Tag Archives: food

This Again? Wedding Foods That People Need to Stop Serving Right Now

When it comes to wedding food, the husband and wife-to-be not only have to think about the possible dishes they can serve for their celebration, but also those that need to be left out. This is particularly because multiple dishes can cause stress and hassle to wedding guests.

Admittedly, this detail in your wedding can easily be overlooked. But don’t worry, you can check out our examples below so you can have an idea.

Complicated Appetizer/Hors D’oeuvres

Complicated Appetizer/Hors D’oeuvres

Given that cocktail hour is usually done in a standing room with a few cocktail tables, the appetizers or hors d’oeuvres served during this time should be simple. As a rule of thumb, these should be easily consumed with one hand so that guests can have a drink in the other.

Complicated appetizers usually need two hands to eat, meaning your guests would need to put their drink down, which is difficult to do when there is only limited space on the table. Also, such hors d’oeuvres could spill and get on the guests’ attire. This is sure to put them out of the mood – the exact opposite of what a cocktail hour is for.

Signature Cocktails

Signature Cocktails

The desire to make the drinks unique often drives couples to add signature cocktails during cocktail hour or dinner. While the intention makes sense, the problem with this is that people have different drink preferences. For instance, not everyone from your guest lists will like sweet and sugary drinks. Plus, it would be safer to assume that they do not have similar alcoholic tolerances with each other.

This is the reason why beer and wine are two of the best alcoholic drinks you can serve at a wedding. This is because they provide your guests the option of controlling the amount they drink. In other words, they can enjoy the wedding the way they want to.

However, this doesn’t mean that cocktails have to be off the menu completely. Having a few choices ready is good for those that prefer these over beer and/or wine. But these should be the more traditional choices such as martinis, daiquiris, and mojitos.

Chewy Chicken

Chewy Chicken

While chicken is an easy crowd pleaser, rubbery chicken is not. This could be the case in reception buffets, where poultry has been waiting too long. By the time people sink their teeth into it, the once tender chicken could become hard to chew. Even with the best catering in town, this could still happen if the cooking is not timed well.

Ideally, the food should be served fresh. The key to doing this is efficient communication between the parties working behind the scenes. Any delay in the program should immediately be relayed to catering and their crew so that they can time their cooking well, so that the chicken will still be fresh once dinner comes.

Lots of Fish

Lots of Fish

When fish is offered in a buffet, one must make sure that it is served in a simple recipe. This is because complicated fish recipes are more prone to having unsavory textures, when left out over time. This is especially true when they are served in big amounts. That is just the nature of many buffet fish dishes such as fish fillet.

Vegetable Sides

Vegetable Sides

When it comes to sit down dinners, it is a good idea to go for safe choices for the menu. Thus, the better side dish to choose for a set course is mashed potatoes or rice. Those are loved by all. Offering just vegetables at the side is sure to upset some guests, especially those who do not like vegetable dishes – like children! This simply cannot be forced onto people. Also, most people consider weddings as an epic cheat day.

Gluten-Free Food

Gluten-Free Food

Even with gluten-free food being trendy nowadays – just like vegetable sides – not everyone enjoys such diets, particularly during wedding parties. Buffets and sit down dinners can have special sections in the menu for those that want to eat gluten-free, but it is never a good idea to have the entire menu to follow any certain diet.

Remember: the more general your menu, the better it is. This is especially true for the dessert table, which people look forward to in order to satisfy their sweet tooth. They may be disappointed to munch down on a lackluster cupcake because it is gluten-free. But couples should still make sure to accommodate those that are intolerant.

Cakes without Icing

Cakes without Icing

Naked cakes are trendy nowadays, but mostly because of aesthetic reasons. But when it comes to taste, guests secretly dread them because the icing is what seals the flavor in any flavorful cake. Without it, it’s just a fancy version of bread that is bland and dry.  If couples really insist on having such a design of cake, then they must consider compensating by stepping up their dessert game.

Food Trucks

Food Trucks

This is another trend that is welcome in food parks, but it is a bad idea, when you put in a wedding. For weddings, these are usually used to provide midnight snacks for those, who are hungry after sweating it out on the dance floor.

However, waiting for food from a food truck is a hassle, especially when guests are already tired. This is because food trucks have limited equipment, which means they cannot cook multiple dishes at once. This means that guests will have to wait long in line, which isn’t desirable for tired their feet in leather shoes and heels. Instead, couples should consider having the catering prolong their waiting service in order to accommodate their guests.

Food Favors

Food Favors

Don’t be mistaken. Food favors are great, especially when the wedding and reception are in a far location. However, this is meant to give a great send-off for the guests to thank them for making the long trip, taking the time, and making the effort to attend.

If you are going to provide them a food favor, then you have to be sure that it is more than worth it and a great snack for them to enjoy on their way home. Failure to make satisfying food favors could leave guests disappointed and disgruntled.

Anything with Black Ink

Anything with Black Ink

In an event where most people wear white, it’s easy to see why black ink is a sight for sore eyes. It’s either they will choose not to eat the dish or eat it while exercising excessive caution, which will cause them stress.

As much as possible, weddings should be carefree and avoid dishes with black ink as a favor to any of their guests.

Key Takeaway

Generally, a wedding must be relaxed and enjoyed by your guests. This must be evident not only during your reception, but also to your food choices – especially since the majority of the celebration is held during dinner time.

7 Ultimate Wedding Catering Trends for 2017

Planning out something different to serve at your wedding reception could be problematic. But you don’t have to worry much, if the service for your wedding catering in Manila is a highly experienced one.

In most cases, the people behind them are very much adept to the various trends in the food industry – particularly in the wedding scene. Truly, they deserve commendation for keeping up with the different trends that seem to come and go every year.

The year 2017 has so far shown an assortment of trends that many couples have used on their special day. Are you also looking for ones to incorporate into your own wedding?

To give you a few ideas, here are some examples:


  1. A ‘Mini’ Party

Have you ever paid attention to the appetizers? If you do, you’ll definitely agree that their sizes are just too cute, and when served by quality caterers, they turn to be the star of the menu (unknowingly).

For this year, among the best wedding trends is serving miniature lobster cakes, shrimp cocktails, and bite-sized breaded chicken pieces served with sweet and spicy sauce. That’s an awesome menu right there.

Brunch Wedding Menu

  1. Brunch Wedding Menu

While having your reception in daytime may come off as uncommon – it turns out to be one of the most practiced wedding trends for a while. It’s particularly popular in the West, as they are less expensive than afternoon and dinner receptions.

Furthermore, it allows a variety of new flavors that you and your guests can enjoy devouring. You can incorporate omelettes, bacons, pancakes, and crepes – the usual breakfast menu – along with mimosa and Bloody Mary’s! Who knows, you could leave your guests wanting for more!

Food Station Variety

  1. Food Station Variety

2017 makes everything possible – breaking away from the usual wedding reception setup of champagnes towers, cocktails, and fountains – it’s bringing you food stations.

Food stations are your best bet if you and your soon-to-be spouse are undecided with your food menu. For example, if you two cannot decide whether to serve kebab or another cuisine, you two can compromise on having a little bit of both by installing food stations at your reception.

Organic and Fresh

  1. Organic and Fresh

These days, more and more couples are shifting from a grand reception to a simple one. Some would choose a simple, fresh salad made from organic greens and fruits for dessert. This helps maintain a healthy menu that your guests will definitely appreciate.

It is important to note, however, that this theme shouldn’t stop at the food. You could also coordinate with your wedding caterer and request for fresh and organic tequilas, wines, or vodkas to go with the dishes featured on your menu.

Bring in the Sweets

  1. Bring in the Sweets

This is something you shouldn’t leave out – certainly, this menu has been a trend for decades. You can serve your guests with a variety of culinary treats, from brownies to cupcakes to pastries and place them along with everyone’s favorite, the magical chocolate fountain.

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the beverages; include some mint tea, chilled coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade, and mimosas for your guests to choose from. Your wedding reception menu will definitely be the sweetest to date!

For Him and For Her Cocktails

  1. For Him and For Her Cocktails

Bring back the old tradition, serve your guests with a for him and for her cocktail menu! For this type of cocktail menu, the bride and the groom will select their preferred choice of cocktails and those are the only cocktails that the guests will be offered – along with a couple of beers and wines, of course!

This menu helps save budget from the liquor menu, as the couple will only need to purchase those that are needed to make the cocktails. For a twist, you can make your very own signature cocktails and name it after your names.

Local Produce

  1. Local Produce

Looking for something to make your menu memorable? Level up your menu by using the specialty in your local area! Do some research and coordinate with your wedding caterer to make a memorable dish out of the place’s staple ingredient and get yourself some inspiration. You’ll not only surprise yourself with the outcome, but also introduce your guests to a flavorful dish that they’ll definitely never forget.

Key Takeaway

Given the different catering trends that is being adapted by more and more weddings for the year 2017, do not hesitate to pick one and incorporate it in yours! Serving your wedding something different will make it even more memorable, that is, aside from your already-spectacular dream wedding coming true.

How to Feast on a Budget: The Wedding Edition

A wedding is considered to be one of the grandest occasions society has ever bore witness to. It’s the union of two people in love in front of their friends and family. In other words, a wedding signifies the start of a new life between two individuals.

However, as touching as it seems, a wedding is no cheap feat for anyone to avail of. The couple, who is planning to get married, has to take care of a few factors, including the décor, the service provided on their big day, the wedding food, as well as the clothing and apparel to be worn by their entourage (the bridesmaids and the bride herself). Most of these things are, of course, not cheap – which could cause some minor complications in your wedding planning.

If you are looking for ways to save sums of money on your special day, fear not as there are many ways to achieve this goal. With that said, here are some things you can apply to lower the costs of your wedding:

On the Décor

On the Décor

When it comes to any wedding, it’s important to capture the eyes of your guests and stun them with such beautiful and intricate color schemes and designs. However, as previously stated, these are not easy to afford, which is why if you’re looking to save money on your wedding decorations, here are some things you can consider cutting down on:

Hiring Professionals

  • Hiring Professionals

Professional designers lending a helping hand in your wedding are all the rage right now. They are able to come up with elaborate and extravagant designs and genius color pallets for any theme the wedding is based on. However, the fees they charge for their services can be a bit exorbitant.

Using Extravagant and Expensive Materials

  • Using Extravagant and Expensive Materials

In most cases, wedding days exude an amount of style and luxury. However, it doesn’t always have to be the case, as there are alternative materials available for anyone’s use. All you have to do is look and consider them well.

Preparing your Invitations

  • Preparing your Invitations

This is one of the things that most couples tend to spend a lot of money on. They focus on intricate designs on the invitations to the point where it becomes expensive. But it is important to remember that an invitation does not have to be costly to be captivating. In fact, there are many do-it-yourself invitation tutorials available online that you can follow without having to spend too much on them.


  • Flowers

Managing this aspect is easy enough to handle. Depending on which fauna you want to showcase in your wedding, make sure to not buy too much and find the best flowering service to better service you in this field.

On the Venue

On the Venue

One of the key factors to a great wedding is a great venue. Depending on the venue, it can speak of serenity and memorability in terms of the celebration at hand. Touching as it sounds, availing for one does not come cheap. Here are some things you can do to manage your costs of the venue:


  • Locations

This is one thing one must try to avoid. The further the venue from everyone’s locations, the more likely it is to cause an exorbitant amount.

The Size of the Venue

  • The Size of the Venue

When it comes to the size of your desired venue, all you need to consider is if its size is just right for the number of guests you wish to invite. The venue will be more likely expensive, if it’s a bit too big for you and your guests to celebrate in.

On the Food

On the Food

Of course, what makes a wedding more complete than the food you enjoy with your guests? When one thinks about ensuring high-class, quality food to serve to their guests, one must also think about the expenses it will cost. To help you out in this endeavor, here are some things that you need to consider:

Hiring a Waiting Staff

  • Hiring a Waiting Staff

In most cases, it’s better to have a buffet set-up instead of having to hire waiting staff on your wedding. By doing this, you won’t have to pay extra fees once the celebration is over.

Serving Extravagant Foods

  • Serving Extravagant Foods

Good food, given any kind of occasion, can guarantee a good time with your guests. However, you must remember that expensive is not actually synonymous with good. This is why instead of getting extravagant choices like lobster, steak, and others of the sort, you are better off choosing something much simpler.


  • Desserts

Desserts are one thing couples usually splurge on. They do this as part of their efforts to impress all of their guests. However, one does not have to go to such lengths to do so. All you really have to do is concentrate on the quality (instead of quantity) of the confectionery treats you plan to share with the congregation.

On the Drinks

On the Drinks

Besides the food, one mustn’t forget about the array of drinks available in the reception for every adult’s indulgence. If you’re looking to save money on this one, here is something you could try:

Limit your Alcohol Offerings

  • Limit your Alcohol Offerings

There is an abundance of alcohol for you to choose from. But that doesn’t mean you should serve them all. Just pick several kinds of alcohol to serve that fits in your budget.

On the Apparel

On the Apparel

Lastly, this aspect should be taken into heavy consideration when it comes to saving some money. For this, here is the one thing you must take into account:

Trust in your Local Designers

  • Trust in your Local Designers

While getting married in a gown that’s designed by an internationally-renowned designer is every bride’s dream, it is definitely not an easy and cheap feat to achieve. With your local designers, not only will you be able to get the best dress that there is, but you’ll also be able to save a lot of money.

Key Takeaway

Everyone dreams of having a grand wedding. But sometimes having one is not really ideal. This does not mean, however, that your wedding day will no longer be a day everybody will remember. As mentioned above, there are a lot of things you can do in order to have a beautiful day worth celebrating without entirely breaking your bank. Just follow these tips and tricks, and you’re good to go!