Tag Archives: Corporate Catering Manila

5 Wedding Catering Foods for Kids

kids wedding catering

What are catering food do kids enjoy at weddings?

  1. Mini Cheeseburgers
  2. Fruit and Vegetable Cups
  3. Smoothie Popsicles
  4. Macaroni and Cheese
  5. Peanut Butter and Jelly

Sure they’re adorable, but there can be times where children can be a bit too much to handle. This is why many couples prefer to keep their wedding children-free. Nonetheless, there are circumstances where they can’t help but allow their guests to bring children. Besides, no matter how one may feel about the notion, children are a joy to be around if they are well-behaved.

With that said, the soon-to-be married couple must incorporate some kid-friendly foods in the menu of their wedding catering in the Philippines. That way, they won’t have to worry about any guest of any age feeling left out of the party and being rowdy because of it.

If you wish to keep the little ones entertained and full, have a look at these fun and creative food ideas that could leave even the grown-up guests a tad bit envious:

Mini cheeseburgers

Everyone loves cheeseburgers; most especially the kids. Keep this fast food classic on the menu of your catering to make sure you have happy kids at your celebration.

However, you have to keep in mind that they will be wearing fancy outfits as well that the parents don’t want to get dirty. You can keep these cheeseburgers mess-free for the kids by making cheeseburgers using mini buns! Not only are these bite-sized cheesy meaty goodness super delicious, they look super cute too (don’t deny it!).

To add a bit more fun to it, why not have your little ones have a pick of their own toppings to add on their burgers? It’s a great way to get their creative juices flowing and an even fun way for both children and adults to bond with one another.

But if burgers are not your thing, try making mini hotdog sandwiches. Then allow the kids to have fun by letting them draw on their sandwiches using the ketchup and mustard. Just have a babysitter nearby to keep an eye on the kids to avoid a huge mess and possible food fights.

Fruit and vegetable cups

In a wedding, or any occasion in general, fruits and vegetables are a common sight in every feast. While meat and other poultries are ideal for a celebration, nothing beats the numerous health benefits provided by fruits and vegetables. Especially when served in cups for a more convenient experience, fruits and vegetables are here to stay in every menu around.

With that said, the cups idea is great for wedding over the traditional salad. Everyone eats with their eyes especially kids; they will eat what looks appealing to them. If you choose to do this, then serve them with some sort of dip like yogurt for the fruits and mayonnaise for the vegetables. To level up the creativity, make fruit and vegetable kebabs then use the cups as containers for the dips. You can even add a little extra flavoring for the vegetables to give kids a new and exciting taste

Another thing that makes this dish a standout for kids is that you get to control the quantity of how much you’d want to put. Whether you choose to tip the scale in favor of fruits and vice-versa, this dish will surely garner massive amounts of likes.

Image: Lorraine Cryan Photography

Image: Lorraine Cryan Photography

Smoothie popsicles

In any wedding, one of the most sought-out courses during the celebration is none other than dessert. After the newlyweds feed each other cake, numerous sweet teeth are sure to flock around the table yearning for a bite of some pastries.

There are many options for desserts other than the wedding cake itself. But one thing’s for sure: Popsicles will always remain a hit to kids, even more so when smoothie popsicles are added to the table.

While the rest of your guests are feasting on fancy desserts, serve smoothie popsicles to the little ones. This will keep them cool and satisfied especially during a hot wedding. But of course, you can also whip up a batch of grown-up friendly smoothies as additional dessert. Just make sure they are separated from one another so there won’t be any accidents of an alcohol-laced pop being served to one of the flower girls (yikes).

Also, for these treats on sticks, why not make things interesting by making a game out of it? Engrave one of the popsicles sticks with an emblem or symbol of sorts and distribute these popsicles to the children. Whoever gets the lucky stick wins a prize from the bride and groom. What a way to turn your tasty ideas into an even better one.

Macaroni and cheese

Macaroni and cheese is a certified hit with kids and is many parents’ go-to to make sure their kids have happy tummies. You can have this at your wedding as well, but you’ll have to get creative to make them feel like they’re eating special macaroni and cheese. Go serve this recipe in small colorful bowls or get creative by making mini mac and cheese pies. Fried mac and cheese balls is also a good alternative because you can skewer them with sticks for a fun, lollipop-like look.

Peanut butter and jelly

Along with macaroni and cheese, the PBJ is a classic among young and the young at heart. It has made its way into every lunch box throughout the years and has continued to bring smiles into children’s faces.

Rather than serving these in the traditional sandwich at your wedding, let your creativity shine through by making peanut butter and jelly sushi – bread strips with peanut butter and jelly then rolled up to look like sushi – or peanut butter and jelly muffins. You can even use different kinds of peanut butter and jelly to twist things up in a fun and exciting way.

Key Takeaway

These foods are a sure way to satisfy the kids – and their parents. Serve these up in a separate station for kids only so they can form a line altogether without having to mix up with the adults. Try also to set up an activity section for the kids where they can quietly entertain themselves all throughout the reception. That way, you have kept your guests and their kids happy and worry-free.

10 Mini Dessert Ideas

What are great ideas for mini desserts?

  1. Peanut Butter Chocolate Balls
  2. Mini Cheesecakes
  3. Strawberry Nutella Pretzel Bites
  4. Teacup Chocolate Chip Cookies
  5. Mini Ice Cream Sandwiches
  6. Mini Cupcakes
  7. Bite-Sized Brownies
  8. Mini Cookie Sandwiches
  9. Mini Cinnamon Rolls
  10. Mini Dessert Pizzas

Many people see tiny things as cute. Kittens, puppies, chicks, and anything tiny can melt even the coldest of hearts, making anyone’s day instantly better. This goes for food as well. Seeing bite-sized creations can make a person just want to gobble them up. Why not go for mini-desserts on your next event, like a wedding catering in the Philippines? Here are some tiny dessert ideas that will definitely please your guests:

Peanut Butter Chocolate Balls

Peanut butter and chocolate are childhood favorites. Probably the best flavor combination ever, these peanut butter and chocolate balls will definitely please everyone, even the pickiest of eaters. All you need to do is combine peanut butter, some softened butter, and powdered sugar in a mixing bowl. Mix until all of the ingredients are incorporated with one another then roll them into 1-inch size balls. Put them in the fridge for an hour then dip them in melted chocolate. Allow the chocolate to harden then serve.

mini cheesecakes

Mini Cheesecakes

Who doesn’t love a good cheesecake? And bite-sized at that?

Mini cheesecakes are so good they are probably the best mini desserts ever. If you know how to make a cheesecake, all you need to do is put them in cupcake liners instead of cake pans. When they are ready to serve, top them with your favorite fruit jam then watch the guests go crazy over these delectable delights.

Strawberry Nutella Pretzel Bites

If you are into adorable-looking desserts, then this idea might be what you are looking for. Pretzels are great as they are but when combined with Nutella, you will get a creamy, chocolaty treat that everyone will love.

Simply mix Nutella with powdered sugar then gently spread the mixture over a pretzel or pretzel bites if you prefer. Freeze the pretzel for 15-30 minutes and, while the pretzel is setting, take some red candy melts then put them in the microwave. Make sure to keep an eye on them and stir them every now and then to help them melt evenly. Take the pretzel bites out then carefully dip them in the melted red candy. While the red candy is still wet on the pretzel, you can decorate your strawberries with sunflower seeds. You can dye your seeds white and green to make your pretzel bites look like real strawberries.

 small chocolate chip cookies

Teacup Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies are a classic in the snack and dessert category. They can be made into ice cream sandwiches, dessert toppers, trail mix, or just plain cookie is enough. Chocolate cookies that can be stacked in a teacup are not only cute to look at; they can be centerpieces as well! Grab several teacups then fill them with mini chocolate cookies.

Your guests can munch on these treats while waiting for the meal proper to begin. Just make sure you have a lot in stock because these cookies will not last for a couple of hours.

Mini Ice Cream Sandwiches

Everyone loves ice cream, no doubt about it! In fact, ice cream can be eaten in a variety of ways; and with a miniaturized variety of it, that leaves you with more than enough room to enjoy more desserts on the table.

What should always be remembered when it comes to this mini dessert is constant circulation. Ice cream is still ice cream, which means it can melt as soon as it leaves the freezer. When you serve this, encourage your guests to have as much as they want, just not enough for a brain-freeze.

Mini Cupcakes

Cupcakes are everyone’s favorite dessert no matter what the occasion. If you’re looking to serve this at your wedding reception, but save on quantity at the same time, why not serve miniaturized versions of this dessert? Not only will you and your guests be able to enjoy them in one bite, but you can also leave your stomach room for more if you wish so.

Bite-Sized Brownies

Speaking of everyone’s favorite dessert, there’s nothing more classic than brownies. The soft and delicious, as well as chocolate-y, texture is enough for anyone and everyone to drool for. So, why not serve these in your reception?

In fact, if you wish, bite-sized brownies never go out of style. Not only are they just as delicious as their normal-sized counterparts, but you can choose to pack them with as much flavor as you want.

Mini Cookie Sandwiches

If you’ve ever had a cookie sandwich that’s so good, you can’t even describe it, then serving these in your wedding reception is more than delightful. In fact, if you wish so, why not go all-out with your fillings? With that much variety this dessert provides, you can never go wrong in serving this in your wedding reception.

Mini Cinnamon Rolls

Desserts glazed with decadent cream and frosting are just the ones that are able to mesmerize anyone with a sweet tooth. Besides, what’s more enjoyable than the sticky, gooey, cinnamon sensation these desserts can give you?

Mini Dessert Pizzas

We’ve all heard of mini pizzas and dessert pizzas; but mixing the two together into one miniature dessert option? Now that’s a unique twist!

Having these in your wedding reception can blur the lines between savory and sweet in a good way. This dessert packs the same dough as a mini pizza, while also the numerous dessert toppings as a dessert pizza. For this, have your way with the dessert toppings available, whether it be chocolate or fruit, and go wild with flavor.

Key Takeaway

This goes to show that while bigger is better, the small ones can still definitely pack quite a punch. Once you have served any (or all) of these mini-desserts to your guests, all that’s left to do is to eat them and go to heaven. Yes, they’re that good.

11 Memory Enhancing Foods

an assortment of berries

What foods should be consumed to improve memory?

  1. Dark chocolate
  2. Salmon
  3. Walnuts
  4. Rosemary
  5. Red Wine
  6. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
  7. Avocados
  8. Turmeric
  9. Broccoli
  10. Avocados
  11. Beets

Catering in Manila is required for a good majority of occasions held here in the Philippines. Weddings, parties, businesses, meetings, and gatherings require a good serving of food, after all. But, consider that different foods have different effects – some are known to boost moodboost productivity, and in the list below, we’ll even show those that boost memory.

Dark chocolate

Not only is this treat delightfully good, it contains a lot of flavonols – meaning they have anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants, which lower blood pressure and develop blood flow to the heart and brain. It can even help lose body weight!




Grab all the sashimi you can because salmon increases the memory of the brain! Salmon has omega-3 fatty acids to provide a smooth-flowing brain. Studies have shown that it can definitely improve the focus of a person and can prevent tumors and cancer.



Most of nuts can improve memorization due to its components of high levels of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Walnut, if taken every day at a minimal amount, can improve one’s cognitive health. The vitamin E in this nut can even lessen the chance of acquiring Alzheimer’s disease as well.



This herb is a popular ingredient among many kinds of meals. Rosemary has carnosic acid, which helps the brain from neurodegeneration or the death of neurons in the brain, possible to lead to Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. To add to this, rosemary can even protect eyesight from deteriorating too. Add up this herb to your food or you can buy the herb and sniff it whenever possible to boost your brain!



Acai berries, blueberries, and strawberries were said to prevent age-related cognitive issues to the brain and eliminates the chances of toxic proteins as well. They are also rich in fiber that helps the body become cleansed from unwanted fats or toxins. Mix up your diet by eating healthy fruits because of the great effects they offer for the body and the brain,


Red wine

People who drink moderate quantities of red wine can lessen the chance of memory loss. Red wine taken at a glass every night can reduce chances of heart risks and improve the metabolism, causing you to lose a few fats! It’s a great drink to have, so buy some and drink a glass each day.

 olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil contains a strong antioxidant, polyphenols, which develops the memory and learning of the person. However, it’s not recommended to use for cooking purposes because it decreases the overall quality. Just mix it up with salads, pasta, or meals as it is!


One of the healthiest foods you can ever eat is an avocado. While this fruit has a bad reputation for having a high amount of fat, it’s important to note that this is monosaturated fat. This is the good kind of fat that makes helps the body to maintain good sugar levels and have glowing skin.

For memory enhancement, it has vitamin K and folate. These can help prevent blood clots from forming in the brain, which protect the body from getting a stroke and help to improve the cognitive functions. It also has vitamin C and B, which is useful since these aren’t stored by the body and need to be manually replenished. Additionally, it has the highest protein and lowest sugar content amongst any sort of fruit.


While beets may be an intimidating food to eat because of their taste, sacrificing a bit is worth it because of the nutritional content of this plant. When you eat this, you can get rid of toxins, reduce the chance of inflammation, and be loaded cancer-fighting antioxidants. Not only that, but the nitrates found in it can boost the blood flow to the brain, which helps one to perform at his best; mentally. It also helps to boost physical performance and productivity, which makes it great as part of a pre-workout meal. If you want to try this, then it’s best to roast it or to place it in a salad.


This may be a simple spice, but you won’t believe the amount of benefits you can get just by adding this to your meals. With a chemical compound called “curcumin”, turmeric provides the body with one of the world’s most powerful anti-inflammatory agents. The best part is that it’s all natural. It’s no wonder this ancient root is used throughout history for healing.

It also helps the body to improve its antioxidant levels, immune system and oxygen intake. With these benefits, the mind can stay alert and process information efficiently.

Adding this to tea or eggs is a great way to start the day.


One of the best foods for the brain is broccoli. Its high amounts of vitamin K and choline is enough to keep your memory sharp. But aside from that, it also loaded with vitamin C. In fact, just having one cup of broccoli will provide you with 50% more than the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.

A big plus is the fact that it’s high fiber content will make you feel full. So, it’s also great for managing food intake.

Key Takeaway

Food is not just meant to be delicious and nutritious. It is also meant to improve your life; at least if you make the right food choices. With the correct choices, not only will you feel great, but you will also do great things. Healthy foods – such as the ones above – will help you to remember important details that you need to succeed. This is because they help the brain to work at its best. Add these to your diet to make sure you are the best version of yourself at work.

5 Mood Boosting Foods to Try

bananas and healthy food


Just as it is in every event, like weddings, the hosts are bound to have different tastes from their guests.  But in Manila, wedding catering services can adjust to what the bride and groom want for their big day, so maybe serving some dishes with mood boosting foods as ingredients can help smooth your event even further.

Here are some mood boosting foods that you should consider infusing into your wedding menu:


Was there ever any doubt? This probably isn’t news, and some people really do reach for chocolate when they’re down in the dumps. Eating dark chocolate can help reduce stress. It might be difficult to choose what kind of chocolate dessert you’ll be serving your guests, but once they see what’s in store for them, they’ll surely be excited about digging in and forget whatever bothered them in the first place.


Contrary to popular opinion, carbohydrates aren’t all that bad. They’re actually pretty good for you! A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine (now JAMA Internal Medicine) revealed that those who ate more carbs, such as grains, on a daily basis experienced less anger and anxiety than those who ate a low carb diet. It’s not that difficult to figure out what kind of carbs you can serve at your wedding. Filipinos LOVE rice, and pair that with an amazing viand, everybody’ll be digging into that pile of rice in no time. Pasta is pretty good too, and most Filipinos love their tomato and hotdog sauce.


cooked salmon seafood



Fish, such as salmon, sardines, and tuna, have Omega 3 which is found to alter the chemicals the brain releases to change someone’s mood. It alters dopamine and serotonin. Serotonin is the happiness hormone, and low levels can lead to suicidal thoughts, while dopamine is a chemical that rewards the person for doing pleasurable things. Serve up some grilled or seared fish, maybe some sinigang and your guests might fall in love with that beautiful tamarind soup!


It is said that the scent of coconuts can make people’s blood pressure recover faster when faced with something stressful or challenging. Why not serve something with coconut milk? Such as the spicy Bicol Express or some Laing? Those are perfect with the carbs, and your guests will surely feel a lot better after having something to eat! Or some grated coconut over your pastries, or Buko Pandan for dessert!

pouring tea


Well, those stereotypical Chinese masters in movies did like tea, and they were also so calm and zen about anything, even about facing the movie’s antagonist! Tea, like coffee, has caffeine, too, and can make a person more alert and improves the focus and attention. Oolong tea (withered and oxidized Camellia sinesis), green tea (Camellia sinesis that has not been withered and oxidized), or black tea (a more oxidized Camellia sinesis) are perfect for this. And it can help with a full stomach after that tasty meal!

Maybe when your guests see the food about to be served, the bothers they encountered before they got to your reception will go away. You’d want everybody to be as happy as you on your big day, of course!

The Many Types of Chocolate


Any kind of wedding requires catering – especially in the Philippines – where the eating is one of the bigger parts of the event. Thus, it’s important to choose a catering service that offers all the right course meals that appeal to both the guests and the couple themselves.


Once that’s taken care of, consider the dessert carefully because that’s usually the course people look forward to, especially when chocolates are involved! Get to know its many types in this post and consider which one you want to have at your event:


Chocolate Liquor

The “liquor” in its name uses the older meaning of the word, which translates into “liquid” or “fluid”. It contains no alcohol, and is a main ingredient (along with cocoa butter) in creating the sweet consumable treat chocolate as we know it. It’s made by melting processed cocoa beans.



Alternatively known as cocoa powder or unsweetened cocoa, this is made by slamming chocolate liquor to expel its fat. When about 80-90% of the fat is removed, then it’s ready; it’s most often used in low fat cooking due to it being able to retain the chocolate flavor while remaining “guilt-free”.



This can refer to the cacao bean which itself comes in many forms – raw, roasted, crushed, or even grounded. This is the healthiest form of chocolate, as well as being the least processed.


Ground chocolate

Surely you are aware of the hot or cold chocolates available in café shops or in grocery stores. Try not to mix up ground chocolate and cocoa powder because they are completely unalike. Ground chocolate is usually only made for drinking purposes while cocoa powder is combined to other food or desserts due to its intense bitter taste. You wouldn’t want to be drinking an extremely bitter chocolate drink, right?


chocolate brownie treats perfect for weddings


Milk Chocolate

Milk chocolate mostly contains milk and cream with only about 10% chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, and sugar. It’s often commonly consumed as a snack but it can also be used as flavouring for all kinds of sweet treats.


White Chocolate

This type of chocolate may be related to milk chocolate because they both have the same color and sort of the same taste. However, the difference of the two is white chocolate contains 20% cocoa butter, 14% milk, and sugar in it. You may feel that white chocolate is has a more pronounced chocolate-y taste than milk chocolate due to the added cocoa butter.


Sweet Chocolate

Although the name is misleading, sweet chocolate usually tastes bittersweet due to the 15% chocolate liquor, differentiating sugar, and the cocoa butter in sweet chocolates.


Dark Chocolate

This is similar to sweet chocolate, but it contains 35% chocolate liquor, varied sugar amounts, and cocoa butter. Semisweet and bittersweet are also the other terms of dark chocolates. Eating this is actually healthy – as long as you don’t indulge!



People often refer or see chocolates as the candies, truffles, chocolate with nuts, chocolate flavors (powders or syrups), and chocolate creams. This is the standard chocolate we all recognize and love molded into other products that have chocolate as its dominant ingredient.


As a classic treat for all kinds of events, chocolate is one of the best things to serve to your guests. Just make sure that you get the right kind!

Appropriate Giveaways for Corporate Parties


What are appropriate giveaways for corporate parties?

  1. Stemless Champagne Flutes/Wine Glasses
  2. Bottle Stoppers
  3. Paperweights
  4. Flash Drives
  5. Stress Balls

Corporate events are ones that are to be wildly celebrated with a hint of professionalism of course. These are usually high-energy, memorable events that commemorate significant milestones in the professional area.

It’s full of everything you could want from a bash – delicious corporate catering, live performances, spectacular performances, etc. But no matter how simple, elegant, or outright lavish it may be, giveaway favors at the end are a must have. This is because these are signs of appreciation for any employee who attends.

If you’re looking for ideas to turn into corporate giveaways, then you may want to consider the following items to give away at your next corporate event:

Stemless Champagne Flutes/Wine Glasses

This is one of the more delicate giveaways on the list because it is more suited as gifts for parties during the holidays.

The sleek, modern design of these glasses is a twist on traditional stemmed glassware which has a narrow rim and a slender bowl. It was the stem design that allowed drinkers to preserve carbonation in sparkling beverages by allowing them to keep their warm hand away from the bowl of the glass. The stem less version of this glassware is considered to be more casually used than their stemmed counterparts as it supposedly negates the benefits of the original design.

Being the latest in elegant designs in kitchen and dining experiences, stemless champagne flutes and wine glasses feature a design that minimizes the risk of breakage without compromising its real purpose. When picking the particular brand and model of this glassware, choose one of high quality with a chip-resistant rim.

This idea for a giveaway is something that exudes luxury in the air. Though you can find them in different department stores for varying prices, one thing’s for sure: with this gift, you’ll know how to make your guests feel fancy as heck.



Bottle Stopper

Stoppers – sometimes called corks or bungs – are cylindrical or conical objects meant to close or seal a container. The stoppers used on bottle are especially handy when storing a recently opened bottle of wine because it can be very difficult to replace the original cork.

These bottle stoppers can vary in shape, size, materials, and even functionality. Newer models are designed to expand inside the bottleneck in order to ensure an air tight seal which helps to keep your wine as fresh as the day it’s brought it home. There are also some wine bottle stoppers that are vacuum sealed with a hand pump in order to remove the oxygen inside the bottle; extending the shelf life of the wine to several days.

This is the giveaway to have at your event if you want your guests to reward their hard work with wine for days.


By definition, a paperweight is a small object of solid mass that is placed over top of books and papers to keep them in place, especially in a work space. It doesn’t need to be too heavy; just enough weight in it to keep the papers from being disorganized.

Fine glass paperweights are considered collectibles and they come in any shape, size, or form. They are even considered to be fine works of art since these are usually sculpted by fine artists specializing in glass blowing and shaping.

These are great souvenirs for a corporate party since they are small, compact, and can be personalized in limited editions. You can even give different variations of them as gifts, to make sure everyone gets something unique and something to talk about when they come the next work day. Also, paperweights are one of the ideas that can be easily afforded by many; even the designer ones.


Flash Drive

A USB flash drive is a data storage device that includes flash memory with an integrated USB interface. With most jobs nowadays requiring 24/7 access to a computer and convenient means of file transfer, who wouldn’t want this particular corporate giveaway to make their everyday work life easier?

The emergence of this device have made floppy drives and CDs as a means of file transfer completely obsolete. This is because flash drives are smaller, faster, and more durable since they have no moving parts. Everything is digital. This is also what makes them capable of storing large amounts of data. Usually this is what dictate the monetary value of a USB flash drive. The more data it can store, then the higher its price will be.

A flash drive is perfect as a giveaway for a corporate party because of their extreme usefulness as an office gadget.

Stress Balls

Stress balls are objects filled with a malleable gel or clay that you hold in the palm of your hand. The act of squeezing the ball repeatedly releases the tension in the body and helps to relieve stress. It has a lot of benefits like boosting blood circulation and helping the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Stress balls are also useful for office workers because of these benefits. Aside from that, they are used as a tool for meditation and can help strengthen the muscles of the hand and wrist. Another cool thing about stress balls is they come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. They can be as cute as a pastel-colored balls or funky, brightly colored squeeze toys.

Key Takeaway

There you have it! Some ideas for your next corporate gathering.

With these ideas, you’ll be able to establish a strong sense of camaraderie with your colleagues. Just remember that work doesn’t have to always be on the serious note; it can make you feel like you aren’t working a day in your life at all.

The Do’s and Dont’s For A Beach Wedding


What are the do’s and don’ts of planning a beach wedding?


  1. Set the perfect theme
  2. Wear sunblock and insect repellent
  3. Check legal matters
  4. Ensure comfort and privacy for everyone


  1. Rent weak furniture
  2. Plan a Beach Wedding between 8AM to 2PM
  3. Wear a lengthy veil (for the bride)
  4. Plan during the rainy season

As we all know, planning a wedding requires meticulous efforts and an acute attention to detail. In short, it requires a keen eye and patience. One must be able to handle all the factors which include consulting an event planner or manager, hiring a wedding catering service, fitting suits and dresses, holding a reception area, and renting a venue to have your wedding location. That’s for a traditional wedding.

Of course, this become more complicated for those looking to shake it up a bit and break tradition. The most common way couples do this is by holding a beach wedding. This is many couples’ dream themes for their special day.

While planning such a celebration is a little more complicated, it is still very possible if you know what to do. If you’re looking for the ideal things to do and not to do, here are the things you must consider:

Pick the Perfect Beach Location

Thankfully, there are a lot of beautiful and breath-taking beaches right here in the Philippines so there’s no need to go very far. With 7,107 Islands of your choice, there’s no limit to where your dreams can take you. While the beaches in question may understandably be quite a distance from the city, the view and the unique location will definitely be worth the ride. Plus, it adds a lot of factor when it comes to taking photos. Definitely worth savoring the memories.

Traditionally, beach weddings are held in venues with available resorts or cottages. These places have amenities of normal, urban life still present but with the majesty of nature’s waters nearby. Imagine the scenery of having the beach right outside your window and just admiring the venue. With all the comforts in store for you, your special day is guaranteed to be a hit for years to come.

The Do’s:

  • Set the perfect theme – one that doesn’t require too much dressing up. A beach wedding should have a light and chill design to match the general “free” aura of the outdoors. Outfits should also be compromised: no heels, no long dresses or gowns, nothing too thick, and definitely no heels.However, while the dressing up part can be as minimal as you want, this doesn’t mean that you neglect your appearance altogether. Looking good and feeling good are just some of the things that make your day special. With that said, make an effort to look your best in an environment that encourages you to bathe in the water under the sun.
  • Wear sunblock and insect repellent. The outdoors are still the outdoors, after all. No matter where you go, there are bound to be pests that are up and about such as flies, mosquitoes, and the occasional cockroach every once in a while. Also, you can’t forget about the sun. While it can give you that great tan you’ve always wanted, it’s certainly unforgiving when exposed to it for too long.
  • Check legal matters like permits to make sure you’re allowed to have a wedding in the beach of your choice. On your special day, the last thing you’ll ever want to get in your whole life is a police record. What a flop to a momentous occasion of love.
  • Ensure comfort for everyone – depending on the place and time, beach weddings can get quite hot. To make sure this doesn’t get people out of the mood, have refreshments and cooling items such as fans readily available. This isn’t just limited to just the ceremony or the reception, but also for accommodations as well.As mentioned before, the beach can be quite a distance for many people, so there are bound to be guests that would want to spend the night instead of having to take that long drive back to the city. Since beaches have resorts nearby, why not take the opportunity to book rooms for your guests. They’ll be able to rest well, prepare well enough for the celebration, and enjoy your day even more.
  • Privacy – beach weddings are best when held during lulls in tourism peaks.

The Don’ts:

  • Delicate designs and weak furniture are definitely not allowed. Remember that these will be exposed to the outdoors, so make sure that they can withstand a bit of wear and tear.
  • Never plan a beach wedding on an extremely sunny day or from 8 AM to 2 PM because the sun shines bright on those durations. The photographer might struggle in taking photos of the wedding due to the sunlight, and your guests may sweat too much or also hurt their eyes. Also, another thing to avoid in general for this summer is none other than heat stroke.
  • For the lovely brides, try not to wear a lengthy veil because of the wind. The bride, at all costs, must remain picturesque and gorgeous; nobody wants to see a “messily veiled bride” right?
  • Don’t plan a wedding  during the rainy season.


Settle Everything

After knowing about all the pros and cons of a beach wedding, you’ll practically be prepared already in order to get that dream beach wedding you’ve been waiting for. Make sure you’ll have everything in check, and try to get a checklist to keep in track of what you need. In every occasion you have planned, whether it be small or big, it never hurts to keep tabs on what can happen.

Key Takeaway

Convinced to have a wedding in a beach? Just be ready to prepare all the requirements and necessities for a perfect wedding. If you’re in need of a wedding catering company, contact Juan Carlo today to give you an impeccable and extraordinary wedding experience.

Unconventional Wedding Cakes


What are examples of unconventional weddings cakes?

  1. Doughnuts
  2. Cupcakes
  3. Dessert Shots
  4. Cinnamon Rolls
  5. Pies
  6. Cake Pops

Besides the bride and groom, the wedding cake is undeniably the star of the wedding reception. Many guests look forward to seeing the couple slice through the delicious confection before serving it to them. Plus, who wouldn’t want to get a bite out of that delicious delicacy right before their eyes? Wedding catering in the Philippines certainly know how important the cake is and make sure that they provide their clients with beautiful designs that is sure to make guests smile.

Recently though, couples are looking beyond the traditional wedding cake look. Sure, the classic designs with multiple tiers of sweet goodness spells classical savory. But there’s something about the unconventional and unique ones that truly attract the eyes of many.

From finger foods to mini versions of the classics, here are 6 dessert alternative desserts that will surely satisfy your guests’ sweet cravings:


Whether it’s eaten with a hot cup of coffee, some ice cream, or on its own, a doughnut is truly the dessert that stands among the rest in its own right. With its various flavors and toppings that make every doughnut-eating experience unique, this dessert makes a mark in any setting.

It is also starting to be seen in weddings and gaining popularity as a wedding cake substitute. If you’re yearning for that sweet and glazed goodness of doughnuts to be the centerpiece of your reception, then feel free to go to your local bakeshop to try and find the freshest, yummiest treats. Once you find the best doughnuts in town, then have it arranged in tiers to mimic a multi-tiered cake.

As mentioned before, ice cream makes a great mix for doughnut. If you really want to mix things up a bit, then why not make a doughnut-ice cream sandwich? Also, you can try something new by adding in a doughnut bar, doughnut centerpieces or doughnut wall to the buffet table or cocktail hour.


Sure, cakes are the dessert that make the peak of any wedding celebration. But cupcakes as the main attraction? Now that’s something out of the box.

Cupcakes are a fun alternative to a wedding cake because of the various toppings available for anyone’s choice. You can take this to your advantage by providing all the flavors that you know your guests will love.

To make this “cake” a beautiful centerpiece for the reception, go for a cupcake tower and make sure to stack up a couple extra tiers for that ‘wow’ factor. Every guest will be attracted to get his or her individual serving of a beautifully decorated piece of pastry.

They are also easy to transport and prepare which makes for an easy set-up. When the celebration is over, these cupcakes can also be an easy giveaway.

Dessert Shots

Can’t decide what dessert to serve? Go for dessert shots! This option makes a great way to cater to the tastes of any age group; the more alcoholic ones can go to the adults.

These sweet creations are as beautiful as they are delicious. You have a variety to choose from: strawberry cheesecake, chocolate mousse, and key lime pie, among many others. You can create an array of dessert shots on a side table with 4 or 5 varieties.  Also when compared to a slice of cake, these shots are easier to eat which is practical for walking and socializing around.

Another thing about this dessert that adds to its greatness is that they can be presented in any way you want. Whether it be a tower or a standard row-and-column setup, you’ll surely be able to reign in some hungry eyes and sweet teeth.



Cinnamon Rolls

These delicious rolls are best when freshly baked and served hot with extra cream. Although such rolls are usually seen and enjoyed in a bakery or from your local coffee shop, it can also be the perfect attraction in a brunch-themed wedding.

This is because the beautiful designs of cinnamon rolls make it a great choice as a centerpiece. While you can present them as edible decorations around the venue, you can also put them into tiers for a really unique cake. Another unique idea with these desserts is arranging them into makeshift bouquets. These can be given away as thank you presents given to your guests for attending and bearing witness to your romantic union.

After a whole night of being around these desserts and being able to take them home, they’ll remember your epic celebration every time they have a cinnamon roll.


A pie is one of the perfect wedding cake substitutes because it is one of the most seasonal foods around. Also, its rustic appearance will give a homey, avant-garde atmosphere in your wedding reception.

You can go with mini pies, opt for a pie dessert bar, or stack multiple pies to mimic a tiered cake. Go for a variety of flavors like apple, blueberry, and chocolate cream for a classic twist.

Also, you can even give mini-pies to give to your guests as goodies for attending the wedding. That way, after all that’s been celebrated, they’ll be able to enjoy a taste of love for themselves.

Cake Pops

If you love cake but want a wedding dessert that is more on the playful and miniature side, then consider cake pops. These decadent desserts are dipped in a candy shell for an extra dose of sweetness and topped with different toppings of your choice.

Like with other desserts, you can go for a tiered cake pop. To get that artistic touch for the day, you can color coordinate these pops according to your wedding’s color scheme or create a mild gradation effect.

Also, once everything is done and there are lot of cake pops leftover, simply pop them in the fridge and before you know it, they’ll be good to go.

Key Takeaway

These delicious options will definitely stand out from the wedding cake crowd. If you’re aiming for a unique wedding experience, then these are the foods for you. Remember, there is nothing wrong in adding a touch of uniqueness in the food, especially with dessert.

It’s So Corny: All About the Corn

Corn Juan Carlo

What do I need to know about corn?

  1. Corn is part of the grass family of food and it is one of the most readily available foods in the world today.
  2. It originated from the Aztec and Mayan Indians in Mexico and Central America, who domesticated it from wild grain.
  3. It eventually came to be known as “Maize” to the natives and was the main source of food in Central and South America.
  4. Christopher Columbus and his men discovered corn from these natives and brought it back with them to Europe.
  5. Corn became the answer to the growing problem of hunger in Europe.
  6. Eventually, varieties of it were made, namely: field corn, sweet corn, popcorn, and ornamental corn
  7. The growth process of corn:
    1. When the seed is planted, it must be buried at least 1-2 inches in the soil.
    2. It will germinate for 5-12 days, depending on the temperature of the soil and variety.
    3. If the soil temperature is below 55°F is will not germinate. The best temperature for this is 68° to 86° F.
    4. When the seed sprouts, taproot will emerge and this will start to create its first leaves.
    5. As the corn grows, it will develop a thick and fibrous stalk with numerous flat and pointed leaves.
    6. The roots of every plant can burrow as far as 3-5 feet into the ground and grow further by 1 foot or more from each side of the stalk. Some roots can even grow above ground. These a called “prop roots” and naturally support the tall stalks.
  8. Corn is healthy for you:
    1. It gives you an energy boost.
    2. It is loaded with vitamins and minerals.
    3. It is rich in antioxidants, zinc, magnesium, iron and fiber.

Food has always been an important part of humanity and its culture and it will continue to be important until the end of time; or if someone invents an alternative to food but that idea is a little too sci-fi right now. This is evidenced by Juan Carlo’s wedding catering services, where we’ve seen many couples in love share food and drink with the people that they love. Simply put, food is important to people both emotionally and physically.

However, food is an expensive resource and the sad reality of it is that not everybody can afford to eat 3 meals a day. This is true today and this was a debilitating fact even before the advancement of humanity as a species. During the middle ages, people were still experimenting with the preparation and consumption of food, a research which started even before the dawn of humanity. Enter – the corn.

The Origin of Corn

Corn is part of the grass family of food and it is one of the most readily available foods in the world today. It is nutritious, delicious, affordable, and easy to grow. But the corn that we know is actually an aberration as a vegetable as it was artificially grown and developed. It is very different to the corn back then.

The origins of corn can be traced back to thousands of years ago when Aztec and Mayan Indians in Mexico and Central America domesticated it from wild grain. These first generations of corn were loose-podded and looked like seed heads that could be found on the top of wheat stalks. The kernels that these had were small and covered by hulls. This was developed from Teosinte, a wild grass native to the Mexican area. It eventually came to be known as “Maize” to the natives and was the main source of food in Central and South America. In fact, the natives even devised the earliest version of a crop calendar to be able to manage the planting a harvesting schedules of corn.

It continued to be cultivated and grow in popularity that it even reached North America. It was here that Christopher Columbus stumbled upon America, its Indian natives, and corn. At the time, Maize was the chief food crop of the Indians and was a popular commodity traded between the Native Americans and the Mexicans

It was in this trade route that Columbus and his men discovered corn. They quickly learned how to grow them and were quick to want to adopt it for their use. In fact, the first battles that Columbus’ men and the Indians fought were for the control of cornfields. During this time, it was a common war tactic to cut off the food supply of your enemies. They proved successful in these battles which allowed them to bring some corn seeds with them back to their Motherland, Europe.

During this time, the corn was what is known today as field corn which will be discussed below. Some of this would be eaten straight from harvesting. Most of it were used in other ways such as:

  • Cooked into pudding, cakes, and breads.
  • Dried up for storage and to be eaten for winter.
  • Grounded into cornmeal or corn flour.
  • Fed to livestock.

Progression of Corn

At the time, Corn became a hit with both the nobles and the commoners because of how easy it was to produce, how cheap it was to trade, and how delicious they were. In short, corn was their answer to the growing problem of hunger in Europe. In time, corn and potatoes eventually became the staple food in the known world and for a time, people were happy.

Eventually, varieties of corn were made. These varieties were then divided into four groups, namely: field corn, sweet corn, popcorn, and ornamental corn. All of these groups differ in starch and sugar content, which dictate the kernel texture, shape and flavor

For field corn, these came in two varieties: dent or flint. Flint is hard-shelled and can thrive in cold climates, which is why it is usually found in New England and Canada. Dent, on the other hand, is a bit softer and has a dent shape on the top of the kernel when it matures. Both can be made into homemade meals by drying and grounding them. Usually, these are eaten as roasting ears which are favorites of gardeners and farmers.

Popcorn is another hard shelled variety that has starch which expands when it is heated.

The soft shelled variety is called sweet corn and this usually has a sweet taste and a moist consistency.

How They Grow

No matter what the variety, all corn are grown the same way. When the seed is planted, it must be buried at least 1-2 inches in the soil. It will germinate for 5-12 days, depending on the temperature of the soil and variety. If the soil temperature is below 55°F is will not germinate. The best temperature for this is 68° to 86° F.

When the seed sprouts, taproot will emerge and this will start to create its first leaves. These leaves will resemble blades.

As the corn grows, it will develop a thick and fibrous stalk with numerous flat and pointed leaves. This stalk can grow to be as tall as 15 feet; it depends on the climate and variety. The roots of every plant can burrow as far as 3-5 feet into the ground and grow further by 1 foot or more from each side of the stalk. Some roots can even grow above ground. These a called “prop roots” and naturally support the tall stalks.

The True Value of Corn

Corn is delicious as a food but eventually, people started really studying it. It was during that very course of study that they discovered that corn is actually a healthy type of food. Not only does it give people the energy boost that they need, it is also loaded with vitamins and minerals. Some benefits of corn include being rich in antioxidants, abundance in minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and iron; and it was also a rich source of fiber for people. All of these made the already-popular corn even more in-demand and that appreciation of corn has persisted to this day.

Corn is simply a food rich in taste, nutrition and history. Are you interested in creating your own special moment? Give Juan Carlo’s food a try!