Tag Archives: Catering in Manila

7 Best Foods around the World to Include in Your Best Catering Services in Manila

What are some of the best foods around the world?

  1. Lechon from the Philippines
  2. Laksa from Malaysia
  3. Fajitas from Mexico
  4. Buttered Popcorn from United States
  5. Paella from Spain
  6. Chicken Rice from Singapore
  7. Poutine from Canada


An event wouldn’t be complete without the availability of foods from none other than the best catering services in Manila. After all, Filipino people do love to eat!

Many would argue that life is simply dull without people tasting their favorite food no matter where they came from. Thankfully, the world is filled with delicious global cuisines that offer an abundance of flavors and variety that will entice and tantalize anyone’s taste buds.

The Philippines, the pearl of the orient, has many tasty dishes that can make people’s mouths water. The same could be said for other countries with different backgrounds and culture. In this article, we shall explore some of the best foods around the world that you could definitely add to your wedding menu. Here they are now:

Lechon (Philippines)

Lechon (Philippines)

There are 7,107 islands within the Philippines, and among those, there is only one collective choice for being the best food around the country: Lechon.

Lechon is one of those foods that can definitely attract people. The thought of a roasted pig with crispy skin being the entrée in any occasion is enough to send anyone running to the table and hoping to get some skin. In fact, there are numerous variations to this dish, furthering its diversity in Pinoy tastes.

Besides the well-known lechong baboy, there are also different variations of the dish such as lechong kawali, and lechong manok. No matter what choice you make, you’ll definitely enjoy one of the many food wonders of the Philippines.

Laksa (Malaysia)

Laksa (Malaysia)

Everyone loves something that’s a little hot every once in a while, especially when it’s placed in a bowl. In Malaysia, you definitely get that with one of their signature dishes: Laksa.

Laksa is a noodle dish that contains fresh prawns and rice vermicelli that are bathed in either a spicy curry coconut sauce or even a sour asam. If you’re looking for a dish that can satisfy your late-night cravings, then this is the dish for you! Plus, you can even add this in your own personal wedding menu and trust Manila’s best catering services to deliver the dish to your ultimate satisfaction.

Fajitas (Mexico)

Fajitas (Mexico)

Down in the land where they really know how to handle their cuisine, fajitas are definitely one of Mexico’s spotlight dishes. If you’re looking for something authentic and savory, these are definitely one of your best options to indulge in.

Another thing that makes fajitas great is that not only do they taste really good, they are also extremely easy to prepare. As long as you have the dish itself served in a tortilla bread, your Mexican nights are sure to get the kick it deserves.

Buttered Popcorn (United States)

Buttered Popcorn (United States)

Going to the movies is one of the Americans’ favorite past times, especially when enjoyed with this particular snack: Buttered Popcorn. No movie night shall be complete without it!

Though this item on this list may not be a concrete dish by itself, buttered popcorn is still just as filling on anyone’s stomachs, which makes this snack ideal for something as long as watching movies.

For those who cannot enough of this snack, you should put more butter on your popcorn; the greasier it becomes, the more delicious it will taste.

Paella (Spain)

Paella (Spain)

Spain is one of those countries that showcases their rich history in cuisine, especially with this particular dish. Whatever you put in it, as long as you have rice as the main ingredient, paella can definitely fill you up. In fact, you can even add this to your menu for the best catering services in Manila to deliver.

Chicken Rice (Singapore)

Chicken Rice (Singapore)

It may look like just chicken atop of rice for some, but to many others, especially those from Singapore, it may just be the best addition to numerous catering services to handle. In fact, this is also often called as Singapore’s ‘national dish.’

Poutine (Canada)

Poutine (Canada)

Everyone loves fries, especially when dipped into something. But for Canadians, they go best with gravy and cheese, which they would call a nice bowl of poutine!

Poutine is basically fries bathed in gravy and smothered in cheese curds. With all those ingredients around in a bowl just for you, what more can you ask of from fries?


Key Takeaway

These 7 dishes are some of the best of the best around the world. With each of them showing off their different tastes and ingredients, they may just serve as inspiration for the best catering services from Manila to handle.

5 Wedding Catering Foods for Kids

kids wedding catering

What are catering food do kids enjoy at weddings?

  1. Mini Cheeseburgers
  2. Fruit and Vegetable Cups
  3. Smoothie Popsicles
  4. Macaroni and Cheese
  5. Peanut Butter and Jelly

Sure they’re adorable, but there can be times where children can be a bit too much to handle. This is why many couples prefer to keep their wedding children-free. Nonetheless, there are circumstances where they can’t help but allow their guests to bring children. Besides, no matter how one may feel about the notion, children are a joy to be around if they are well-behaved.

With that said, the soon-to-be married couple must incorporate some kid-friendly foods in the menu of their wedding catering in the Philippines. That way, they won’t have to worry about any guest of any age feeling left out of the party and being rowdy because of it.

If you wish to keep the little ones entertained and full, have a look at these fun and creative food ideas that could leave even the grown-up guests a tad bit envious:

Mini cheeseburgers

Everyone loves cheeseburgers; most especially the kids. Keep this fast food classic on the menu of your catering to make sure you have happy kids at your celebration.

However, you have to keep in mind that they will be wearing fancy outfits as well that the parents don’t want to get dirty. You can keep these cheeseburgers mess-free for the kids by making cheeseburgers using mini buns! Not only are these bite-sized cheesy meaty goodness super delicious, they look super cute too (don’t deny it!).

To add a bit more fun to it, why not have your little ones have a pick of their own toppings to add on their burgers? It’s a great way to get their creative juices flowing and an even fun way for both children and adults to bond with one another.

But if burgers are not your thing, try making mini hotdog sandwiches. Then allow the kids to have fun by letting them draw on their sandwiches using the ketchup and mustard. Just have a babysitter nearby to keep an eye on the kids to avoid a huge mess and possible food fights.

Fruit and vegetable cups

In a wedding, or any occasion in general, fruits and vegetables are a common sight in every feast. While meat and other poultries are ideal for a celebration, nothing beats the numerous health benefits provided by fruits and vegetables. Especially when served in cups for a more convenient experience, fruits and vegetables are here to stay in every menu around.

With that said, the cups idea is great for wedding over the traditional salad. Everyone eats with their eyes especially kids; they will eat what looks appealing to them. If you choose to do this, then serve them with some sort of dip like yogurt for the fruits and mayonnaise for the vegetables. To level up the creativity, make fruit and vegetable kebabs then use the cups as containers for the dips. You can even add a little extra flavoring for the vegetables to give kids a new and exciting taste

Another thing that makes this dish a standout for kids is that you get to control the quantity of how much you’d want to put. Whether you choose to tip the scale in favor of fruits and vice-versa, this dish will surely garner massive amounts of likes.

Image: Lorraine Cryan Photography

Image: Lorraine Cryan Photography

Smoothie popsicles

In any wedding, one of the most sought-out courses during the celebration is none other than dessert. After the newlyweds feed each other cake, numerous sweet teeth are sure to flock around the table yearning for a bite of some pastries.

There are many options for desserts other than the wedding cake itself. But one thing’s for sure: Popsicles will always remain a hit to kids, even more so when smoothie popsicles are added to the table.

While the rest of your guests are feasting on fancy desserts, serve smoothie popsicles to the little ones. This will keep them cool and satisfied especially during a hot wedding. But of course, you can also whip up a batch of grown-up friendly smoothies as additional dessert. Just make sure they are separated from one another so there won’t be any accidents of an alcohol-laced pop being served to one of the flower girls (yikes).

Also, for these treats on sticks, why not make things interesting by making a game out of it? Engrave one of the popsicles sticks with an emblem or symbol of sorts and distribute these popsicles to the children. Whoever gets the lucky stick wins a prize from the bride and groom. What a way to turn your tasty ideas into an even better one.

Macaroni and cheese

Macaroni and cheese is a certified hit with kids and is many parents’ go-to to make sure their kids have happy tummies. You can have this at your wedding as well, but you’ll have to get creative to make them feel like they’re eating special macaroni and cheese. Go serve this recipe in small colorful bowls or get creative by making mini mac and cheese pies. Fried mac and cheese balls is also a good alternative because you can skewer them with sticks for a fun, lollipop-like look.

Peanut butter and jelly

Along with macaroni and cheese, the PBJ is a classic among young and the young at heart. It has made its way into every lunch box throughout the years and has continued to bring smiles into children’s faces.

Rather than serving these in the traditional sandwich at your wedding, let your creativity shine through by making peanut butter and jelly sushi – bread strips with peanut butter and jelly then rolled up to look like sushi – or peanut butter and jelly muffins. You can even use different kinds of peanut butter and jelly to twist things up in a fun and exciting way.

Key Takeaway

These foods are a sure way to satisfy the kids – and their parents. Serve these up in a separate station for kids only so they can form a line altogether without having to mix up with the adults. Try also to set up an activity section for the kids where they can quietly entertain themselves all throughout the reception. That way, you have kept your guests and their kids happy and worry-free.

This Again? Wedding Foods That People Need to Stop Serving Right Now

When it comes to wedding food, the husband and wife-to-be not only have to think about the possible dishes they can serve for their celebration, but also those that need to be left out. This is particularly because multiple dishes can cause stress and hassle to wedding guests.

Admittedly, this detail in your wedding can easily be overlooked. But don’t worry, you can check out our examples below so you can have an idea.

Complicated Appetizer/Hors D’oeuvres

Complicated Appetizer/Hors D’oeuvres

Given that cocktail hour is usually done in a standing room with a few cocktail tables, the appetizers or hors d’oeuvres served during this time should be simple. As a rule of thumb, these should be easily consumed with one hand so that guests can have a drink in the other.

Complicated appetizers usually need two hands to eat, meaning your guests would need to put their drink down, which is difficult to do when there is only limited space on the table. Also, such hors d’oeuvres could spill and get on the guests’ attire. This is sure to put them out of the mood – the exact opposite of what a cocktail hour is for.

Signature Cocktails

Signature Cocktails

The desire to make the drinks unique often drives couples to add signature cocktails during cocktail hour or dinner. While the intention makes sense, the problem with this is that people have different drink preferences. For instance, not everyone from your guest lists will like sweet and sugary drinks. Plus, it would be safer to assume that they do not have similar alcoholic tolerances with each other.

This is the reason why beer and wine are two of the best alcoholic drinks you can serve at a wedding. This is because they provide your guests the option of controlling the amount they drink. In other words, they can enjoy the wedding the way they want to.

However, this doesn’t mean that cocktails have to be off the menu completely. Having a few choices ready is good for those that prefer these over beer and/or wine. But these should be the more traditional choices such as martinis, daiquiris, and mojitos.

Chewy Chicken

Chewy Chicken

While chicken is an easy crowd pleaser, rubbery chicken is not. This could be the case in reception buffets, where poultry has been waiting too long. By the time people sink their teeth into it, the once tender chicken could become hard to chew. Even with the best catering in town, this could still happen if the cooking is not timed well.

Ideally, the food should be served fresh. The key to doing this is efficient communication between the parties working behind the scenes. Any delay in the program should immediately be relayed to catering and their crew so that they can time their cooking well, so that the chicken will still be fresh once dinner comes.

Lots of Fish

Lots of Fish

When fish is offered in a buffet, one must make sure that it is served in a simple recipe. This is because complicated fish recipes are more prone to having unsavory textures, when left out over time. This is especially true when they are served in big amounts. That is just the nature of many buffet fish dishes such as fish fillet.

Vegetable Sides

Vegetable Sides

When it comes to sit down dinners, it is a good idea to go for safe choices for the menu. Thus, the better side dish to choose for a set course is mashed potatoes or rice. Those are loved by all. Offering just vegetables at the side is sure to upset some guests, especially those who do not like vegetable dishes – like children! This simply cannot be forced onto people. Also, most people consider weddings as an epic cheat day.

Gluten-Free Food

Gluten-Free Food

Even with gluten-free food being trendy nowadays – just like vegetable sides – not everyone enjoys such diets, particularly during wedding parties. Buffets and sit down dinners can have special sections in the menu for those that want to eat gluten-free, but it is never a good idea to have the entire menu to follow any certain diet.

Remember: the more general your menu, the better it is. This is especially true for the dessert table, which people look forward to in order to satisfy their sweet tooth. They may be disappointed to munch down on a lackluster cupcake because it is gluten-free. But couples should still make sure to accommodate those that are intolerant.

Cakes without Icing

Cakes without Icing

Naked cakes are trendy nowadays, but mostly because of aesthetic reasons. But when it comes to taste, guests secretly dread them because the icing is what seals the flavor in any flavorful cake. Without it, it’s just a fancy version of bread that is bland and dry.  If couples really insist on having such a design of cake, then they must consider compensating by stepping up their dessert game.

Food Trucks

Food Trucks

This is another trend that is welcome in food parks, but it is a bad idea, when you put in a wedding. For weddings, these are usually used to provide midnight snacks for those, who are hungry after sweating it out on the dance floor.

However, waiting for food from a food truck is a hassle, especially when guests are already tired. This is because food trucks have limited equipment, which means they cannot cook multiple dishes at once. This means that guests will have to wait long in line, which isn’t desirable for tired their feet in leather shoes and heels. Instead, couples should consider having the catering prolong their waiting service in order to accommodate their guests.

Food Favors

Food Favors

Don’t be mistaken. Food favors are great, especially when the wedding and reception are in a far location. However, this is meant to give a great send-off for the guests to thank them for making the long trip, taking the time, and making the effort to attend.

If you are going to provide them a food favor, then you have to be sure that it is more than worth it and a great snack for them to enjoy on their way home. Failure to make satisfying food favors could leave guests disappointed and disgruntled.

Anything with Black Ink

Anything with Black Ink

In an event where most people wear white, it’s easy to see why black ink is a sight for sore eyes. It’s either they will choose not to eat the dish or eat it while exercising excessive caution, which will cause them stress.

As much as possible, weddings should be carefree and avoid dishes with black ink as a favor to any of their guests.

Key Takeaway

Generally, a wedding must be relaxed and enjoyed by your guests. This must be evident not only during your reception, but also to your food choices – especially since the majority of the celebration is held during dinner time.

30+ Ideas for Unique and Memorable Wedding Delicacies for your Guests’ Enjoyment

30+ Ideas for Unique and Memorable Wedding Delicacies for your Guests’ Enjoyment

What unique and memorable delicacies can you serve in your wedding?



Shepherd’s Pie


Mashed Potato

Potato Chips

Various Candies

Assorted Popcorn

Macaroni and Cheese

Ice Cream Sundae Bar





Fried Chicken


French Fries




Philly Cheesesteaks





Macaroni Salad



Cookies and Milk

Fruit Salad



When it comes to a wedding, food has always been part of the factors that contribute to a celebration that is truly spectacular. There is nothing like the feeling of being united in holy matrimony with your lover coupled with a number of good and delectable food around you.

In addition, when it comes to the food that will be dished out at your wedding, the enjoyment of your guests serve as one of the topmost priorities in this momentous occasion. It is expected that the food served meets the tastes of your guests – ranging from appetizers, the entrees, even right down to the desserts. Luckily, there are a variety of food choices out there both for you and your guests to enjoy.

When it comes to food choices for your wedding, there are two aspects that come with it. First, there are the more standardized choices of wedding food such as pasta, finger food, and the iconic multiple-tiered wedding cake. Then, there are the more unique, unorthodox choices that you wouldn’t expect to make it to a grand occasion such as a wedding. If you are looking for inspiration and ideas to widen your scope on wedding food choices, here are 30 of them that are ready to be served to you:



These frosty treats are just some of the unique choices available for your wedding. To make it more interesting, stack your doughnuts into elaborate towers to form an entirely new kind of wedding cake.



These savory foods are all over the internet and in people’s minds as well. Everyone loves pizza – no matter what toppings are on it. So, if you want your guests to eat something massive using just their hands, include this in your menu.

Potato Chips

Potato Chips

These snacks go well with just about anything, even with a bottle of beer. What’s more are the array of dips available for your chips, thus, adding more thrill with every dip and every bite.

Assorted Popcorn

Assorted Popcorn

There is nothing like the feeling of watching something – especially a grand wedding – unfold with a bucket of popcorn at hand. But an assortment of flavors to go along with it? Even better!

Ice Cream Sundae Bar

Ice Cream Sundae Bar

This is for every sweet-tooth that has come to witness a celebration of love and unity. While this is usually geared for children, this treat is also for the young at heart. What’s even better are the variety of toppings and ice cream flavors available for you to choose from – making this one a food choice for all ages.



These shelled delicacies are loved by many ‘foodies’ alike, not just for their hard and soft shells, but for the variety of fillings you can put into it. To make it more interesting, don’t just limit this dish meat and other savory ingredients. Have you ever heard of a dessert taco? Yup, they are a thing and are guaranteed to make your wedding day a whole lot more exciting.



Speaking of Mexican treats, this food choice also made the cut for their widespread popularity. Burritos are the kind of food that entices you to devour the entire thing. In addition, you can even stuff it with meat, veggies, and rice – making it a meal wrapped into one. With a day as special as your wedding and a dish like this, what’s not to love?



In the Philippines, this dish is quite popular due to their savory and aromatic flavors. There’s no better feeling like the mouth-watering desire for a marinated meat that is skewed on sticks. Just remember to save the best bit for last, otherwise known as the ‘fat’.



Japanese Cuisine has always remained a staple option for those who wish to dine out. If you are looking to conceptualize your wedding day into something extraordinary and diverse, why not add Ramen to your menu? It is always served hot, has a long list of toppings, and there are a lot of other kinds of ramen to have for your special day. This food is truly a unique addition to the celebration of your holy matrimony.



The second of Japanese delicacies to make it into this list, this dish makes a great addition to your appetizers. Sushi can be prepared in a lot of ways, either rolled or stacked. Also, you have your choice of adding fish or meat to the dish and if you’re wishing to spice your dish up, as always, wasabi is always there for your choosing.



This dish just makes shrimp lovers squeal in delight. If you are looking for a different seafood experience to try, then tempura is undoubtedly the one for you.



Pies are just the classical desserts you never fail to indulge in any occasion, especially in a wedding. These delicacies are known for their various fillings and crusts, making it one of the most diverse dishes to make the cut (pun intended). Fruit pies aren’t just the staple choices for a pie as there are also savory varieties.

Macaroni Salad

Macaroni Salad

Who knew that macaroni would make a great salad? Certainly the folks from the Philippines! With a lot of delicious recipes under its belt, it would be a travesty that this dish would not be included in your roster of wedding dishes.



This is the burrito’s more “exposed” relative. The reason why it is exposed is because, unlike the burrito, you can see what is inside without breaking the shell. Plus, you can eat this dish with a spoon, going for the meat first and then saving the shell for last.

Fruit Salads

Fruit Salads

If you think macaroni and greens are the only kinds of salads available, think again. Another classic favorite amongst Filipinos, the Fruit Salad is the dessert of a lifetime. With its creamy texture and assortment of fruits, it is always unique in every bite… or in a spoonful.

Shepherd’s Pie

Shepherd’s Pie

This dish caters to those who love meat and potatoes in one dish. This dish will never be complete without its signature meaty texture and mashed potato topping. Speaking of which…

Mashed Potatoes

Mashed Potatoes

That’s right. You can’t have a party without this famous dish. As long as it is mashed to perfection and perfectly seasoned, you can put this on anything, or eat it on its own.

Various Candies

Various Candies

This is more for a tableside thing. While waiting for the food to be served or if you are just craving for something sweet, feel free to grab a piece. If you wish to make it more extravagant, don’t be afraid to hire professionals to make the candy for the celebration. Additionally, widen your scope when it comes to this dish – whether it be gumdrops or lollipops.

Macaroni and Cheese

Macaroni and Cheese

Another classic to make it on the list, macaroni and cheese will always be in the taste buds of many. Besides its numerous modes of preparation, it can also be served in numerous ways – whether it be as it is or deep-fried in a ball-shaped dish.



Since Barbecue was already discussed, it is time to move on to the more ‘intricate’ kind. Ribs are the kind of food that makes you want to get your hands dirty for the sauce. Just don’t forget to put on a napkin before you eat.



Whether it be medium-rare, medium-well, or well-done – you can never go wrong with anything related to steak.

Fried Chicken

Fried Chicken

Here is something else that is definitely meant to be eaten by hand. With or without gravy, fried chicken is a staple of any cuisine in any occasion, weddings included, is not going anywhere anytime soon.

French Fries

French Fries

This is more than just a side dish, it is an icon of classic outdoors dining. With this on your menu, you will never hesitate to ask for it every second.



This is for those who wish for a more ‘ethnic’ and Korean kind of dining experience. Instead of just giving or receiving this as a gift as it is usually done, why not serve it instead in your wedding reception? It will really kick the spice up a notch in your banquet of love.

Philly Cheesesteaks

Philly Cheesesteaks

For sandwich lovers and cheese-fanatics everywhere, this dish is for you. The Philly Cheesesteak is a dish loved and indulged by many, and like many other dishes, can be eaten with only your bare hands.



Breakfast-themed wedding feasts are something that is about to enter the mainstream today. So, why not start the trend by serving pancakes in your reception? Be sure to include numerous toppings and the ever-famous maple syrup in your roster.



Speaking of breakfast, waffles are something that should never be excluded in this feat. Like pancakes, you can serve them however you want and you can add a lot more twists to it to make it more interesting and mouth-watering.



Cereal isn’t just for breakfast, it is a food that can be eaten anytime of the day, especially during a wedding. Just remember to bring milk.

Cookies and Milk

Cookies and Milk

This is the snack of every generation. With warm cookies and a glass of milk, indulgence has never felt so good.



This dessert has its fair share of varieties and tastes. No matter how you like it, brownies in your wedding menu are sure to spell a good time for you and your guests.

Key Takeaway

These unique treats are sure to bring a lot of fun on your special day. So, if you are thinking of ditching the classic set-up of a wedding, why not try these unique food favorites instead? Either way – you, your spouse, and your guests – are sure to have a blast!

Food to Speed Up your Metabolism

Metabolism is the complex process of how your body converts whatever you consume into energy. This is important because it is the main process that fuels your body to function properly. These days, people are more health-conscious and they know that a faster metabolism means that calories are burned at a faster rate, leading to weight loss. That is why plenty of people are trying to find ways to speed up their metabolism. They work out regularly and change their lifestyles so that they can eat all the delectable foods served in restaurants and by caterers in Manila.

However, do you know that aside from the ones mentioned above, there are more ways to speed up your metabolism? For instance, you can incorporate the following foods in your daily meal plans. These are 6 foods that you should eat to improve your metabolism: 



Foods that are high in calcium, like broccoli, are known to boost metabolism and help people lose weight as well. This vegetable also has high levels of fiber that assist in speeding up your metabolism. More than that, it is full of natural antioxidants and it contains vitamins C, K, and A. Make sure to add this to your shopping list to speed up your metabolism. 


Not only does this fruit keep the doctor away, it keeps your gym trainer away too. One serving of apple every meal is known to enhance metabolism and weight loss. More than that, this fruit is high in fiber and pectin which affects the cells in your body and their ability to absorb fats. Finally, you should incorporate apples in your daily meal plans because it is a great option for natural detox. 


Iodine is important for your body because it promotes the production of hormones that help regulate your metabolism. And seaweed is a great natural source of iodine! Plus, more than just boosting metabolism, it can also prevent the digestion of fat in your system because it contains alginate. 


Most people avoid fats. However, do you know that your body still needs this type of nutrient? You can get them through almonds, which contain the essential fatty acids that can help increase metabolism. The great thing about almonds is that it is readily available and you can enjoy it at any time of the day.  



The combination of nutrients in beans helps your metabolism react positively. Usually, most people avoid them especially since they are known as a musical food. However, you should still incorporate beans in your diet particularly because, aside from helping with your metabolism, they are also a great substitute for carbs. Plus, they go well with most proteins! 


Celery is full of calcium and is a staple snack for any health junkie out there. As you know, food with high calcium content is very good for the metabolism. Plus, the fact that celery is known to be a thermogenic food is another advantage for you. Pair it up with some peanut butter and enjoy.

Incorporate these different types of food in your everyday meals and remember to always enjoy what you are eating. At the end of the day, these foods will help you stay healthy but above all, it’s always your attitude that will determine whether you could hit your fitness goals or not.

3 Healthier Substitutes for Rice

Rice – whether white, red, or brown – has been a staple ingredient in many cuisines around the world, especially in Asian countries. Some of the best examples of dishes that use rice as its key ingredients are risotto, fried rice, buttered rice, sushi, maki, gimbap, and even some onigiri.

In the Philippines, most especially, people can’t seem to have enough rice in their meals. Elders even have a proverb saying that a person cannot be full without eating rice. Because of this, many food establishments in Manila – even catering services – are offering various deals like unli-rice to encourage more Filipinos to buy more from them; and for most cases, this gimmick seems like it is working!

But let’s face it, Filipinos does not really have to go out of the comfort of their homes in order to eat rice. All they have to do is stay in and prepare their own home-cooked meals. Essentially, they can eat rice as a side dish to most of their food, such as adobo, sinigang, tinola, and bulalo.

However, rice – especially white rice – is not always the best choice, especially if you want a healthier diet. Basically, it is a source of simple carbohydrates, which primarily means that it is composed of basic sugars, meaning it has no nutritional value whatsoever. In short, white rice shouldn’t be a viable option if you want to partake in a healthy lifestyle. It is also not a good food for people prone to numerous health problems like diabetes.

Admittedly, carbohydrates (which rice provides) are still essential to the body. They are responsible for providing you energy that gets you through the day. But the truth is, you don’t have to get your carbohydrates from rice. You can get them from other substitutes, like the following:



A great gluten-free option is quinoa – a grain that has been gaining popularity just recently. Quinoa is a great source of carbohydrates because of the additional nutritional value it contains. Amazingly, it also provides Omega 3 fatty acids or good fats that counter the bad effects of excessive carbohydrate intake. Omega 3 also helps regulate digestion and the processing of different calories that your body digests.

This rice substitute also has high percentages of fiber and is a good source of protein. Quinoa is a great rice replacement because it is very adaptable as well. More than that, it goes well with a lot of delectable dishes and can be incorporated in many nutritious and healthy recipes.

Here is an example:


  • 1 cup salsa
  • 6 cups spinach leaves
  • 4 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil
  • ¼ tsp. ground pepper
  • ½ tsp. dried basil
  • ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 egg whites
  • ¼ tsp. salt
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • ¾ cup rinsed quinoa
  • 1 ½ cups water


  • Get a saucepan and heat water until it boils. Afterwards, add salt, garlic, quinoa. Cover the pan and let it simmer for about 10 minutes. Uncover it and continue cooking for two more minutes. Then, transfer it to a big bowl and let it cool.
  • Preheat your oven to 175-degree Celsius.
  • Now, heat 2 tsp. olive oil using a non-stick skillet. Cook the quinoa pancakes until they are golden on both sides. Then, move them onto your baking sheet.
  • For about 5 minutes, bake the pancake until they are heated thoroughly. You can serve them with spinach and salsa.



Barley, the other grain on the list, is a perfect alternative to rice as well! This one is high in fiber and contains numerous vitamins and nutrients that are significant for the cardiovascular system. It also contains potassium, zinc, and calcium – all of which are great for the well-being and improvement of your liver and intestines.

Also – like quinoa – barley can be served with your meals as a direct replacement for rice. In some countries, barley is being boiled for people to drink the juice it produces. You can certainly follow their example, because by doing so, you can get the full benefits barley offers.

Here is a simple recipe you can follow:


  • 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp. paprika
  • 1 tsp. curry powder
  • 1 tsp. dried parsley
  • ½ tsp. ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. white sugar
  • 1 tsp. garlic powder
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 15 oz. drained garbanzo beans
  • 1 chopped zucchini
  • 5 diced tomatoes with juice
  • 2 chopped celery
  • 2 chopped carrots
  • 1 cup uncooked barley
  • 2 quarts vegetable broth


  • In a large pot, pour the vegetable broth. Then, mix in the bay leaves, onion, garbanzo beans, zucchini, tomatoes, celery, carrots, and barley. Season your mixture with Worcestershire sauce, paprika, curry powder, parsley, pepper, salt, sugar, and garlic powder. Cover the pot and let it simmer for about 90 minutes. Remove the bay leaves and serve!



There is bound to be a non-grain option on the list and it is here: cauliflower. Cauliflowers are also gluten-free, perfect if you loathe gluten products. It is also packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Plus, it is good for your digestive system since it is a natural antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory effects.

The cauliflower is usually seen as a side dish; just another vegetable that is usually forgotten (or feared by children). But you can easily make it more appetizing by throwing it in the food processor. Or you could also boil them and mashing them so that you can serve it as you would typically serve mashed potatoes – creamy and smooth in texture. Enjoy this dish with your favorite protein source, perhaps with some white meat, in order to complete the whole healthy and hearty dish you are going for.

Key Takeaway

With these three substitutes, you can say goodbye to white rice. Not only are these three nutritious, they are also very tasty. In addition to this, they are very versatile compared to rice. Plus, you can let your imagination run wild with them while preparing your meals – so you can have variety!

If the recipes included above do not satisfy you, you can always check out and follow other recipes that will suit your taste. Don’t be afraid to experiment with these substitutes!

The Ultimate Wedding Checklist for Brides and Grooms

You recently got engaged and you and your partner are at a high and are full of excitement. As you fantasize about your big day and what the future holds, certain concerns and questions start popping up. You start worrying about who offers the best catering in Manila, locations for receptions, and who to invite. You also start thinking about the planning process; you probably have all these ideas in your head but you don’t know where to begin.

Take a deep breathe, look at your partner, and continue reading because the key to dispelling all of these worries is through organizing your ideas and making a plan. 

Set your Budget and Consider Who are Invited

Settle how much you are willing to spend on your wedding and reception. It is one of the most important events you’ll ever celebrate so make sure you have a big enough budget for your essential wedding features without going broke afterwards. Considering the people who will be there with you to celebrate your big day is also important. Carefully deliberate who to invite because they will form the group that will be immortalized in photos and videos. 

Setting (Theme, Site, Date)

Time to set the when and where of your wedding. Decide the theme and color schemes that your wedding will revolve around, as well as when the big day will be. Make a list of locations where you can hold your wedding and reception. Then, narrow them down based on price and whether it can accommodate your needs. Make sure the date coincides with the availability of the venue and will not clash with any other occasions to ensure that all of your guests can come. 


Bridal Party

Decide on your bridal party, the groomsmen, and bridesmaids. These are the people who will be by your side from now until the wedding. Make sure that your closest and most reliable friends and family members are in your bridal party. Take this opportunity to figure out what they will wear and what all their roles would be as well. 


Now that you have a date and place set, it’s time to notify your guests. Make sure to create the invitations in accordance with your themes. Also, see to it that all the necessary information are clearly indicated in the invitation. 

Food, Flowers, Film

Look up the different services you’re going to need. Check the best catering services you can afford; then, consider whether you and your guests will enjoy the food and, again, if they are in line with your theme. Flowers and decorations are also important because they will frame your wedding. These things will help modify the ambience in the venue. Filming, may it be photos or video, is something you need to book early. Make sure that your videographers clearly understand how you want to present your wedding. 



Find the best DJ or Band to play all your favorite songs. They will be in-charge of the music that will play during the entrance, as well as the different moments in your wedding. The music they play and their performance will influence the atmosphere on your wedding and reception so make sure to choose only the best musicians. Lastly they have the burden of making sure everyone has fun in your reception – there should be no one sitting when the dancing begins!

These are the things you have to take note of to make your wedding a happy and memorable experience. Make sure to enjoy the planning process because you will only experience this once in your life.

Top 3 Holiday Drinks to Serve Your Guests

It’s one of the most awaited time of the year once again. The holiday season is upon us – a time when you get to meet up with friends you haven’t seen in ages and relatives you haven’t spoken to for quite some time. You are probably planning on inviting them over for a small reunion. However, before sending the invitations, you have a few things to prepare, such as food and beverage. After all, an event – no matter how small or informal it might be – is never perfect without something to munch on and drink. If you are pressed for time or on a budget and cannot hire a catering in Manila, don’t worry.

For the food, you can always follow any of the numerous recipes available online. And for the beverages, just serve any of the following drinks.  They will definitely help impress your family and friends from the get-go. 

Christmas Cookie

This drink is best had when you are just relaxing with your family and friends. Made up of 3 different kinds of alcohol, the Christmas cookie is a sweet treat that really packs a punch. To make this, you will need an ounce of each of the following: peppermint schnapps, Kahlua, and Carolan’s Irish Cream. Mix everything in a cocktail shaker, throw in some ice, and strain it in your favorite glass. Put on your favorite Christmas tunes and serve this drink with a plate of cookies! 



In some countries, it wouldn’t be a holiday without eggnog. Like presents, this is a staple during Christmas celebrations. That is not exactly the case in the Philippines but nevertheless, you can still serve a tasty eggnog this Christmas if you wish. How? In a saucepan, simmer 2 cups of heavy cream, half a cup of sugar, and a quarter teaspoon of nutmeg. Blend 4 large eggs on low for 1 minute and, while the motor is running, slowly add the hot cream mixture. Continue blending the ingredients for a few more seconds. After a while, add brandy to the mixture. Make sure to blend the drink after adding the alcohol to mix it properly. This drink is best served warm – to heat you up on cold holiday nights. 



Who knew that cinnamon and tequila could go so well together? Snowball is a blended drink that is quite chilly. The cinnamon flavor will surely satisfy the kid in you while the tequila will definitely appeal your adult side. To make this beverage, all you need is a blender, 3 ounces of Tequila Cream Liqueur, 3 drops of Vanilla, crushed ice, an ounce of evaporated skim milk, half an ounce of Kahlua, cinnamon powder, and cinnamon sticks. Blend all of the ingredients together except for the cinnamon powder and stick. Afterwards, pour it on your favorite glass and garnish the top with the cinnamon powder. Then, mix the drink using the cinnamon stick. It’s easy!

Impress your guests this holiday season with these three must-try drinks. It will surely make your Christmas celebration more fun and exciting!

7 Foods You Should Never Ever Eat Again

What are the foods that should never be eaten again?

  1. Fruit Juice
  2. Margarine
  3. Microwaved Popcorn
  4. Atlantic Salmon
  5. Soy
  6. Sugar Alcohol
  7. Shrimp

Are there types of food that you refuse to eat even if everybody seems to love them? It might be because of the taste, smell, or its negative impact on your health. Regardless of the reason, there is no doubt that it’s easy to stay away from these snacks; what’s hard to stay away from are the delectable meals served by the best catering in Manila or top restaurants in Makati even if they are might be bad for you. Sadly, there is a chance that you are consuming certain foods that are unknowingly threatening your health. To avoid this, check the following foods; they are a few favorites that you should probably stay away from especially if you’re trying to lose a few pounds. 

Fruit Juice

There’s a health myth that drinking fruit juice is a great way to lose weight because of the vitamins they contain. However, people tend to disregard or forget about the sugars that go into the flavoring of the juice. Sometimes certain juices have as much sugar as soda or even more. And too much sugar is harmful to your health. 



Margarine has long been regarded as a healthy substitute for butter because it has lower levels of cholesterol and saturated fat. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that margarine is the better alternative. While it is true that it has a lower amount saturated fat, you should know that it also has high trans-fat and sodium content. The high levels of trans fat are a real health risk because it increases the chances of heart disease. Meanwhile, high levels of sodium can cause weight gain. So maybe, sticking to good old fashioned butter is the best option… unless you want to start clogging up your arteries. 

Microwave Popcorn

Microwave popcorn has to be one of the most popular snacks that you can have at home – it’s convenient and it comes in so many flavors! Some popcorn bags even claim to have low fat options and less sodium, which encourages consumers to buy. What you don’t probably know is that the popcorn bags are lined with perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) that increases your risk of developing cancer and negatively affects fertility. Some popcorns even have additional trans-fat and MSG in their flavoring, making them more toxic than healthy. You’re better off buying organic kernels and popping them yourself before adding the right amount of butter and salt. 


Atlantic Salmon

This is another name for farmed salmon. It’s true that fish contains healthy fats and oils that your body needs. Salmon, especially wild salmon, is usually a good choice for people who are looking to eat food with high omega-3 content. However, studies show that farmed salmon contains only half of the omega-3 content of wild salmon. In addition, farmed salmon may also increase your risk of developing cancer because it contains high levels of dioxin.


Many believe soy to be healthy. However, what many do not know is that this is only true for fermented soy. The unfermented kind actually has harmful effects. This is because this type of soy is genetically modified to be able to take in glyphosate, which is found in the pesticide known as Roundup. With this modification, farmers can use the deadly chemical freely on the soy. So, when people eat nonorganic soy, they are ingesting large amounts of pesticide as well. Given that glyphosate has been linked to human cell death, you should definitely avoid eating nonorganic soy.

Sugar Alcohol

For those that don’t know, sugar alcohol is a natural product extracted from fruits and berries, but is chemically altered to become a sugar substitute. This is what is put in gum and baked goods that are “sugar-free”. The most popular form of sugar alcohol is Xylitol. Other examples include erythritol, isomalt, lactitol, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol. While these do allow products to remain sweet without any sugar content, these are also harmful as well. This is because of the chemical process it goes through to make it usable and tasty. Also, the sugar alcohol itself is usually extracted from genetically modified fruits and berries. Consuming too much of these foreign substances leads to allergic reactions, headaches, SIBO symptoms, rashes, and gassiness.

If you really desire for sweetness in your food, then try adding green stevia, monk fruit or raw honey instead.


There are many harmful effects that eating shrimp can bring to your body. This is because of the malpractices made by factories when farming shrimp. These are the following:

  • A food additive called 4-hexylresorcinol is added to prevent the shrimp from getting discolored. This chemical can act like estrogen, which could increase the risk of breast cancer and lower the sperm count.
  • Shrimp farms are usually treated with eurotoxic organophosphate pesticide. When eating shrimp that have been contaminated with this, the consumers can develop symptoms of ADHD, memory loss and tremors.
  • Malachite green, a substance capable of causing cancer, is used on these farms as well to kill fungus in shrimp eggs. This can stick to the skin of a shrimp for as long as 200 days.
  • Rotnone is used in a pond to kill fish so that farmers can turn it into a shrimp pond. If this substance is inhaled, it could cause respiratory paralysis.
  • Similar to the previous item, organotin compounds are used to kill mollusks before creating a shrimp farm. This also has estrogen-like qualities which can mess with the hormones of a person and make him prone to obesity.
  • 25% of shrimp products that is marketed as being made from wild shrimp are actually made from farm shrimp.

Key Takeaway

Next time you’re in the market, make sure to read labels and know what you’re putting in your cart. Food that seem like a healthy option at first may actually be bad for you in the end. More than that, be sure to research before buying new products from new brands.