s working on a Saturday and getting her brother, Charlie, to accompany her to watch the movie “Fast 5.” Little did Ginny know that she’d be watching Matt on the trailers, asking her father for her hand in marriage. It was, then, uploaded on YouTube and garnered a total of 33,497,042 views.

Definitely, there’s a lot of ways you can pull off a proposal along with your soon-to-be fiancee’s family and friends. You just have to really know your girl in order to pull up a creative show.


Key Takeaway

The list can go on, with tons of other ways men can propose to the woman of their lives. However, the things listed here show that the important factor in planning out a wedding proposal is to do the things that makes her happy. Admittedly, there are a lot of things that can still happen this year. It’s possible for new trends to suddenly come up and go viral on the internet.

Even then, it’s matters not if it’s nearby, pricey, or cheap – what’s most important to keep in mind as you plan out your proposal is to make it hers to remember. By doing so, you will definitely get the answer you’re aiming for.

7 Ultimate Wedding Catering Trends for 2017

Planning out something different to serve at your wedding reception could be problematic. But you don’t have to worry much, if the service for your wedding catering in Manila is a highly experienced one.

In most cases, the people behind them are very much adept to the various trends in the food industry – particularly in the wedding scene. Truly, they deserve commendation for keeping up with the different trends that seem to come and go every year.

The year 2017 has so far shown an assortment of trends that many couples have used on their special day. Are you also looking for ones to incorporate into your own wedding?

To give you a few ideas, here are some examples:


  1. A ‘Mini’ Party

Have you ever paid attention to the appetizers? If you do, you’ll definitely agree that their sizes are just too cute, and when served by quality caterers, they turn to be the star of the menu (unknowingly).

For this year, among the best wedding trends is serving miniature lobster cakes, shrimp cocktails, and bite-sized breaded chicken pieces served with sweet and spicy sauce. That’s an awesome menu right there.

Brunch Wedding Menu

  1. Brunch Wedding Menu

While having your reception in daytime may come off as uncommon – it turns out to be one of the most practiced wedding trends for a while. It’s particularly popular in the West, as they are less expensive than afternoon and dinner receptions.

Furthermore, it allows a variety of new flavors that you and your guests can enjoy devouring. You can incorporate omelettes, bacons, pancakes, and crepes – the usual breakfast menu – along with mimosa and Bloody Mary’s! Who knows, you could leave your guests wanting for more!

Food Station Variety

  1. Food Station Variety

2017 makes everything possible – breaking away from the usual wedding reception setup of champagnes towers, cocktails, and fountains – it’s bringing you food stations.

Food stations are your best bet if you and your soon-to-be spouse are undecided with your food menu. For example, if you two cannot decide whether to serve kebab or another cuisine, you two can compromise on having a little bit of both by installing food stations at your reception.

Organic and Fresh

  1. Organic and Fresh

These days, more and more couples are shifting from a grand reception to a simple one. Some would choose a simple, fresh salad made from organic greens and fruits for dessert. This helps maintain a healthy menu that your guests will definitely appreciate.

It is important to note, however, that this theme shouldn’t stop at the food. You could also coordinate with your wedding caterer and request for fresh and organic tequilas, wines, or vodkas to go with the dishes featured on your menu.

Bring in the Sweets

  1. Bring in the Sweets

This is something you shouldn’t leave out – certainly, this menu has been a trend for decades. You can serve your guests with a variety of culinary treats, from brownies to cupcakes to pastries and place them along with everyone’s favorite, the magical chocolate fountain.

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the beverages; include some mint tea, chilled coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade, and mimosas for your guests to choose from. Your wedding reception menu will definitely be the sweetest to date!

For Him and For Her Cocktails

  1. For Him and For Her Cocktails

Bring back the old tradition, serve your guests with a for him and for her cocktail menu! For this type of cocktail menu, the bride and the groom will select their preferred choice of cocktails and those are the only cocktails that the guests will be offered – along with a couple of beers and wines, of course!

This menu helps save budget from the liquor menu, as the couple will only need to purchase those that are needed to make the cocktails. For a twist, you can make your very own signature cocktails and name it after your names.

Local Produce

  1. Local Produce

Looking for something to make your menu memorable? Level up your menu by using the specialty in your local area! Do some research and coordinate with your wedding caterer to make a memorable dish out of the place’s staple ingredient and get yourself some inspiration. You’ll not only surprise yourself with the outcome, but also introduce your guests to a flavorful dish that they’ll definitely never forget.

Key Takeaway

Given the different catering trends that is being adapted by more and more weddings for the year 2017, do not hesitate to pick one and incorporate it in yours! Serving your wedding something different will make it even more memorable, that is, aside from your already-spectacular dream wedding coming true.