Category Archives: Wedding Catering Manila

Here’s the Trendiest Wedding Proposal Ideas of 2017

What are the trendiest wedding proposal ideas of 2017?

  1. Proposal secretly captured on film – The proposal will be secretly captured, with its images and footage to be unveiled on the wedding day.
  2. Live performance proposal – A perfect example of this is a flash mob proposal.
  3. Destination proposal – Men would take their girlfriends to a special place before proposing.
  4. Collaborative act with family and friends – The man, who is planning to propose, will as the help of the girl’s family and friends to pull it off.


Before getting a wedding catering in Manila, most men will have to go through the challenge of planning a wedding proposal. The best thing about it though, is that there’s always a certain point during engagement seasons when men are able to pull it off creatively and smoothly. It almost seemed like it wasn’t a tough job to plan out – even though we all know that it is.

Summing up the viral wedding proposals of this year 2017, people have seen various marriage proposals that are all seemingly different; some relatively cool while others are grandiose and too perfect to even imagine them happening.

Are you curious for the trendiest wedding proposal ideas this 2017? Then, look no further because you can check them out below.


Proposal Secretly Captured on Film

Proposal Secretly Captured on Film

The first item on this list features couples, who seemingly have a normal wedding proposal until their wedding day. The whole idea behind this is for the groom to surprise the bride after they exchange vows.

Basically, the guy who’s planning to propose to his girlfriend would be hiring a “secret” photographer to capture the wonderful moment when the girl says “Yes.” This footage or pictures will remain hidden until their wedding day, when the guy finally unveils them.

The result of this delightful surprise is an emotional reception not just for the bride, but also for the guests as well. Essentially, all of them will get to see the occasion at its genuine moments.


Live Performance Proposal

Live Performance Proposal

Truth be told, clips of flash mob proposals have been going viral for a few years now, one of which showcases the Filipino actor, John Prats’ wedding proposal to his now-wife, Isabel Oli. This very video was uploaded on YouTube in the year 2014 and garnered a total of 1,233,775 views as of writing.

For this type of wedding proposal, it can be said that it needed a whole lot of effort to make it happen. As seen in the video, Prats had extended lengths of efforts to give Oli the best of what he can give her on his wedding proposal.

Over the years, the flash mob has become an inspiration to many. Though it may seem generic, some did a few takes of their own to make it creative and unique for the woman in their lives. Indeed, you could say that this type of proposal will continue to remain trending for some more time.


Destination Proposal

Destination Proposal

While some prefer strolling in a memorable place, or going off to buildings overlooking a scenic view of the city, some prefer to seal the deal in the most beautiful places they can bring their partners to. This may be somewhere exotic, or somewhere dreamy, depends on the woman’s preference.

While this may seem pricey, with the expenses on travel, hotels and others, for men, this is their way to make their proposals as memorable as they can be.


Collaborative Act with Family and Friends

Collaborative Act with Family and Friends

If the woman’s particularly close to her family and friends, it’s a great deal to include these special people in the actual wedding proposal. A wonderful instance of this viral act is Matt’s proposal to his then-girlfriend, Ginny. The proposal went as smooth as it can be, from Matt telling Ginny he’s working on a Saturday and getting her brother, Charlie, to accompany her to watch the movie “Fast 5.” Little did Ginny know that she’d be watching Matt on the trailers, asking her father for her hand in marriage. It was, then, uploaded on YouTube and garnered a total of 33,497,042 views.

Definitely, there’s a lot of ways you can pull off a proposal along with your soon-to-be fiancee’s family and friends. You just have to really know your girl in order to pull up a creative show.


Key Takeaway

The list can go on, with tons of other ways men can propose to the woman of their lives. However, the things listed here show that the important factor in planning out a wedding proposal is to do the things that makes her happy. Admittedly, there are a lot of things that can still happen this year. It’s possible for new trends to suddenly come up and go viral on the internet.

Even then, it’s matters not if it’s nearby, pricey, or cheap – what’s most important to keep in mind as you plan out your proposal is to make it hers to remember. By doing so, you will definitely get the answer you’re aiming for.

Good Morning, Good Taho!



What is Taho?

  • It is a refreshing and tasty snack that is usually enjoyed during breakfast in the Philippines.
  • It is made of tofu, arnibal (caramel), and sago pearls.
  • These are sold by a vendor called magtataho and are usually contained in aluminum buckets. This allows them to walk or ride around a city or village to sell the snack.
  • It is so popular in the Philippines that Filipino adults and children alike enjoy it.
  • It has been around since the pre-Spanish colonial period and it is still being served to this day.

There is nothing better than a good breakfast to start a good morning. Know what else makes it better? The moment you hear that sweet sound of your local magtataho yelling that sweet word you’ve been wait for since you woke up: Taho!

Taho is one of the most versatile foods in the country because it can be enjoyed as a snack, dessert, or part of your breakfast. One of the best things about it is that though it is in actuality a simple dish, it will not look out of place among the best of the best in wedding catering in Manila.


Taho is indubitably one of the most popular snacks in the Philippines for both adults and children. Its origins aren’t clearly defined but most scholars agree that this snack is definitely derived from the Chinese traders.

Common accounts claim that taho is a product of the trading relationship between the Philippines’ ports and the Chinese trader who sought business with us. It was in this trade where the Filipinos at the time adapted a Chinese snack called “douhua” (which means “tofu pudding” or “soybean pudding” and called it “taho”. This happened decades before the Spanish colonization of the Philippines.

The Filipinos at the time sought for the snack because of its cool and refreshing taste. It was unique to them as it piqued interest and also because sweet snacks were for the rich and powerful. Taho is a snack that everyone can definitely afford and enjoy.


Taho vendors, or magtatahos, would prepare the ingredients before dawn. The most important ingredient is the tofu; which serves as the core of the snack. This fresh and soft tofu is processed in a way that makes its consistency and texture similar to that of custard. This can also be made from scratch with a tofu mix.

When it comes to sweetening this snack, an ingredient known as arnibal is used, which is made by turning brown sugar into syrup. This is done by heating, caramelizing, and mixing it with water; creating a thick, amber-colored liquid. Sometimes, other flavors such as vanilla are added to this. Sago pearls, which can be bought from the local market, is boiled until the consistency becomes gummy and the appearance becomes a translucent white.

These ingredients are then put into two aluminum buckets that are connected with a yoke or placed in a pedicab (a common Filipino mode of transport that involves a bike with a side car attached). In one bucket – usually the bigger one – is the tofu base while the smaller bucket contains the arnibal and sago mixed together.


The vendors travel around cities and villages to sell taho. They usually market their product by using a very distinct and projected voice to loudly say the name “Taho!” while walking or riding down an area. Filipinos would recognize it and, since the voice is usually projected well, they would hear it from the insides of their homes. Most magtatahos would have a regular business path at a regular schedule; usually in the morning as it is a great breakfast meal or snack. However, it is also common to see these vendors still selling their products in the afternoon or the evening.

When they make a sale, they must first use a metal watch glass to toss out the excess water on the surface of the bean curd. Then, they use a long metal ladle to get and put together the ingredients in front of their buyer in a plastic cup – usually available in two sizes – and serves it to their customer along with a plastic spoon for them to eat wherever they please. One may also choose to use their own cup as it is also common for households to give the vendor a pitcher to be filled with taho so that they can have their own supply of the tasty snack at home; at a higher price, of course. Families would then put the pitcher in their refrigerator and simply need to place the taho in a cup or glass and heat it to be able to eat it or even enjoy it chilled.


Taho is popular because it is both delicious and affordable, even with children. It can be found almost anywhere because the demand for it is as strong as when it was first introduced. Its target market is on such a wide scale that it’s almost impossible to measure it in the first place. Simply put, many people from different walks of life enjoy and love taho for what it is: a brief, but sweet escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.


The thing about taho is that it is a timeless food that will never go out of fashion, at least not in the foreseeable future. Timelessness is something that food needs in order to become a staple; this is something that food chains try to strive for by showing commercials and promos that promote family and happiness. By showing these elements in their commercials, they are essentially telling people that by eating their food, they will remember their happier times; as well as evoking the feeling of love that can only be achieved by dining together with family.

Taho, on the other hand, needs nothing like that. The reason why taho is purely timeless because our grandparents ate taho when they were children, our parents enjoyed taho when they were younger and so on. In short, taho is something that markets itself with nostalgia simply because it is something that almost every Filipino has eaten at least once during a period of their life.


Essentially, taho is one of those foods that people look for when they need comfort, a quick fix, or both. It’s great for any time of the day and its appeal is definitely a lasting one. However, any food can achieve this feeling so long as they are enjoyed with the people that we love. Are you interested in creating a lasting memory with food, surrounded by the people you love? Give Juan Carlo’s catering a try!

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How to Pick the Perfect Song for the First Dance

How do I find the perfect song for our perfect dance?

  • Choose your dedicated song for each other
  • Remember songs that played during key moments in your relationship
  • Pick a song from a common favorite artist
  • Pay homage to your parents by choosing the song that played during their first dance
  • Decide on what kind of dance you want to do on your wedding
  • Listen to the lyrics to find out which is the most appropriate for a wedding


Love is a big emotion, which is why celebrating it should also be grand. From hiring the best wedding catering in Manila to booking your favorite local artist, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do in order to showcase your love at the wedding.

But it is also this complex emotion that will make it hard for you to decide on the perfect song for the first dance, for your first dance. This is because, in all honesty, there are just too many romantic pieces for you to choose from; all of which can potentially give you and your partner something to enjoy during your big day.

Now, the question of how you are going to narrow them down should be answered. But don’t worry because we’re here to help you out. Just follow these simple tips:

Choose “Your” Song

Choose “Your” Song

No doubt, if you and your fiancé have a song that you consider to be “your song” for each other, then there may not be any need to look any further. That is, if the song is fitting for a dance. If not, then you may need to dig a bit deeper much like those other couples, who don’t have any dedicated song, and look on to the other tips below.


Remember Romantic Moments with Music in the Background

Think back to the most epic moments in your relationship. Usually these are your firsts: the first date, the first time you held hands, the moment you realize you’ve fallen in love, etc. Try to remember if there was any music playing that amplified your emotions and made your heart explode during these romantic episodes in your life.

Who knows? That certain song or piece could work its magic again for your first dance.

Look at Your Favorite Artist’s Repertoire

Look at Your Favorite Artist’s Repertoire

Maybe you and your fiancé have a common favorite artist or, even better, have seen said artist perform live in concert. Whether you listen to a whole discography or remember what he/she played in their live set, you will most likely find that one song that is special to you and your partner.

Be sure to pick one that can be your favorite, the one that speaks volumes about your relationship, and the one that can showcase your love to each other (that words simply can’t express). If this song also happens to have a good feel and/or beat to dance to, then you’ve found the perfect piece.


Uphold Tradition and Heritage

If your parents and/or grandparents still remember the song they danced to, then considering re-using it. While the first dance is usually done to celebrate the newly bound couple, it doesn’t mean that you can’t also celebrate the bond created in the past.

By playing the same song that was playing in your parents’ or grandparents’ wedding, you can pay homage to the bond that kept you alive and guided you through life to be who you are today – the same person that your fiancé fell in love with in the first place.

You can say that, without your ancestors, you may have never ended up with the love of your life.

Decide Based on the Type of Dance You’ll Do

Decide Based on the Type of Dance You’ll Do

Just like the song, the type of dance that you choose to do must be special to you and your fiancé. Most couples choose to do a slow dance, but you could be a bit more creative than that. Especially, if you and your partner have a love for dance, you may choose to do a rumba, waltz, or even hip hop dance. Whatever you choose, the song must fit the dance.

Listen to the tempo of your favorite songs for dancing and use this as requirement for the song you will choose. If a song has meaning to you, but it doesn’t fit the style of dance you want, then you may need to reconsider it or cross it off your selection. Once you have a shortlist of songs, try dancing along to it and see what feels the best.


Write Down All the Possibilities and Read the Lyrics

Once you have a short list of all the potential first dance songs, you’re going to want to read all the lyrics. This is important because beats and melodies could sound happy, but the lyrics could be pretty inappropriate for a union.

Many, if not most, love songs are actually about breaking up. You don’t want to accidentally pick a break up song for the first dance to send your guests and yourselves an ominous message that the relationship won’t last. You would want something that will celebrate it and strengthen it instead.


Key Takeaway

Deciding the perfect song for your first dance is all about choosing something that has meaning. Any song that is special to you, your fiancé, and your family has potential. Just be sure that it is fitting for a wedding.

The 8 Unforeseen Critical Details You Need To Check with Your Caterer

Holding a nice party? Organizing a wedding reception? If the answers to those two questions are a yes, then hiring a caterer is definitely a must. Caterers provide a diverse selection of food choices and packages for events like weddings, parties, and various social gatherings. Having a caterer for your big event makes sure that all your food and beverage needs are covered and that your guests will have a more pleasant and satisfying experience.

But before finalizing any deals with the caterer of your choice, you must look into a number of important details that can be the difference between a good experience, to a great one. To ensure that you have your money’s worth on the caterer of your choice, here are some critical details that you need to check with your caterer.

Presentation of the tables and dinnerware

Presentation of the tables and dinnerware

The presentation of the venue will be handled and done by the event designers. These designers will work out a theme of your choosing, which they would arrange accordingly. With a specific theme in mind, it is also important to inform the caterer about it, so the presentation matches with the theme. While most caterers provide the necessary designs and dinnerware, it is important to ask the caterer about this matter to make sure that it will be organized. Having the design of the tables and dinnerware be consistent with the venue’s theme can improve the overall look of your event.

Working with the venue

Working with the venue

For big events like ceremonies and wedding receptions, it is important to communicate well with the venue. With this in mind, you need to make sure that the caterer is able to work comfortably and properly with the guests at the venue, along with other services like photographers and videographers. It is important to address the rules and concerns of the venue to the caterer, so the caterer will have the necessary adjustments and preparations done well before the day of the event.

The length of the Reception/Party

The Length of the Reception/Party

One of the important details that you need to communicate to your caterer is the length of the event itself. They must also be in the know with regards to the program flow and length. This is important to them as they would know the right time to finish their service and clean up during the event. This would ensure that they would be able to wrap-up properly, while also making sure that the venue is left as clean as it was before the event.

Keeping an eye on health

Keeping an eye on health

With the quality and variety of cuisine that caterers can provide, guests would definitely enjoy and be satisfied. But there are cases in which certain guests cannot eat or drink certain food and beverages due to reasons like allergies and prior ailments. For scenarios like this, it is best to communicate to your guests that have any health concerns to ensure that everyone in the event enjoys the food and drinks that you will serve.

Special request on the menu

Special request on the menu

Caterers usually have a variety of menu choices for you to pick for your big event. Some menus have different themed food like Chinese and Mediterranean, or offer a diverse selection that will cater to the taste of the guests. While most of the menus are already in set, there are some cases where you can add an entirely different dish or two. For example, you want to have an additional dessert on the menu, or you want your favorite dish to be served as part of the main course. For these kinds of requests, it is best to ask your caterer whether or not adding special requests on the menu would be allowed.

Emergency situations

Emergency situations

With all the preparations and arrangements for the event at hand, it is important to still be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Venue safety and security is one of the most essential things to make sure in any event. It is important to ask the caterer their protocols in case of emergency situations. In cases of acts of nature like typhoons which may cause the postponement of the event, communicating with the caterer with regards to rescheduling is of utmost importance.

Liability Insurance and Health Permits

While you may be blown away by the food and service of a caterer, that shouldn’t cloud your judgment especially when it comes to their legitimacy. Any talented caterer can bring beautiful styling along with delicious food, but a professional one will have all the safety measures to reassure their clients. Be sure that whoever you get to serve at your event has the right liability insurance and health permits. If they are not willing to show it to you or they give you an excuse, then they probably don’t have it. You wouldn’t want this type of service for your gathering.

Water and Electrical Needs

A talented catering service cannot cook food without adequate water and electricity. Thus, you should always check if your venue has this; especially in an outdoor setting or in a raw space. In such places, water and electricity are hard to come by or are in a hard to reach place. For the sake of a smooth event, you must make sure that the caterers have an ample and convenient supply of water and electricity. Otherwise, your get-together will be a disaster and you will waste money on a catering service that you won’t get to use.

Key Takeaway

There are many details you have to go through when organizing a big event and preparing for them is essential. Checking in with these specific details with your caterer would help you ensure that you get the best out of your catering service. With these concerns in mind, you can make sure that even the smallest details are done.

Are there any more details that you think should be included in the list? Feel free to comment below.

5 Must-Have Mini Foods for Your Wedding

Foods in their mini form seem more appetizing, especially compared to their normal sized counterparts. It’s probably because of the cuteness factor; but regardless of the reason, it couldn’t be denied that the mini food trend is rapidly growing. As a matter of fact, there is a huge chance that you will see cute little delicacies being served in baby showers, debut parties, and even wedding caterings in Manila.

Serving mini food is a good way to let your guests enjoy a variety of food. You can feature many different options of bite-size goodness in the buffet table or on the menu. The appetizer, main course, and even the dessert can come in mini versions! Listed below are some mini food ideas for your wedding reception:

  1.  Mini Fruit Cups

What is not to love about fruit cups? They are delicious, healthy, and easy to make! Simply combine chopped fresh fruits in plastic cups or shot glasses and top them with a good drizzle of honey or maple syrup. You are free to mix and match whatever fruit combinations you like. Serve these as a light dessert or appetizer to make your event more exciting. 


  1. Mini Baked Potatoes

Baked potatoes are great but mini baked potatoes? Even better. These are great as a side dish for your main course. Grab some baby potatoes and scrub them before tossing them with some olive oil, salt, and pepper. Bake them in a 400ºF oven for 20-25 minutes. Let them cool then cut the top 1/4 part of each potato. Using a small spoon, carefully scoop out the insides of the potato. Try to keep the skin intact because you will still use them later. Put all of the potato mash in a bowl then add bacon, sour cream, green onions, and cheese. Mix the ingredients until everything is well incorporated then scoop the mixture into a piping bag or plastic bag. Cut off the end then pipe the potato mixture into the potato skins. Bake at 400ºF for 15-20 minutes and you have yourself a delicious side dish that will definitely please your guests. 

  1. Mini Shrimp Cocktails

Want a fancy appetizer? Go for shrimp cocktails! It is easy to make and it looks elegant as well. You can buy cocktail sauce in the supermarket but if you want to make your own, simply combine tomato ketchup, horseradish, lemon juice, and Tabasco sauce. Spoon the sauce in mini champagne glasses then carefully arrange two poached shrimps in the glass before serving. 


  1. Mini Burgers

The American classic – only in small, bite-size form. With mini burgers, you don’t have to feel guilty about your calorie intake because these provide nothing but the most satisfying pleasures throughout your meal. Prepare them how you would normally do with a normal sized burger. Partner these mini burgers with a mini-serving of fries and a small glass filled with ketchup dip. 

  1. Mini Cupcakes

Serve cute mini cupcakes as dessert in your event. Bake a big batch of mini cupcakes then top them off with different frosting and toppings. Experiment with various flavors and you might discover great combinations that will turn into a hit among your guests!

If you want to serve any of these mini foods in your party, make sure to make plenty. Surely, they won’t last long and will leave your guests wanting for more.

6 Foods for Losing Weight

What are foods that can help someone lose weight?

  1. Water
  2. Yogurt
  3. Cruciferous Vegetables
  4. Tuna
  5. Avocadoes
  6. Apple Cider Vinegar


Are you a bride-to-be that can’t fit her dream wedding dress? Or are you the groom who suffers from the so-called ‘tight tux’? When it comes to getting the right fit in time for your wedding, all it takes is some exercise and a lot of restraint. In other words: you’re going on a diet. It will be hard but it will worth it when you can look your best on your special day. Not to mention, you can make your wedding your epic cheat day by pigging out with the best food from the best wedding catering in Manila.

Waterglass of water juan carlo

Well, not literally just water itself. But it does help in keeping you going throughout the day. Thus, you should always have an ample amount of water intake.

Water intake is not limited to just how much water you drink. Fruits and vegetables are also great sources of water; these have proven to have 80-98% water content. Researchers speculate that the water in these foods help satiate you and make you feel full; thus, you eat less. So go ahead and buy foods with high water content like cucumbers, tomatoes, grapefruit and strawberries. Not only will they help you to limit your food intake, they can also help you stay hydrated especially during a hot day.


yogurt juan carlo

If you’re wishing for an even tastier, yet healthy form of indulgence leading up to your special day, then this handy little snack is undoubtedly for you. When it comes to guilt-free sugary pleasures, Yogurt is your kind of snack.

Yogurt can help you lose weight because of it is high in protein and it keeps you full until your next meal. You can even top it with your favorite fruits and other things to make eating it a little bit sweeter.

But if you plan to make yogurt into a meal, you may want to take it easy with the nuts, fruit, granola, and whatever topping you can think of adding. These can easily make your healthy snack into an overloaded calorie bomb.

Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables Juan Carlo

Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are some members of the cruciferous vegetables family. Compared to most vegetables, the members of this vegetable family have more protein and fiber content, which can help your metabolism and prevent constipation.

Another thing about these vegetables that makes them suitable for your diet plan is their texture. These vegetables are known for having that crunch-factor which adds a bit of thrill in every bite. Plus, they can be prepared in any way, whether you chop them up to add to your stew or for a salad of your own choosing. You can’t go wrong with what you can gain from these greens.


tuna fish juan carlo

If you’re a fan of seafood, then eating fish is the way to go for an easy diet. But if you’re not, then you should at least have tuna as your guilt-free meat substitute. Tuna is a big hit with dieters because of the fact that it’s low in calories and high in protein. This is very useful for anyone to keep in shape.

Tuna can also be prepared in any way you choose, whether it be steamed, pan-fried, grilled, or even raw for sashimi. Whichever method you choose, you’ll still get a delightful seafood experience minus the regret.

Another thing that makes Tuna the household name it is today is that it’s also a lean kind of fish; meaning there isn’t much fat in it. But this doesn’t mean that you can just grab any can of tuna when you’re looking for a quick fix. Always make sure to get the tuna canned in water and not oil. That way, you won’t get the unnecessary fat from the oil.


Avocados are rich in healthy fats, water, fiber and potassium. Avocados are perfect additions to a salad because the fats in this fruit can help boost the nutrient intake in the salad because of the vitamins and nutrients present in them.

Apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar juan carlo

Drinking apple cider vinegar before a meal can help in weight loss because apples are a great source of pectin. This is a natural substance which can keep you full longer and feel more satisfied. It also helps in stimulating digestion which prevents fats from staying in the digestive tract for too long. When foods stay for too long in the intestines, they can be converted into more unnecessary fats to be absorbed by the body.

So whether you are getting ready for a big event or just want to lose a couple of pounds so you can fit in your favorite jeans, these foods, especially when partnered with regular exercise, can help you shed that belly fat you’ve always dreaded. As they say, diets are not about depriving yourself—it’s about choosing the right foods without the unnecessary fats and calories.

10 Warning Signs of a Bridezilla


Getting married soon? As a bride-to-be, it is inevitable that you want your wedding day to be perfect, or close to perfect as it can be. You’ve set up wedding catering in Manila for the reception (because we know that food is important for the guests), haved asked your friends as the bridesmaids, and reserved the church of your dreams as the venue where you will exchange vows with your significant other.

bridezilla not zen

It’s stressful, yes, especially when there are obstacles in your way while you’re planning. Stress combined with control issues, overwhelming emotions, and temper tantrums can turn almost any bride into a bridezilla, which can lead to complications. Here are 10 signs that say you have crossed the bridezilla territory:

1.      You are going way over your allotted wedding budget.

2.      You give a one-hour long monologue each time someone asks “How are the wedding plans going?”

3.      The tiniest difference in details can send you over the edge.

4.      Your conversations with other people turn into a shouting match especially when they suggest something that contradicts with your ideas.

5.      You fired one of the bridesmaids because she is pregnant and her large tummy will ‘ruin’ the pictures on your wedding day.




6.      You begin to go on a crash diet and the gym is your new best friend.

7.      You don’t have time for anyone or anything else, even your work.

8.      You stick too much to your vision to the point that you don’t even bother pretending to care about practicality and the sake of others.

9.      Your wedding planner, caterer, bridesmaids, the cake designer and basically everyone who is helping you with your wedding are not answering your calls and e-mails anymore.

10. You are starting to neglect your fiancé.

Of course, not every bride becomes like this. However, if some of these signs hit too close to home, take a step (make it steps, if it’s worse) back and breathe. Lay off the pre-nuptial preparations for a moment then assess your attitude recently. Go for a nice, long walk so you can calm your inner monster down, because that monster only has the right to appear at most only once a month and absolutely not on your wedding day. Weddings may only last a few hours but that event will live on in photos, in your memories, and on your new life as the wife of your beloved.

wedding gif

If you feel like you have entered bridezilla mode already, ask someone like your mother or your sister or even your fiancé. Their honest opinions will make you realize if you may have gone too far with things already. When the day of the wedding comes, avoid imagining how’s everything is going to be and embrace the possibility that some things may not go according to plan. Besides, you already planned and prepared to the best of your abilities so it’s up to the others to carry out the rest. What’s important is your and your betrothed’s friends and family have gathered together to celebrate a very special day. Be remembered as the beautiful, radiant bride on that day, and not as bridezilla.


Fragrance and Flavor: Edible Flowers

wedding catering edible flower

Flowers are a common sight to see on cakes of different flavors; one might even say this sweet treat won’t be complete without a flower decor or two. While you can opt for the usual sugar, gum paste or marzipan flowers, why not mix it up and use real, fresh ones for your cakes? In fact, why limit it to cake when you can use it on your favorite dishes used for your wedding catering in Manila? Check out these blooms which aren’t just going to add beauty, but also taste – literally.


Locally known as Gumamela, the hibiscus has long been a favorite among children. Often times, it is the flower teachers request their students to bring for their Botany class, as it’s the most common complete flower in the country. But did you know that the Hyacinth is actually edible? In fact, in other countries its calyx is enjoyed as a snack. If you’d like to use this gorgeous blossom for your wedding, feel free to mix in the petals into your fruit salads or to decorate your cake, just remember to remove the pollen first. You can even serve it as a drink for hyacinth tea has several health benefits such as it can lower blood pressure, protect your liver and lower your cholesterol levels.  


Considered to be among the stunning flowers on earth, it is said carnations grew from the spot where the Virgin Mary’s tears fell, thus symbolizing a mother’s unconditional love for her son. MacBeth himself wrote praise for this multilayered flower, immortalizing it in “A Winter’s Tale”, namely the third scene of the fourth act. In it, he says: “Of trembling winter, the fairest flowers o’ the season are our carnations and streak’d gillyvors.”

If you think it’s so pretty you can just eat it, go ahead. It has, in fact, been used in different dishes for years. When used as a tea, carnation can lessen stress, strengthen metabolism and relieve nausea. It can be used to add a little zing to not just desserts such as ice creams and fruit salads, but to stir fried dishes and seafood platters as well. Also, it’s long been used for cordials and cake decor. Remember to remove the bitter white heel at the base of the petal before adding it into your dishes.


Of course, we cannot forget the eternal favorite, roses. Aside from being used for decorations, for the bride’s bouquet and the groom’s boutonniere, roses are also well known as a great edible flower. Eating rose flowers can help make you feel great about yourself. Also, rose petals have several health benefits; these lovely  buds can help you lose weight, clarify your skin, and fight off illness thanks to its high vitamin C content. Its fragrance alone can help clear your mind relax, so go ahead and use roses not just for aesthetic reasons, but for the body as well.

When using flowers for cooking, do make sure what you are using is organic as this ensures the quality of the flowers. In addition; don’t use the flowers from your neighborhood flower shop as there is a high chance these blossoms have already been treated; search for a reputable source and get the petals directly from them.