Category Archives: Wedding Catering Package

6 Things Couples Should Never Do for Their Wedding Day

What are the things that couples should not do for their wedding?

  • You should never crash diet
  • You should never stay up all night before the wedding
  • You should never try a heavy workout
  • You should never second guess
  • You should never overload yourself with last minute hiccups
  • You should never forget your soon-to-be spouse


From choosing wedding catering packages to distributing invitations to saying I Do’s, preparing for a wedding can be particularly hard for the couple. Unfortunately, this pressure can grow as your big day comes nearer, and truth be told that only one wrong move can make everything fall apart.

Thankfully, you could track all of your preparations by having a to-do checklist. However, it is also best to keep a copy of the things you should never do for your big day. To help you out in this endeavor, here are some items for you to consider:


You should never crash diet

  1. You should never crash diet

 It’s a common mistake for women to crash diet just a week or two before their wedding day. In most cases, they tend to get sick or experience difficulties on their big day because of this decision. Even more, being deprived of your proper nutrition can ‘cause impulsive eating.’ In all honesty, there’s no need for brides to go on a diet when they have been accustomed to a particular eating routine, as this wouldn’t result in a huge difference in the fitting. All you really need to do is trust your healthy, regular eating routine and stick to it.

Though if you’re that worried, then you can keep track of your diet; but remember not to overdo it – too much or too less can both give you the headaches.


You should never stay up all night before the wedding

  1. You should never stay up all night before the wedding

 While you may take the hands-on approach when it comes to preparing for your wedding (things like creating your very own handmade invites or place cards), you should definitely avoid staying up all night for this could be a recipe for disaster. Be sure to take the time to rest, particularly in the week of your wedding, as this could be so exhausting.

For all the brides and grooms out there, please heed this warning for complications can easily occur on your special day. If you really have a lot of things to do and prepare for, you could ask assistance from your friends and family. For sure, they’ll be happy to help you do all of them on time.


You should never try a heavy workout

  1. You should never try a heavy workout

 Doing a heavy workout is a no-no. Exercising may be a good idea to keep you fit. However, be cautious enough so you don’t overwork yourself. Otherwise, you may stumble and fall on that very aisle you’ve been dreaming to walk on with your high-heeled glittery shoes. Plus, you don’t want to experience sore muscles as you’re dancing with your spouse for the first time.


You should never second guess (not ever)

  1. You should never second guess (not ever)

 Preparing for your wedding day can be a handful. However, this very reason may not be right to justify second guesses before the wedding day. As much as possible, avoid last minute changes, especially with heavy tasks, such as the reception theme and logistics. This can only break the whole preparation and lead you to unnecessary chaos. If you really need to change some things, then you should keep them at the minimum.


You should never overload yourself with last-minute hiccups

  1. You should never overload yourself with last-minute hiccups

As mentioned above, last minute changes can be truly stressful, hence, why they should be avoided at all costs. If possible, ask someone to help you deal with finalizing every detail of your wedding.

You could possibly appoint someone like your maid of honor, your mother, or a close friend to handle these hiccups. Just be sure to coordinate with them, as well as with your wedding catering services, so that you can be assured that things will run as smoothly as possible.


You should never forget your soon-to-be spouse

  1. You should never forget your soon-to-be spouse

Your wedding day wouldn’t be possible without your soon-to-be spouse, so take your own little private time and catch up with each other. After all, that person is the reason why you’re getting married. Try not to worry too much about the preparations. You should be able to spend some private time together to keep your minds off the load and refresh. Perhaps a quick lunch date or a stroll in the park would do after you two finalize some things.


Key Takeaway

Wedding preparations may need your attention, but overworking things isn’t how you’re supposed to do it. Truth be told, you don’t need to put all kinds of efforts, such as crash dieting or heavy workouts, as these may only lead to unwanted circumstances.

Hence, take these 6 examples and don’t let them happen. Stick to the original plan and avoid unnecessary changes. Most of all, take time to breathe and go with the flow. Surely, in the end, things will go the way you wanted them to.

7 Things You Should Know Before Planning Your Debut

What are the things that you should know before planning for your debut?

  1. Limitation on the number of guests
  2. Consider your venue
  3. Strategy with the making and distribution of invitations
  4. Check your options for your catering packages
  5. Know your priorities
  6. The people who will take part in your 18’s
  7. Follow your budget


Nowadays, it’s a common way to avail catering packages for weddings, corporate events, and even debut parties to avoid the hassle during the event. After all, celebrations – particularly a daughter’s 18th birthday – may only come once in a lifetime. With that being said, it can be expected that most parents will grant the wishes of their daughters and throw them a magical, grand party.

However, planning for such a party is not easy. In particular, there are specific things that one has to know before planning for a debut. Here are some of them:

Limitation on the number of guests

Limitation on the number of guests

The guest list is a common factor during planning your debut. However, it may come off as overwhelming if you do plan on inviting people, even going back to your primary school years. Hence, it’s important to note that there is a limitation on the number of guests – usually ranging from 100 to 200 people.

 More so, the number of guests affects the food menu and even the size of the venue. Therefore, it’s better to think about the numbers before you even answer your planner’s question regarding your guest list.

 The venue

The venue

Another factor that can confuse you from planning out your debut party well is the venue (especially if you have already been thinking about a 5-star hotel hall throughout the years). Having said that, it is highly recommendable that you consider the number of guests, which you have already thought about, and use it in choosing the venue that you prefer.

There are various options for you to consider. You can use your own house or even a private hall that will accommodate the guests. However, you must think hard about how your venue should include: bathrooms, a kitchen, and electrical outlets. This is so your party will run smoothly.

 Strategy with the making and distribution of invitations

Strategy with the making and distribution of invitations

Party invitations are one of the things you can directly input your creative juices into. You can even ask a few of your girlfriends to help you out – though be mindful that this could only be fun if you have a few guests coming to your party. If you are planning to bring in 100-200 people, then it would be best to consider merely designing your invites and have them printed out.

Instead of creating all of them by hand, you can concentrate your efforts in choosing the theme to use on the cards, as well as the paper and materials the printing company will be using.

With regards to the distribution of invitations, you can hand them out personally. By doing so, you will also have the time to catch up with them (if neither one of you is busy). However, if time is working against you, then you can always contact a courier to help you send out the invitations.

Options on catering packages

Options on catering packages

In narrowing down your options for catering packages, you need to look for those that can multitask. More often than not, there are suppliers, who can provide packages while offering another service.

It may be an event organizer, who can provide floral arrangements, or a venue provider, who also collaborates with other event suppliers. By looking for this type of services, you will be able to experience a cost-efficient and worry-less debut party. Search them up and start filtering your choices!



One way to make the planning of your debut party stress-free is through knowing your priorities. This can either be what you want best for your debut – a sophisticated gown, a grand multi-layered cake, or a majestic fireworks display. Sorting them properly would allow you to not only save a lot of cash, but also a lot of effort in planning the details on your debut.

 The people who will take part on your 18’s

The people who will take part on your 18’s

Choosing the people that will partake in your 18’s (roses, candles, treasures, etc.) can be quite overwhelming, especially if most people in your life want to be in them. This is why you should make a list beforehand.

In most cases, people assign 18 men (who have become part of your life) to partake for the 18 roses, 18 women (who have played significant roles in your life) for the 18 candles, and 18 people (who have guided you) for the 18 treasures. This is done traditionally. But you can also change them up, if you want to break from that.

The sacred budget

The sacred budget

By being aware of the budget, you’ll be able to plan out your debut in a more organized manner. Of course, it would be better for you to talk to your parents beforehand so both of you can work on a budget that you can follow. It will also do you good for you to always consult your parents at every step of your planning process. After all, they are the ones, who will be paying for your party.

Key Takeaway

Surely, you’d want to have the best debut experience to remember all throughout the following years. Hence, think about these particular factors, when you approach a planner – this will make it easier to plan out the details of your dream debut.

How to Avoid Wedding Drama


Some of the best days of your life also have the highest potential of stirring up some drama. On your wedding day, this could come in the form of undelivered gift packages, wedding catering miscommunications, and relatives quarrelling.

Unexpected circumstances cannot be avoided completely. The earlier you accept this, the better it would be for everybody. That doesn’t mean though that you can’t minimize the chances of drama happening.



Let your fiancé know of any changes you’ve made, big or small, and ask him/her to do the same for you. This is especially useful if you don’t have a wedding planner. This would mean that the two of you need to act as a solid unit so that all the 3rd party elements (caterers, venue managers, etc.) can follow your lead. It will be confusing for them if you make contrasting decisions separately, and unfair to get them caught up in the middle. Such a confusion could lead to miscommunication between the two of you and your 3rd part elements.

As for your guests, try not to make any big changes such as location, time, gift registry, theme, etc. once you’ve sent out invitations. If there are unavoidable changes, inform them immediately so they can rearrange their plans accordingly. Nothing will cause drama more than embarrassed guests who come in the wrong attire or time. Also be upfront about your rules for plus ones and children.

Time Tables

More precise information means less drama. Plan an itinerary or time table of your program and give a copy to suppliers, bridal party members, and other involved parties to ensure a smooth flow. With all the moving parts and people of your special day, one misplaced element can ruin everything. If you can get a set of professional stage managers to make sure everyone and everything is in place at the right, then do so. This will ensure that everyone will enjoy while making sure they attend to their responsibilities.


Be leader and delegate tasks properly. Don’t do everything yourself because it is near impossible and will stress you out on your special day. For this reason, it is important to know your limit and look for help when you’ve reached it. Trusted friends and family could be good for this, but a wedding planner along with his team would be perfect.


Guest List

If you and your spouse know your guests well, then you will also know which ones are prone to drama. With this information, you can intelligently plan your guest list and where these people will be placed in the reception and wedding. Anyone with bad blood must conveniently be separated at all times. However, when in doubt, leave them out. It could be a cold thing to do, but you really wouldn’t want these people making your special day about them.

One particularly good example is if one of you have separated parents who are not in good terms. The first thing you should do is talk to them about being civil, and if they have any terms that they would like you to consider such as not having them seated in the same table. If you’ve invited either of the parents’ new significant other, make sure to inform the other in advance so as they can prepare themselves or opt to back out. Should anyone start any trouble, you have every right to calmly ask them to leave.

Break Tradition

Another perfect example of wedding drama is people fighting about the coveted maid of honor or best man position. Even though tradition says that you must only have one, you don’t need to follow this. If you have two best friends, then why can’t you have two maids of honor or best men?

When walking down the aisle you can also choose to go solo to avoid any drama amongst the people who feel that they should walk with you. You can even walk down with your fiancé. Be creative and think outside of the box about which traditions you can bend or break.




Turn off your phone. You don’t need any external factors such as a passive aggressive tweet ruining your special day. Besides, you need to focus on the present 100%. It could be tempting to do so to see the latest pictures of your wedding or to see if everyone is having fun, but this is your wedding. You’re meant to have fun at the celebration; not in cyberspace. Give social media rest for the day and live in the moment.

Avoiding drama on your wedding day is all about being prepared, smart, creative, and practical. But above all, you must be transparent with everyone and respect yourself and your fiancé. Your wedding is all about the two of you and nothing should ruin this day. Your friends and family love you dearly and making the right rearrangements and informing them of it is the key to a drama-free day. D

Awesome Bachelor Party Ideas

What are awesome bachelor party ideas?

  1. Video game night
  2. Sports tournament
  3. Barbecue and Ribs
  4. Road trip
  5. Skydiving
  6. Visiting the firing range
  7. Gambling at the casino

Strip clubs for bachelor parties are so old school. Unless that’s actually what you and your groomsmen want and your wife-to-be is comfortable with it – in that case, it’s your choice. Much like wedding catering packages and reception venues, you have plenty of other options for your bachelor party other than the traditional. Here are a few suggestions that are bound to be just as fun, if not more:

Video Game Night

Most men love video games. If this is true for you and your best friends, then this could be the perfect sendoff from singlehood to marriage. Gather your buddies and just play the night away. Play games that force you to either team up or go against each other. Adding beer to the mix will bring extra fun – and maybe the angry neighbor but who cares? Eventually you’ll play and drink until you’re all passed out. It’s the perfect way to feel like a kid again before going off into a life full of adult responsibilities. Just be sure to bring a large number of snacks to munch on and some extra drinks in case you run out.

Sports Night

Another thing men love is sports. While watching sports on TV can get the blood pumping already, there’s nothing like the rush of adrenaline from actually playing your favorite sports

Pick one sport that you and your friends would love. Then, organize an entire tournament; complete with jerseys. It doesn’t need to feel super legit but it just has to get your friends motivated to get competitive. After all, a little bit of friendly competition brings out the best and wildest sides of everyone. When a champion is crowned, have a boys’ night afterwards complete with food and drink. You can simply have this at home. That will be perfect to make this party idea the best bonding experience ever.

But if you and your buds aren’t exactly athletic, then you should at least get out of the front of a TV screen. Get tickets to a local thrilling sports event. Do a pre-game so you can enjoy the game(s) without inhibition. You can also still have the boys’ night after!

Barbeque and Ribs

They say that when you’re able to grill a mean piece of meat, you’re a real man. If you believe this, then put it to the test. Get your friends and gather around the grill to cook the best barbecue of your lives. In fact, to make it more interesting, go against your best man in a cook-off and see who makes the best barbecue and ribs. It’s another competitive part idea that is not just manly, but delicious as well.

Side Note: If you can’t cook to save your life, then don’t worry. Instead, this opportunity to learn from your best friends.

Travel/Road Trips

There’s nothing like hitting road with your best bros. It may be a simple bachelor party idea, but just being with your brothers on a long road trip is enough to make your last day as a lawfully single man epic. Just be sure to have awesome sounds, a full tank of gas, and an adventurous destination. It will be even more memorable if you go to a place special to you and your best buddies. Having a lot of beer here is sure to bring out the best memories of your younger years and the most laughable stories of the past. If you plan to get wasted, then make sure there’s a designated driver that will get all of you home safe. Also, never ever – at any costs or form of intoxication – pick up a hitchhiker because stranger danger is real.

Taking it to the Extreme

What better way to symbolize the plunge going into married life by taking an actual plunge? A long, hair-raising, spirit-shaking plunge to be exact by jumping out of a plane. Skydiving is an experience that you should save for the best of occasions and there is no better time to do than at your bachelor party. It’s a fitting last thrill ride for you and your buddies.

But if this is not to your taste, then you can try many other extreme adventures. Some examples are bungee jumping, hang gliding, scuba diving, surfing, rock climbing, mountain climbing, or even shark diving. Anything that “defies” death can be on the list of things you can do. It will bring you and your brothers closer together and it’s a great story to tell your future wife and kids.

For something less risky, just go go-carting with the boys or take the old bikes and skateboards out for a spin.

Fire Some Shots

If watching sports isn’t your thing, then actions movies is sure to be! The feeling of watching a good action-packed flick is sure to fire you up. Some of the best movies of this kind have men wanting to drive faster, hit the boxing gym, and even playing pretend at home. Though, who says that you will always have to pretend? A trip to the best firing range in the country could be just what you need to feel like an action star. Here, you’ll be able to try an assortment of guns and – if the range accommodates it – grenades. It will be an exhilarating experience for anyone that loves guns and explosions.

Winning it Big in a Casino

If you have the means to go to Vegas, then go for it! In a city where all adventures (and misadventures) stay inside of it, it’s the perfect place for a wild night that only you and your bros could have and know about.

But if not, then any casino would do! Complete the experience by dressing up in a full suit with your friends to feel like high rollers. It will definitely put you in the mood to stare down a dealer while trying to get the best hand. Wouldn’t it be great to win big just before the wedding? It will certainly make your finances happy! Just be sure to know when to quit and you’ll be fine. However, be wary of when servers are trying to get you too drunk and make you feel too daring than your bank account would allow.

Key Takeaway

These ideas will keep your last moments of engaged life memorable. No matter how you choose to celebrate, always remember to keep the brotherhood you share with your friends in the years to come.


Tips for Writing Your Wedding Vows

Wedding Vows Juan Carlo

Food is serious business, especially when it comes to deciding on food catering for your wedding. But what’s even more important are the wedding vows you make to your betrothed. This is what encapsulates years of love in the past and promises years more of that love in the future.

Unsurprisingly, many people find it difficult to put these vows into words. After all, most people simply feel the love and act upon it naturally. Hardly anyone puts each of these countless moments and feelings into words every single day. There’s no shame in blanking out each time you attempt to start writing your vows. However, it’s time to get serious and actually do it. Here’s a quick guide to give you the nudge you need.


Create a Vow Plan

What’s bound to happen when one person is used to discussing what they feel and what’s on their mind, while the other is more reserved? Uneven vows. Even if your differences aren’t this severe, a couple might not have the same expectations when it comes to the vows.

As such, it’s good to discuss beforehand certain aspects of the vows. Set an approximate minimum and maximum word count. Put on the table things that are off-limits such as particular stories or jokes. Agree on a tone (one might write a serious vow while the other makes a comedy out of the whole thing.) Set a due date – better yet, schedule when the two of you will write the vows. Maybe right after cake-testing, when you’re both feeling incredibly blissful?

Reflect on Your Love

Sometimes you’re just too close to the picture. Take some time apart from your future spouse to reflect on your relationship. Think of what makes the relationship special to you and what makes this person special to you. Write down the ones that stand out. Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be your vows yet, just a guideline.

Afterwards, spend time with your fiancée and take a trip down memory lane together. Think of the best and worst days you’ve had as a couple, the moment you got engaged, and the moment you knew that you really wanted to get married. This will help solidify what you actually want to put into words.

Describe Your Love

Easier said than done, obviously. But if you’ve managed to successfully jot down snippets of your feelings, then all you need to do is follow a few tips:

  • Choose the best adjectives that describe him/her. From here you can say why you used these adjectives. One best ways to do this it to…
  • Use examples. Like if your future spouse is very spontaneous, you might talk about the time he/she surprised you and how it made you feel.
  • Think of the rough times. Everyone enjoys love when they go through good times, but going through and conquering bad times is where true love shines. Talk about these moments and how you both became better because of each other.

Be Yourself

Rule number one is to make sure that everything you say is accurate and true. Rule number two is to make sure that your true self is still reflected in your vows. It might not be so believable otherwise!

Avoid Clichés

These can make your vows seem impersonal and like you just got ideas from a movie. Be original – however, don’t bend over backwards just to avoid clichés. If you really feel that your partner is your “best friend” and that is something you’d like to mention, then go ahead and say so. It may be cliché but you can find your own spin at the delivery. Make it a rule of thumb to make your vow written in a way that only you could have.

Get Feedback

Feedback is good for improving anything, including your vows. When you finish your first draft, you can go to your best friend, parents, or anyone you trust and practice saying it in front of them. If that’s too difficult, you can at least just let them read it. Ask them which parts they like and which parts can still be improved. Revise your vows only if you feel there is a need. Getting some feedback is good but in the end, it’s what you and your spouse thinks that matter most.


Remember that these are guidelines and not rules to writing a wedding vow! Bend and break them as you wish if that’s what works best for you and your partner. Here’s an extra tip though: find time to rehearse your vows to avoid stammering on the big day. Good luck and congratulations!

Signature Cocktail Drinks to Serve at Your Wedding

Wedding catering packages often include menus that can be customized according to the betrothed couple’s wants and needs. This could also include alcoholic drinks that, let’s face it, plenty of people are looking forward to almost as much as the wedding. But we digress!
There are a number of cocktail drinks that you can serve on your big day. If you’re curious about what goes in which signature cocktail, read on to help you make the best choice.

Classic Pimm’s Cup

Pimm’s No. 1
Sparkling lemonade or lemon-lime soda
Strawberries, cucumber, mint, oranges

Mix one part of Pimm’s No. 1 liquor with three parts of chilled lemonade
Add mint, cucumber, orange, and strawberry
Add ice
Serve immediately


1 oz. tangerine schnapps
1 oz. vodka
Tangerine juice
Orange or tangerine peel

Shake and strain 1 oz. of tangerine schnapps, 1 oz. of vodka, and tangerine juice in a martini glass
Garnish with orange or tangerine peel
Serve immediately

Honeydew Ginger Gin Fizz

2 parts gin or vodka
1-part fresh honeydew juice
1-part yuzu juice or fresh lemon juice
1-part iced green tea
1-part ginger beer
Ample amount of mint
Slices of candied or crystallized ginger

Steps (for green tea):
Start by brewing the green tea
After brewing, chill the green tea for a few minutes
Pour all the liquid ingredients into an ice-filled shaker
Tear mint leaves into 6 per portion on top
Shake briskly for at least 2 minutes until the mint is pulverized and the cocktail should foam lightly
Strain into an ice-filled rocks glass
Garnish with candied or crystallized ginger slices and mint leaves
Serve immediately

Steps (for honeydew juice):
Puree the honeydew and strain through a mesh
Pour all the liquid ingredients into an ice-filled shaker
Tear mint leaves into 6 per portion on top
Shake briskly for at least 2 minutes until the mint is pulverized and the cocktail should foam lightly
Strain into an ice-filled rocks glass
Garnish with candied or crystallized ginger slices and mint leaves
Serve immediately

Earl Gray MarTEAni

Beefeater London Dry Gin
Pomegranate juice
Angostura bitters

Mix 2 parts of Beefeater London Dry Gin, 1 part of Dubonnet, 1 part of pomegranate juice, and 2 parts of fresh lemonade
Add Angostura bitters
Garnish with lemon and lime, mint sprigs, and pomegranate seeds
Put it into a large punch bowl
Chill the mixture by putting lots of regular ice cubes or fruit cubes
Serve immediately

Spiked Chocolate Milkshakes

8 oz. dark rum
6 scoops of chocolate ice cream
6 oz. Kahlua
10 oz. club soda
Coffee beans and shaved bittersweet chocolate

In a blender, add the 6 scoops of chocolate ice cream
Add the dark rum, Kahlua, and club soda
Blend slowly
Pour the milkshakes into the mixture
Garnish with espresso beans and shaved chocolate
Transfer the final mixture into a high ball glasses or shooters
Serve immediately


2.5 oz. sour apple liqueur
2 oz. vodka
Sour mix and triple sec
Apple wedge

Shake and strain the sour apple liqueur, vodka, sour mix, and triple sec
Add the apple wedge for garnish
Serve immediately

Sex on the Beach

2 oz. cranberry juice
1 oz. orange juice
1 ½ oz. vodka
¾ oz. peach schnapps
½ oz. crème de cassis
½ oz. fresh squeezed lemon juice
Orange slice, 1 maraschino cherry
Cocktail umbrella

Shake the cranberry juice, orange juice, vodka, peach schnapps, crème de cassis, and fresh squeezed lemon juice
Add ice into the mixture
Put the slice of orange and cherry on the cocktail umbrella
Serve immediately


Did you find what you’re looking for? Serve any of these signature cocktail drinks at your wedding day and you are sure to have a fun and memorable celebration. For guests who don’t drink alcohol (or if you’d like to keep all your guest sober, which is fine too), there are mocktails that you can also choose from to be served on your big night. Cheers!

Unconventional Wedding Cakes


What are examples of unconventional weddings cakes?

  1. Doughnuts
  2. Cupcakes
  3. Dessert Shots
  4. Cinnamon Rolls
  5. Pies
  6. Cake Pops

Besides the bride and groom, the wedding cake is undeniably the star of the wedding reception. Many guests look forward to seeing the couple slice through the delicious confection before serving it to them. Plus, who wouldn’t want to get a bite out of that delicious delicacy right before their eyes? Wedding catering in the Philippines certainly know how important the cake is and make sure that they provide their clients with beautiful designs that is sure to make guests smile.

Recently though, couples are looking beyond the traditional wedding cake look. Sure, the classic designs with multiple tiers of sweet goodness spells classical savory. But there’s something about the unconventional and unique ones that truly attract the eyes of many.

From finger foods to mini versions of the classics, here are 6 dessert alternative desserts that will surely satisfy your guests’ sweet cravings:


Whether it’s eaten with a hot cup of coffee, some ice cream, or on its own, a doughnut is truly the dessert that stands among the rest in its own right. With its various flavors and toppings that make every doughnut-eating experience unique, this dessert makes a mark in any setting.

It is also starting to be seen in weddings and gaining popularity as a wedding cake substitute. If you’re yearning for that sweet and glazed goodness of doughnuts to be the centerpiece of your reception, then feel free to go to your local bakeshop to try and find the freshest, yummiest treats. Once you find the best doughnuts in town, then have it arranged in tiers to mimic a multi-tiered cake.

As mentioned before, ice cream makes a great mix for doughnut. If you really want to mix things up a bit, then why not make a doughnut-ice cream sandwich? Also, you can try something new by adding in a doughnut bar, doughnut centerpieces or doughnut wall to the buffet table or cocktail hour.


Sure, cakes are the dessert that make the peak of any wedding celebration. But cupcakes as the main attraction? Now that’s something out of the box.

Cupcakes are a fun alternative to a wedding cake because of the various toppings available for anyone’s choice. You can take this to your advantage by providing all the flavors that you know your guests will love.

To make this “cake” a beautiful centerpiece for the reception, go for a cupcake tower and make sure to stack up a couple extra tiers for that ‘wow’ factor. Every guest will be attracted to get his or her individual serving of a beautifully decorated piece of pastry.

They are also easy to transport and prepare which makes for an easy set-up. When the celebration is over, these cupcakes can also be an easy giveaway.

Dessert Shots

Can’t decide what dessert to serve? Go for dessert shots! This option makes a great way to cater to the tastes of any age group; the more alcoholic ones can go to the adults.

These sweet creations are as beautiful as they are delicious. You have a variety to choose from: strawberry cheesecake, chocolate mousse, and key lime pie, among many others. You can create an array of dessert shots on a side table with 4 or 5 varieties.  Also when compared to a slice of cake, these shots are easier to eat which is practical for walking and socializing around.

Another thing about this dessert that adds to its greatness is that they can be presented in any way you want. Whether it be a tower or a standard row-and-column setup, you’ll surely be able to reign in some hungry eyes and sweet teeth.



Cinnamon Rolls

These delicious rolls are best when freshly baked and served hot with extra cream. Although such rolls are usually seen and enjoyed in a bakery or from your local coffee shop, it can also be the perfect attraction in a brunch-themed wedding.

This is because the beautiful designs of cinnamon rolls make it a great choice as a centerpiece. While you can present them as edible decorations around the venue, you can also put them into tiers for a really unique cake. Another unique idea with these desserts is arranging them into makeshift bouquets. These can be given away as thank you presents given to your guests for attending and bearing witness to your romantic union.

After a whole night of being around these desserts and being able to take them home, they’ll remember your epic celebration every time they have a cinnamon roll.


A pie is one of the perfect wedding cake substitutes because it is one of the most seasonal foods around. Also, its rustic appearance will give a homey, avant-garde atmosphere in your wedding reception.

You can go with mini pies, opt for a pie dessert bar, or stack multiple pies to mimic a tiered cake. Go for a variety of flavors like apple, blueberry, and chocolate cream for a classic twist.

Also, you can even give mini-pies to give to your guests as goodies for attending the wedding. That way, after all that’s been celebrated, they’ll be able to enjoy a taste of love for themselves.

Cake Pops

If you love cake but want a wedding dessert that is more on the playful and miniature side, then consider cake pops. These decadent desserts are dipped in a candy shell for an extra dose of sweetness and topped with different toppings of your choice.

Like with other desserts, you can go for a tiered cake pop. To get that artistic touch for the day, you can color coordinate these pops according to your wedding’s color scheme or create a mild gradation effect.

Also, once everything is done and there are lot of cake pops leftover, simply pop them in the fridge and before you know it, they’ll be good to go.

Key Takeaway

These delicious options will definitely stand out from the wedding cake crowd. If you’re aiming for a unique wedding experience, then these are the foods for you. Remember, there is nothing wrong in adding a touch of uniqueness in the food, especially with dessert.

Asim Kilig! Why Sinigang is So Popular among Filipinos


Why is Sinigang so popular among Filipinos?

  1. Sinigang is marked as a Filipino comfort food.
  2. It helps cool the body during hot conditions due to its tangy taste.
  3. There are many variations of the dish and it can be prepared in any way.
  4. Depending on preferences, Sinigang can be easily adjusted in both quantity and quality.
  5. Nowadays, numerous trends have been introduced to heighten the dish’s popularity to new heights.

When you think about the Philippines, one of the first things to come to mind is the country’s history, which is rich in excitement and intrigue. While many things throughout the times have been given the Filipino touch, there is nothing better than Filipino food; most especially dishes like adobo and sinigang. This is why the best wedding catering in Manila often serve these dishes in their events.

If a survey regarding the Philippines’ national food was conducted, then adobo and sinigang would certainly be tied for the top spot. Both recipes represent the Filipino culture and many consider these dishes as staples in the traditional family gathering.

Between these two dishes, many argue that sinigang is the dish most representative of the Filipino palate. This is mostly because it can be customized according to any taste, budget, season, and availability. Basically, it is a dish that can be enjoyed by all.

Even celebrities can’t enough of it. In the union of Philippine showbiz icons, Ding Dong Dantes and Marian Rivera, Chef Margarita Fores whipped up shrimp sinigang for the couple’s wedding.

What is Sinigang and How is it Made?

Sinigang is a Filipino soup dish known for its sour and savory taste. Traditionally tamarind-based, this sour dish consists of meat – which can be beef, pork, fish or shrimp –  and vegetables like okra, water spinach (kang kong), daikon (labanos), onions, and eggplant. Sometimes the tamarind can be switched with guava, calamansi, or even unripe mango, depending on the cook’s preference. Green long peppers (siling mahaba) are also added to the dish to add some spice. There are also variations such as sinigang sa miso and sinigang na baboy at hipon.

So why is Sinigang a hit among Filipinos?

With its sour soup, sinigang is marked as Filipino comfort food. It rouses the senses because of the sourness and slight spice. Also, ingesting the long peppers can make the body sweat, which helps it to cool especially during a humid day. Food historians even commended sinigang for being a refreshing and appetite-boosting dish perfect for the Philippines’ tropical climate. A Filipino food writer even wrote in an article that the dish most likely was already in existence during the pre-Hispanic era. He also considers sinigang as the Philippines’ national food.

Nowadays, not only do different kinds of sinigang exist for your preference, but different variations of it have also come to light. Have you ever heard of something called ‘sinigang rice’? The thought of merging the flavor of sinigang with rice is something that exudes innovation in traditional Filipino food. Other variations such as sinigang paella, sinigang bulalo, and even sinigang with other fruits such as strawberries and watermelon have also emerged. No matter what you choose, it’s always a guarantee for you to have a thrilling and unique sinigang experience.

A dish like sinigang is something that’s extremely common to the Filipinos to the point where each and every variation of the dish is entirely in their hands to control. It is this ability to be able to customize the dish that makes it enjoyable to every Filipino’s taste.  With that said, sinigang is the kind of dish that can be served to meet many expectations anyone can have of the dish. It’s entirely up to you, as the cook, to deliver.

Although foreigners have mixed views about this dish – claiming that it is too sour for their taste – Filipinos remain undaunted over the negative views to their beloved sinigang.

Is there such thing as ‘authentic’ Sinigang?

With 7,107 islands in the Philippines, it’s no surprise that every region has a different way of preparing the said dish. In 1995, Sidebar of the Chateau 1771 Group introduced sinigang with corned beef to the public. Eventually, this became a trend recipe.

There’s also this recipe called sinampalukang manok. Some do not technically consider it as a variation of sinigang because of the way it’s cooked and how the tamarind leaves are used. In this recipe, the chicken is sautéed with ginger first instead of being dumped raw in a pot with the rest of the ingredients. This is the typical way to cook sinigang. Also, fish sinigang’s primary ingredient is milkfish (bangus) or any local fish like maya maya and lapu lapu. However, many people switch out the milkfish for salmon or tuna.

When it comes to adding the signature sour flavor, tamarind is the go-to ingredient. However, what many don’t know is that other fruits can be used as a souring agent for this dish. Fruits like lemons, pineapples, strawberries, guavas, and watermelons have been known to make great substitutes to add the sinigang’s signature sour taste while adding a hint of sweetness to the dish. Each addition to this dish brings exoticness and authenticity to it.

Key Takeaway

Whether authentic or not, tamarind-based or guava, sinigang is still sinigang for Filipinos. In a way, the diversity is a Filipino tradition in itself. One thing’s for sure: nothing can beat the refreshing feeling one could get after tasting that sour, savory broth during a rainy day or a hot, summer afternoon.

Food And All That Jazz: Famous Foods of the ‘60s

What foods were popular in the 60s?

  1. Instant Noodles
  2. Fondue
  3. Hamburger
  4. Tuna Casserole
  5. Shrimp Cocktail
  6. Meat Loaf
  7. Lipton Onion Soup Dip
  8. Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Pizza Mix.
  9. Campbell Soup
  10. Jell-O Pudding Pops
  11. Pop Tarts

Food is a passion that transcends culture and time. The 60s were filled with phenomenal years of people becoming more aware in various aspects of life. People’s tastes and cultures were influenced by music and the lifestyle of love and peace. At the time, political strife was present everywhere and the post-war modern world was still struggling to find its own identity after a grueling era filled with fighting and dispute. Such is the influence of the revolution of the food that it even affected events in the South East. From working lunches to simple wedding catering service, everything changed with the emergence of the golden age of food.

These turbulent times were aptly put into words by Bob Dylan when he sang “The times, they are a changing.” As a wave of change hit the world like a tsunami, so did the food that people enjoyed. Most of the popular food of this era is marked by their foreignness to the people who only started to enjoy them. They were all imported from other countries by immigrants and these new foods slowly changed the landscape that was a part of the American field of influence.

Thus, here are 11 examples of food that were popular during the 60’s:

Instant Noodles

Originally introduced in the late 50s, it wasn’t until the 60s that instant noodles hit the market by storm. It was more expensive back then so it was considered a luxury food. It revolutionized the way people prepare, enabling them to store and serve noodles for years to come. People called it “Space Ram” because, according to inventor Momofuku Ando, “People have to eat no matter where they go, even outer space.”


Originally popular in European countries, the “dip” based food was brought over to the United States by European immigrants. Fondue is enjoyed by melting various cheeses in a pot; while the heat is maintained by a slow burner, food is then dipped. Meats are the more traditional food that are dipped in fondue. Chocolates, marshmallows, vegetables and fruits may be used as substitutes.

catering sixties


While the Hamburger was originally invented in the 1800’s, it wasn’t until the 60’s that the Hamburger started to take the modern shape and taste that we are familiar with today. One could say that the 60’s were the industrial revolution for the Hamburger.

Meat Loaf

People were initially skeptical of the meat loaf because they (wrongly) believed that it was made by using materials of questionable origin. In reality, the meatloaf is essentially a mixture of ground beef and eggs so, in a way, it was kind of like the hamburger only served in more volume.

Tuna Casserole

Effortless to make while being delicious and affordable, the Tuna Casserole took the world by storm when it was popularized in the 60’s. Various recipes and versions of this classic meal exist, but the appeal of the original Tuna Casserole stands strong even today.

catering meat loaf

Shrimp Cocktail

The shrimp served in those custom-made, fancy martini glasses people could see on various 60s TV Shows? Yup, those were real and they were extremely popular because of how easy it was to make. The shrimp cocktail was also regarded as one of the earliest hors d’oeuvres in the West.

Jell-O Pudding Pops

This delightful low-calorie snack grew such a fandom in the 60s that there are petitions that exist to bring it back since its disappearance somewhere during the 80s and 90s. While many other websites have recipes that show people how they can make their own, the original will always be better. If you do want to see Kraft Foods bring this 60s trend back on modern shelves, then you can help out by signing this petition that already has 11,457 signatures.

Lipton Onion Soup Dip

Onion dip was wildly popular in the 60s and the best one was the onion soup mix that Lipton created. This was considered a real treat in many households, especially when served with ridged Lay’s or Ruffles potato chips.

Although this is no longer available, people can create their own version that is healthier than the original. The recipe can be found here.

Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Pizza Mix

Even people from Oregon, which has some of the best pizza in the USA, would walk a mile just to get a box of Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee. This was a pizza mix in a box that allowed people to create their own delicious pizza at home. One that was successfully made would end up having a thin crust and a rich spicy sauce. Families usually enjoyed this while watching their favorite TV shows. Although one box can only give each family member 2 slices, those slices were holy relics to the people of the 60s and would satisfy any craving stomach.

These were some of the foods that made an impact in the western world back in the 60s. As you can see, many of them are still popular today. Safe to say, they made some good memories for the folks who got to enjoy them in their prime.

Campbell Soup

These were so popular in the 60s probably due to the catchy jingle that would invade the screens at home and cause people to crave for Campbell Soup. This came in alphabetical, vegetable, chicken noodle, and tomato variations; all of which were delicious. The chicken noodle version, however, was known for causing kids to be sick… which made kids love it even more because they get a free pass to skip school. The alphabet soup, of course, was a great way dish to eat and play with at the same time. Most kids ended up eating cold soup because they were too busy trying to spell their names. Another big trend was to combine the tomato soup version with Wonder Bread for a quick delicious snack.

Pop Tarts

The glorious Pop Tarts come in all sorts of flavors: strawberry, blueberry, and blackberry. This assortment of flavors was common to find on the shelves of households and were common snacks to give kids to pack for school or for breakfast.

Key Takeaway

These were some of the foods that made an impact in the western world back in the 60s. As you can see, many of them are still popular today. Safe to say, they made some good memories for the folks who got to enjoy them in their prime.