Tag Archives: french fries

11 Ways to Enjoy Potatoes

What are the best potato dishes that can easily be made at home?

  1. Boiled Potatoes
  2. Cream of Potato Soup
  3. Potato Salad
  4. Baked Potato
  5. Potato Chips
  6. Hashed Browns
  7. Potato Skins
  8. Potato Au Gratin
  9. Hasselback Potatoes
  10. Mashed Potatoes
  11. French Fries

When it comes to food and versatility, many people will agree that the potato is one of the most flexible foods that can be prepared in almost any shape or form. The potato is so versatile that it can be served in casual gatherings as well as elegant events such as a wedding catering in the Philippines.

As stated above, there are a lot of ways to prepare potatoes for consumption and in this article, we are going to be covering the most common ways to enjoy potatoes.

Boiled Potatoes

Boiled potatoes are good for people who are having trouble with chewing. The most common way to enjoy boiled potatoes is by sprinkling some salt over them and then slicing them to manageable pieces. Mashed potatoes are also prepared by boiling them but that will come later.

Cream of Potato Soup

Because of its milk or cream base, cream of potato soup is a type of soup that is a flavorful and hearty. Though it may be bland on its own, adding a variety of ingredients to it will quickly solve this problem. That is the case for many potato soup recipes. Often, the dish has added celery, onions, and corn. Sometimes, even bacon and chicken broth are added to enhance the flavors further. Despite these, the distinct potato flavor will still always shine through and provide a filling feeling to any one that has a bowl of it.

Potato Salad

Potato salad is a filling snack that is usually served pre-main course. It is served usually with vinegar, mustard, parsley, chive and cheese and it serves as a means to prepare the palate for the main course.

Baked Potato

Baked potato is the epitome of snacking, at least second-best when compared to French fries. It is filling and tasty and it there are a dozen ways to prepare a baked potato. People will usually top their baked potatoes with whatever topping that suits their tastes; the most common toppings include cheese, butter, bacon and sour cream.

Potato Chips

While the baked potato and the French fries are the best snacks on this list, potato chips are considered a third runner up. However, it is only because it is usually manufactured in a factory, lacking the homely appeal that comes with preparing the potato at home. Not to mention it is more unhealthy, yet still so delicious. Potato chips come in many shapes, sizes and flavor and people will generally have their own brand preference.

Hashed Browns

Hashed browns are the potato equivalent of breakfast. They are usually creamy in texture and is prepared with salt and pepper. Some people prefer to add their own twist to the classic breakfast meal by sprinkling in some flavored powder or even grated cheese. Hashed browns are best served warm with a side of sausages or ham.

Potato Skins

Potato skins are among the most sinful ways to prepare potatoes. They are crispy on the outside but tremendously soft on the inside – especially when it is filled with bacon bits and lots of melted cheese. Some people would even prepare their potato skins with literally just the potato skin but filled with lots of meaty and cheesy toppings.

Potato Au Gratin

Gratin is a well-known technique in the culinary industry. Basically, it’s when you top off an ingredient with a browned crust. Most of the time this is done with breadcrumbs, grated cheese, egg and/or butter. No matter the curst, it is cooked or baked in an either an overhead grill or broiler.  This turns it into a golden, brown crust.

The most common ingredient to use gratin on is potatoes. Slices of boiled potatoes are places on a butter dish (this must be fire proof). Then the top crust is formed with cheese then baked or cooked with the mention technique above.

Hasselback Potatoes

While it may be considered a side dish, it is one of the most impressive potato dishes out there. Having this is like a dream come true for all potato lovers. It’s like a combination of French fries and mashed potatoes; it has crispy edgy that house a creamy middle. The best part is it is really just a baked potato in disguise. Because of this they take just as much time and effort to prepare. Not bad for a side dish that is served in many high-tier restaurants.

Mashed Potatoes

The classic holiday (and sometimes, even breakfast) meal. Mashed potatoes are usually prepared by boiling the potatoes after skinning them and then mashing them with a spoon or a masher. It is usually prepared with some light seasoning, butter, cream and cheese. Mashed potatoes are usually consumed as a substitute to rice in some Asian countries or as filler when served with holiday food such as stuffed turkey or holiday ham.

Mashed potatoes may also be served as a breakfast meal as they contain lots of essential nutrients and minerals that are required to give the average person the energy boost that they need in the morning.

French Fries

While technically not really French, French Fries are the most commonly consumed form of potato in the world. It can be prepared any number of ways and topped with any toppings people can think of. People usually top their French fries with melted cheese, ground beef and some cream, akin to a serving of Nachos with cheese.

French fries is quite possibly the most common junk food eaten in the world today and while it is a delectable snack, some restraint is of course recommended when snacking on French fries.

Key Takeaway

While there are a probably a dozen more methods to enjoy preparing and eating Potatoes, the ones listed here are among the most common. Additionally, these are very easy to prepare at home. From simple snacks to classy side dishes, you can enjoy potatoes in any way you want right in the comfort of your home.

potato juan carlo 2

Did French Fries Come from France?

Heap of crisp French fries - detail

What is the history of French fries?

  1. The early beginnings of French fries was sometime during the 1550s, when potatoes were brought back to Spain by Spanish forces, who originally found the vegetable in Colombia. From there, the Spanish papas fritas or patatas fritas spread far and wide reaching the before Spanish Netherlands, now Belgium.
  2. In the late 17th century, the locals of Belgium who were fond of frying small fish as their food source, couldn’t fish due to the rivers freezing over during the winter. Forced to find an alternative food source, they cut up and fried potatoes instead, hence the French fries.
  3. However, in a French’s perspective, it was from Antoine-Augustine Parmentier where the history of French fries began after he proved the theory of harmful potatoes wrong when he was prisoned during the Seven Year’s war.
  4. The Americans learned of the French fries through Thomas Jefferson who was in France to serve as their American Minister. From there, the Americans reinvented the fries into what McDonald’s and other fast food chains serves it now.

French fries have always been (and at this point will always be) a Filipino favorite, despite it not being Filipino at all. This snack is so versatile that it is often served during gatherings or events, and whether one’s preparing for wedding catering, corporate catering, a swanky hotel party, or even just a casual meal with friends. But there’s the age old question – did French fries really come from France?

Early Beginnings

The snack’s early beginnings were sometime during the 1550s, when potatoes were brought back to Spain by Spanish forces, who originally found the vegetable in Colombia. By then, they called fried potatoes as papas fritas or patatas fritas, and an even larger variant of which was called patatas bravas. Originally, Spaniards cooked potatoes in big chunks, boiled them partially, and then fried, and more often, they seasoned it with spicy tomato sauce. It also served as an accompaniment to fish dishes in Galicia, from which it started to spread to neighboring countries and eventually reaching the Spanish Netherlands, which is now the modern day Belgium.

Adding to its origin, a book written by a teenage conquistador with the title “The Chronicles of the Incas, or the Seventeen-Year Travel of Pedro Cieza de Leon Throughout the Mighty Kingdom of Peru”, was said to have been the first written mention of fried potatoes during the year 1553. In it, Pedro Cieza de Leon described the potato as “some sort of earth nut which, after it’s boiled, is as tender as a cooked chestnut.” Given that the Spanish cooking tradition is very much known for frying in oil, it added as much to the early beginnings of French fries.

As the root plant did not grow very well in some places, it took some time before they went from being bitter and small to becoming sweeter and plumper; this eventually led the potato to catch on in other places in Europe with a bit of defiance.

Did French Fries Come from France?

Fries in Belgium

There are accounts that pinpoint that the Belgians have been frying up potatoes during the late 17th century (or the 18th; there are disputes as to the exact date) in the Meuse Valley. As the story goes, this practice began when the locals, who were fond of frying small fish as their food source, couldn’t fish due to the rivers freezing over during the winter. Forced to find an alternative food source, they cut up and fried potatoes instead, thus giving credence to stories that claim that french fries indeed originated in Belgium plus the fact that their main language was French, hence the term ‘french’ fries.

Adding further proof to this claim is that at the same time, the Spanish were actually the ones who were occupying modern-day Belgium; this is also the same time that the potato was circulating around Europe. If this is to be believed, then that means that the Belgians had more chances to innovate serving up the said vegetable.

Did French Fries Come from France?

Fries in France

As for its roots in France, most of the story revolves around a Frenchman named Antoine-Augustine Parmentier. He was a medical officer who served in France during the Seven Year’s War. Unfortunately, he was taken prisoner by the Prussians and was given potatoes for rations. He was forced to cultivate and eat potatoes and he found that they were not as harmful as the French originally thought. (Initially the French held beliefs that potatoes caused leprosy and various other diseases and they only used the crop for hog feed.)

When he made his way back to France, Pamentier aggressively promoted the consumption of potatoes, based from his experience in the Prussian prisons. He somewhat succeeded in 1772 when the Paris Faculty of Medicine officially declared potatoes as safe for consumption; though it didn’t do much as the French were still deeply rooted in their negative perceptions about the vegetable. To counteract this resistance, he began a more combative campaign wherein he hired guards to protect his potato crops, but to also accept all bribes to pretend that his potatoes were important. Unfortunately, it was all for naught, as it took a famine to get them to even try potatoes.

It became widely consumed soon after and its popularity reached all over Europe. By 1795 potatoes became a hot crop – it was being grown all over France and it’s speculated that it was during this time that they learned how to make fries. They got so big that they even became street food – push cart vendors often sold them on the streets and nicknamed them “frites”.

Did French Fries Come from France?

Fries in the United States

After the French fries’ popularity in the Europe, the food eventually reached the United States through Thomas Jefferson – the first foodie of America. During that time, Jefferson believed that fries originally came from France as he first encountered them in France between 1784 to 1789 where he served as an American Minister. By then, he knew them as pommes de terre frites à cru en petites tranches, which in English meant potatoes deep-fried while raw, in small cuttings, along with other recipes which are now among the present time all-American favorites: macaroni and cheese, and vanilla flavored ice cream.

Today, the popular American style French fries, named as plain “fries” were those thin, strip cuttings that were largely distributed worldwide by American fast food chains such as Wendy’s, McDonald’s, and Burger King. Along with this, the pre-made French fries, sold in sealed plastic bags and frozen, that’s very popular among households since the 1960s have also started in the United States. Hence, even though the United States was not the first place where the humble fried vegetable originated, it played a huge part in its widespread distribution throughout the globe.


French Fries were originally created in Belgium, but it was the French who were responsible for spreading them to the United States. In turn, the United States popularized fries by making them staple on fast-food menus, which is why sometimes French fries are also often referred to as American fries.