Category Archives: Wedding Catering

Effective Ways to Make Your Wedding Reception Entertaining for Everyone

Perhaps the most difficult part of a wedding to plan is the reception – primarily due to the guest list. First there’s the struggle of balancing the number of people you actually want (or need) to invite and the budget. Then there’s the pressure of choosing the right venue and how

But it’s not just a matter of having a great venue and food. Catering to wedding guests’ social preferences is the key to a great reception. This may be the first time that everyone on your side of the family and close friends who have never met will be in one room, and the same on your partner’s side. You could spend a lot on fancy entertainment, but wouldn’t it be much better if the guests get comfortable despite being surrounded by strangers? Here are a few things you can do to make sure your guests let go and enjoy at your wedding reception.


Long table setup with backless benches

This will work best in a garden venue to better suit the theme. Imagine multiple long tables with backless benches that are set up so that guests on one table will be back to back with the guests of the other table. Since guests will be seated next to people they know and won’t have to awkwardly sit face to face with a stranger (as could be the case with traditional round tables), your guests could become more comfortable. With the right placement, people who belong in small cliques can be put together so they don’t get shocked with meeting a lot of new people right away.

Ice breakers

Now, if you have to go with the traditional multiple-table setup, pairs or smaller groups are bound to share a table with people they aren’t close to. So why not make a game out of it? Place icebreaker questions or fun facts about your guests on their tables so that they’ll have something to talk about! Not only is it simple and inexpensive but, if you do it correctly, people will make new friends and your reception will start off on the right foot!

Kid’s area/table

Kids are wonderful but sometimes they can end up getting in the way of some much needed catch up between adults. Having a kids’ area or table will solve this. The kids can have their own special set of food and party items like colouring books at their table.

Install an intimate bar and lounge

Back to adults – most adults love bars and lounges. It’s the perfect place to get comfortable and have a nice chat with people. Make both places comfortable so people will be urged to interact but not only with the people who already know each other. Comfortable guests equal a night full of stories and laughter.

Prescription box

Think of it as a suggestion box but with a twist. Have someone give out pieces of stylized prescription papers, asking guests to write down what they think about what “medicine” the bride and groom need in order to maintain a healthy marriage! You’re bound to get a mix of answers that are completely comedic and those that offer wise advice. It will get your guests talking and you instantly collect marriage advice from the people you are closest to!

Line dance

This is an oldie but goodie. It may be the most basic from everything here on the list but no one can deny a good line dance especially if people had a good start to the evening! Play your cards right and you can get all of the attendees doing one big line dance. Fun for all ages!


If you have other suggestions with regards to activities for the reception, don’t hesitate to share them in the comments section below!



A Quick Guide to Reception Meal Styles

Food is one of the most important, and often expensive, aspects of any wedding. It’s a good thing you can choose from various wedding catering styles from catering services offering complete luxury service tailored to the needs of each clients.

A right menu is an essential part of every wedding. Apart from choosing what food you will be serving at the reception, you also need to decide the style of how your caterers will serve the food. Here is a quick guide about the different wedding reception meal styles to help you determine the right meal style for your wedding.


Meal Style # 1: Plated Service

Plated service has been the traditional and formal choice for wedding receptions. It’s a sit-down meal where food is served individually per person. A plated dinner is often composed of three courses: appetizer, main course, and dessert, and everyone gets the same dish unless someone with allergies requests for an alternate dish in advance. The specifics are, of course, dependent on the choice of the couple.


  • Every guest gets their food and can start eating at the same time.
  • Lower costs compared to buffet since each meal is pre-selected already.
  • Less chances of leftovers.


  • A plated dinner will require you to hire caterers that have many servers, both for serving the guests and preparing food in the kitchen.
  • The guests do not get any options.


Meal Style # 2: Family-Style

Family-style involves serving a variety of dishes on each table and allowing the guests to get their own portions. If there are guests seated at the same table that don’t know each other, it also provides a way for them to start interacting.


  • Your guests can choose their preferred dishes (and the portion size) from the selection served.
  • Family-style is efficient since guests can eat right away after choosing their food.


  • This type of meal style requires larger space for all the dishes and platters, which could lead you to increase your budget on the rental items such as big tables and numerous serving plates.


Meal Style # 3: Buffet

Considered as the most casual meal style, a buffet allows guests to get their food from the various food stations on long tables. There are usually servers behind the food stations to assist guests.


  • You can provide your guests with a wider variety of food choices.
  • You do not need a lot of servers since guests can serve themselves.


  • Buffets tend to cost higher compared to the other meal styles since it requires large amount of food and different choices.


Meal Style # 4: Food Stations

A food station is one of the growing trends in the wedding scene. You’ll have various food stations disseminated throughout your wedding reception venue. For example, you could have a meat station, salad station, and an ice cream station, among others.


  • Since the food stations are situated in different parts of your wedding reception, guests do not need to wait in long lines.


  • Space may be an issue, and you might need a larger venue.


When it comes to weddings, the food is often what makes a lasting impression on guests. Be creative in choosing the food that you will have and how it will be served.

10 Tips and Tricks for Selecting the Best Wedding Favor

How do I choose the best wedding favor?

  1. It’s recommended that it is meaningful to you and your future partner.
  2. It is best if it is practical for the guests to use in the future and/or during the wedding proper.
  3. You must be able to afford it.
  4. You must try them out.
  5. It must be high-quality.
  6. It can be a ready-made item that you can customize.
  7. You can also try making your own DIY favors.
  8. Avoid adding your wedding details on the item because it may be discouraging for your guests to use the gifts.
  9. It is best to match the color with your color scheme.
  10. If you are stumped, then you can resort to giving customized sweets.

There are plenty of things to do when planning a wedding. You have to come up with a theme, look for the perfect venue, and track down the best wedding catering company. But aside from that, you also have to prepare small gifts that you can hand out to your guests after the merry event.

These giveaways are called wedding favors. They are souvenirs that you give to your family and friends to thank them for taking the time to witness you exchange vows with the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Aside from the wedding catering, theme, and reception venue, this is one thing that you should prepare in advance.

If you are in the process of preparing your wedding favors, here are a few tips and tricks that would immensely help you: 

Give Something Meaningful

The first thing you need to consider when choosing a wedding favor is the meaning it holds for you and your spouse-to-be. Think about your love story and the things you like as a couple. Are you guys foodies? If so, then you should consider giving your guests edible wedding favors that they can take home with them. 

It Must Be Practical

You have to consider your guests’ reactions upon receiving your wedding favors. Ask yourself if you would want to receive the same item; if the answer is yes, then you are on the right track. Be wise and practical by providing your guests with something that they can still use years after your wedding. This way, they will not end up collecting dust or, worse, in a trash can.

 Make Sure That They Are Affordable

The price is an important factor that you must consider when selecting a wedding giveaway. Set a budget and take it into consideration when choosing possible souvenirs. As much as possible, do not go beyond it. Instead, look for gifts that are affordable, practical, and meaningful. 

Try Them Out

Before choosing a wedding favor, sample them first. For example, if you are going to hand out something edible, taste them first to see if they are truly delectable. If you are going to give away mugs or cute baubles, it’s important to first check how durable they are before making a purchase. Do not wait until the wedding day itself to check your wedding favors because by then, it would be too late to return them. 

Personalize Your Gifts

Make the most of your budget by giving away personalized wedding favors. For sure, your guests will appreciate the thought and effort that you put into adding a touch of personality to your favors. However, you have to remember that it will take some time to customize these items as compared to just buying and packing them nicely. So make sure that you have enough time on your hands. 


In line with the previous tip, why stop at adding a touch of personalization when you can go all out? Creating DIY favors – in the form of cute little trinkets – is just what you need to do this. It’s not as simple as simply adding your name to an item and it will definitely take much more time. However, you can be as expressive as you want. The list of DIY items on the internet is endless! You can find the one that describes your love the most while being super useful to your guests. It’s that care and love that you put into making these trinkets that will touch anyone that gets their hands on it.

Think Twice Before Monogramming Your Gift

If you want your guests to use your wedding favor, do not monogram it. Why? Because attaching your photos, initials, and wedding date on the mug or pen holder you are planning to give away will discourage people from using them. No matter how practical they are, they become decorations as soon as you monogram them. That means that instead of utilizing them, your family and friends will probably put your wedding souvenir on display.

Consider Your Venue

It would also be very practical for your guests if they can use your favor to further enjoy your big day. But, of course, you will want the gifts to be fitting for your theme and venue if this is what you’ll be going for.

Take a beach wedding for example. A great giveaway here would be sunglasses. This is so that they can protect their eyes on the hot day. Another great gift to give is a stylish hand fan. With this, the guests can keep themselves cool while they witness you tying the knot. This is also useful if your theme requires guests to dress in stuffy clothes.

In a colder setting, hand and neck warmers would be perfect!

Match With Your Colors

As you may know by now, the color scheme dictates everything. While your favors don’t have to be an exact match to this, it has to at least complement it so it doesn’t clash. This will not only be easy on the eyes for everyone, but it will also make everyone remember your special day in a subtle way.

Take note of these tips when preparing your wedding favors. They will surely help you acquire the best and most memorable souvenirs that can efficiently express just how grateful you are for your friends and family’s presence on your wedding.

Anything Sweet

Like with any gift – whether for Christmas, weddings, birthdays, etc. – you can never go wrong with food; sweets in particular. Cupcakes and cookies are one of the best choices for this because you can easily add custom designs. These will be really cute and will definitely make your guests smile. Just make sure you have an alternative for those with health concerns.

Take note of these tips when preparing your wedding favors. They will surely help you acquire the best and most memorable souvenirs that can efficiently express just how grateful you are for your friends and family’s presence on your wedding.

Tips for Your Wedding Invitation

Wedding is an important milestone in anyone’s life. Plenty of people plan this big event meticulously, making sure that everything – from wedding catering to the venue – is organized as soon and efficiently as possible. After all, every couple wants things to run smoothly during their big day.

However, in the midst of all the planning, couples should not forget small details such as preparing and sending the wedding invitations. Make sure to allocate enough time and effort in crafting invitations. After all, your wedding will be devoid of guests without one. To help you, here are four tips that you should consider: 

Your Invite’s Design and Output

It is vital for you to conceptualize how your invitations are going to look like before you even print them. These are the factors you need to consider:


  • Colors – Your wedding invitation should incorporate and display your theme and colors. This is essential because it will give your guests an idea of how your wedding would look like.
  • Shapes and Sizes – The shape and size of your invitation should also be taken into account. If your wedding is traditional, then you should hand out rectangular cards that are 4.5 inch by 6.25 inch in size. Meanwhile, if the wedding is modern and playful, consider other shapes such as square, circular, and scalloped.
  • Legibility – While you are considering all the style and colors you would like to be displayed on your invite, don’t forget about the text and make sure it is legible. Remember to avoid using light colors for your text if your background is also light in color. Also, make sure that the font you choose can be easily understood by your guests.
  • Words and Spelling – Be wise with the words you use on your invitation. To be safe, use formal language as it is best when inviting someone to a wedding – even if you aren’t exactly holding a “formal” ceremony. Lastly, check and double check your grammar and spelling before printing out a copy. 

Extra Invites


You may think that ordering the exact amount of invitation cards for your guest list is a good idea, particularly since it can help you save money. However, that’s not the case, especially when you consider all the mishaps that could happen during the printing process and while disseminating them. Order at least an extra 25 wedding invitations, just in case. It is better to be safe than sorry, after all. 

Use Glue Stick

Using wet sponges to seal off the envelopes to your invite is risky. This method might end up damaging your wedding invitations in the process. Opt to use glue stick instead to ensure the safety of your invites.

 Think Ahead of Time

Wedding invitations, as mentioned above, take time and care to prepare. Do yourself a favor and plan ahead of time. Moreover, it would do you well to send them out at least two to three months before your wedding day to properly inform your guests and to give them enough time to save the date.

Keep these tips in mind when preparing your wedding invitation. Surely, they will help you efficiently prepare and distribute your invitations.

3 Healthier Substitutes for Rice

Rice – whether white, red, or brown – has been a staple ingredient in many cuisines around the world, especially in Asian countries. Some of the best examples of dishes that use rice as its key ingredients are risotto, fried rice, buttered rice, sushi, maki, gimbap, and even some onigiri.

In the Philippines, most especially, people can’t seem to have enough rice in their meals. Elders even have a proverb saying that a person cannot be full without eating rice. Because of this, many food establishments in Manila – even catering services – are offering various deals like unli-rice to encourage more Filipinos to buy more from them; and for most cases, this gimmick seems like it is working!

But let’s face it, Filipinos does not really have to go out of the comfort of their homes in order to eat rice. All they have to do is stay in and prepare their own home-cooked meals. Essentially, they can eat rice as a side dish to most of their food, such as adobo, sinigang, tinola, and bulalo.

However, rice – especially white rice – is not always the best choice, especially if you want a healthier diet. Basically, it is a source of simple carbohydrates, which primarily means that it is composed of basic sugars, meaning it has no nutritional value whatsoever. In short, white rice shouldn’t be a viable option if you want to partake in a healthy lifestyle. It is also not a good food for people prone to numerous health problems like diabetes.

Admittedly, carbohydrates (which rice provides) are still essential to the body. They are responsible for providing you energy that gets you through the day. But the truth is, you don’t have to get your carbohydrates from rice. You can get them from other substitutes, like the following:



A great gluten-free option is quinoa – a grain that has been gaining popularity just recently. Quinoa is a great source of carbohydrates because of the additional nutritional value it contains. Amazingly, it also provides Omega 3 fatty acids or good fats that counter the bad effects of excessive carbohydrate intake. Omega 3 also helps regulate digestion and the processing of different calories that your body digests.

This rice substitute also has high percentages of fiber and is a good source of protein. Quinoa is a great rice replacement because it is very adaptable as well. More than that, it goes well with a lot of delectable dishes and can be incorporated in many nutritious and healthy recipes.

Here is an example:


  • 1 cup salsa
  • 6 cups spinach leaves
  • 4 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil
  • ¼ tsp. ground pepper
  • ½ tsp. dried basil
  • ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 egg whites
  • ¼ tsp. salt
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • ¾ cup rinsed quinoa
  • 1 ½ cups water


  • Get a saucepan and heat water until it boils. Afterwards, add salt, garlic, quinoa. Cover the pan and let it simmer for about 10 minutes. Uncover it and continue cooking for two more minutes. Then, transfer it to a big bowl and let it cool.
  • Preheat your oven to 175-degree Celsius.
  • Now, heat 2 tsp. olive oil using a non-stick skillet. Cook the quinoa pancakes until they are golden on both sides. Then, move them onto your baking sheet.
  • For about 5 minutes, bake the pancake until they are heated thoroughly. You can serve them with spinach and salsa.



Barley, the other grain on the list, is a perfect alternative to rice as well! This one is high in fiber and contains numerous vitamins and nutrients that are significant for the cardiovascular system. It also contains potassium, zinc, and calcium – all of which are great for the well-being and improvement of your liver and intestines.

Also – like quinoa – barley can be served with your meals as a direct replacement for rice. In some countries, barley is being boiled for people to drink the juice it produces. You can certainly follow their example, because by doing so, you can get the full benefits barley offers.

Here is a simple recipe you can follow:


  • 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp. paprika
  • 1 tsp. curry powder
  • 1 tsp. dried parsley
  • ½ tsp. ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. white sugar
  • 1 tsp. garlic powder
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 15 oz. drained garbanzo beans
  • 1 chopped zucchini
  • 5 diced tomatoes with juice
  • 2 chopped celery
  • 2 chopped carrots
  • 1 cup uncooked barley
  • 2 quarts vegetable broth


  • In a large pot, pour the vegetable broth. Then, mix in the bay leaves, onion, garbanzo beans, zucchini, tomatoes, celery, carrots, and barley. Season your mixture with Worcestershire sauce, paprika, curry powder, parsley, pepper, salt, sugar, and garlic powder. Cover the pot and let it simmer for about 90 minutes. Remove the bay leaves and serve!



There is bound to be a non-grain option on the list and it is here: cauliflower. Cauliflowers are also gluten-free, perfect if you loathe gluten products. It is also packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Plus, it is good for your digestive system since it is a natural antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory effects.

The cauliflower is usually seen as a side dish; just another vegetable that is usually forgotten (or feared by children). But you can easily make it more appetizing by throwing it in the food processor. Or you could also boil them and mashing them so that you can serve it as you would typically serve mashed potatoes – creamy and smooth in texture. Enjoy this dish with your favorite protein source, perhaps with some white meat, in order to complete the whole healthy and hearty dish you are going for.

Key Takeaway

With these three substitutes, you can say goodbye to white rice. Not only are these three nutritious, they are also very tasty. In addition to this, they are very versatile compared to rice. Plus, you can let your imagination run wild with them while preparing your meals – so you can have variety!

If the recipes included above do not satisfy you, you can always check out and follow other recipes that will suit your taste. Don’t be afraid to experiment with these substitutes!

Making Comfort Food Healthy

Various people deal with stress differently. While some love to hang out with friends to take their minds off their current problems, others prefer to spend a relaxing evening at home. There are also people who cope with stress by eating their comfort foods. It doesn’t have to be fancy; it can be that tasty main course from the catering in that wedding you just attended or a simple but delectable dessert from your favorite store. What matters most is how it automatically erases your problems, even if only for a moment, with just one bite.

Most of the time though, that food or cuisine you crave may be packed with calories that do more harm than good to your body. This doesn’t mean that you need to completely give up your comfort food though. Get the best of both worlds and enjoy the best comfort foods without worrying about health risks! Check their healthier versions below.

Oven Baked Chicken

The only thing better than a good old fried chicken is fried chicken smothered in gravy. With so many options for fried chicken around, it’s only a matter of time before you give in to that voice in your head and sink your teeth in a perfect mix of crunchy chicken skin and tender, juicy white meat.


However, fried foods can be unhealthy, especially since they increase the risk of developing cancer or diabetes. If you want a healthier alternative, substitute that deep fryer for an oven and remove all those excess oils. Instead of using a regular breading mix where all the unnecessary calories come from, utilize a simple bread crumbs mix using whole wheat. The baking process will naturally draw out the juices from the chicken and perfectly crisp the outside, giving you the same sensation that you get when eating fried chicken. 

No Bread BLTs

BLT is the go-to sandwich for plenty of people. One can easily order it from fast food restaurants or make one at home since it’s pretty simple to make. This prominent sandwich mixes crispy bacon, zesty tomatoes, and refreshing lettuce. Topped with a helping of mayonnaise and your favorite bread, the BLT is simply delicious.

In spite of this, you should think of replacing the bacon, mayonnaise, and bread with healthier alternatives. For instance, instead of using regular white bread, use whole wheat bread or even Iceberg Lettuce to reduce your carbohydrate intake. In addition, instead of frying the bacon, use your oven to take out those nasty oils from your sandwich. You can also mix your own mayonnaise using yogurt and pepper to add more flavor. 

Light Mac N Cheese


Nothing compares to the combination of melted cheese and fun macaroni pasta. This is the epitome of comfort food and it’s hard to think that there is any alternative for this dish. But the truth is, you can actually make your mac and cheese healthier just by changing some of the ingredients. Don’t worry because doing so will not entirely make your favorite comfort food taste differently.

There are many variations of this dish; you can create it with different kinds of cheeses and various toppings – the options and ideas are basically limitless. However, the main factor you can change in your macaroni and cheese recipe is the cheese mix. Look at alternative low-fat or skim cheeses and milk to replace the usual in order to cut your fat intake. Same with the butter and sour cream because changing these will give you a lighter version of this dish . If you want, you can also try using whole wheat macaroni as well.

With these healthier versions of your favorite comfort foods, you won’t have to sacrifice health for comfort anymore. You can truly have the best of both worlds now! Just learn to use the right ingredients as well as methods and you can enjoy your favorite foods on a regular basis.

Wedding Practices: Traditions or Clichés?

There is a plethora of decisions that couples must face before their big day, spanning from what flowers to use for decoration, all the way to the wedding catering. Also included in this list of decisions are different wedding traditions. Couples must choose whether to follow or to change some of the customary practices that usually take place during weddings. Unfortunately, while some of these traditions come across as either nostalgic and romantic, others are played out and clichéd. Here’s a list of some of the more common practices during weddings and the consensus of the mass. Do you agree or disagree?

Bridesmaids and Groomsmen

Groomsmen and Bridesmaids are basically the friends and family that have been supporting the bride and groom respectively throughout their lives. Traditionally these roles have been gender specific; groomsmen should be male and bridesmaids should be female. What about the groom who has a close female friend or vice versa? If this practice was followed their friend may not be able to participate the way they want to during the wedding. Phasing out this tradition allows the bride and groom the freedom to choose who they want to have by their side on their big day. 

Verdict: Cliché


Asking Permission

Asking for the bride’s hand in marriage is done by the groom as a sign of respect towards the bride’s family. Permission is also asked from any elders that are important to the bride such as her grandparents or any of their aunt and uncles. A gesture of respect should never be lost in an important event such as this. Starting a marriage with respect is a good sign of things to come and shows the character of the groom to be. 

Verdict: Tradition

Giving Away of the Bride

There are many ways to view this custom. There was a notion that the bride belongs to her family and during the wedding, she will be passed on to her husband to start her own family. However, some view this custom as the bride’s parents honoring the groom by blessing him with their daughter while others see this as the transferring of the responsibility of protecting and caring for their daughter to her husband. Passing of a blessing is a beautiful practice since it views the bride as a blessing or a gift to be cared for and protected. This gesture also gives the groom a sense of peace that the bride’s family has faith in him to give him someone as precious as their daughter. 

Verdict: Tradition


Using Traditional Vows

The exchange of wedding vows is the moment in the wedding where the bride and groom vocally commit to each other. There are common formats for these vows that have been used in most weddings throughout the years. In spite of this, it is actually not necessary for a couple to strictly follow these formats. Don’t you think that vows should be personal and come from the heart of the couple? Composing these vows themselves makes it more personal, making it mean more to the couple and truly reflecting the relationship they share. 

Verdict: Cliché

These are just some of the many customs that are present in weddings, some of which have been around for decades. Like every decision in a wedding, it comes down to the bride and the groom to include them or not. Just remember that each wedding is unique to the relationship of the couple and what could be clichés to others may be strict traditions to some. How about you? Do you think the mentioned wedding practices are traditions that should be followed or clichés that should be altered?

Pumpkin Spice Latte-Flavored Desserts

Wedding catering is one of the most important aspects that you need to plan in preparation of your big day. After all, what’s a celebration without delectable food and drinks? In your wedding day, keep the festivity going by serving the most scrumptious meals at the reception!

When preparing the menu, you need to remember that your appetizers and main course are essential. However, it is safe to assume that most of your guests are also looking forward to the desserts you have concocted as well. Why not serve them something trendy and in season like pumpkin spice latte-flavored desserts?

Here are some ideas and recipes that you can follow. 

Pumpkin Spice Latte Brownies

For this recipe, you will need to bake brownies and make some frosting. Below are the ingredients for these two:

Mocha Brownies

  • Your favorite brownie box mix
  • ¼ cup water
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbs. instant espresso powder
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract

Pumpkin Buttercream Frosting

  • 4 tbs. room temperature butter
  • ½ cup 100% pumpkin puree
  • ½ tsp. vanilla
  • ½ tsp. cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp. nutmeg
  • 5 cups powdered sugar

After preparing the necessary ingredients, it’s time to start making pumpkin spice latte brownies. Just follow these steps:

Mocha Brownies

  • Preheat your oven to 163 degree C. Then, get an 8×8 pan and grease it.
  • Afterwards, whisk the espresso powder with your brownie mix in a large bowl.
  • Add egg, vanilla extract, oil, as well as water and whisk the mixture until they combine evenly.
  • Pour the mixture into the baking pan and bake it for about 40-45 minutes.
  • After it is done, set it aside to cool it off.

Pumpkin Buttercream Frosting

  • Beat the butter ‘till it becomes fluffy using an electric mixer.
  • Add the pumpkin puree; beat them together until they have been fully incorporated with each other.
  • Afterwards, put some nutmeg, cinnamon, and vanilla in the mixture. Whisk the combined ingredients.
  • Then, you need to add one cup of sugar periodically until you get the perfect consistency.
  • Make a square-shaped brownie by cutting them all evenly, then put the pumpkin buttercream on top of each brownie.
  • Finish it by drizzling some caramel on top. 


Pumpkin Spice Latte Chocolate Pudding

If the brownies are too much work, make pumpkin spice latte chocolate pudding instead! To start, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 flax egg (1 tbsp. ground flax mixed with 3 tbsp. water)
  • 5 cups rolled oats, ground into flour
  • ¾ cup coconut sugar
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • ½ tsp. ground ginger
  • 1/8 tsp. ground nutmeg
  • 1/3 cup finely chopped non-dairy dark chocolate
  • ¾ tsp. fine grain sea salt
  • ½ tsp. baking powder
  • ½ cup and 2 tsp. almond milk
  • ½ cup and 2 tsp. unsweetened pumpkin puree
  • ½ tbsp. pure vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp. cocoa powder
  • ¼ cup coconut sugar
  • 1 and ¼ cup hot coffee
  • Vegan vanilla ice cream
  • Toasted chopped pecans

Do you have all the ingredients already? Begin making this dessert by following the steps below:

  • Preheat your oven to 190 degree C. Get an 8-inch square glass baking dish and put oil on it to lightly grease it.
  • In a small bowl, whisk water and flax together. Then, set it aside for about 5 minutes so it could gel up.
  • Stir the baking powder, salt, chocolate, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, 1/3 cup cocoa powder, ¾ cup sugar, and oat flour together.
  • Afterwards, whisk the vanilla, pumpkin, milk, and flax mixture together in a separate bowl.
  • Thoroughly combine both wet and dry ingredients together.
  • Scoop the mixture into the glass dish and use a spoon to smooth the surface evenly.
  • Mix ¼ cup of sugar with what is left of the cocoa powder in a mug or a small bowl. Then, sprinkle it all over the batter evenly.
  • Next, pour the hot coffee slowly over the sugar and cocoa powder mixture. Make sure that the coffee covers the sugar and powder completely.
  • Place the uncovered dish into the oven carefully and bake it at 190 degree C for about 25 to 30 minutes. Wait until the cake is semi-firm on top but gooey and bubbly around the edges.
  • Finally, cool the cake for about 10 minutes and then serve it with toasted pecans and vanilla ice cream. 


Pumpkin Spice Latte Cookie Balls

This one’s an easier recipe. Begin by gathering the following ingredients:

  • 8 oz. softened brick cream cheese
  • 36 finely crushed Oreo cookies
  • 4 oz. melted semi-sweet baking chocolate

Once you have all the ingredients, start making your pumpkin spice latte cookie balls by following these directions:

  • Blend the cookie crumbs and the cream cheese altogether.
  • Afterwards, make at least 48 1-inch balls using the mixture.
  • Then, freeze them for about 10 minutes.
  • To make them more delectable, cover the balls with melted chocolate by dipping them.
  • Place them all in a pan covered with a shallow waxed paper.
  • Finally, refrigerate them until they are firm.

Serve these pumpkin spice latte-flavored desserts at your wedding reception, especially if you have an autumn-themed wedding. They will surely be a hit!

4 Delicious Mocktails for Your Wedding

Wine and other alcoholic beverages are the standard drinks when it comes to big events such as weddings. However, one has to consider that not everyone drinks or can legally drink liquor. This is why you should add mocktails in the list of beverages that your wedding catering company should prepare.

Virgin cocktails, or mocktails as other people call them, are made by mixing fruit juices, soda, and iced tea. Actually, this is how cocktails are also made except that alcohol is usually added for a stronger kick. Mocktails, on the other hand, do not include any kind of alcoholic beverage. This means that they can be safely consumed by children, pregnant women, recovering alcoholics, as well as individuals whose religion or principles prevent them from taking liquor. Here are some mocktails that you and your guests will surely love. 

  1. Cranberry-Apple Cider

We may not have a fall season here in the Philippines but this drink will let you experience autumn with every sip! This mocktail is best served cold in a pretty tall glass with frozen fruit as garnish. To make this delicious beverage, combine the following in a container: 4 cups of chilled apple cider, 2 cups of chilled cranberry juice cocktail, and 1 can of frozen orange juice concentrate. Mix them together and refrigerate until it is time to serve it. Pour it into a punch bowl and add 2 cups of chilled ginger ale. Garnish the finished product with apple and orange slices on top, then serve. 


  1. Mother Mocktail

Its perfect fruity blend of apple, cranberries, and orange made this the mother of all mocktails. This drink is easy to make and does not require a lot of ingredients. To start, grab a punch bowl or large pitcher then pour 4 cups of apple juice, cranberry juice, and orange juice in it. Feel free to add more if your pitcher is big or if you want one juice’s flavor to stand among the rest. Add crushed ice instead of cubed to make the experience better. Afterwards, garnish with sliced apple or oranges or frozen cranberries. 

  1. Strawberry Cucumber Limeade

This refreshing drink is perfect when you just want to relax with your family and closest friends or if you want to create a relaxed atmosphere in your event. To make this drink, first, you have to make a simple syrup. It needs two ingredients: sugar and water. Use equal amounts of these two; this means that if you use one cup of sugar, you should add one cup of water as well. Pour them in a sauce pan over medium heat then stir until the edges start to simmer and the liquid is clear. Remove the pan from the stove and let it cool before storing it in an airtight container. Next, cut some fresh limes into half then squeeze them until all of the juices are out. Pour your simple syrup and ice into the juice and then stir the mixture. Top with club soda before adding cucumber and strawberry slices. Garnish with a mint leaf and enjoy! 


  1. Summer Nights Mocktail

The Summer Nights Mocktail is perfect if your reception will be held in a resort; it is refreshing and can be taken while relaxing near the water. To make this mocktail, combine pineapple juice, fresh cucumber juice, mint leaves, and club soda (which will replace the rum in the original recipe). Mix the ingredients then pour over ice. Serve it and watch as your guests are immediately refreshed by this drink!

These drinks are also perfect for other events such as baby showers, birthday celebrations, and a simple get-together with your friends. You can also make them if simply want a delicious drink without alcohol in them.