Tag Archives: Catering in Manila

Bridal Shower Checklist: 7 Things to Remember

What should be in my checklist when planning a bridal shower?

  1. Find the most convenient date.
  2. Pick out the closest friends and family to attend.
  3. Pick a theme to bride-to-be will appreciate.
  4. Choose a venue that will fit the guestlist and theme.
  5. Make the invitations and make sure everyone gives their RSVP.
  6. Pick out the food based on the time and theme of the shower.
  7. Decorate the venue before the event.

Imagine this situation: your best friend just asked you to be one of her bridesmaids in her upcoming wedding. But not only that; she also requested that you plan her bridal shower. Of course, you say yes, because you love her. The thing is, you don’t know the first thing about planning a bridal shower! Oh no! Your mind starts going crazy and you begin hastily canvassing the best hotels, hosts, and catering in Manila. There are also gifts to find, guests to talk to, and food to taste – it’s all so confusing and overwhelming!

Nonetheless, there’s no need for you to panic and, if this ever happens to you, always remain calm. Just take it step by step by creating a checklist and you’ll see how simple it actually is. No matter what your best friend’s preferences are, you need the following items on this checklist to organize any bridal shower:

The Most Convenient Date

First, you have to set a date. Conducting it two to four weeks before the big day is a safe bet. Ideally, this is the time when the bride would’ve finished majority – if not all – of the wedding planning already. She will be ready to relax and de-stress with you and the girls. This will also give the bride’s closest (socially) but farthest (geographically) friends a chance to attend the shower; especially since they’ll be travelling to the bride’s city or nearby for the wedding proper. 

A Guest List of the Closest

Traditionally, bridal showers are reserved for female guests only. The usual firsts on this list are the family members and relatives of the bride and groom. However, bridal showers nowadays don’t follow these customs too closely anymore. More and more male guests are invited to these parties and the guest lists even favor more friends over family.

With this in mind, you should never assume the guest list. Your best friend may want it more or less traditional than usual. It all really depends on her and who she wants to unwind with at her bridal shower. So when making the guest list, the best approach is to coordinate with the bride regarding who to invite. Make sure that everyone who is important to her will be attending and you will ensure that your best girl will have the time of her life; even if the shower is just a simple dinner.


The Best Theme

After setting the date and guests, you need to plan the theme because this will dictate the remaining items on this list, such as the decorations, program, venue, invitation design, and food.

It doesn’t have to be so complicated; it just has to make the shower meaningful and memorable. As a best friend, you would know best what the bride-to-be would love. But if you’re not entirely sure, then brainstorm with the other bridesmaids in order to come up with a theme that the bride would appreciate. You and the girls can get inspiration from bride’s favorites when it comes to cuisine, destinations, movies, etc. 

Consider the mood as well! Ask yourself if your best girl would like a formal, casual, or semi-formal party. You can base the theme off of this! Of course, you wouldn’t want a masquerade theme if she wants a more casual celebration.

A Fitting Venue

Now that you have a guest list and theme, you have to decide where to hold the shower.

As mentioned above, it has to be fitting to the theme. Some locations would fit more with a theme than others. For example, holding a formal shower on the beach would be uncomfortable for everyone. This is why the location is important. In fact, the perfect venue can elevate the theme and the entire shower to the most memorable party your best friend will ever experience. After all, you’re looking for the perfect send off for the bride-to-be.

Of course, you also have to make sure that the location can accommodate the number of guests invited. So, when you find the perfect venue online, you must schedule an ocular to see for yourself. Keep parking, tables, chairs, and accessibility in mind.

Invitations and RSVPs

It’s time to let the guests know that they’re invited to the bridal shower! Include essential information in your invitation, such as location, theme, attire, and the RSVP deadline. After all, you don’t want to go through the trouble of getting the perfect location to the theme if people don’t show up with the right clothes at the right time.

Chances are, some will not reply immediately. Be patient when this happens; people get busy and forget. But just make sure to follow up by calling these guests. It’s important to note that, somehow, RSVP etiquette has been lost throughout the years. But you just need to give people a kind reminder at times. So when you do call for a follow up, politely mention to them that you need to know because you’ll need to make the proper accommodations.

As for the invitation design, again, you must take inspiration from the theme. It must give the guests a sense of cohesiveness and anticipation for the event. Look at Pinterest and similar websites or articles for great ideas that can possibly save some money as well.


Food and Time of the Event

It’s mentioned again and again, but the theme will dictate this as well. You would want the food and drinks to be fitting to set the mood and make the event cohesive.

But food is also dictated by the time. Of course, a bridal shower set during lunch time will require full meals. When it comes to an afternoon shower, light snacks would suffice. Whatever time you decide to have the event, you just make sure that you don’t overspend. If you’re getting catering, then the RSVP is even more important because you will need to know how much food to ask the service to prepare. For a more informal celebration, talk to your friends and see if you can provide the food yourselves.

Decorations and Ingress

Finally, decorate the location just to add icing on top of the cake. If you conducted an ocular of the venue, then you should know exactly what decorations are needed; but make a second visit if you need to. Then, arrive at the venue early on the day of the celebration to set up the necessary décor. If the locations should allow, then you can ingress these the night before so you and the bride can rest well on the day itself. No matter when you choose to do it, check if the theme is reflected. Make sure that all the elements – such as lighting, centerpieces, tables, and chairs – are as you want them to be.

Key Takeaway

Now that it’s broken down, planning a bridal shower isn’t that complicated anymore. Just make sure that the bride, or someone close to the bride, is part of your planning so that you can organize the shower that she deserves.

7 Healthy Substitutes for Sinful Snacks

What are healthy substitutes for sinful snacks?

  1. Kale Chips
  2. Sweet Potato Fries
  3. Mashed Cauliflower
  4. Mushroom Chicharon
  5. Chocolate Trail Mix
  6. Greek Yogurt and Berries
  7. Dark Chocolate

Everyone snacks, may it be in the morning, afternoon, at home, or at work. Even catering in Manila offers different snacks that guests at certain events can munch on while a speaker talk or as the birthday celebrant opens their gifts. Unfortunately, snacking is not a healthy habit, especially if the food that you choose to chew on have high amounts of sugar, calories, and fatty acids. If you’re not sure which you should avoid, here is a list of snack items and their substitutes that won’t weigh on your conscience too much:

Kale Chips

Plenty of people love to snack on potato chips; but do you know that most of these products contain different kinds of fat and sodium? Moreover, it has low nutritional value even if you’ll get a whole lot of satisfaction at every crunch.

If you want to snack on something equally tasty, but healthier, then you should try making some kale chips. This substitute does not contain excess fat and sodium, but keeps all that crunchy goodness. To start making this, first take some fresh kale and cut the leaves from the thick stems. Lay them out on a pan that is lined with parchment paper and start drizzling olive oil on the leaves. Sprinkle some salt and pepper before placing the pan in an oven that is preheated at 170 degrees C. Take them out 10-15 minutes later or when the edges of the leaves are brown but not burnt.

Now you have a serving of chips that have a good amount of carbohydrates and dietary fiber without all those calories. Plus, you’ll get a large amount of potassium, iron, and Vitamin A from every serving too.


Sweet Potato Fries

Sweet potato fries are a substitute for one of the most popular side dishes on history – French Fries. Do you want to prepare this healthier alternative? Basically, you’ll just replace the potato with a sweet potato and, instead of deep frying this delicious vegetable, you need to use an oven. Preheat the oven at 230 degrees Celsius; then, take your sweet potato and slice them about ¼ in. Place them in a bowl and drizzle some olive oil as well as seasoning such as salt, pepper, and paprika. Toss the ingredients around until the sweet potatoes are coated evenly. Lay out the fries evenly in a pan lined with parchment and bake for 20 minutes.

For an even finish, make sure to turn the fries occasionally. This alternative provides you with more dietary fiber, potassium, and Vitamin A. Also, the fact that an oven was used lets you control the amount of fat per serving.

Mashed Cauliflower

Mashed potato is sometimes perceived as a staple side dish; but did you know that by substituting potatoes for cauliflower, you can make a side dish that is lower in carbs and fat? Mashed cauliflower is not just a healthier alternative, it can also go with any kind of meat.

To make this, first steam the cauliflower heads until they are tender; then, take a skillet and cook minced garlic with olive oil. Finally, take a food processor, or a blender, and blend the cauliflower with the garlic, ¼ cup of Parmesan cheese, 1 tbsp of cream cheese, salt, and pepper. Be careful when adding the ingredients and make sure that the cauliflower is added one head at a time and not all at once.


Mushroom Chicharon

Chicharon is an old Filipino favorite. This is traditionally made with pork, but to make it healthier, you can try switching the staple of this dish to Oyster Mushrooms. It is very easy to get Oyster Mushrooms as you can find them in your local market, either fresh or canned; however, it would be better to grab a fresh pack of mushrooms and wash them instead.

Cover the mushrooms with flour, salt, and pepper evenly. Heat up olive oil in a wok and start drying the mushrooms until they are golden brown. Pat down all the excess oil and serve them with vinegar. Now you can enjoy all that crunch and flavor without all the fat and extra calories.

Chocolate Trail Mix

Candy is always one of the most popular snacks among children and adults alike; however, it is not a snack that you could not count on to give you some health benefits. For a healthier and sweet choice of snack, you can go for a bag of chocolate trail mix. Trail mixes are a combination of nuts and dried fruits that are not only delicious, but are also healthy as well. With chocolate in the mix, you get some added sweetness that kids will enjoy. Along with great taste, your body also receives high-quality carbs.

Greek Yogurt and Berries

Yogurt is another popular dessert and snack that has a variety of flavors and can also be mixed with different ingredients. Not many people know about its healthier alternative, which is Greek Yogurt. Like regular yogurt, Greek Yogurt also gives you delicious flavor, while being thicker, having more protein, which gives your body that energy boost. Adding berries to the yogurt will give it some sweetness and extra nutrition that would benefit you in the long run.

Dark Chocolate

People know that chocolate is a well-beloved sweet snack that can also be added to various desserts and pastries. Despite how delicious a bar of chocolate may be, it is a snack that should be taken in moderation, as it is not a healthy snack.

The healthy alternative to chocolate is dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is a purer version of chocolate, which means it won’t have the sweetness of your normal chocolate. Despite that, dark chocolate contains flavonols, which is good for your heart, and also keeps your skin hydrated and your brain sharp. It’s best to look for cocoa products that contain 70% cacao and less added sugar to give you a healthy experience.

Key Takeaway

Snacking doesn’t have to be sinful or bad and now you can make delicious snacks in the comfort of your own home. Say goodbye to all the guilt that you feel every time you munch on something now that you have these alternatives; you can go back on the couch and watch your favorite TV series with your new favorite snacks!

Watch What You Drink: 4 Low-Calorie Cocktails

Long week working in the city and all you want is a night out to unwind or enjoy a party at home especially since catering in Manila is extremely convenient these days. You deserve a treat, a nice dinner either with someone special or a few of your closest friends, paired with the cuisine you have been craving all week long. This is then followed with a few drinks in your favorite bar or back at your place for a more comfortable vibe. However, you wouldn’t want to indulge too much and feel guilty the next day about all those calories you drank. So put down that beer, vodka, or whiskey. Instead, make these cocktails that will ease your mind and let you drink freely:

Peach Mint Mojito

Let’s start with something refreshing, full of flavor, and as simple as can be. It starts with ¼ cubed peach, 10 mint leaves, half a lime that is sliced in wedges, all mixed in 1oz of Bacardi Rum. Top it off with some ice and 6oz Clementine Izze. With that much flavor can you believe that this mojito is just under 150 calories?

(Source: http://www.glowkitchen.com/2012/09/peach-mojito/)

(Source: http://www.glowkitchen.com/2012/09/peach-mojito/)

Strawberry Sparkler

This is a drink that can substitute your usual vodka cranberry just to keep things fresh. To make this, slice two large strawberries and put them in a glass along with about 3-4 Basil leaves. Add some ice and 2 ¼ oz. of Vodka to the mixture. Finish it off with some soda water and you have a drink that isn’t even 100 calories!

Skinny Margarita

For margarita lovers out there, here’s a classic without all the guilt that comes with it. Begin making some skinny margarita with a shot of tequila, 1 ½ oz of lime juice, ½ oz of fresh orange juice, ½ oz of water, and 2 teaspoons of agave nectar or honey. Take a cocktail shaker and combine all these ingredients with a good 15 second shake. Strain the mixture over a glass of ice and serve this drink that is just under 120 calories.

(Source: http://fedandfit.com/2012/02/21/the-fed-and-fit-skinny-margarita/)

(Source: http://fedandfit.com/2012/02/21/the-fed-and-fit-skinny-margarita/)

Slim Screwdriver   

If it’s hot outside and you need a nice cool drink, then try making a slim screwdriver cocktail! Take a glass of ice and add a shot of vodka of your choice. Then, fill quarter of the glass with orange juice and the rest with diet soda of your choice. Finish it off with a slice of orange on the glass. This is how you beat a hot day in less than 90 calories.

These are the many options of cocktails that you can have, covering the most common types such as tequila, rum, and vodka. None of these cocktails even come close to 200 calories so you can relax and drink them without worrying about how they might affect your body and weight. Now enjoy what could be the start of your weekend in town or a simple party at home and free your mind of the worries of indulging in your favorite cocktail, of course, in moderation.

3 Cute Halloween-Themed Sweets

What are 3 cute Halloween-themed Sweets you can serve at a party?

  1. Jack Skellington Oreo Pops
  2. Sweet Teeth
  3. Graveyard Cake


Halloween is heavily anticipated by many people. Friends and family alike gather every year in order to celebrate this occasion. They even have fun dressing up using colorful costumes. What’s really great about Halloween, however, is that it is both for children and adults, which means that you can have parties for all ages!

Are you getting excited? Good, because Halloween is just around the corner!

If you’re planning to host a dynamic party, but can’t decide where to hold it or where to get so much food in so little time, don’t worry! In Manila, catering services are abundant, and plenty of them offer excellent services for an affordable price. Even if you really want to prepare something for your guests, you should consider hiring a caterer. This will help make the planning process easier, since it allows you to focus your attention on other essentials like decorations, invitations, and of course, preparing for that costume that will blow everyone’s mind off. On the other hand, if you prefer to do everything on your own, then you are free to do so. You can even add a personal touch to the food you will be serving to your guests.

If you need help getting some ideas, here is a list of easy-to-make Halloween-themed sweets that you can distribute during your get-together: 

Jack Skellington Oreo Pops

To do this, you’ll need plenty of Oreos, white chocolates, lollipop sticks, and some ribbon. In a bowl, put some of the white chocolates and microwave them for about a minute. This may or may not totally melt the chocolate, so what you need to do is grab a spoon, and mix it until the texture is smooth and creamy. Afterwards, let the bowl’s warmth melt it. Once you’re done with the previous process, pour the melted chocolate into a glass and set it aside for a little while. Then, go ahead and take some lollipop sticks, dab some of your white chocolate on the tip, and stick it into the cream filling of the Oreo. Pop them in the freezer for a minute to help keep the cookies on the stick.

After the cookies have been secured on the stick, dip the Oreos into your white chocolate mixture and set them on a tray that is lined with non-stick baking paper or any alternative. Do this with the rest of the cookies, and then put them back in the freezer for about five minutes to let the chocolate harden. With a black edible marker, draw the face of Jack Skellington from Tim Burton’s “The Nightmare before Christmas,” or – if you’re an experienced baker – melt some more of that white chocolate, color it with black food coloring and use it to create something more creative. If you decide to stick to decorating Jack’s face, you may also tie a black ribbon on the stick to make it seem like it is wearing a bow tie. 

Overall, this is a fun activity that is not only for adults. You can also ask the kids to participate in decorating the Oreo pops. For sure, they would love every bit of it. It might even excite them to go Trick or Treating!

Halloween Treats

(SOURCE: http://www.bigbearswife.com/jack-skellington-oreo-pops-sundaysupper/)

Sweet Teeth

This dessert is a little healthier than your usual dose of dessert; a lot simpler too! All you will need are apple slices, some peanut butter (you may choose your preferred brand), and a package of small marshmallows.

To start the healthy goodie preparation, carefully slice your apples into a quarter of an inch-thick wedge. Afterwards, group the apple wedges into two. Put some creamy peanut butter on one of the apples, then place some marshmallows on top of the fruits. Next, put the other apple slice on top of the first slice you prepared to make it look like a mouth with the marshmallows as teeth. If you want, you can also use colorful marshmallows to make them freakier, or cuter, depends on how you look at it, actually. Now, if only you could get these teeth to chatter. Or maybe not, but your guests probably will! Perfect for the season’s event.

healthy treats

(SOURCE” http://www.eonline.com/news/472612/healthy-halloween-treats-to-satisfy-your-sweet-tooth-without-wrecking-your-diet)

Graveyard Cake

Okay, so the first thing you’ll need is a cake. You can either bake one, if you’re up for it, or buy some readily available cake/s in your local grocer/bakery. Chocolate would work wonderfully since you want it to look like a graveyard, and chocolate has a color that reminds us all of the soil.

If you plan to take it the long method, be sure to have all your cake’s ingredients at the ready. There are a lot of cake recipes that you can follow online. But if you are a seasoned baker, then, creating this dessert should be no problem at all. Once you have your cake, get some butter cookies next (again, you can either bake them yourself or get them somewhere else).Then, use some chocolate frosting to draw on the butter cookies. It is best to write “RIP” to achieve the whole “graveyard” look.

After you are done with that, crush some Oreos in a food processor; if you want, you can also add some cream on it. However, if you set aside another cake, you can just use that instead. Crumble the other cake into a bowl. Stick the butter cookies into the frosted cake to mark some graves, and then decorate it with the crumbled chocolate cake. If you want more decorations or you are feeling a bit more creative and artsy, you can also place chocolate covered cookie sticks on the side of the cake to create a scary fence or gate.

Key Takeaway

Halloween-themed treats don’t have to be too difficult or expensive. You only need to have a bit of an imagination, an ounce of effort, and some tasty ingredients in your cupboards. For sure, with a bit of practice and a lot of patience (creating these treats could take a lot of time), you will end up making the most delicious and scariest desserts this Halloween – impressing both your friends and family!

Get to Know the Different Alcoholic Drinks

What are the different alcoholic drinks for one to enjoy?

  1. Vodka
  2. Rum
  3. Whiskey
  4. Brandy
  5. Gin
  6. Tequila
  7. Beer
  8. Sake
  9. Basi
  10. Wine
  11. Soju
  12. Liqueur
  13. Gin
  14. Cider

There are plenty of lovely locations in the Metro which are perfect for memorable gatherings such as weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays. Fortunately, catering in Manila is abundant in this area as well. This ensures that you can easily organize parties in Metro Manila to celebrate different milestones in your life.

Aside from the location and food, you should also carefully consider the type of beverage you plan to serve for your party, especially the alcoholic kind. After all, what is a celebration without drinks, right? Drinking alcohol is not all bad as long as you do it moderately. As a matter of fact, it alleviates stress and tension, enabling people to enjoy the moment and indulge in numerous things. However, before you even think of the latter, it’s best to get to know your alcoholic drinks well enough first! You’d be amazed on how much variety you can get.


When it comes to a party, don’t be surprised to see this drink on the menu. Vodka is known as a distilled spirit and is created through distilling fermented grain such as corn or wheat. This beverage usually has an alcohol content of about 40% and it is often mixed with other alcoholic drinks to create cocktails. However, some people also prefer to drink vodka straight.


When you ferment sugar cane juice or molasses, you create rum. It is strongly popular in numerous regions in Latin America and in the Caribbean region. Rum is best paired with Coca-Cola to enhance its flavor. You can also combine it with other ingredients to create a mojito. 



This alcoholic drink is another distilled beverage which is created by fermenting grain mash along with other ingredients such as barley, rye, corn, or wheat. Whiskeys are stored in charred barrels for a long time to boost its flavor.


Brandy is sometimes interrelated with whiskey. What’s the difference? This one is created by distilling grapes or other fruit juices. The alcohol content may range between 35% and 60%.


Gin is made by distilling Juniper Berries. There are a hundred types of this alcoholic beverage in the world. Gin and tonic is one of the best combinations out there; this is also usually one of the ingredients used to create cocktails.


Mexico brought numerous food and drinks to different parts of the world. One of their contributions is tequila. It is made out of Blue Agave plant; this drink derived its name from a city in Mexico. When drinking tequila shots, most people use salt plus lemon or lime as the chaser.



Known as one of the oldest fermented alcoholic beverage, beer has numerous sub-types. These sub-types are ale, fruit beer, lager, sahti, and wheat beer. Ale is a type of beer which is brewed from malted barley with a minimal amount of yeast in it to give the drink a fruity flavor. Regardless of sub types, it’s best to drink beer as it is and while it’s chilled or iced. In fact, you can even pair with numerous snacks, or pulutan, to make your beer experience even more worthwhile!


Sake is a popular drink from Japan which is created through fermenting rice at a certain temperature. Pair it up with Japanese food to contrast its harsh alcoholic taste; it is guaranteed to make your meal more enjoyable.


The Philippines also has a famous alcoholic drink and it is called basi. It is made by fermenting sugarcane, which can be found in many provinces in the country.


If fermentation is the game in the world of alcohol, then this alcoholic drink is playing it right! Wine is the kind of drink that can exude class and luxury with every sip, as well as showcase the rich history it’s known for. You can pair it with cheese, crackers, and even the finest steaks around. Truly, this drink is something worth marveling at, in both visual and flavorful terms. Also, it can be made from any fruit, whether it be grapes, strawberries, kiwis, and even coconuts.


This colorless drink is something you definitely should not underestimate. With an alcohol content as high as 53%, careful moderation should be practiced and observed. In fact, the best way to drink this is the occasional shot. Not only will you be able to enjoy this drink in one go, but you’ll also be able to feel its intense flavor.


This is a type of drink that can be enjoyed in many ways, either mixed with cream, fruit, herbs, spices, and other ingredients of the sort. Also, it’s a great way to explore other flavor options for alcohol as it makes a great mixing agent for a lot of drinks.


This is more like the alcoholic version of apple juice as it’s fermented from none other than, you guessed it, apples. Not only is this a tasty beverage, but it also provides numerous benefits to the human body and mind such as lowering the risk of heart disease, mental decline, and other ailments.

Key Takeaway

The world of alcohol is a vast and diverse one. Learning the different types of alcoholic beverages will not only allow you to know which drink to order when you’re out with friends, it will also give you the chance to plan which beverage will go best with the meals you intend to serve if ever you host a part. Just remember to drink alcohol moderately. Otherwise, it might affect your health negatively.

All in all, it’s important to know your limits with either drink you choose to enjoy. Besides, when you’re nice and sober throughout the night, it’s a definite guarantee that you will marry the night ‘til the sun rises.

The Different Kinds of Frosting

Weather is one of the things that one should consider when it comes to cake. There is no doubt that with the hot temperature in Manila, catering services will not be able to use frosting that might easily melt, no matter how delicious that vanilla buttercream frosting on a wedding cake might be.

There are different kinds of frosting and it depends on the baker what kind they want to put on their pastries. Some can even double as filling! Here are some of the different types of frosting to help you decide which one you think is best for your baking.


This type of frosting is made by creaming together butter and icing sugar. There are different kinds of buttercream and here are some of them:

  • One is the American buttercream, where you beat butter and confectioner’s sugar in a bowl until combined, light yellow, and fluffy. It can also be colored using food coloring.
  • Another is the crusting buttercream, which is made with shortening, butter, and a whole lot of icing sugar. This makes it set and a little firm, making it the best frosting if you want to create piping designs on cakes.
  • The next one is called flour buttercream; here, flour, sugar, and milk are boiled until the mixture thickens. Then, it is cooled and mixed with butter to give it a taste and texture that is similar to that of American buttercream.
  • Meringue buttercream icings have egg whites. There are also various kinds of meringue buttercream: Swiss, where egg whites and sugar are cooked together and mixed with butter later; Italian, where boiled sugar or syrup is carefully incorporated into beaten meringue before adding butter later on; and French, where raw egg whites are beaten with sugar and cream of tartar. 



The wonderful thing about ganache is that it can be frosting, topping, filling, glaze, and decoration; so when you make a bowl of this amazing chocolate mixture, you’re sure to use every drop. This type of frosting is made by warming milk until it simmers, then pouring it into a bowl of chopped chocolate. The chocolate then melts and mixes with the warm milk. Continue mixing until the texture turns smooth. Once you pour it on the pastry, it sets and becomes somewhat firm. You can use this to cover entire cakes. 


The glaze is probably the easiest frosting to make. All you need to do is mix confectioner’s sugar with some milk or water. The consistency of the frosting will depend on how much milk or water you add to the sugar. This can be used as a topping or to cover an entire pastry such as glazed doughnuts. 



This list wouldn’t be complete without the fondant. Fondant is used usually on white wedding cakes but it can also be used on any cake that needs decorating. It is a kind of icing that is somewhat firm and needs to be rolled out like dough before being utilized as decoration or to cover cakes. The fondant can be store bought or made, and usually it starts out white. However, you can change its color with the use of food coloring.

Try making any of the mentioned frostings in this list. After all, the holidays are fast approaching, and your relatives might be eager to try out what you have in mind.

10 Mini Dessert Ideas

What are great ideas for mini desserts?

  1. Peanut Butter Chocolate Balls
  2. Mini Cheesecakes
  3. Strawberry Nutella Pretzel Bites
  4. Teacup Chocolate Chip Cookies
  5. Mini Ice Cream Sandwiches
  6. Mini Cupcakes
  7. Bite-Sized Brownies
  8. Mini Cookie Sandwiches
  9. Mini Cinnamon Rolls
  10. Mini Dessert Pizzas

Many people see tiny things as cute. Kittens, puppies, chicks, and anything tiny can melt even the coldest of hearts, making anyone’s day instantly better. This goes for food as well. Seeing bite-sized creations can make a person just want to gobble them up. Why not go for mini-desserts on your next event, like a wedding catering in the Philippines? Here are some tiny dessert ideas that will definitely please your guests:

Peanut Butter Chocolate Balls

Peanut butter and chocolate are childhood favorites. Probably the best flavor combination ever, these peanut butter and chocolate balls will definitely please everyone, even the pickiest of eaters. All you need to do is combine peanut butter, some softened butter, and powdered sugar in a mixing bowl. Mix until all of the ingredients are incorporated with one another then roll them into 1-inch size balls. Put them in the fridge for an hour then dip them in melted chocolate. Allow the chocolate to harden then serve.

mini cheesecakes

Mini Cheesecakes

Who doesn’t love a good cheesecake? And bite-sized at that?

Mini cheesecakes are so good they are probably the best mini desserts ever. If you know how to make a cheesecake, all you need to do is put them in cupcake liners instead of cake pans. When they are ready to serve, top them with your favorite fruit jam then watch the guests go crazy over these delectable delights.

Strawberry Nutella Pretzel Bites

If you are into adorable-looking desserts, then this idea might be what you are looking for. Pretzels are great as they are but when combined with Nutella, you will get a creamy, chocolaty treat that everyone will love.

Simply mix Nutella with powdered sugar then gently spread the mixture over a pretzel or pretzel bites if you prefer. Freeze the pretzel for 15-30 minutes and, while the pretzel is setting, take some red candy melts then put them in the microwave. Make sure to keep an eye on them and stir them every now and then to help them melt evenly. Take the pretzel bites out then carefully dip them in the melted red candy. While the red candy is still wet on the pretzel, you can decorate your strawberries with sunflower seeds. You can dye your seeds white and green to make your pretzel bites look like real strawberries.

 small chocolate chip cookies

Teacup Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies are a classic in the snack and dessert category. They can be made into ice cream sandwiches, dessert toppers, trail mix, or just plain cookie is enough. Chocolate cookies that can be stacked in a teacup are not only cute to look at; they can be centerpieces as well! Grab several teacups then fill them with mini chocolate cookies.

Your guests can munch on these treats while waiting for the meal proper to begin. Just make sure you have a lot in stock because these cookies will not last for a couple of hours.

Mini Ice Cream Sandwiches

Everyone loves ice cream, no doubt about it! In fact, ice cream can be eaten in a variety of ways; and with a miniaturized variety of it, that leaves you with more than enough room to enjoy more desserts on the table.

What should always be remembered when it comes to this mini dessert is constant circulation. Ice cream is still ice cream, which means it can melt as soon as it leaves the freezer. When you serve this, encourage your guests to have as much as they want, just not enough for a brain-freeze.

Mini Cupcakes

Cupcakes are everyone’s favorite dessert no matter what the occasion. If you’re looking to serve this at your wedding reception, but save on quantity at the same time, why not serve miniaturized versions of this dessert? Not only will you and your guests be able to enjoy them in one bite, but you can also leave your stomach room for more if you wish so.

Bite-Sized Brownies

Speaking of everyone’s favorite dessert, there’s nothing more classic than brownies. The soft and delicious, as well as chocolate-y, texture is enough for anyone and everyone to drool for. So, why not serve these in your reception?

In fact, if you wish, bite-sized brownies never go out of style. Not only are they just as delicious as their normal-sized counterparts, but you can choose to pack them with as much flavor as you want.

Mini Cookie Sandwiches

If you’ve ever had a cookie sandwich that’s so good, you can’t even describe it, then serving these in your wedding reception is more than delightful. In fact, if you wish so, why not go all-out with your fillings? With that much variety this dessert provides, you can never go wrong in serving this in your wedding reception.

Mini Cinnamon Rolls

Desserts glazed with decadent cream and frosting are just the ones that are able to mesmerize anyone with a sweet tooth. Besides, what’s more enjoyable than the sticky, gooey, cinnamon sensation these desserts can give you?

Mini Dessert Pizzas

We’ve all heard of mini pizzas and dessert pizzas; but mixing the two together into one miniature dessert option? Now that’s a unique twist!

Having these in your wedding reception can blur the lines between savory and sweet in a good way. This dessert packs the same dough as a mini pizza, while also the numerous dessert toppings as a dessert pizza. For this, have your way with the dessert toppings available, whether it be chocolate or fruit, and go wild with flavor.

Key Takeaway

This goes to show that while bigger is better, the small ones can still definitely pack quite a punch. Once you have served any (or all) of these mini-desserts to your guests, all that’s left to do is to eat them and go to heaven. Yes, they’re that good.

11 Memory Enhancing Foods

an assortment of berries

What foods should be consumed to improve memory?

  1. Dark chocolate
  2. Salmon
  3. Walnuts
  4. Rosemary
  5. Red Wine
  6. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
  7. Avocados
  8. Turmeric
  9. Broccoli
  10. Avocados
  11. Beets

Catering in Manila is required for a good majority of occasions held here in the Philippines. Weddings, parties, businesses, meetings, and gatherings require a good serving of food, after all. But, consider that different foods have different effects – some are known to boost moodboost productivity, and in the list below, we’ll even show those that boost memory.

Dark chocolate

Not only is this treat delightfully good, it contains a lot of flavonols – meaning they have anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants, which lower blood pressure and develop blood flow to the heart and brain. It can even help lose body weight!




Grab all the sashimi you can because salmon increases the memory of the brain! Salmon has omega-3 fatty acids to provide a smooth-flowing brain. Studies have shown that it can definitely improve the focus of a person and can prevent tumors and cancer.



Most of nuts can improve memorization due to its components of high levels of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Walnut, if taken every day at a minimal amount, can improve one’s cognitive health. The vitamin E in this nut can even lessen the chance of acquiring Alzheimer’s disease as well.



This herb is a popular ingredient among many kinds of meals. Rosemary has carnosic acid, which helps the brain from neurodegeneration or the death of neurons in the brain, possible to lead to Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. To add to this, rosemary can even protect eyesight from deteriorating too. Add up this herb to your food or you can buy the herb and sniff it whenever possible to boost your brain!



Acai berries, blueberries, and strawberries were said to prevent age-related cognitive issues to the brain and eliminates the chances of toxic proteins as well. They are also rich in fiber that helps the body become cleansed from unwanted fats or toxins. Mix up your diet by eating healthy fruits because of the great effects they offer for the body and the brain,


Red wine

People who drink moderate quantities of red wine can lessen the chance of memory loss. Red wine taken at a glass every night can reduce chances of heart risks and improve the metabolism, causing you to lose a few fats! It’s a great drink to have, so buy some and drink a glass each day.

 olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil contains a strong antioxidant, polyphenols, which develops the memory and learning of the person. However, it’s not recommended to use for cooking purposes because it decreases the overall quality. Just mix it up with salads, pasta, or meals as it is!


One of the healthiest foods you can ever eat is an avocado. While this fruit has a bad reputation for having a high amount of fat, it’s important to note that this is monosaturated fat. This is the good kind of fat that makes helps the body to maintain good sugar levels and have glowing skin.

For memory enhancement, it has vitamin K and folate. These can help prevent blood clots from forming in the brain, which protect the body from getting a stroke and help to improve the cognitive functions. It also has vitamin C and B, which is useful since these aren’t stored by the body and need to be manually replenished. Additionally, it has the highest protein and lowest sugar content amongst any sort of fruit.


While beets may be an intimidating food to eat because of their taste, sacrificing a bit is worth it because of the nutritional content of this plant. When you eat this, you can get rid of toxins, reduce the chance of inflammation, and be loaded cancer-fighting antioxidants. Not only that, but the nitrates found in it can boost the blood flow to the brain, which helps one to perform at his best; mentally. It also helps to boost physical performance and productivity, which makes it great as part of a pre-workout meal. If you want to try this, then it’s best to roast it or to place it in a salad.


This may be a simple spice, but you won’t believe the amount of benefits you can get just by adding this to your meals. With a chemical compound called “curcumin”, turmeric provides the body with one of the world’s most powerful anti-inflammatory agents. The best part is that it’s all natural. It’s no wonder this ancient root is used throughout history for healing.

It also helps the body to improve its antioxidant levels, immune system and oxygen intake. With these benefits, the mind can stay alert and process information efficiently.

Adding this to tea or eggs is a great way to start the day.


One of the best foods for the brain is broccoli. Its high amounts of vitamin K and choline is enough to keep your memory sharp. But aside from that, it also loaded with vitamin C. In fact, just having one cup of broccoli will provide you with 50% more than the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.

A big plus is the fact that it’s high fiber content will make you feel full. So, it’s also great for managing food intake.

Key Takeaway

Food is not just meant to be delicious and nutritious. It is also meant to improve your life; at least if you make the right food choices. With the correct choices, not only will you feel great, but you will also do great things. Healthy foods – such as the ones above – will help you to remember important details that you need to succeed. This is because they help the brain to work at its best. Add these to your diet to make sure you are the best version of yourself at work.

5 Mood Boosting Foods to Try

bananas and healthy food


Just as it is in every event, like weddings, the hosts are bound to have different tastes from their guests.  But in Manila, wedding catering services can adjust to what the bride and groom want for their big day, so maybe serving some dishes with mood boosting foods as ingredients can help smooth your event even further.

Here are some mood boosting foods that you should consider infusing into your wedding menu:


Was there ever any doubt? This probably isn’t news, and some people really do reach for chocolate when they’re down in the dumps. Eating dark chocolate can help reduce stress. It might be difficult to choose what kind of chocolate dessert you’ll be serving your guests, but once they see what’s in store for them, they’ll surely be excited about digging in and forget whatever bothered them in the first place.


Contrary to popular opinion, carbohydrates aren’t all that bad. They’re actually pretty good for you! A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine (now JAMA Internal Medicine) revealed that those who ate more carbs, such as grains, on a daily basis experienced less anger and anxiety than those who ate a low carb diet. It’s not that difficult to figure out what kind of carbs you can serve at your wedding. Filipinos LOVE rice, and pair that with an amazing viand, everybody’ll be digging into that pile of rice in no time. Pasta is pretty good too, and most Filipinos love their tomato and hotdog sauce.


cooked salmon seafood



Fish, such as salmon, sardines, and tuna, have Omega 3 which is found to alter the chemicals the brain releases to change someone’s mood. It alters dopamine and serotonin. Serotonin is the happiness hormone, and low levels can lead to suicidal thoughts, while dopamine is a chemical that rewards the person for doing pleasurable things. Serve up some grilled or seared fish, maybe some sinigang and your guests might fall in love with that beautiful tamarind soup!


It is said that the scent of coconuts can make people’s blood pressure recover faster when faced with something stressful or challenging. Why not serve something with coconut milk? Such as the spicy Bicol Express or some Laing? Those are perfect with the carbs, and your guests will surely feel a lot better after having something to eat! Or some grated coconut over your pastries, or Buko Pandan for dessert!

pouring tea


Well, those stereotypical Chinese masters in movies did like tea, and they were also so calm and zen about anything, even about facing the movie’s antagonist! Tea, like coffee, has caffeine, too, and can make a person more alert and improves the focus and attention. Oolong tea (withered and oxidized Camellia sinesis), green tea (Camellia sinesis that has not been withered and oxidized), or black tea (a more oxidized Camellia sinesis) are perfect for this. And it can help with a full stomach after that tasty meal!

Maybe when your guests see the food about to be served, the bothers they encountered before they got to your reception will go away. You’d want everybody to be as happy as you on your big day, of course!