Tag Archives: debut catering

3 Unique Ways To Celebrate Your Debut

3 Unique Ways To Celebrate Your Debut

What are some of the unique ways to celebrate your debut?

  1. Hold a picnic party outdoors
  2. Have a beach or swimming party
  3. Plan a breakfast for dinner party

Your debut marks your coming of age. It’s the event when you transition into adulthood and womanhood. For many young girls and their families, this celebration is one of the most important events in their life — second only to a wedding. The traditional way to celebrate this occasion is to wear a formal gown, have a fancy dinner, hold a cotillion, and have 18 roses. But if you’re looking for something different, here are some of the unique ways to celebrate your debut. Keep on reading!

Hold A Picnic Party Outdoors

Hold A Picnic Party Outdoors

If you’re craving fresh air, one of the best ways to celebrate your debut is through a picnic party outdoors. You can still wear a formal gown, but you can tone it down a little to fit with the theme. The advantage of an outdoor party is that you have good ventilation for your event, which is recommended during the new normal.

Serve picnic essentials like sandwiches, bread, finger foods, salads, and refreshing drinks. Here are some suggestions:

  • Tuna melt crostini
  • Crostini with salami and gherkins
  • Panzanella salad, Tuscan salad of bread and tomato, romaine, iceberg lettuce, yellow bell pepper, capers, black olives in balsamic reduction, and tomato infuse
  • Green cucumber lemonade

For the location, choose somewhere with plenty of outdoor green spaces. Instead of tables, you can set up picnic blankets for the guests. If you can’t find a park, you can book beautiful outdoor events places like these:

Have A Beach Or Swimming Party

If you miss the sea and swimming, you can also celebrate your debut in a beach or pool resort! Bring along your family and friends for one of the most fun getaways on your coming of age. Make sure to bring fun inflatables and plan your outfits for a mini photoshoot!

For the catering, choose dishes that remind you of a beach or swimming trip — such as seafood, cold desserts, and tropical fruits! Here are some of the things you can serve at your beach debut party:

  • Baked scallop, sliced lemon, pastis Prado wine, paprika cream sauce
  • Shrimp tempura with hon mirin sauce
  • Grilled black tiger prawn butterfly served in lemon butter sauce
  • Fisherman’s friend, oyster sauce
  • Grilled sea bass with lemon butter sauce
  • Halo-halo with leche flan
  • Tropical fruit pavlova

Fortunately, there are plenty of places near the Metro where you can hold your beach or swimming debut party. Here are some venues where you can have your coming of age:

Plan A Breakfast For Dinner Party

Plan A Breakfast For Dinner Party

Are you a fan of breakfast food? If that’s the case, why don’t you hold a breakfast for a dinner party? You and your guests can come in your pajamas and eat your favorite breakfast essentials. You can also opt for brunch attire if you want something more formal. If you prefer, it’s also possible to have this event during the daytime!

For the food, here are some of the things you can order from your caterer:

  • Toasted fresh baguette, cheese, tomato, and basil
  • Cream of fresh mushroom
  • Chicken potato chowder
  • Crunchy apple, fuji, Washington, and green apple, pineapple, walnuts
  • Freshly brewed “Kapeng Barako”
  • Raspberry Fruit-infused tea
  • French Macaroon
  • Tea Cart Garden

For the event place, you can hold the debut party in your home if you have plenty of space. But any indoor and outdoor location is also a good idea depending on your decor theme. Here are some recommendations:

Key Takeaway

There are plenty of unique ways to celebrate your debut, just think outside the box. Aside from these suggestions, you can also hold a masquerade, a costume party, or opt for a simple event at home! Just remember to choose a caterer that can provide you with delicious meals so the event would be memorable for you and your guests.

If you’re looking for a debut caterer, you can contact us here at Juan Carlo!

Dining Manners 101: 8 Table Etiquette Myths

What are the 8 table etiquette myths that you need to know?

  1. Not putting your elbows on the table is actually done in order to avoid any glass from spilling.
  2. Pinkies are extended when drinking tea not as a sign of class, but to support the bottom of the cup.
  3. People don’t only observe your manner in a formal event, but in an informal one as well.
  4. You can’t just use any fork on the table; you must use the outermost first and work your way in.
  5. Small talk is good but don’t talk about the weather.
  6. The RSVP is not just a way of letting the host know that you are going, but it is also a guideline for the preparation of the dinner.
  7. Getting any glass, plate, or utensil is not okay; you must only use the one meant for you.
  8. Reaching out for food is not rude because of personal space, but because of hygiene.

Exhibiting proper behavior is expected to be second nature to mankind, especially during business events where one is served by corporate catering. Even if you do not realize it, people observe and notice the dining decorum you practice.

Not every rule regarding table manners is set in stone though. Check out these regulations you don’t necessarily have to follow.

No Elbows on the Table

Growing up, you may have had your mother or grandmother tell you more than once “no elbows on the table” each time you accidentally do it. You never questioned the purpose of this rule as you obeyed it to avoid being scolded. The reason for this was to avoid any possible mishaps caused by your arm accidentally knocking something down. It also allows more space on the table and stops you from tipping the table. If you are on a spacious table where you won’t be able to nudge anything, you can ignore this policy as you will not cause any harm to anyone or to anything.

Pinkies Up!

Little girls often find it funny to see their big fathers sipping “tea” (actually just water or juice) from tiny cups no bigger than the span of three fingers. As they matured, said little girls may have mistakenly believe that to drink tea, they must always lift their pinky lest they do a faux pas. In truth, the proper way to drink from a teacup is to put your index finger through the handle then have your middle finger underneath the handle, with your thumb supporting the cup. No need to lift your pinky. Instead, have the last two digits touch the outside of your cup.

Observe Proper Decorum Only Outside, Not Inside

How unfortunate that there are still numerous people who still believe and practice this rule. Once inside a restaurant, they become a different person as they eat civilly, making hardly any sounds as they eat their food. Meanwhile, their table manners at home are atrocious as they chew noisily with an open mouth, sloshing water everywhere and leaving carnage. Eat properly inside or outside your home. You will find it easier and you will be more comfortable as well.

Utensils - Corporate Catering

One Too Many Forks

You may have seen it on the television or on the big screen. It’s a scene that’s all too common where dinner is part of the scene– one of the main characters becomes confused on which fork to use and mistakenly uses the main course fork on the salad.

In reality, this scene isn’t something to be played out frequently as not all meals are set up with numerous forks. This is used only in formal settings and even that has limits. Your daily meal isn’t like that– all you need is a fork, knife and spoon for each meal. A spoon may be considered taboo in some western countries but in the Philippines, it is an absolute essential to one’s daily meal. If you are at a formal dinner and you can’t recall which utensil to use, remember: outside going in.

Whether Weather

There is an unspoken rule of forbidding discussing anything but the weather on the dinner table. Admittedly, it is one of the most boring topics one can ever discuss on the dining table (or anywhere) but what else is there to be talked about? Actually, there are numerous topics out there you can talk about. The rule was implemented so as to prevent any indigestion among the eaters. Talk about the latest Star Wars film, the traffic situation or the newest bistro in town. Just remember to choose a neutral topic which won’t churn any stomachs.

RSVP isn’t Required

The importance of responding to an RSVP is no longer common knowledge and people believe that not responding is okay. The truth is it is not. Especially when one is hosting a large dinner, the host needs to know exactly how many people will be attending so that he can plan the food that will be prepared and provide the necessary chairs and tables. It is better to tell a person that invited you to dinner that you cannot make it rather than not responding at all. Ever worse than that, is not responding to the RSVP but going to the event anyway. It will make the host look inconsiderate and unprepared to the other guests.

Take Any Glass, Any Bread

Dining Manners 101: 5 Table Etiquette Myths

The table is set properly at formal dinners with an array of utensils, glasses, and plates just for you. In the midst of socializing with your table mates along with the close proximity of each other’s space, it is a common mistake for one to accidentally take something that’s not meant for them. This could be you. While you may think that it’s an honest mistake and you can simply trade items in case it happens, it shows that you lack concentration and you may disgust some fellow guests that are particular about hygiene. To avoid this, remember that B comes before D in the alphabet and it is arranged left to right; the same way that your (B)read plate should be to your left and your (D)rinks should be to your right.

Walking Around the Table to Get Food

The common thinking nowadays is that you don’t reach over someone’s plate in order not to get in his personal space. This is wrong. The reason why you don’t want to do this is because of hygiene. By reaching over his plate, there is a chance that you will drop something foreign onto his food. This is why you ask people to hand you anything you want to grab; so that anything that falls into a person’s plate is his own fault. Thus, when you get up from your chair and make your way to grab something from the far end of the table, there is still a chance that you will drop a foreign object into people’s plates.

You may be avoiding having to ask people to hand you things on the table so you don’t bother them, but the act reaching out or walking to the other end of the table to get something is a bigger disturbance.

Key Takeaway

Rules are rules and as time goes by, rules change. For now, just remember to always say please and thank you when asking for a dish and don’t use your phone unless it is absolutely necessary.

10 Guilty Pleasure Food that are Actually Good For You

What are the guilty pleasure foods that are actually good for you?

  1. Dark Chocolate
  2. Popcorn
  3. Pork Rind
  4. Beef Jerky
  5. Cheese
  6. Chinese Food
  7. Ice Cream.
  8. Red Meat
  9. Waffles
  10. Red wine

Several celebrities tied the knot this year – through magazine and television coverage, we got to witness the union of our favorite public figures! Many people gushed over the wedding gown designs, beautiful ceremonies, and receptions. But a lot of people also salivated over the wedding catering. After all, there’s no better time to indulge in some guilty pleasure food than during weddings.

Surprisingly, there are some types of food that are thought of as unhealthy but, are actually good for you! The next time you are out celebrating a wedding or birthday of family or friend, remember that you don’t have to shy away from the following food:

Dark Chocolate

dark chocolate

Chocolate has a reputation for being bad for you, but dark chocolate actually isn’t!

Sure, dark chocolate can contain caffeine and tyramine – the latter being a natural chemical that is associated with migraines; but it actually has other healthy ingredients as well. For instance, it contains flavanols, which are antioxidant properties that can help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. It can also help reduce bad cholesterol, as well as lower your blood pressure! In fact, a study was published involving overweight individuals and how consuming dark chocolate has helped decrease their blood pressure while improving their blood vessel health.

This yummy dessert also has cocoa, which can help improve your circulation and reduce your risk of developing diabetes.



Popcorn contains carbohydrates that might raise your blood sugar. But did you know that by changing a few things about its toppings, this can actually be healthy?

Forget the heavily flavored popcorn (extra cheese, anyone?) that you usually see in stands outside movie theaters. Popcorn without toppings is actually a snack that is high in fiber and low in cholesterol.

This snack contains phytonutrients, which allows for optimal cellular function and communication. Popcorn can also help you detoxify foreign substances in your body and build a strong immune system. Aside from that, it improves muscle function and helps create healthier tissues and organ systems.

Pork Rinds

pork rinds

People think that this snack is unhealthy because it is cut from the pigskin and then deep-fried. But, did you know that a 1 ounce serving of pork rinds is healthier than a pack of potato chips? Yes, an ounce of this delicious snack contains 17 grams of protein, 9 grams of fat, and absolutely no carbohydrates at all. That’s 9 times the amount of protein (and less fat) that you’ll get in a pack of chips!

Most of pork rinds’ unsaturated fat is oleic acid. This is healthy and can also be found in olive oil. Also, of its fat content, 13% is stearic acid. This saturated fat is considered harmless and does not raise the cholesterol level of your body.

Beef Jerky

beef jerky

Beef jerky is believed to be unhealthy because it contains a lot of preservatives and is high in sodium. In truth though, this snack is not only high in protein, it also doesn’t raise your insulin level! Insulin is a hormone that signals your body to store fat. Which means that this is an ideal snack if you are trying to lose weight.

Some beef jerky brands contain MSG and sodium nitrate. But there are some that use all-natural ingredients for a reduced total sodium content. When shopping, just remember to check the packaging to see if you are buying a chemical-free beef jerky or not.


4 Guilty Pleasure Food that are Actually Good For You

Cheese is actually a good course of calcium, protein, vitamins, and minerals. These make them the perfect topping to start or end any meal.

Also, certain kinds of cheese have beneficial bacteria that promote the growth of a chain of good fatty acids in your body. These cheeses are gruyère, gouda, cheddar, and parmesan.

Chinese Food

4 Guilty Pleasure Food that are Actually Good For You

Although Chinese food has been stereotypically portrayed to be greasy, salty, and full of calories, there are actually guilt-free options to choose from. These include sweet and sour soup, chop suey, and even chicken and broccoli. Just avoid anything deep-fried or noodle dishes.

Ice Cream

4 Guilty Pleasure Food that are Actually Good For You

Compared to other desserts, ice cream is actually low in calories. A half-cup of vanilla ice cream only contains 140 calories, 14 grams of sugar, and 7 grams of fat. To add a healthy touch to it while making it even tastier, try adding some fruit. Good choices would be a bowl of berries, apples, and bananas.

Red Meat

4 Guilty Pleasure Food that are Actually Good For You

The World Health Organization (WHO) has labelled red meats as “probable carcinogens”, which has made people fear eating it. However, what people do not realize is red meats are actually good sources of protein, iron, and vitamin B12. It can also help boost one’s metabolism. The key is to eat it in moderation.

Steaks, in particular, are a healthy alternative to processed meats like hotdogs and sausages, which contain preservatives, sodium, and nitrates.


4 Guilty Pleasure Food that are Actually Good For You

The tradition waffle is actually made of only eggs, milk, and flour which are not known to cause any nutritional harm. It is only when it is drowned in butter and syrup that it becomes unhealthy. Avoid adding these to your waffles and you have a snack that is low in fat and calories.

Red Wine

4 Guilty Pleasure Food that are Actually Good For You

This may get you intoxicated, but it will do so in a fun and healthy way. The U.S. Dietary Guidelines state that drinking red wine daily (1 glass per day for women; 2 glasses for men) can slow down aging, reduce the risk of getting breast cancer, and prevent dementia. Just make sure that it is sulfite-free.

Key Takeaway

It turns out that a lot of foods that we have always perceived to be unhealthy are actually healthy. Now, you can eat dark chocolate, popcorn, pork rinds, or beef jerky without feeling guilty!

How Cheese is Made

cheese catering

How is cheese made?

  1. The first step in preparing cheese is pasteurizing the milk.
  2. Good bacteria is added in that would help it coalesce.
  3. Coagulant is included in the mix to help the milk fuse.
  4. The “clumps of cheese will be cut, and be cooked at specific temperatures to separate the liquid whey from the milk solids.
  5. Salt is added to enhance the taste and inhibit bacteria growth.
  6. Finally, the cheese is aged for it to finally develop its texture and flavor.


Cheese has a strange history in that it – well – sort of doesn’t have a definite one. It’s a food so old that its origins predate recorded history; many European and Middle-Eastern texts mention it but other parts of the world do not. Also, while not particularly well-known as their European counterparts, Asia also has their own selection of cheeses for people to choose from. Though history may not have mentioned them in this aspect, Asia’s oldest known cheese was only recently discovered when an archaeological site was being excavated in 2003. Several tombs were found with bits of curd strewn about, which upon analysis was found to be filled with fat and protein.

Anyway, only in the latter half of the 1800s when wholesale cheese production boomed did its popularity spread beyond Europe and America. That’s in stark contrast to modern times wherein cheese is readily accessible, and although it’s rarely a part of ethnic cuisines outside of Europe, the Middle East, and America, it remains a popular food worldwide. Here in the Philippines there is a local variation – the keso.

In fact, cheese can be served in a variety of ways, ranging from being used as an ingredient for many dishes to simply being used as a dip for various foods on the table. As long as it’s at the right temperature, who cares what occasion it may be?

No Filipino meal would be complete without it as it’s commonly used as a topping for numerous dishes and desserts, in addition to being a staple part of a classic local breakfast. Have you ever had pandesal in the morning with a cheese filling? Or even a creamy cheese-flavored ice cream for dessert? There’s also the local favorite known as ‘kesong puti’, a rich and creamy cheese made from carabao’s milk that is sure to guarantee Filipino-style enjoyment. Now that’s the Filipino palate right there!

As Filipinos, they have a knack of being adventurous when it comes to cooking. Using local produce and different techniques and recipes, each dish is a different experience from the other. Given the Philippines’ history with their abundance of spices and other ingredients, it’s no surprise that many of their dishes last multiple generations. And with their collection of classic dishes, it is of no surprise that their dishes have been given a magical touch. In this case, cheese can be added for a unique, creamy experience.

cheese manila catering

Also, Filipinos also have a knack in adding the ingredient into some of the most unorthodox dishes there is. So don’t be surprised to see cheese infused in your adobo or caldereta. It may seem a bit weird upon first glance, but it works nonetheless.

Whether one is preparing a meal for wedding catering services, cooking up some food for a local fiesta, or getting ready for Noche Buena, it’s always a good idea to slip some keso into the menu. After all, satisfying your guests with your food is the best way into their hearts…and stomachs.

But as mentioned before, keso is only the Philippine version of cheese. Other countries have their own kinds – the French alone have about 400 distinct types. This is matched by Italy, who have about the same, but are outnumbered by Britain with approximately 700 cheeses to their name. Usually, you see these cheeses being paired with some fruit, crackers, and the best wine there is. With that much variety on the table, you can’t go wrong with your sense of taste.

How Cheese is Made

Each type of cheese is made with a specific method, but the overall procedure remains the same.

  • It all begins with quality milk, which is treated or pasteurized to ensure cleanliness and uniformity. (Fun fact: it takes about 10 pounds of milk to make one pound of cheese.)
  • Starter cultures (also known as good bacteria) are added in. The milk is then brought up to temperature, somewhere between 77 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit to simulate an animal’s body temperature. This activates the starter culture that lowers the milk pH enough that it will be able to coalesce.
  • The coagulant is introduced to the mix, usually rennet. The milk will then fuse, forming into a custard-like mass.
  • The “clump” is cut to size – large cuts that are cooked at lower temperatures yield soft cheeses (like Ricotta) while small cuts cooked at higher temperatures yield the harder types (like Romano). This is done to separate the liquid whey from the milk solids – the curds. Depending on how the curd is handled and how much whey is drained from it, different cheeses will form.
  • Salt is added – this enhances the cheese’s taste, keeps unwanted organisms away, and inhibits bacteria growth. This step is also a factor in determining the cheese that will be made as different handling techniques and salting will affect the cheese type.
  • It is then pressed – this finalizes the shape and helps in completing the curd formation.
  • Lastly, the cheese is aged. It is during this stage when the cheese can fully develop its final texture and flavor; for some cheeses this is when the rind starts to come about. This should only be done in an environment with a controlled temperature and humidity.

Key Takeaway

Cheese is the one food that everyone can never get sick of. Its texture, appearance, and taste are enough to drive anyone crazy with excitement. No matter how it’s made or served, be sure to always keep your tastebuds open and savor every bite you take from it.

Who knew that cheese-making can be so difficult? As a common household ingredient that’s now perpetually taken for granted, take a second to appreciate all the effort and thought placed into creating such a diverse and rich food. After all, diversification in cuisine is what makes food the marvel it is today.

In different parts of the world, there is bound to be different servings on each plate. And with a little cheese on it, you are sure to enjoy no matter what.

Manila Catering Services | Juan Carlo the Caterer

Juan Carlo the Caterer

Nobody knows Manila Catering better than Juan Carlo the Caterer. We’ve been in existence for nearly 20 years and along with that longevity comes the experience in services such as the following:

Corporate Catering

1) Corporate Events

There is nothing more important to us than the success of your event in celebration of prosperous business deal. That is why our courses of our corporate catering feed both mind and body in order to promote productive and engaging industry discussions. You can be sure that our meals include food nuts (considered brain food) and bread, as research says the aroma is known to close business deals much faster.

The list of our professional clients served include:

Caltex Philippines
Nestle Philippines
JG Summit Petrochemical Corporation
Universal Robina Corporation
Pru Life UK

Adidas Philippines

Lenovo (Singapore) Pte Ltd.

Shell Philippines
SM Supermalls
San Miguel Purefoods Corporation
Bank of the Philippine Islands
San Beda College – Alabang
Insular Life

Kiddie Party

2) Kiddie Parties

Since children have discerning palates and budding appetites at early ages, we prepare classic kiddie party fares like sweet spaghetti, chicken lollipop, French fries, and hotdogs on a stick with marshmallows, to name a few. These come in small portions so that kids can still enjoy the parties’ festivities without getting indigestion or an upset stomach.

Julia Montes Debut

3) Debuts

Debuts are celebrations that portray the entrance of a young girl to womanhood with class and style. We at Juan Carlo will match that with our delectable offerings, no matter the theme, that the debutant and her friends will remember for years to come.

Wedding Catering

4) Weddings

During this once-in-a-lifetime event, our wedding catering will be sure to serve timeless staples and new dishes that will absolutely dazzle your guests. We also guarantee the best storage so that your food doesn’t spoil and is still utterly appetizing upon arrival.

Our knowledge and skill in handling the nuptials of high-profile people will be imparted when we take care of all the major and minor details of your wedding from the ground up.

The success of an excellent wedding is not only about the bride and groom’s union, but also about the food served. Juan Carlo makes sure you have both so that you and your spouse carry these priceless memories as your marriage grows stronger each day.