Tag Archives: Children’s Party Catering Manila

Coffee: Revitalizer or Bone destructor?

Photo by Nolan Issac

Photo by Nolan Issac

What are the pros and cons of drinking coffee regularly?

  1. Pro: It decreases the risk of type-2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease.
  2. Pro: It increases productivity and antioxidant levels.
  3. Con: It’s highly addictive with sever withdrawal symptoms.
  4. Con: The usual condiments in coffee lead to weight gain.
  5. Con: It increases cholesterol levels and risk of dehydration and osteoporosis.

What keeps majority of employees buzzing like busy bees? The answer is fairly obvious – coffee. It is the most basic pick-me-up for people in the workforce and even students. Whether it be at the pantry or at an event with corporate catering, coffee is the one beverage that people are sure to look for.

How Popular is Coffee?

Coffee, as we all know by now, is a caffeinated beverage that is, essentially, an energy booster. People enjoy drinking because it gives them the energy they need to get motivated at the start of a day. At the same time, it’s soothing and relaxing, which makes it a great drink for afternoon bonding with a friend. People enjoy chilled, piping hot, or what have you. Truly, it has become a staple in everyday life.

According to ScienceDirect.com, at least 85% of the population of the United States of America consume one glass of caffeine a day. (Mitchell, Knight, Hockenberry, Teplansky, & Hartman, 2013). Based on this, a huge number of people drink coffee United States alone. Bet you didn’t know that! It makes you wonder what the statistic is worldwide.

Based on the above statistics, a lot of people drink coffee in the United States alone. The question now is this: how good, or bad, is coffee for you?

The Good

Reduced Risk of Diabetes

According to the journal of the American Medical Association, people who consume more than 3 servings of coffee daily decreases their risk of type-2 diabetes by a significantly (van Dam & Hu, 2005). In fact, this risk is shown to reduce by 7% with every cup of coffee added daily.  Research also shows that people’s preferences with coffee, whether caffeinated or not, did not affect the chances of decreasing their risk of type-2 diabetes.

Reduced Parkinson’s Risk

Another benefit of drinking two to three cups of coffee daily is added protection from Parkinson’s disease. Such daily consumption of coffee can decrease the risk of the said disease by as much as 25%.

An Effective Antioxidant

Another positive aspect of coffee is that it is scientifically proven to be an effective antioxidant, kind of like tea. Coffee beans contain a significant amount of phytochemicals which are proven be effective antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances or elements similar to vitamin E or vitamin C that eliminates potentially damaging oxidizing agents in a biological organism.

Reduced Alzheimer’s Risk

Although it has yet to be identified, there is a mystery ingredient in coffee that is currently being studied. The current research shows that this ingredient X, when combined with coffee, can increase G-CFS levels. For those that don’t know, G-CFS means Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor. When this has high levels in the human body, it gains an increased ability to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. This relation between ingredient X and G-FCS has, so far, been tested with positive results on laboratory mice. In humans, so far, G-FCS level can be seen rising when one consumes four to five cups of coffee daily.

Increased Productivity

Research has also shown that people who drink coffee in the morning manage to retain more information as well as learn new concepts faster throughout the day, as opposed to those who do not. In other words, coffee allows its drinkers to improve their cognitive functions in terms of working memory and continuous attention.

Photo by Cathryn Lavery

Photo by Cathryn Lavery

The Bad

Increased Cholesterol Levels

Unfiltered coffee, such as espressos and lattes, have been shown to increase cholesterol levels. Luckily, filtered coffee doesn’t do this. This is because when you use a filter for brewing your coffee, you only you remove two substances the increase cholesterol: kahweol and cafestol. Thus, doing so is healthier for you.

However, some evidence points toward decaffeinated coffee as another cause for rising cholesterol levels. More research needs to be conducted when

Weight Gain

Coffee itself isn’t associated with weight gain, but the usual condiments added to it are. These usual suspects are sugar, milk, and cream, which make any coffee drink delicious. If you are looking to lose weight, but still have coffee in your diet, then you should either significantly lessen these condiments or not use them at all (e.g. black coffee). This is strongly recommended for those who have weight loss diets that their life depends on.


Caffeine is highly addictive, especially when consumed every day. When one has coffee daily and stops this routine all of a sudden, he can experience severe withdrawals. These can be any of the following:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Irritability
  3. Headaches
  4. Jitters
  5. Insomnia
  6. Mood swings

Decaffeinated coffee drinkers aren’t safe from this as well. Even if their coffee of choice only has small amounts of caffeine, they can still get addicted to it.

A big factor as to why it is so addictive is because it triggers the brains to release large amounts of dopamine. This is an organic chemical that makes people feel pleasure and it causes the “buzz” that coffee drinkers always crave for.

Increased Osteoporosis Risk

Coffee, however, has also been proven to increase the risk of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture. This is due to the fact that it causes the human body to excrete calcium along with waste while urinating. The loss of calcium in the body can lead to the bones deteriorating to the point of developing osteoporosis.


In addition, coffee has also been proven to dehydrate people who regularly drink it, leading to wrinkles and other dermatological imperfections. Therefore, coffee drinkers are advised to drink a glass of water per cup of coffee that they consume at any given time to compensate.

Key Takeaway

All in all, those who regularly drink coffee may keep doing so if you take into account the cons. Like all good things, coffee must be taken in moderation and coupled with plain water, and to consume non-dairy food that are high in calcium. This is the best way to ensure that you can reap the benefits without putting yourself at too much risk for the disadvantages.

Fruits and Vegetables in The Work Place

fruits vegetables corporate catering

Ideally, the office should be a place full of productivity. It is a place where ideas are bounced off one employee to another and plans are made. However, maintaining this level of functionality has been proven to be a difficult task. Catering in Manila offices can often be challenging because one must know how to incorporate food that helps with productivity, as well as balance both the quality of taste and nutritional value. One of the best alternatives to having a healthier and livelier workplace is by encouraging the consumption of fruits and vegetables in the workplace.

Fruits and Vegetables are low in calories

Fruits and vegetables are naturally low in calories. While regular diet and exercise is recommended, a way to promote healthy eating is by consuming fruits and vegetables instead of candy bars. Fruits and vegetables are recommended by nutritionists and dieticians because while they are filling, they are also light in calories. It is recommended to fill half of one’s plate with fruits and vegetables every meal.

Fiber is good for the body

Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, also known as “roughage”, which is recommended by nutritionists and doctors. It is split into two types: soluble and insoluble. Both types are good for lowering cholesterol levels. The main difference between the types of fibers is that soluble fiber dissolves in water, while insoluble fiber does not dissolve as it passes through the digestive tract.

Fiber is good for the body, especially regular caffeine consumers, because it helps control acidity levels in the body as well as promotes healthy bowel movements. This doesn’t necessarily mean that your employees will use the restroom more often, but that the quality and regularity of their bowel movement will vastly improve as time goes by.

Fruits and vegetables are filled with vitamins and minerals

Fruits and vegetables are filled with all sorts of vitamins and good minerals. Daily consumption of greens and fruits not only promotes a low calorie high fiber diet, it also promotes the consumption of a lot of essentials vitamins and minerals which help keep the body healthy, glowing and alert. One of the many issues plaguing the average work day is the loss of productivity due to tiredness or feelings of weakness. This can easily be resolved by a change in routine and a healthier diet which can be received from fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and Vegetables make for a great snack

It sure is tempting to eat a candy bar or two at work but a healthier alternative are vegetables and fruits. Oranges, papayas, bananas, peaches, and cherries are among those that provide a more natural energy boost.

And above all…

Fruits and vegetables are nutritious and delicious. The road to a more productive work place starts with healthier and happier employees. Are you ready to start promoting a healthier work place, or at least for your corporate events? Give Juan Carlo’s quality catering a try, we aim to not only please with our food, we also ensure their freshness and their nutrition.

Throwback: The Royal Wedding Catering

Royal Wedding Catering

What food was served during the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Princess Kate?

  1. For the first course, seafood is served as the fish entree
  2. For the second course, lamb is served as the meat entrée
  3. For dessert, a trio of Berkshire honey ice cream, sherry trifle and chocolate parfait is served.

2011 was the year when Prince William and Princess Kate tied the knot in one of the most momentous events in recent history: The Royal Wedding. It’s one thing when two people get married, but it’s another thing when one of those two people is in line for the country’s esteemed throne! Nothing spells ‘fairytale wedding’ more than this momentous occasion.

The menu at the Royal Wedding certainly took its cue from the best catering in Manila and it was evident in how extensively it was prepared. Everything was perfect: the catering set-up, the drinks-of-choice, and most especially, the quantity of how much food that was served. Needless to say, their guests were surely entertained in one of the grandest occasions known throughout history.

Questions that were surely raised at the time of planning the event include what dishes were to be served, as well as their appropriateness for royalty and their esteemed guests. So what kind of food was served during the Royal Wedding?

First Course: Salmon, Crab, and Lobster

Starting with a zesty twist, the first meal that was served was a Marinated South Uist Salmon with Lyme Bay crab and Wild Hebridean Langoustines with fresh herb salad on the side. It was a delicious seafood course that oozed with a zest that complimented the salmon, crab, and lobster medley. Paired with the course was a delicious bottle of 2009 Meursault, Domaine Guyot-Havilier wine.

What’s great about this particular course is that they stuck with everything that has to do with seafood. Not only that, they also served in the most elegant way possible. So if there you’re out there looking to serve seafood in a grand fashion to your guests, you may want to look at this course for some ‘royal’ inspiration.

Second Course: Lamb, Potatoes, and Vegetables

The second course was a vibrant array of colors and taste. This came in the form of a Saddle of North Highland Mey Select organic lamb, Highgrove spring vegetables, English asparagus, Jersey Royal potatoes and sauce Windsor. The dish is an intricate mixture of the flavors of the earth mixed with the juiciness of the lamb that is buffed by the soft and supple texture of the deliciously grown Jersey Royal potatoes. Aptly paired with this dish is a 2004 L’Hospitalet de Gazin, Pomerol Wine.

Lamb is seen by many as one of those meats that are fit to be served in the elite. Its flavor is known for its succulence and being a perfect pair with the best wine available. For a truly spectacular occasion, this is the meat for you.

Of course, there are also other meats of your choosing. You can never go wrong with the classical ‘steak’ as your entrée. It’s entirely up to you how you want it to be served; whether medium-rare, medium-well, or well-done. Just be sure to know which bottle of wine is the perfect complement to the meat.


The night was finished off with a bang because of the third and final course. This featured a trio of Berkshire honey ice cream, sherry trifle, and chocolate parfait. Along with the elegant dessert was a bottle of Larent Perrier Rose Champagne.

Their choice of dessert was spot on as it exuded simplicity with just the right amount of luxury. Then again, if your spouse is in line for the throne, then why wouldn’t you go all out with your dessert choice?

So, if you’re looking for a great option for your own wedding dessert or just something to do on your own when you’re feeling a bit fancy, then this course should help give you the right amount of inspiration to think of a creative and crafty option.

An Ingenious Mix

The choices for the three-course meal were considered to be ingenious because they were worlds apart from one another in terms of taste and texture yet united to create the perfect menu. Though the courses may be different, they were chosen because of the different themes they represented.

The first course was highlighted by the flavors of the sea while the second course was accentuated by the flavors of the Earth; the differences paralleled the initial difference in social standing between the now husband and wife. This is what made the Royal Wedding a modern romantic fairy tale.

The Royal Wedding’s dinner was modest in scale and it was attended by 300 of the closest friends and families of Prince William and Princess Kate. This was preceded by the actual wedding ceremony in Westminster Abbey, which was attended by 1,900 people. Also, Queen Elizabeth hosted 600 people for an after-wedding breakfast of canapés and champagne at the Buckingham Palace. Finally, the ceremonies were concluded with Prince Charles’ dinner for 300 people.


Auction of the Menu

Four years after the Royal Wedding, the menu for the dinner affair was auctioned online and it was eventually sold for over $1000. The dinner menu for The Royal Wedding was printed on thick ivory cardstock and is adorned with an ornate green ivy border. A couple of years after The Royal Wedding, the Royal Couple is still happily married with two healthy kids, perhaps their happily ever after did come after all.

Key Takeaway

Truly, this occasion can be considered as every bride-to-be’s dream come true. So, with that said, why not make it happen? With the right choices and careful planning, your wedding can be a dream coming true.

There are numerous factors in a wedding to take into consideration. No matter what you choose, always remember the love you and your spouse-to-be share.

For a royal experience of your own, why not give Juan Carlo’s catering services a try?

Woks vs. Pans

When should I use a pan and a wok?

  1. Frying pans are better in general for cooking most dishes and in a home kitchen setting where you wouldn’t want excessive amounts of heat.
  2. Woks are used for traditional Chinese dishes and must only be used by trained professionals.

Throughout the world exists varying methods of cooking and preparing food; that which is considered the norm here may not necessarily be common in another country. In the same way, wedding catering in Manila may be entirely different from wedding food traditions in other parts of the world.

Dividing the world is an invisible line called culture and, through culture, one can catch a glimpse of how another country lives. A good example of this is how some countries specialize in cooking with a wok while other countries would prefer cooking with a pan.



frying pan juan carlo

Cooking with a frying pan has become the norm in most Filipino households. Whether you are cooking pancakes for breakfast or even steaks for dinner, the frying pan is the “be-all and end-all” with regards to Filipino cooking.


Frying Pans are portable

Frying pans are designed to be portable. They are small, easily accessible, and using them is a cinch. You can bring your frying pan anywhere, especially if they are non-stick pans. They are also convenient to use because of their lack of weight, which makes them even more convenient to bring around.

Frying Pans are easy to clean

While frying pans are portable, they are also easy to clean, which is why they are good to bring around even when on a trip. While non-stick pans cannot be scrubbed because of their special surface, they can be easily washed.

You can cook anything on a Frying Pan

While frying pans are small, it is possible however to cook big meals with them. From searing steaks to stir-frying vegetables, a lot of dishes are made easier to cook because of the many advantages brought on by the frying pan.

You can create great Stir-Fry Dishes

While cooking some stir-fry dishes in a frying pan will not yield the same results as you would get when using a wok, it can still help you cook delicious and authentic dishes. Dishes such as a black pepper steak or a fish fragrant eggplant are perfect examples.

You won’t need a lot of oil

When using a pan to cook dishes, you only need to use a third or a half of the oil usually needed when cooking with a wok. This is especially useful because not all stir fry dishes need to be cooked in oil of high temperature. You will be surprised on how much more oil is needed when cooking a familiar dish in a wok.

Frying Pans are Best for Beginners

As mentioned above, pans don’t need to be heated to high levels to be able to cook. Also, pans are relatively slow cookers as compared to woks. Thus, a beginner can take their time in a safe environment when learning how to cook using a pan.

Frying Pans work well with most home setups

The bottom of a pan is flat, which means it will work for most home set ups where the burner isn’t too deep. It can even be used on an electric stove, which is a popular choice for those who want to lessen fire hazards in their home. A wok will not be able to hold steady in such a device and it won’t heat up as well since only the bottom of the bowl will be in contact with it.



wok juan carlo

Woks are bulky bowl-shaped frying pans and are usually associated with Chinese cuisine. This is appropriate because the popularity of their usage is largely attributed to Chinese culinary arts. A lot of Chinese food is stir-fried and their distinct taste can only be achieved with the mighty wok.

Unique Taste

Because of the phenomena that can only be achieved with a wok called “wok hei” which literally means “wok air”, the food fried with a wok will have a distinct smoky taste that is usually tasted in food prepared by professional chefs in Chinese restaurants.  Wok hei is generated by gradually heating the wok and then adding oil and the food to be cooked after.  Apparently, the quality of wok hei is determined by the quality of the oil and the quantity placed in the wok as it heats up.

An example meal that can only be cooked to perfection by using wok hei is the famous black pepper rib-eye beef with merlot, which is known to have a smoky taste.


Because the heat is concentrated towards the bottom of the pan and the food naturally falls toward the bottom, a wok allows one to cook at high speeds. This becomes extremely useful for professional chefs specializing in Chinese cuisine, especially when the food is tossed and since cooking oil also concentrates at the bottom.

When the food is tossed, the oil gets distributed evenly and all the parts of the dish can get in contact with the bottom of the pan. A wok was really made for this purpose and the upper parts of the pan – the walls – were made so that the food won’t fall off easily when it is tossed.


As stated above, traditional Chinese cooking is reliant on frying food with the wok and majority of the Chinese food that can be consumed are prepared and cooked with a wok. However, woks aren’t exclusive for Chinese meals because any food that can be fried or if it requires a smoky taste may be prepared with a wok.

Deep Fry

Because it is essentially a deep pan, you can also use it as a deep fryer. You can do the same with a sauce pan but it will take much more oil. Using a wok is a cheaper way to get some delicious deep-fried meals at a fraction of the price.

Professional-use only

Precisely, because woks have an actual method of use, professional training or supervision is required for using this cooking tool correctly. While this may not be an advantage per se, this simply means that most of the people who use woks are either professionals or well-trained.

Key Takeaway

While there are pros and cons for both the wok and the frying pan, it is universally agreed upon that food prepared with love tastes the best. For a catering experience filled with love, why not give Juan Carlo a shot? For more information, kindly go to www.juancarlo.innovnational.com to book your next unforgettable memory, today.


Traditional Wedding Food Served in 12 Countries

McDonald Photography

McDonald Photography

What are traditional wedding food served in countries?

  1. France: A cake used for special occasion called Croquembouche
  2. England: The wedding cakes are usually fruitcakes to represent fertility and prosperirty.
  3. Brazil: Cookies called ‘bem casados”, which means “happily married”, are served
  4. Norway: The Kransekake is a cake that shows the love between husband and wife.
  5. Morocca: Tagine are common cakes used in these weddings.
  6. China: To ensure a smooth and sweet marriage, couple eat tangyuan
  7. Italy: Bowties, fried dough covered in powdered sugar, represent good tiding for the couple.
  8. Korea: Kak and Yak Shik are eaten to represent long life for the couple and a big family.
  9. Germany: Hochzeitssuppe is served to wedding guests and they must sya “I do!”
  10. Japan: The San-san-kudo is a Japanese tradition that involves drinking sake to seal a marriage.
  11. India: The bride and groom must feed each other honey and yogurt during their celebrations.
  12. Bermuda: Saplings are placed on top of wedding cakes for couples to take home and plant in their home to represent their union.

Weddings are considered a joyous occasion because it is the proclamation of eternal love between two people. Weddings around the world have always differed with regards to culture and tradition; what is served at a wedding catering in Manila is not exactly going to be the same as those served in other parts of the world.


The French are renowned for their talents in the culinary arts. With regards to traditional wedding food, the French combine tradition, art and great taste in one tower sized cake-like French dessert called a “croquembouche”, which means “that which crunches in the mouth”.

This dessert is essentially a tower of cream puffs held together by threads of caramel. Aside from weddings, croquembouche is also served at baptisms and first communions.


The English customs call for serving fruitcake at weddings. The top of the cake is adorned with fruit and nuts to symbolize fertility and prosperity. The top tier would be kept and reserved for the christening of the wedded couple’s firstborn.


In Brazil, they serve traditional Brazilian cookies called “bem casados”, which means “happily married”. Two mini-sponge cakes are held together with dulce de leche or caramel sauce, egg curd, or jam. The cookies are offered as edible wedding giveaways to the guests at the end of the ceremony.

Wrapped bem casados

Wrapped Bem Casados


While there is a lot of food that the Norwegians may enjoy, nothing beats the “Kransekake” with regards to tradition. Kransekake, or simply “Ring Cake” is made up of egg whites, sugar and almonds and is formed by stacking them together to form a tower resembling a cone. Not only is Kransekake sweet in taste, it is also sweet in the sense that it represents eternal love between Husband and Wife.


Moroccan Weddings are often likened to festivals because they would often last for several days. The more extreme celebrations would even persist to be a weeklong event.

Traditional Moroccan wedding food is seen and served with a “homely” atmosphere, which in this case, the dish “Tagine” takes the cake. Tagine is a casserole that is made up of vegetables and meat, and fruit is sometimes mixed into the dish. Tagine is unique in a sense that it doesn’t have a fixed recipe to follow, as many families have their own traditions and versions when it comes to this unique dish.


In China, many important events serve tangyuan, or sweet rice ball soup for dessert. The bride and groom must each eat sweet rice ball soup either on their wedding day or the night before as this act will ensure a sweet and smooth marriage. However, the couple should refrain from chewing the rice ball so as not to ruin the smooth shape. They must instead swallow the rice balls whole to receive good luck in their marriage.


In Italy, it is not a matter of which food to get to uphold tradition, but of how much food you can get. In traditional Italian wedding receptions, there is usually as many as 14 courses, which contain mushrooms, olives, salami, pickled peppers, calamari, prosciutto, and other antipasti. This is served along with pasta, salad, and soup.

Certain sweets are also given as symbolism. Bowties, which is fried dough covered in powdered sugar, represent good tidings. Also, guests are given boxes of candied almonds, which represent the bitter and sweet aspects of life.


On the cake of the couple to be wed in Bermuda, cedar sapling must be put on top of it. This is because they are meant to take these samplings home, where they plant it in their garden and watch them grow. This acts as a symbol of their union.


There are 2 specific Korean wedding foods that both hold a symbolic meaning in their culture. These are the following:

  • Kuk
    • These are long noodles.
    • Represents long life for the couple.
  • Yak Shik
    • A stick rice ball dessert
    • Brown sugar is used to sweeten it.
    • Pine nuts, raisins, and chestnuts are added to represent the children that the couple will bear.

The alternative of Korean weddings to rice throwing is chestnut and dates throwing. When this happens, the bride will try to catch as many of it in her dress. The number of chestnuts and dates that she manages catch represent how big a family she and her partner will have.


There is a dish in Germany called Hochzeitssuppe. This literally translates to “wedding soup” and it is named so because eating it comes with a simple tradition. When a guest is served this at a wedding he or she must say “I do”.

It is a broth-y kind of soup that is served with vegetables and small meatballs. Though it is a simple dish, the preparation of it can take up to 5 hours. This is why it is only reserved for special occasions.


In a Japanese wedding, there is a tradition called the San-san-kudo. This is what seals a marriage and locks the couple in an unbreakable bond. During this tradition, the bride and the groom will take turns drinking sake from three different cups that vary in size. The first three sips are called the san, which represents three couples: the bride and the groom, the parents of the bride, and the parents of the groom. Ku simply means “9”, which is considered a lucky number in Japan.


A Hindu wedding can last up to a week and such a celebration means that the eating will be a marathon of sorts. During this, food such as naan, curries, and roasted potatoes are staples. After the wedding proper, the meals start to have more non-vegetarian items and even alcohol. While there is no wedding cake, tradition states that the bride and groom must feed each other sweet food such as honey and yogurt.

In Sikh and Punjabi weddings, sweets also played a big role; at engagement parties, brides would usually receive something called methiyai. During the wedding itself, the bride’s mother would feed couple ladoo.

Key Takeaway

There are a lot of traditions in the world that shows your partner that you love them but if you would like to enjoy a unique catering experience that is tailored just for you, give Juan Carlo a try.

Food And All That Jazz: Famous Foods of the ‘60s

What foods were popular in the 60s?

  1. Instant Noodles
  2. Fondue
  3. Hamburger
  4. Tuna Casserole
  5. Shrimp Cocktail
  6. Meat Loaf
  7. Lipton Onion Soup Dip
  8. Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Pizza Mix.
  9. Campbell Soup
  10. Jell-O Pudding Pops
  11. Pop Tarts

Food is a passion that transcends culture and time. The 60s were filled with phenomenal years of people becoming more aware in various aspects of life. People’s tastes and cultures were influenced by music and the lifestyle of love and peace. At the time, political strife was present everywhere and the post-war modern world was still struggling to find its own identity after a grueling era filled with fighting and dispute. Such is the influence of the revolution of the food that it even affected events in the South East. From working lunches to simple wedding catering service, everything changed with the emergence of the golden age of food.

These turbulent times were aptly put into words by Bob Dylan when he sang “The times, they are a changing.” As a wave of change hit the world like a tsunami, so did the food that people enjoyed. Most of the popular food of this era is marked by their foreignness to the people who only started to enjoy them. They were all imported from other countries by immigrants and these new foods slowly changed the landscape that was a part of the American field of influence.

Thus, here are 11 examples of food that were popular during the 60’s:

Instant Noodles

Originally introduced in the late 50s, it wasn’t until the 60s that instant noodles hit the market by storm. It was more expensive back then so it was considered a luxury food. It revolutionized the way people prepare, enabling them to store and serve noodles for years to come. People called it “Space Ram” because, according to inventor Momofuku Ando, “People have to eat no matter where they go, even outer space.”


Originally popular in European countries, the “dip” based food was brought over to the United States by European immigrants. Fondue is enjoyed by melting various cheeses in a pot; while the heat is maintained by a slow burner, food is then dipped. Meats are the more traditional food that are dipped in fondue. Chocolates, marshmallows, vegetables and fruits may be used as substitutes.

catering sixties


While the Hamburger was originally invented in the 1800’s, it wasn’t until the 60’s that the Hamburger started to take the modern shape and taste that we are familiar with today. One could say that the 60’s were the industrial revolution for the Hamburger.

Meat Loaf

People were initially skeptical of the meat loaf because they (wrongly) believed that it was made by using materials of questionable origin. In reality, the meatloaf is essentially a mixture of ground beef and eggs so, in a way, it was kind of like the hamburger only served in more volume.

Tuna Casserole

Effortless to make while being delicious and affordable, the Tuna Casserole took the world by storm when it was popularized in the 60’s. Various recipes and versions of this classic meal exist, but the appeal of the original Tuna Casserole stands strong even today.

catering meat loaf

Shrimp Cocktail

The shrimp served in those custom-made, fancy martini glasses people could see on various 60s TV Shows? Yup, those were real and they were extremely popular because of how easy it was to make. The shrimp cocktail was also regarded as one of the earliest hors d’oeuvres in the West.

Jell-O Pudding Pops

This delightful low-calorie snack grew such a fandom in the 60s that there are petitions that exist to bring it back since its disappearance somewhere during the 80s and 90s. While many other websites have recipes that show people how they can make their own, the original will always be better. If you do want to see Kraft Foods bring this 60s trend back on modern shelves, then you can help out by signing this petition that already has 11,457 signatures.

Lipton Onion Soup Dip

Onion dip was wildly popular in the 60s and the best one was the onion soup mix that Lipton created. This was considered a real treat in many households, especially when served with ridged Lay’s or Ruffles potato chips.

Although this is no longer available, people can create their own version that is healthier than the original. The recipe can be found here.

Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Pizza Mix

Even people from Oregon, which has some of the best pizza in the USA, would walk a mile just to get a box of Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee. This was a pizza mix in a box that allowed people to create their own delicious pizza at home. One that was successfully made would end up having a thin crust and a rich spicy sauce. Families usually enjoyed this while watching their favorite TV shows. Although one box can only give each family member 2 slices, those slices were holy relics to the people of the 60s and would satisfy any craving stomach.

These were some of the foods that made an impact in the western world back in the 60s. As you can see, many of them are still popular today. Safe to say, they made some good memories for the folks who got to enjoy them in their prime.

Campbell Soup

These were so popular in the 60s probably due to the catchy jingle that would invade the screens at home and cause people to crave for Campbell Soup. This came in alphabetical, vegetable, chicken noodle, and tomato variations; all of which were delicious. The chicken noodle version, however, was known for causing kids to be sick… which made kids love it even more because they get a free pass to skip school. The alphabet soup, of course, was a great way dish to eat and play with at the same time. Most kids ended up eating cold soup because they were too busy trying to spell their names. Another big trend was to combine the tomato soup version with Wonder Bread for a quick delicious snack.

Pop Tarts

The glorious Pop Tarts come in all sorts of flavors: strawberry, blueberry, and blackberry. This assortment of flavors was common to find on the shelves of households and were common snacks to give kids to pack for school or for breakfast.

Key Takeaway

These were some of the foods that made an impact in the western world back in the 60s. As you can see, many of them are still popular today. Safe to say, they made some good memories for the folks who got to enjoy them in their prime.


11 Steak Cuts for Fine Dining


What are the different steak cuts?

  1. Ribeye
  2. Sirloin
  3. Tenderloin
  4. T-Bone
  5. Filet Mignon
  6. Porterhouse
  7. Tri-Trip
  8. New York Strip
  9. Flank
  10. Hangar
  11. Flat Iron

Steak has been a staple main course for the longest time. From a beautiful wedding catering experience to an everyday office working brunch, steaks are good for any occasion (except of course for a vegetarian’s birthday). It stands on top of the food pyramid and considered timeless and has been tested throughout all of known history.

However, even if a paragon amongst food can stand the test of time, can it do so perpetually? That’s a debatable question for sure. One thing is for sure though: people just generally love good food, and a perfectly good steak is exactly that.

The beautiful cut of meat that people know and love was once a necessity for hard laborers looking to start the day with a hearty meal. The steak they knew back then is worlds apart from the steak we know today. Firstly, their cuts were the cheap unwanted cuts that the nobles and the wealthy disliked. The method of preparation for steak however, isn’t all that different from the way we prepare steak now. People would usually just salt their cuts and then proceed to grill or roast them – but without minding the degree of doneness of their meats. It was a necessity back then and their knowledge in the field of cuisine at the time was severely lacking.

Over time, the methods of cooking and preparing steak evolved into something akin to that of art. The method of actually choosing a cut was found and the many different cuts that we know today were born.


It is a cut from the midsection or the ribs. Described as tender and flavorful, this cut is perfect for roasting or grilling.


Cut from the back or rear portion of the animal, there are types of sirloin cuts aptly called top sirloin and bottom sirloin. The top sirloin cut is considered a premium cut whilst the bottom sirloin, while not terrible, is considered an ordinary cut.


Cut from the loin of beef, tenderloin is known for being soft and tasty. This cut is perfect for grilling or baking.


This is a cut of beef from the short loin, this cut sports a noticeable “T” shaped bone on both sides of the meat. This cut is considered a tad heavier than the other cuts and it is perfect for searing and grilling.

Filet Mignon

This cut is taken from the tenderest part of the cow. Although the lack of bone also makes it lack in flavor compared to other cuts, it is still popular cut because it can be wrapped in bacon and served with different sauces and spices. It must be broiled or grilled quickly in order to retain all of its flavor.

The French call this cut as filet de boeuf which means beef fillet.


This particular cut is commonly known as the “king of steaks” because it is actually two steaks in one. The two steaks are a combination of the two previously discussed cuts: a New York strip and a large filet mignon. This thick cut has a bigger tenderloin portion than loin. It is best enjoyed when it is grilled, but is also good when sautéed, broiled, or fried.


The Tri-Tip is extremely popular in the Central Coast and Valley regions of California and it is commonly known as a Santa Maria steak. It is also beginning to become popular in other places because of its full flavor at affordable prices while still being low in fat. This flavor is attained because of the excellent marbling which means that this cut will stay tender as long as it isn’t over cooked. It is best enjoyed when it is marinated and then grilled.

New York Strip

Any good steakhouse will have this staple. The New York Strip has an excellent amount of marbling with a full flavor. To experience the best natural tender texture from this cut, one must ask the steakhouse to serve it rare or blue and grilled.

It is known under different names; depending on where it is being served. In the USA, it is known as either New York strip, strip loin, shell steak, or Kansas City strip steak while it is called the club steak internationally.


Although this is less tender than most cuts, it still boasts a great flavor due to the prevalence of connective tissue. This is what makes it one of the most popular cuts despite it being a bit chewy. Just like the Tri-Tip, it is best cooked when marinated then grilled. One can also choose to broil it. Once it is cooked, it is usually cut across the grain and into thin slices so that it is easier to eat.


Although it may lack in tenderness, it makes up for it in its flavor. This cut is best enjoyed when the meat is marinated and quickly cooked at high temperatures via broiling or grilling to be rare or medium-rare.

Flat Iron

This is the top blade steak that comes from the tender top blade roast. These have quite the amount of marbling which makes it one of the finest cuts available. It is best served when it has been broiled or grilled.

This is also known as the butler’s state in the United Kingdom while in Australia and New Zealand, it is called the Oyster Blade Steak.

Key Takeaway


Different cuts of steak means different ways to enjoy them. Traditionally, steak is served with some vegetables like potatoes that could either be mashed or cubed, carrots, peas and asparagus. Another essential ingredient for non-grilled steak is butter melted and poured on the meat akin to that of a glaze while people prefer serving steak with sauces like gravy or fruit-based sauces. There are a lot of ways to enjoy meat and people have their own likes and preferences but one thing is for sure – steaks are definitely not going out of style.

15 Great Summer Sweet Treats

What sweet treats to have for the summer season?

  1. Blueberry Tart
  2. Mint Chip Ice Cream Pie
  3. S’mores in a Jar
  4. Frozen Yogurt (Pops)
  5. Mango-Strawberry Crumble
  6. Strawberry Ice Cream Sandwiches
  7. Summer Fruit Pie
  8. Milk Chocolate Banana Pudding
  9. Tri-Berry Trifle
  10. Blackberry Lime Cream Puffs
  11. Banana Ice Cream Sandwiches
  12. Peanut Butter Pie Pops
  13. Fruit Cheesecake Pie
  14. Oreo Cheesecake
  15. Summer Shakes (S’mores)

Summer is just around the corner and that means plenty are planning their getaways or cookouts that are going to serve as their best vacation! Even catering in Manila ramp up during these times because more parties happen in the summer. You’re bound to see some of the tantalizing sweet treats on their menus. The best part is that these are also easily made at home. So whether you find yourself whether you’re looking for some tantalizing sweets at a party or want to make your own, this list is for you.

  1. Blueberry Tart

Tarts will definitely be the craze come summertime because of their yummy, sweet and addicting taste. With just a dash of cool blueberries, this pastry will definitely put a glamorous twist on your summertime snacking. This is especially because the traditional recipe includes a refreshing lemon-infused cream cheese filling, which is sure to get your mouth watering!

  1. Mint Chip Ice Cream Pie

Ice cream cakes are really delicious, especially during the hot days, but they cannot beat a good slice of mint chip ice cream pie. The best part about this dessert is that it’s easy to make. All you would need is some mint ice cream. Just stuff it in bread – or a similar pastry – and it’s good to go!

  1. S’mores in a Jar

Smores in a jar

When you think about summer activities, camping is sure to be one of them and no campfire cookout is complete without s’mores! This classic campfire treat is great in  itself, but it can be a lot classier. You can do this by putting them in a jar and storing it in the fridge for a while before consuming. Not only will it help the flavor, but it’ll also turn it into a cool treat perfect for any time; even when you’re not in front of a fire!

  1. Frozen Yogurt (Pops)

Who doesn’t love a good fro-yo? It’s the trendiest summer treat. You should definitely have this if you’re planning a summer party. Pick you and your guests’ favorite flavor of yogurt, then request your caterer to turn it into a Popsicle; that will be sure to keep the heat away! You and your guests will definitely enjoy indulging themselves in this fabulous treat.

  1. Mango-Strawberry Crumble

Our country is blessed to have plenty of mangoes and strawberries because sweet flavors are best balanced by tangy ones. But you can’t really call these fruits  summery unless you place these in desserts. If you’re wondering what desserts you can turn them into, then the best versions are vibrant strawberry and mango crumble. The fruits’ perfect pairing and contrasting colors make for a dish that tastes as cheerfully indulgent as it appears.

  1. Strawberry Ice Cream Sandwiches

Strawberry Ice Cream Sandwich

A good cup of ice cream is the most reliable dessert one can turn to anytime it gets too hot. But this common food can be upgraded by whipping up a strawberry ice cream sandwich. When you make these, just be sure to have enough time to freeze it for up to three days. It’ll be a total hit for your younger friends and family.

  1. Summer Fruit Pie

Fruit Pie

The essence of summertime is perfectly captured in this fruity crust pie. No matter what your favorite fruits are, you find a couple or more of them as the main star of this dessert. If you want to do this on your own, then don’t forget to blend the ingredients together so you get that perfect fruity and summery feeling.

  1. Milk Chocolate Banana Pudding

Pudding is a classic sweet treat, but like many of the other items in this list, it can still be taken up a notch. If layers of banana, wafers, milk, and a chocolate pastry cream is added, then the result will be a richer and more indulgent pudding dish. This can be made perfect when topped with curled chocolate shavings for an elegant finish.

  1. Tri-Berry Trifle

Berry Trifle

Summer isn’t complete without a trifle; a dessert made up of fruits, a thin layer of sponge fingers (or cake), and layers of jelly, custard and cream. But it must be kept in mind that a trifle isn’t complete without whipped cream on top of it for added satisfaction.

  1. Blackberry Lime Cream Puffs

Up for some puffs? This blackberry lime cream puff recipe is just the right finger food you’ll need for a summer at the beach. To do this, just split the profiteroles into halves first. Then, fill it with some citrusy lime cream and ripe blackberries. The end result should be mouthwatering out-of-this-world blackberry lime cream puffs.

  1. Banana Ice Cream Sandwiches

Make everyone’s day great with these banana ice cream sandwiches – one of the most loved baked goods for the summer! You can make this yourself by grilling buttermilk-based banana bread and filling it with an ice cream flavor that should suit the taste of the crowd. To top it all, you and your family will definitely love the rich, natural sweet-tasting bananas that the roasted banana bread will bring you.

  1. Peanut Butter Pie Pops

Pops are best enjoyed during the summer, but they’re pretty common. So why not make your own usual flavor? Try this frozen peanut butter pie in popsicles that both kids and adults will definitely enjoy. Plus, you don’t need to worry about the time consumed making the recipe. This is because it’s the kind of recipe you make easily and leave overnight. You can sleep on it and enjoy the sweet treat the next day.

  1. Fruit Cheesecake Pie

Fruit Cheesecake

Thinking of ways to make use of your fresh fruits in the refrigerator? Well, here’s one you could try that’s perfect for the weather. This fruit cheesecake pie only requires some fresh fruits, tea biscuit crust, and some cream cheese filling! Just because it’s called a pie doesn’t mean that you need to bake it. All you need is a refrigerator to do the work for you.

  1. Oreo Cheesecake

Oreo Cheesecake

First off, everybody loves Oreo. Second, everyone loves cheesecake. Combine these two and you’re ready for the summer! When making this, it only takes a bit of effort to crush them the Oreo into bits. From there, it’s easy to incorporate the flavorful cookies and cream into a cheesecake that could become your ultimate dessert favorite to add it to your summer favorite.

  1. Summer Shakes (S’mores)

Summer shouldn’t pass without having one of the various versions of the classic shakes – from the basics to the ultimate shake experiment of the era: the S’mores Shake. It shall bring you nostalgic memories while at a campfire on a summer night; definitely a getaway done right.

Key Takeaway

It might be getting hot outside, but with the cool, sweet treats that are aforementioned you can definitely enjoy it more than ever.

9 Ideas For Delicious Home Meals

What are good dishes that can be made and served at home?

  1. Macaroni and Cheese
  2. Pot Roast
  3. Steamed Vegetables
  4. Roast Chicken
  5. Baked Salmon
  6. Beef Stew
  7. Carbonara
  8. Baked Eggplant Parmesan
  9. Shrimp, Leek, and Spinach Pasta

Food is always a delectable topic to talk about and it’s not surprising to experience for yourself a myriad of flavors and tastes that leave you breathless and wanting for more – but that appeal will only last anyone for so long. People love food, sure, but people are also prone to getting tired of their favorite things from time to time. Whether it is a simple lunch, a hearty dinner or the most sumptuous catering in Manila, spicing things up every now and then is sure to reignite the spark that made you love food anew.


Compiled in this list are a few good examples of delicious food to help you give your meals a jump in flavor:

Macaroni and Cheese

Ah, the classic Mac n’ Cheese. Relive the taste of your childhood by serving up a hot and cheesy plate of Macaroni and Cheese to your family and guests. Oozing cheesy goodness, the classic Mac n’ Cheese is sure to fill stomachs and put smiles in everybody’s faces.

The best part of this meal is that it can be enjoyed in many ways because of the abundance of recipes; some of which pair it up with other foods. It goes great with chicken ranch and pizza in particular.

Ingredients can even be added or used in higher or lower amounts. Have you even tried mac n’ cheese with jalapeno, bacon, or cavatappi. You should! It will change your perspective on the well-known dish. There is even a dish that uses an Italian three-cheese recipe. That seems out of this world and people will only keep on experimenting.

At home, you can try what you and your family would love the best. Eventually you’ll come across your own family recipe that you can pass on for ages!

Pot Roast

The elegant pot roast cooked to perfection. Imagine slicing up that pristine first piece of meat from the hot and tender pot roast. Delicious.

For those that haven’t the pleasure of having pot roast, it’s a braised beef dish. Usually, this is cooked by using a technique called browning. This squeezes out any excess fat. In doing so, the beef gets a brown color; thus, the name. Also, there is a distinct taste and tender texture that results from this (this phenomenon is called the Maillard reaction).

Both filling and hearty, the pot roast has been a staple in most American gastronomy. So why not have a taste of American culture at home? Try serving it with carrots, potatoes and onions to enjoy what is called a “Yankee pot roast” in North America.

Steamed Vegetables

Delicious and healthy, steamed vegetables are the perfect companion for food. Fish, Chicken, Beef, Pork and even Pasta is perfectly complimented by this buttery meal.

Roast Chicken

Chicken is a great meal for any occasion and roasted chicken is definitely one of the safest ways to prepare your chicken. Healthy and addicting, the juicy chicken meal is sure to delight your family.

Baked Salmon

If you want something healthy and filled with good for your heart vitamins, Salmon is the way to go. Baked Salmon is good for any holiday and it goes great with wine!

If ever you find yourself craving for more than just baked salmon, then try it along with a creamy cucumber-fennel salad. It’s a quick and easy meal that you can do. If you’re in a particular rush, then you can prepare the side salad ahead of time; around 12 hours in advanced. Create it with some cucumbers and fennel which will give it a satisfying crunch. For aesthetic purposes, you can reserve some fennels for some garnishing to please the eye. Store this in the fridge so that you can grab it any time you whip up some baked salmon. The marriage of these two scrumptious is a home meal that you will always crave for.

Beef Stew

Stewed to perfection (no puns intended), the traditional beef stew is the epitome of dinner time meals. Easy to prepare and even easier to consume, surprise your family and friends by bringing out this titan of a meal.


Creamy, cheesy and meaty, the pasta carbonara is the Italian’s homey taste of family. This meal is extremely versatile as you can prepare it with any number of cheeses, with beef, fish, chicken or pork and you can’t ever go wrong with a hot plate of carbonara on your dinner table.

Baked Eggplant Parmesan

Where have you ever read the phrase cheesy and healthy? Why here, of course. The baked eggplant parmesan is the healthy alternative to the other pasta meals on this list. Eggplant is rich dietary fiber and is rich in various vitamins and minerals. Delicious, healthy and cheesy, the Baked Eggplant Parmesan is truly a gift from the heavens.

Shrimp, Leek, and Spinach Pasta

This dish is the answer if you are in search for a meal that’s light, hearty, and full of vegetables and protein. While it may seem like the adult health buff’s dream dinner, it’s also great for kids because it tastes like macaroni and cheese. They will eat what seems like a guilty food trip to them. They won’t know or mind that there two vegetables mixed in it when it tastes so good.

The leeks and shrimp are sautéed on butter while the pasta cooked. With a warm past, the spinach will naturally wilt to it. Topping it off with a light cream sauce with a bit of lemon added will be what you need to satisfy that palate. The best part is all of this will be prepared in just 20 minutes.


Key Takeaway

There are a lot of other meals that you can prepare to compliment the food on this list, some cheeses, fruits and salads but what makes a meal great is sharing it with friends and family. Give your special someone a smile and make them a delicious meal that they will never forget.