Category Archives: Wedding Catering Services

Perfect Food for the Summer

summer food catering

What are the perfect foods for a summer in the Philippines?

  1. Street Food
  2. Strawberries
  3. Halo-halo
  4. Durian
  5. Sorbetes
  6. Ice Candy
  7. Fruit Shakes
  8. Mais Con Yelo
  9. Buko Juice
  10. Chilled Taho
  11. Leche Flan

It’s the summer season and it’s the time for some fun under the sun! The best thing about summer is that everything seems to take a different hue, from lavish night time parties at the beach to a gorgeous wedding catering in the metro. Summer can make so many things magical, which is why a lot of satisfied customers coordinate with Juan Carlo to cater a beautiful summer event with delicious food.

Summer is also a special time where certain foods can only be fully enjoyed during this wonderful season. In fact, studies show that out-of-season food can actually have its taste and experience deepen, especially during the summer season.

Research suggests that some experiences in summer are special because most of them invoke a sense of nostalgia that can take anyone back to their younger days. Those were the times when it was okay to stay out and play traditional Filipino games as well as sports-related activities with friends. After all of that is done, they would go to one of their friend’s houses and they would be served food that they would crave for even when they’re not hungry.

Summer time food fun

summer juan carlo catering

Aside from the hydrating food we listed in an earlier post, here are some examples of foods that are perfect for the Summer season:

Street food

Directly correlating the research on the psychology of enjoying summer food, street food is one of the best kinds of food to be enjoyed during the season of the sun. Of course, street food is available every day of the year when the familiar and friendly manong parks his cart in front of the office building; while this is true, street food actually tastes better when enjoyed during the summer, away from work and the hustle and bustle of the metro.


While strawberries are carefully grown in places with a cooler climate, there are actually special techniques growers employ in order for them to grow during the summer. While these summer strawberries aren’t exactly the same as the traditional strawberries people enjoy in Baguio, these strawberries taste the same as normal strawberries. The difference being is that summer strawberries are quite harder to grow compared to normal ones – and that’s where their charm shines. Enjoying a chilled-to-perfect strawberry dipped in cream during the heat waves of summer? Bliss.


This chilled favorite is available for consumption all year round and is especially best enjoyed during the summer season. Each spoonful of fruity, milky goodness will not only quench the eater from the heat of the sun, it will also remind them of the simpler days of their childhood.


Now this one can be a tough addition. Not everyone can tolerate the smell of the “King of the Fruits”, but its taste is to die for and ironically, its smell too is to die for as well, albeit in a different manner than its actual taste.

The most hardcore of all durian fanatics will argue that while the smell is unappetizing, the milky and creamy texture of the durian is a unique experience in itself. Its taste more than makes up for the uncomfortable smell that the fruit exudes.


This is a treat for all kids during the summer and they would patiently wait all day for manong sorbeto to pass by with his colorful ice cream cart. Inside the cart would be the iconic sorbetes, which is the Filipino-made ice cream that is made from carabao’s or coconut milk.

It can also come in chocolate, mango, ube, and cheese flavors and can also be served on a cone or in a bun. Because it comes in such an assortment, all kids will definitely be satisfied when manong sorbeto comes around.

Ice Candy

Ice candy is a treat for all ages while also being the most affordable frozen treat that one can buy. Essentially, it is just juice that is placed in a candy wrapper and frozen overnight. With a variety of flavor available, there is no doubt that this treat can be enjoyed by everyone from all walks of life.

Even though the process of making one is simple, the taste and refreshment factor it gives people is something that people crave for consistently. Truly, a treat to cool down even the hottest of temperatures.

Fruit Shakes

Sometimes, to beat the summer heat, one just needs a cold refreshment. Why not add satisfy this craving by indulging in a tasty drink blended with fruit and ice? Depending on how it is made, this can actually be a way to keep oneself hydrated while taking in some healthy nutrients.

Creating one is simple too! A few slices of fruit just need to be mixed together with sugar, milk, and shaved ice in a blender and will only take a few seconds.

Mais Con Yelo

This is another best seller especially during the summer. The mais con yelo is simply a glass of shaved ice with sweetened milk and sweet corn kernel. It can also be enjoyed with add-ons such as a scoop of ice cream, corn flakes, and rice crispies.

Buko Juice

The tropical fruit, buko (coconut), can be seen all over the Philippines. Because of this, a good source of nutrition is always nearby. In fact, if you’re looking for a great counterpart for buko juice, the meat can actually make a great source of calories.

Adding ice to young buko juice can make a really refreshing drink and it can be accented with buko strips, milk, and sugar. You can even serve it in a whole coconut shell to give it that ‘authentic’ feel.

Chilled Taho

Although this snack usually comes with hot caramel, it also comes in a colder version called ‘chilled taho’. It is still made of the same ingredients: silky soy pudding, tapioca pearls, and caramel sauce. The only difference is that it is a chilled version; usually refrigerated.

Leche Flan

Even though it is just an ingredient for halo-halo, Leche Flan is also delicious dessert on its own. It is usually present at any social gathering including summer fiestas and it has a sweet and creamy caramel desert made of eggs, sugar, and milk, that is usually served cold.

Key Takeaway

Of course there are many other food that can be enjoyed during the summer but these four are among the most delicious food that people can enjoy during the summer.

Are you interested in experiencing the most breathtaking wedding catering experience the summer and the metro can offer? Give Juan Carlo’s services a try!

Throwback: The Royal Wedding Catering

Royal Wedding Catering

What food was served during the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Princess Kate?

  1. For the first course, seafood is served as the fish entree
  2. For the second course, lamb is served as the meat entrée
  3. For dessert, a trio of Berkshire honey ice cream, sherry trifle and chocolate parfait is served.

2011 was the year when Prince William and Princess Kate tied the knot in one of the most momentous events in recent history: The Royal Wedding. It’s one thing when two people get married, but it’s another thing when one of those two people is in line for the country’s esteemed throne! Nothing spells ‘fairytale wedding’ more than this momentous occasion.

The menu at the Royal Wedding certainly took its cue from the best catering in Manila and it was evident in how extensively it was prepared. Everything was perfect: the catering set-up, the drinks-of-choice, and most especially, the quantity of how much food that was served. Needless to say, their guests were surely entertained in one of the grandest occasions known throughout history.

Questions that were surely raised at the time of planning the event include what dishes were to be served, as well as their appropriateness for royalty and their esteemed guests. So what kind of food was served during the Royal Wedding?

First Course: Salmon, Crab, and Lobster

Starting with a zesty twist, the first meal that was served was a Marinated South Uist Salmon with Lyme Bay crab and Wild Hebridean Langoustines with fresh herb salad on the side. It was a delicious seafood course that oozed with a zest that complimented the salmon, crab, and lobster medley. Paired with the course was a delicious bottle of 2009 Meursault, Domaine Guyot-Havilier wine.

What’s great about this particular course is that they stuck with everything that has to do with seafood. Not only that, they also served in the most elegant way possible. So if there you’re out there looking to serve seafood in a grand fashion to your guests, you may want to look at this course for some ‘royal’ inspiration.

Second Course: Lamb, Potatoes, and Vegetables

The second course was a vibrant array of colors and taste. This came in the form of a Saddle of North Highland Mey Select organic lamb, Highgrove spring vegetables, English asparagus, Jersey Royal potatoes and sauce Windsor. The dish is an intricate mixture of the flavors of the earth mixed with the juiciness of the lamb that is buffed by the soft and supple texture of the deliciously grown Jersey Royal potatoes. Aptly paired with this dish is a 2004 L’Hospitalet de Gazin, Pomerol Wine.

Lamb is seen by many as one of those meats that are fit to be served in the elite. Its flavor is known for its succulence and being a perfect pair with the best wine available. For a truly spectacular occasion, this is the meat for you.

Of course, there are also other meats of your choosing. You can never go wrong with the classical ‘steak’ as your entrée. It’s entirely up to you how you want it to be served; whether medium-rare, medium-well, or well-done. Just be sure to know which bottle of wine is the perfect complement to the meat.


The night was finished off with a bang because of the third and final course. This featured a trio of Berkshire honey ice cream, sherry trifle, and chocolate parfait. Along with the elegant dessert was a bottle of Larent Perrier Rose Champagne.

Their choice of dessert was spot on as it exuded simplicity with just the right amount of luxury. Then again, if your spouse is in line for the throne, then why wouldn’t you go all out with your dessert choice?

So, if you’re looking for a great option for your own wedding dessert or just something to do on your own when you’re feeling a bit fancy, then this course should help give you the right amount of inspiration to think of a creative and crafty option.

An Ingenious Mix

The choices for the three-course meal were considered to be ingenious because they were worlds apart from one another in terms of taste and texture yet united to create the perfect menu. Though the courses may be different, they were chosen because of the different themes they represented.

The first course was highlighted by the flavors of the sea while the second course was accentuated by the flavors of the Earth; the differences paralleled the initial difference in social standing between the now husband and wife. This is what made the Royal Wedding a modern romantic fairy tale.

The Royal Wedding’s dinner was modest in scale and it was attended by 300 of the closest friends and families of Prince William and Princess Kate. This was preceded by the actual wedding ceremony in Westminster Abbey, which was attended by 1,900 people. Also, Queen Elizabeth hosted 600 people for an after-wedding breakfast of canapés and champagne at the Buckingham Palace. Finally, the ceremonies were concluded with Prince Charles’ dinner for 300 people.


Auction of the Menu

Four years after the Royal Wedding, the menu for the dinner affair was auctioned online and it was eventually sold for over $1000. The dinner menu for The Royal Wedding was printed on thick ivory cardstock and is adorned with an ornate green ivy border. A couple of years after The Royal Wedding, the Royal Couple is still happily married with two healthy kids, perhaps their happily ever after did come after all.

Key Takeaway

Truly, this occasion can be considered as every bride-to-be’s dream come true. So, with that said, why not make it happen? With the right choices and careful planning, your wedding can be a dream coming true.

There are numerous factors in a wedding to take into consideration. No matter what you choose, always remember the love you and your spouse-to-be share.

For a royal experience of your own, why not give Juan Carlo’s catering services a try?

Food And All That Jazz: Famous Foods of the ‘60s

What foods were popular in the 60s?

  1. Instant Noodles
  2. Fondue
  3. Hamburger
  4. Tuna Casserole
  5. Shrimp Cocktail
  6. Meat Loaf
  7. Lipton Onion Soup Dip
  8. Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Pizza Mix.
  9. Campbell Soup
  10. Jell-O Pudding Pops
  11. Pop Tarts

Food is a passion that transcends culture and time. The 60s were filled with phenomenal years of people becoming more aware in various aspects of life. People’s tastes and cultures were influenced by music and the lifestyle of love and peace. At the time, political strife was present everywhere and the post-war modern world was still struggling to find its own identity after a grueling era filled with fighting and dispute. Such is the influence of the revolution of the food that it even affected events in the South East. From working lunches to simple wedding catering service, everything changed with the emergence of the golden age of food.

These turbulent times were aptly put into words by Bob Dylan when he sang “The times, they are a changing.” As a wave of change hit the world like a tsunami, so did the food that people enjoyed. Most of the popular food of this era is marked by their foreignness to the people who only started to enjoy them. They were all imported from other countries by immigrants and these new foods slowly changed the landscape that was a part of the American field of influence.

Thus, here are 11 examples of food that were popular during the 60’s:

Instant Noodles

Originally introduced in the late 50s, it wasn’t until the 60s that instant noodles hit the market by storm. It was more expensive back then so it was considered a luxury food. It revolutionized the way people prepare, enabling them to store and serve noodles for years to come. People called it “Space Ram” because, according to inventor Momofuku Ando, “People have to eat no matter where they go, even outer space.”


Originally popular in European countries, the “dip” based food was brought over to the United States by European immigrants. Fondue is enjoyed by melting various cheeses in a pot; while the heat is maintained by a slow burner, food is then dipped. Meats are the more traditional food that are dipped in fondue. Chocolates, marshmallows, vegetables and fruits may be used as substitutes.

catering sixties


While the Hamburger was originally invented in the 1800’s, it wasn’t until the 60’s that the Hamburger started to take the modern shape and taste that we are familiar with today. One could say that the 60’s were the industrial revolution for the Hamburger.

Meat Loaf

People were initially skeptical of the meat loaf because they (wrongly) believed that it was made by using materials of questionable origin. In reality, the meatloaf is essentially a mixture of ground beef and eggs so, in a way, it was kind of like the hamburger only served in more volume.

Tuna Casserole

Effortless to make while being delicious and affordable, the Tuna Casserole took the world by storm when it was popularized in the 60’s. Various recipes and versions of this classic meal exist, but the appeal of the original Tuna Casserole stands strong even today.

catering meat loaf

Shrimp Cocktail

The shrimp served in those custom-made, fancy martini glasses people could see on various 60s TV Shows? Yup, those were real and they were extremely popular because of how easy it was to make. The shrimp cocktail was also regarded as one of the earliest hors d’oeuvres in the West.

Jell-O Pudding Pops

This delightful low-calorie snack grew such a fandom in the 60s that there are petitions that exist to bring it back since its disappearance somewhere during the 80s and 90s. While many other websites have recipes that show people how they can make their own, the original will always be better. If you do want to see Kraft Foods bring this 60s trend back on modern shelves, then you can help out by signing this petition that already has 11,457 signatures.

Lipton Onion Soup Dip

Onion dip was wildly popular in the 60s and the best one was the onion soup mix that Lipton created. This was considered a real treat in many households, especially when served with ridged Lay’s or Ruffles potato chips.

Although this is no longer available, people can create their own version that is healthier than the original. The recipe can be found here.

Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Pizza Mix

Even people from Oregon, which has some of the best pizza in the USA, would walk a mile just to get a box of Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee. This was a pizza mix in a box that allowed people to create their own delicious pizza at home. One that was successfully made would end up having a thin crust and a rich spicy sauce. Families usually enjoyed this while watching their favorite TV shows. Although one box can only give each family member 2 slices, those slices were holy relics to the people of the 60s and would satisfy any craving stomach.

These were some of the foods that made an impact in the western world back in the 60s. As you can see, many of them are still popular today. Safe to say, they made some good memories for the folks who got to enjoy them in their prime.

Campbell Soup

These were so popular in the 60s probably due to the catchy jingle that would invade the screens at home and cause people to crave for Campbell Soup. This came in alphabetical, vegetable, chicken noodle, and tomato variations; all of which were delicious. The chicken noodle version, however, was known for causing kids to be sick… which made kids love it even more because they get a free pass to skip school. The alphabet soup, of course, was a great way dish to eat and play with at the same time. Most kids ended up eating cold soup because they were too busy trying to spell their names. Another big trend was to combine the tomato soup version with Wonder Bread for a quick delicious snack.

Pop Tarts

The glorious Pop Tarts come in all sorts of flavors: strawberry, blueberry, and blackberry. This assortment of flavors was common to find on the shelves of households and were common snacks to give kids to pack for school or for breakfast.

Key Takeaway

These were some of the foods that made an impact in the western world back in the 60s. As you can see, many of them are still popular today. Safe to say, they made some good memories for the folks who got to enjoy them in their prime.


10 Guilty Pleasure Food that are Actually Good For You

What are the guilty pleasure foods that are actually good for you?

  1. Dark Chocolate
  2. Popcorn
  3. Pork Rind
  4. Beef Jerky
  5. Cheese
  6. Chinese Food
  7. Ice Cream.
  8. Red Meat
  9. Waffles
  10. Red wine

Several celebrities tied the knot this year – through magazine and television coverage, we got to witness the union of our favorite public figures! Many people gushed over the wedding gown designs, beautiful ceremonies, and receptions. But a lot of people also salivated over the wedding catering. After all, there’s no better time to indulge in some guilty pleasure food than during weddings.

Surprisingly, there are some types of food that are thought of as unhealthy but, are actually good for you! The next time you are out celebrating a wedding or birthday of family or friend, remember that you don’t have to shy away from the following food:

Dark Chocolate

dark chocolate

Chocolate has a reputation for being bad for you, but dark chocolate actually isn’t!

Sure, dark chocolate can contain caffeine and tyramine – the latter being a natural chemical that is associated with migraines; but it actually has other healthy ingredients as well. For instance, it contains flavanols, which are antioxidant properties that can help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. It can also help reduce bad cholesterol, as well as lower your blood pressure! In fact, a study was published involving overweight individuals and how consuming dark chocolate has helped decrease their blood pressure while improving their blood vessel health.

This yummy dessert also has cocoa, which can help improve your circulation and reduce your risk of developing diabetes.



Popcorn contains carbohydrates that might raise your blood sugar. But did you know that by changing a few things about its toppings, this can actually be healthy?

Forget the heavily flavored popcorn (extra cheese, anyone?) that you usually see in stands outside movie theaters. Popcorn without toppings is actually a snack that is high in fiber and low in cholesterol.

This snack contains phytonutrients, which allows for optimal cellular function and communication. Popcorn can also help you detoxify foreign substances in your body and build a strong immune system. Aside from that, it improves muscle function and helps create healthier tissues and organ systems.

Pork Rinds

pork rinds

People think that this snack is unhealthy because it is cut from the pigskin and then deep-fried. But, did you know that a 1 ounce serving of pork rinds is healthier than a pack of potato chips? Yes, an ounce of this delicious snack contains 17 grams of protein, 9 grams of fat, and absolutely no carbohydrates at all. That’s 9 times the amount of protein (and less fat) that you’ll get in a pack of chips!

Most of pork rinds’ unsaturated fat is oleic acid. This is healthy and can also be found in olive oil. Also, of its fat content, 13% is stearic acid. This saturated fat is considered harmless and does not raise the cholesterol level of your body.

Beef Jerky

beef jerky

Beef jerky is believed to be unhealthy because it contains a lot of preservatives and is high in sodium. In truth though, this snack is not only high in protein, it also doesn’t raise your insulin level! Insulin is a hormone that signals your body to store fat. Which means that this is an ideal snack if you are trying to lose weight.

Some beef jerky brands contain MSG and sodium nitrate. But there are some that use all-natural ingredients for a reduced total sodium content. When shopping, just remember to check the packaging to see if you are buying a chemical-free beef jerky or not.


4 Guilty Pleasure Food that are Actually Good For You

Cheese is actually a good course of calcium, protein, vitamins, and minerals. These make them the perfect topping to start or end any meal.

Also, certain kinds of cheese have beneficial bacteria that promote the growth of a chain of good fatty acids in your body. These cheeses are gruyère, gouda, cheddar, and parmesan.

Chinese Food

4 Guilty Pleasure Food that are Actually Good For You

Although Chinese food has been stereotypically portrayed to be greasy, salty, and full of calories, there are actually guilt-free options to choose from. These include sweet and sour soup, chop suey, and even chicken and broccoli. Just avoid anything deep-fried or noodle dishes.

Ice Cream

4 Guilty Pleasure Food that are Actually Good For You

Compared to other desserts, ice cream is actually low in calories. A half-cup of vanilla ice cream only contains 140 calories, 14 grams of sugar, and 7 grams of fat. To add a healthy touch to it while making it even tastier, try adding some fruit. Good choices would be a bowl of berries, apples, and bananas.

Red Meat

4 Guilty Pleasure Food that are Actually Good For You

The World Health Organization (WHO) has labelled red meats as “probable carcinogens”, which has made people fear eating it. However, what people do not realize is red meats are actually good sources of protein, iron, and vitamin B12. It can also help boost one’s metabolism. The key is to eat it in moderation.

Steaks, in particular, are a healthy alternative to processed meats like hotdogs and sausages, which contain preservatives, sodium, and nitrates.


4 Guilty Pleasure Food that are Actually Good For You

The tradition waffle is actually made of only eggs, milk, and flour which are not known to cause any nutritional harm. It is only when it is drowned in butter and syrup that it becomes unhealthy. Avoid adding these to your waffles and you have a snack that is low in fat and calories.

Red Wine

4 Guilty Pleasure Food that are Actually Good For You

This may get you intoxicated, but it will do so in a fun and healthy way. The U.S. Dietary Guidelines state that drinking red wine daily (1 glass per day for women; 2 glasses for men) can slow down aging, reduce the risk of getting breast cancer, and prevent dementia. Just make sure that it is sulfite-free.

Key Takeaway

It turns out that a lot of foods that we have always perceived to be unhealthy are actually healthy. Now, you can eat dark chocolate, popcorn, pork rinds, or beef jerky without feeling guilty!

8 Easy Veggies to Grow in your Backyard

What are 8 easy vegetables to grow in your backyard?

1. Tomato is a common salad ingredient that only requires little attention in growing and is still easily cultivated.

2. A vegetarian’s favorite, carrots, easily grows from seeds and with an even soil moisture.

3. There are two types of cucumbers: a bush and a vine. Either way, it’s easier to grow cucumbers as it prefers sunlight and a warm temperature.

4. Radishes are better planted during the cool season as they can sprout pretty quickly, estimated between four to five weeks.

5. Green beans are abundant and easily grown from seeds as they also prefer the sunlight and the warm soil, moreover they can also be planted as bush or vine, similar to cucumbers.

6. Peas are early producers, and grows from good soil moisture which means it will only require little amount of effort to grow them.

7. Zucchini makes a good combination with other salad veggies and is convenient to plant as it will only require the sun, and a sufficient and even soil moisture to grow.

8. Salad greens such as lettuce, kale and spinach completes the traditional salad recipe, and the great thing about them is that they can be planted anywhere with similar practices such as watering them regularly and maintaining the soil moisture.

Whether you are dining at weddings or corporate outings, hosting a fun dinner party with your friends, or just making a quick snack for yourself, it’s always a good idea to eat healthy – and that means going green. Some are okay with grocery veggies, but there are those who prefer to eat organic due to its healthier and more “natural” origins. However, organics are notorious for being more expensive than their counterparts. So, a logical countermeasure to this would be to grow your own instead.

The biggest advantage to growing your own food is that you know exactly where it came from and how it was grown. Should you ever decide you want a salad for lunch, all you have to do is go out to your backyard, pick out what you need, and toss them into a bowl ready for consumption (after a thorough wash, of course)! It saves you time, money, and, effort – after all, you’d have a harder time going to the supermarket and buying these as opposed to simply plucking them out of the ground.

If you want to dip your foot to test the waters rather than jumping in, then consider starting with these low-maintenance veggies to begin your journey into the world of gardening!


fresh tomatoes

A basic ingredient present in almost all vegetable-based dishes, the tomato is a bright, fragrant fruit that is very easily cultivated.  It’s a popular choice for starter gardens seeing as they require so little attention that they’re even able to put up with a little neglect; some farmers even say that underwatered tomatoes taste better than the properly watered ones.

To begin growing them, simply place some seeds into a small pot (with holes in the bottom so the water can flow out) and keep the soil damp, but not drenched. Germination should begin somewhere in the 10-day mark and tomatoes will begin to sprout anywhere between 60 to 100 days.



fresh carrots

A popular choice for vegetarians due to their rather sweet flavor and crunchy texture, carrots are often eaten as snacks just the way they are. Growing them is simple – plant the seeds at least one inch apart from one another in a container that’s at least a foot and a half deep wide.

Check that your container also has drainage holes and that the soil is well tilled; carrots thrive on moist – not soaked – soil and having rocks or other debris in the soil will impede their growth. With them being root vegetables and all, they’ll grow downwards, so ensure there’s an ample amount of space. You’ll know they’re ready when it’s been 2 and a half months or when their diameter reaches a half inch, whichever comes first.


8 Easy Veggies to Grow in your Backyard

Cucumbers are among the many veggies that’s easiest to grow as they can be grown as a bush or vine. What they just need is a full sun, a warmed up soil, regular watering, and of course, a container (bush cucumber) or support for their climbing (vine cucumber) to grow them. Another good thing in growing cucumbers is that it’s possible to grow them in small spaces such as condos and studio apartments, and that it yields a plenty of cucumber even with only a few plants grown. You can even share some for your neighbors with its impressive number.


8 Easy Veggies to Grow in your Backyard

What better way to spice up your salad recipe is to slice a few radishes – making it a bit fierce and of course, for a different taste. Plant it during the cool season, and you’ll be surprised at how quick they can sprout, basically between four to five weeks, and they’re good for harvest. While this particular veggie prefers the cool season, it also needs the sun in partial shade to grow into spicy, crispy radishes which is its best form.

Green Beans

8 Easy Veggies to Grow in your Backyard

Known to be abundant and easily grown from seeds, gardeners and vegetarians are fond of green beans. They also make a good combination for a salad recipe, especially when served as chilled, marinated, and lightly steamed. Basically, it’s best to plant them when the danger of frost has passed as green beans, similar to cucumbers, prefers the sun and a warmed up soil. Moreover, it can be grown into two types, as bush or vine, where you’ll need a container or trellis to support them – either way, it will be entertaining to harvest them.


8 Easy Veggies to Grow in your Backyard

Peas make a good salad recipe along with any other salad veggies out there – and it definitely creates a perfect combination. Plus, it’s an early producer, hence it’s convenient to grow some of it in your backyard. Planting peas will only require you to work on the soil, as soil moisture is essential for growing them. Also, make sure to harvest them even before the peas inside develop for a better yield.


8 Easy Veggies to Grow in your Backyard

Whether you’re into summer squash salad or not, it’s best to include zucchini in your salad garden list. Similar to cucumbers and green beans, it prefers the sun and grows in abundance. Though at some point, it also needs sufficient and even soil moisture to germinate hence it’s best to plant seeds later in the warm season. From there, you can expect them to grow easily and ultimately, blossom like the squash.

Salad Greens

Homegrown leaf lettuce in a wooden above ground box in a backyard garden greenhouse.

Plants such as lettuce, kale, or spinach fall under this category. A traditional salad wouldn’t be complete without them, so it’s advisable to grow these in tandem with the aforementioned vegetables. These greens will grow pretty much anywhere, even in small spaces or even slightly shaded spots. But that doesn’t mean ignoring them is a good idea – they still require a little bit of care. Begin by planting multiple seeds in each hole and then lightly covering it with soil. Then leave it; water the soil regularly and keep it moist to the touch.

Key Takeaway

So, if you ever wanted to ‘grow’ your own salad, follow these simple instructions and have that organic salad you’ve always wanted! As for events, well there are caterers who are open to the request of healthy food. Good luck!

How Cheese is Made

cheese catering

How is cheese made?

  1. The first step in preparing cheese is pasteurizing the milk.
  2. Good bacteria is added in that would help it coalesce.
  3. Coagulant is included in the mix to help the milk fuse.
  4. The “clumps of cheese will be cut, and be cooked at specific temperatures to separate the liquid whey from the milk solids.
  5. Salt is added to enhance the taste and inhibit bacteria growth.
  6. Finally, the cheese is aged for it to finally develop its texture and flavor.


Cheese has a strange history in that it – well – sort of doesn’t have a definite one. It’s a food so old that its origins predate recorded history; many European and Middle-Eastern texts mention it but other parts of the world do not. Also, while not particularly well-known as their European counterparts, Asia also has their own selection of cheeses for people to choose from. Though history may not have mentioned them in this aspect, Asia’s oldest known cheese was only recently discovered when an archaeological site was being excavated in 2003. Several tombs were found with bits of curd strewn about, which upon analysis was found to be filled with fat and protein.

Anyway, only in the latter half of the 1800s when wholesale cheese production boomed did its popularity spread beyond Europe and America. That’s in stark contrast to modern times wherein cheese is readily accessible, and although it’s rarely a part of ethnic cuisines outside of Europe, the Middle East, and America, it remains a popular food worldwide. Here in the Philippines there is a local variation – the keso.

In fact, cheese can be served in a variety of ways, ranging from being used as an ingredient for many dishes to simply being used as a dip for various foods on the table. As long as it’s at the right temperature, who cares what occasion it may be?

No Filipino meal would be complete without it as it’s commonly used as a topping for numerous dishes and desserts, in addition to being a staple part of a classic local breakfast. Have you ever had pandesal in the morning with a cheese filling? Or even a creamy cheese-flavored ice cream for dessert? There’s also the local favorite known as ‘kesong puti’, a rich and creamy cheese made from carabao’s milk that is sure to guarantee Filipino-style enjoyment. Now that’s the Filipino palate right there!

As Filipinos, they have a knack of being adventurous when it comes to cooking. Using local produce and different techniques and recipes, each dish is a different experience from the other. Given the Philippines’ history with their abundance of spices and other ingredients, it’s no surprise that many of their dishes last multiple generations. And with their collection of classic dishes, it is of no surprise that their dishes have been given a magical touch. In this case, cheese can be added for a unique, creamy experience.

cheese manila catering

Also, Filipinos also have a knack in adding the ingredient into some of the most unorthodox dishes there is. So don’t be surprised to see cheese infused in your adobo or caldereta. It may seem a bit weird upon first glance, but it works nonetheless.

Whether one is preparing a meal for wedding catering services, cooking up some food for a local fiesta, or getting ready for Noche Buena, it’s always a good idea to slip some keso into the menu. After all, satisfying your guests with your food is the best way into their hearts…and stomachs.

But as mentioned before, keso is only the Philippine version of cheese. Other countries have their own kinds – the French alone have about 400 distinct types. This is matched by Italy, who have about the same, but are outnumbered by Britain with approximately 700 cheeses to their name. Usually, you see these cheeses being paired with some fruit, crackers, and the best wine there is. With that much variety on the table, you can’t go wrong with your sense of taste.

How Cheese is Made

Each type of cheese is made with a specific method, but the overall procedure remains the same.

  • It all begins with quality milk, which is treated or pasteurized to ensure cleanliness and uniformity. (Fun fact: it takes about 10 pounds of milk to make one pound of cheese.)
  • Starter cultures (also known as good bacteria) are added in. The milk is then brought up to temperature, somewhere between 77 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit to simulate an animal’s body temperature. This activates the starter culture that lowers the milk pH enough that it will be able to coalesce.
  • The coagulant is introduced to the mix, usually rennet. The milk will then fuse, forming into a custard-like mass.
  • The “clump” is cut to size – large cuts that are cooked at lower temperatures yield soft cheeses (like Ricotta) while small cuts cooked at higher temperatures yield the harder types (like Romano). This is done to separate the liquid whey from the milk solids – the curds. Depending on how the curd is handled and how much whey is drained from it, different cheeses will form.
  • Salt is added – this enhances the cheese’s taste, keeps unwanted organisms away, and inhibits bacteria growth. This step is also a factor in determining the cheese that will be made as different handling techniques and salting will affect the cheese type.
  • It is then pressed – this finalizes the shape and helps in completing the curd formation.
  • Lastly, the cheese is aged. It is during this stage when the cheese can fully develop its final texture and flavor; for some cheeses this is when the rind starts to come about. This should only be done in an environment with a controlled temperature and humidity.

Key Takeaway

Cheese is the one food that everyone can never get sick of. Its texture, appearance, and taste are enough to drive anyone crazy with excitement. No matter how it’s made or served, be sure to always keep your tastebuds open and savor every bite you take from it.

Who knew that cheese-making can be so difficult? As a common household ingredient that’s now perpetually taken for granted, take a second to appreciate all the effort and thought placed into creating such a diverse and rich food. After all, diversification in cuisine is what makes food the marvel it is today.

In different parts of the world, there is bound to be different servings on each plate. And with a little cheese on it, you are sure to enjoy no matter what.