Category Archives: Catering in Manila

10 Filipino Wedding Superstitions We Still Practice in 2018

Wedding superstitions may be seen as something passé in nature. But here in the Philippines, tradition is always blended well with modernity. Superstitions center on practices that may bring your life good luck or misfortune. And although superstitious beliefs completely disregard the pillars of logic, they are a healthy embrace of culture and heritage.

When making all the arrangements to ensure that your wedding day is an unforgettable one filled with precious memories and the best catering services in Manila, don’t forget to get acquainted with some of the many traditional wedding practices that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Let’s take a look at the top 10 most followed Filipino wedding superstitions:



5 Reasons You Should Trust Manila’s Best Catering Service for Your Wedding

Why should you trust the best catering services in Manila when it comes to running your wedding?

  1. Their reputation precedes them
  2. The quality and quantity of their service is at par
  3. They are able to present negotiable deals
  4. They are able to make necessary changes to their menu
  5. Their menu is wide and diverse

A wedding is considered as one of the momentous occasions during a person’s lifetime. This is the reason why most people are working hard to achieve a successful and beautiful wedding; the reason why they only want to hire the best catering service in Manila that they could find. They just want to make the whole occasion as memorable as possible.

Unfortunately, some weddings still fail despite the bride and groom hiring the best service; this is because they end up not relying on the team behind it. Communication is a must to deliver a successful wedding. However, trust is just as important. You must be able to completely trust the team behind your catering wedding package so that they will have the confidence to produce your dream wedding.

If you are still having doubts whether you could trust them or not, here are a few more reasons on why you should definitely rely on them:


Their Reputation Precedes Them

The best catering service in Manila will not be recognized as such, if they have nothing to show for. Keep in mind that they are already known for providing a good service to their previous clients. If you have any uncertainties about the service you are hiring for, then you can go ahead and do some research. In case you know anyone who have hired the same service, then you could ask them how it all went for them. For sure, they’ll be happy enough to share the details with you.

Furthermore, you could check out their websites to see if they have a testimonial page, wherein previous customers have left reviews for future ones to read. Their ratings are also available for you to view on social media accounts like Facebook; just sort through them so you could determine if your chosen catering wedding package provider is trustworthy. Once they convince you, trust them wholeheartedly.


The Quality and Quantity of their Service

The Quality and Quantity of their Service

Another important thing to remember is the capability of your chosen catering service. To find out whether they are the best at what they do, you got to check two things: the quality and the quantity of what they do.

To check the quality of their work, the easiest thing you could do is go to their tastings. Most wedding caterers offer tasting that you could go to in order to see if their dishes are what you are looking to serve to your guests on your special day. On their tastings, you will find various dishes from appetizers to desserts. You could take this opportunity to taste each one of them.

When it comes to checking if they could deliver in terms of quantity, you could once again take a look at their previous services to see how much they can actually serve on your wedding day.


The Deals They Present to You are Enough

Of course, like any other company you choose to hire, there are going to be some deals that they would want to hash out with you and vice versa. So, for this, simply listen to what they have to say and understand what they have to offer on the table. If you find the deals they present to you to be satisfactory, then feel free to take the deal and enjoy the service they deliver!

If, however, you seem to have concerns with the deals they’ve presented to you, simply voice out your inquiries in a respectful manner and see if they’re willing to compromise. Not only will this help in building up trust, this can also help you see if their negotiation skills on any matter at hand are of suitable means.


They are Able to Make Necessary Changes to the Menu

As mentioned before, every company you wish to hire would want certain terms and conditions to be followed on their end, especially when it comes to the menu. For this, simply assess the menus they offer and see if there are any changes that need to be addressed for any reason. For example, there’s a seafood package on the menu, but you have numerous guests that are allergic to seafood, which means it must be taken off the menu. If your catering company of choice is willing to make the change, or any change for that matter, then all the more reason for you should trust them!


The Highlight: Their Menu

The Highlight Their Menu

Of course, one of the most important things to look at when hiring any of Manila’s best catering services for your wedding is none other than their menu! After all, the main point of you getting them is for them to serve their food to your guests.

For this, all you’ll need to do is to assess the menus they offer and see if any of them fit your wedding in terms of theme, venue, and overall aesthetic of the wedding. In fact, the more variety the menu has, the better it is for your wedding.


Key Takeaway
The points listed above are only a few things that could convince you to trust your chosen wedding caterer. If you still have doubts after this, the best thing you could do is to talk to them about it. If they are truly the best one in the industry, then they will, for sure, know what to do in order to appease you.

Thanksgiving Dinner Ideas as Suggested by the Best Catering Services in Manila

What are the dishes you could prepare for Thanksgiving?

  • Turkey
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Cranberry Sauce
  • Dinner Rolls


It’s November once again, which means it is Thanksgiving season. This is an event that the best catering services in Manila would like to be a part of, as some Thanksgiving feasts tend to be large events that bring the whole family together.

With feasts come lots of delicious food from traditional Filipino recipes, to some fun international cuisine that will get your mouth watering. For those who are planning their own Thanksgiving dinner, here are some of the best ideas and recipes, as suggested by some of the best catering services in Manila:



No Thanksgiving dinner would be complete without having some of the most delicious turkey dishes. A classic Thanksgiving dinner staple, Turkey is perhaps one of the things people associate the most with the occasion. While the turkey in itself may lack in flavor as it is, adding some delicious and savory stuffing and the glaze would help enhance the flavors even more.

Here’s a classic Roast Turkey Recipe that you would enjoy.


  • 1 Turkey
  • ¾ cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons garlic powder
  • 2 teaspoons dried basil
  • 1 teaspoon ground sage
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 cups water


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  2. Clean the turkey by discarding the organs and giblets, and place it on a roasting pan with a lid.
  3. Combine the garlic powder, dried basil, ground sage, salt, and black pepper. Use a basting brush to apply it on the uncooked turkey.
  4. Bake the turkey for around 3 ½ hours. Once baked, wait for 30 minutes before carving.


Slow-cooker Mashed Potatoes

A great side dish to have during Thanksgiving dinner is some mashed potatoes. This classic side dish is a perfect complement to most meat dishes, as its flavor matches well. The best kind of mashed potatoes is the soft and creamy kind, which gives you both good taste and texture. Here is one recipe you should try out:


  • 4 lb. russet potatoes
  • ½ cup warm milk
  • 4 cups chicken stock
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1/3 cup fresh chives for garnish
  • ½ teaspoon Kosher salt


  1. Cook the potatoes in a slow cooker with the chicken stock and Kosher salt until they are tender. Cook for 2 ½ to 3 hours.
  2. Once cooked, drain the potatoes and mash. Add in salt and pepper, chives, warm milk, and serve it warm.

Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry Sauce

Another Thanksgiving staple, no dinner would not be complete without a side of cranberry sauce. The sweet flavor of the sauce, along with the rich turkey flavor, makes Thanksgiving dinners that much better.

Here is a simple cranberry sauce recipe that has a twist:


  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 cup Port wine
  • 5 cups of fresh (or frozen) cranberries
  • 1/3 tablespoon pepper
  • 2 fresh ginger slices
  • 1/3 tablespoon salt
  • 2 spring fresh rosemary
  • 1/3 cup orange liqueur


  1. Place all ingredients (except orange liqueur) in a saucepan on medium to high heat. Lower heat and cook for 20 minutes until the berries split and the juice thickens.
  2. Remove the saucepan from the heat and cool for around 30 minutes. Remove the ginger and rosemary, and then place the orange liqueur. Place the mixture in a blender, until it smoothens. After blending, pour the mixture into a mold and chill for around 8 hours until it sets.


Dinner Rolls

Dinner rolls are another popular dinner side dish that you should have for dinner. These rolls are light and delicious sides that you can dip in sauce, or eat with your turkey.

Here is a healthy dinner roll recipe that you and your family would enjoy:


  • 2 ¾ cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cider vinegar
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2 teaspoon yeast
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 ½ teaspoon xanthan gum


  1. Preheat the oven to around 400 degrees.
  2. Mix the flour, yeast, gum, salt, and sugar into a mixing bowl, and use an electric mixer.
  3. While mixing, add the egg, cider vinegar, water, and melted butter. Mix it for a further 3 minutes.
  4. Spray some cooking spray on a pan, and scoop dough into 9 mounds. Apply the mounds on the pan.
  5. Apply warm water at your fingertips to smoothen the tops of rolls.
  6. Cover the mounds on a dry towel and wait for it to rise for 1 hour.
  7. Bake the mounds in the oven for around 30 minutes. Wait for the mounds to become golden brown.
  8. Once done, brush melted butter over the rolls.


Key Takeaway

Thanksgiving is one of the most important occasions of the year, and having an impressive dinner would make it all worthwhile. With these delicious recipes, you are guaranteed that you would be having a great dinner with your family.

Cake Experts: Difficult Cakes and How They Handled it

We’ve all taken cakes as a symbol of celebration, don’t we?

Thus, aside from the best catering services in Manila, soon-to-be spouses and debutantes alike also expect highly from their chosen cake artists. Of course, a wedding and a debut cake isn’t something to be taken lightly as it is among the extremely significant elements in the event and what would complement the hired catering in Manila.

Yes, it is that significant.

However, it isn’t just about being personalized, elegant, and significant. From a cake artist’s point of view, there’s the planning, the ingredients, the execution, the intricate details that shouldn’t be missed, the collaboration with the provided catering in Manila, the stability of the overall product, the flavors, the delivery date and means, and the expectations of the clients that should be met – or exceeded.


The Experts and their Cake Escapades

It takes a whole new level of expertise to make that cake which can create a wonderful memory in the client’s event.

Every other cake artist has their own fair share of experience in creating difficult cakes for a wedding, debut, or other events catering in Manila — and that’s despite their expertise in the niche. In this article, we’ve compiled 7 different stories about the most challenging cake requests reputable and experienced cake artists have received and how they handled those tough times perfectly — even exceeding their clients’ expectations and very much complementing the atmosphere manifested by one of the best catering services in Manila.

You can also check their sites and social media accounts to find out more about them and maybe, you can find one that you can rely on for your big event or get inspirationfor your next special custom cake request!

Celina Uy on Wedding Lantern Cakes

Celina Uy on Wedding Lantern Cakes

Canvas Cake Studio – Weddings, Pastry Chef and Cake Decorator

“Lantern cakes has always been one of our “cake goals.” Our former business partner decided that we made one for her wedding. To our surprise, it wasn’t as easy as we thought it would. First off is the design, since we had no specifications, we decided to go all out on this cake. It had to be tall, elegant and had the lantern layers fit the cake nicely.

Once the design was polished, we had to source unfamiliar materials for the lantern layers. It was a bit difficult because we also had to think about the wiring and bulbs we needed to use inside the lantern cake. It took us about two weeks to finish. As the big day is nearing, we thought everything will go as smoothly as planned.

The cake was standing beautifully the night before. Unfortunately, at the very last minute, we had to dismantle some heavy layers because apparently it was too tall for our car’s compartment. Delivering the cake was also a struggle, it was an hour and a half ride to the venue. The cake kept shaking so one of us had to sit at the back and hold the cake to keep it from damaging the other decorations more. We were glad to have made it a few hours still early for the reception and managed to put back all the pieces together.

I think that our quick thinking is what saved us from further mishaps. Pondering on a problem will only cause more time than taking action that felt right at the moment.

This cake was indeed a stepping stone and an experience we all needed. All of our hard work definitely paid off after seeing the lantern cake finally lighted and stayed lit during the whole reception.”

Artist’s Bio: As a child, Ina has always been fascinated with her mom’s cooking and baking. At the age of 6, the kitchen was already a familiar place. From there, her passion for food grew into pursuing it into a career. She earned her degree in Culinary Arts at De La Salle – College of Saint Benilde’s SHRIM (School of Hospitality and Restaurant Institution Management) program. She was also a member of Young Hotelier’s Exposition (2012-2013) and was one of the organizers of the contest division of MAFBEX (Manila Foods and Beverages Expo) for the SHRIM program of DLS-CSB. Right after her On-the-Job training in Hyatt Newport Rhode Island in the US, she has decided to join CANVAS Cake Studio as one of the main full-time bakers and cake decorators.

Larisse Espinueva on an Alice in Wonderland Themed Debutante Cake

Larisse Espinueva on an Alice in Wonderland Themed Debutante Cake

Canvas Cake Studio, Founder, Head Pastry Chef, and Cake Decorator

“One of the most challenging cake orders we had was from one of our regular clients. He requested for 5-foot-tall Alice and Wonderland themed debutante cake with 18 pieces of mini cakes to be used during one of the programs.

Brainstorming for the design was exciting and really tested our abilities to create an original design. After a few days of preparing the decorations ahead, I received a call from our client at 1 in the morning informing us that he made a mistake with the date of the order. Instead, it was already for the next day! To our surprise, we were at first in panic since it was a large order and everything has already been paid for.

Overall, I think that the belief of our client in our skills is what kept us pushing to achieve and execute the cake well despite the time-constraints and sudden changes. That cake order taught us how important it is to have a presence of mind and teamwork.”

Artist’s Bio: Born to both artistically inclined parents, Larisse’s creativity and imagination has always been evident in her arts and crafts creations as a child. Growing up, she nurtured this skill, and eventually, decided to enter culinary school, Global Culinary and Hospitality Academy, where she earned her diploma in Professional Culinary and Baking & Pastry Arts, and finished the course with a Certificate of Academic Excellence, the most prestigious award in the program. As an On-the-Job trainee in New World Manila Bay Hotel (formerly HYATT), she has received professional training in the pastry kitchen, cold kitchen, and hot kitchen. Having learned the basics of cake decorating, she taught herself how to sculpt using homemade fondant, and having perfected her technique, decided to focus on custom cake creations. In the span of more than 5 years in the business, she has grown confident in making quality personalized pastries of all kinds, sizes, and designs for every occasion.

Enkhtur Maini on an Elegant White and Light Pink Flower Engagement Cake

Enkhtur Maini on an Elegant White and Light Pink Flower Engagement Cake

Dream Cake Studio, Cake Artist

“As a high-end custom cake artist, I am faces with very detailed orders. Our clients come to us for this exact reason, they want their “Dream Cake” for their birthdays, engagement parties, mile stone celebration and the wedding. Once, we received and accepted a very simple, Elegant White and Light pink flower engagement cake order. We finalized the design very easily only to realize we have truly underestimated the work and creativity for a simple, elegant cake design.

How difficult is it to work with just white color?

Originally planned 10 hours of work turned in to 50 hours of work with four times failed attempt. In a moment like this, I remind myself why I do what I do. I do it for love and creating wonderful memories for people. Failing and canceling this order was out the question! So, I stepped out of the studio to meditate and say affirmations like ‘I can do it and my client will be totally in love with the cake.’

Finally, the cake came out beautifully and my client gave me big hug and wonderful card saying ‘Thank you’ after her engagement party!'”

Artist’s Bio: Enkhtur Maini is a Cake Artist, and is the driving passion behind the fabulous, handcrafted, and highly personalized cakes and cake toppers at Dream Cake Studio. Her passion for cake styling was inspired by her wonderful grandmother, who raised her. They shared very happy memories of baking special birthday cakes every year.

From a young age, she would spend hours baking together with her grandmother, and that’s when her love for cakes began. These memories are what inspired her to become a mumpreneur, escaping a career in economics, and follow her artistic aspirations. Many long hours have been spent perfecting her self-taught art and it brings her immeasurable happiness to handcraft elegant cakes that bring such joy to others.

Enkhtur is proud to be featured by SassyMama as top 10 birthday cake maker in Singapore. She also enjoys teaching ‘How to Make Adorable Figurines’ in private workshops and regularly runs popular cake baking and decorating classes at artisan Providore Cooking Studio at downtown Singapore.

You may visit her works at Dream Cake Studio’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Francesca Manalo on Custom Cubic Zirconia Wedding Cake

Francesca Manalo on Custom Cubic Zirconia Wedding Cake

Chef Francesca’s Cupcakes Couture, Owner and Head Pastry Chef, Head Pastry Chef

“Since we sell specialty cakes and cater mostly to people who want to have their cakes customized, most of the requests are difficult because we need to be able to provide and cater to our clients’ needs just by looking at their pegs or listening to their own ideas but based on my experience being on the industry for 6 years one of the most difficult requests was a custom-made wedding cake that is made out of cubic zirconia.

How did I handle it? Of course, it was difficult but with patience, motivation, focus, proper time management, good quality suppliers, and research me and my team was able to make it, without these you will never be able to create good quality cakes.“

Artist’s Bio: Chef Francesca Manalo is a 24 year-old, Owner and Head Pastry Chef of Chef Francesca’s Cupcakes Couture and also the Head Pastry Chef of the newest online business that they just launched this year, She started the business when she was 19 years old, and later studied in the Academy for International Culinary Arts and Baking Arts School in San Mateo, California to nurture her skills.

Chef Francesca’s Cupcakes Couture also has an Instagram account which you can visit for more of their wonderful masterpieces.

Melissa Cardenas on a Sculpted Lechon Filipiniana-Themed Wedding Cake

Melissa Cardenas on a Sculpted Lechon Filipiniana-Themed Wedding Cake

Lovelots Cakes, Creative Director and Chief Cake Artist

“One challenging and memorable wedding cake request we had was a sculpted lechon cake for a Filipiniana themed wedding. It’s kind of unusual, but we are definitely up for the challenge! Before starting anything, we always make sure we collaborate with our clients very well so that their wedding cake will be an execution of their vision. Out of their chosen Chocolate Fudge cake flavor, we carefully sculpted a lechon figure, then airbrushed it to roasted perfection!

We aimed to make a realistic lechon cake, that tastes as great as it looks.

We believe we did it successfully because when we arrived at the reception venue — the caterer was asking for it to be placed in the buffet area for chopping! Ultimately, we received heartwarming feedback from our client and that’s really what matters. We feel blessed to have clients that go beyond the norm and continue to push us to our limits.”

Artist’s Bio: Melissa is Lovelots Cakes’ Chief Cake Artist. Her natural inclination to everything polished and pleasant reflects with every cake that comes out of the studio. Constantly exploring the craft of Sugar and Pastry Arts, along with her delicate style, Mel manages to render cake creations that meet clients’ vision and expectations.

You can also reach her through Lovelots Cakes’ accounts in Facebook or Instagram.

Ria Calanog on a Hinted Wedding Cake

Ria Calanog on a Hinted Wedding Cake

The Cake Boutique Manila, Owner

“The most difficult cake request I’ve ever received from a client — a bride specifically — was “I want something girly but my fiancé does not, so surprise me!”. While I love requests like this, they’re also the scariest and most difficult as there is always the pressure of not knowing whether they will like a particular design. As a cake artist, I love being given creative freedom to create a one of a kind cake which allows me to go beyond my comfort zone and explore new ideas.

To create a seamless design which would fit into my client’s overall theme, I asked the bride (and the groom) what they both wanted and did not want to see and I took elements from their wedding such as invitations, flowers, backdrop etc. and incorporated it into my design. In the end my clients, both the bride and the groom were happy with what I produced, and I was able to create something which truly surprised and satisfied both the bride and groom.”

Artist’s Bio: Ria Calanog is a primarily self-taught sugar artist with over 14 years of experience. She has also studied under ICES Master Sugar Artists Norm Davis and B. Keith Ryder as well as internationally renowned cake decorator Susan Carberry. Formerly based in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area, she now brings her skills and passion to Manila’s wedding and special events scene.

The Cake Boutique Manila also has its own Facebook and Instagram accounts that clients can easily visit.

Susan dela Cruz on How to Pull Off Different Cake Designs for Every Client

Susan dela Cruz on How to Pull Off Different Cake Designs for Every Client

Bethany Dream Cakes, Owner and Cake Artist

“Being in the industry for 13 years, you can say that one of the most challenging part is creating something different each time. We make sure we are still relevant today by being innovative but at the same time, keeping our identity. We cannot pinpoint 1 creation as the most challenging.

When we meet with clients we ask questions to get as much ideas from them as possible. Sometimes, they have so many elements in mind and not everything will look cohesive. We have to guide them without offending them. Next challenge would be the creation process, it’s making sure that we have the correct shade of pink or blue. There are a lot of times when we need to research a new technique and do trial and errors before finally applying it to the client’s order.

After creating, the delivery is also a big challenge. Sometimes, we have big landscaped cakes that are 6ft wide, it occupies the whole back of the van. It is also a challenge to maximize the trips given the traffic in the Metro, so we carefully plan the route of our deliveries. There are also some cakes that are delicate so the driver needs to drive slowly, and one assistant guards the cake at the back.”

Artist’s Bio: Bethany Dream Cakes (BDC) started as a hobby with the vision of becoming one of the best in the industry.  In 2005, the very first cake conceptualized and introduced by the Owner and Cake Artist, Susan Dela Cruz was a birthday cake. After receiving positive feedback and encouragements from families and close friends, the cake artist continued to create special wedding cakes and in 2006, the first official wedding cake was successfully launched.  After its initial launch, unexpected volume of orders started pouring in and the little home kitchen Susan utilizes to create her specialty cakes was not enough.  Thus, the need to get a bigger area along Quezon Avenue for the increasing manpower and equipment to provide a more efficient production.

Currently, BDC creates cakes for almost all and any occasions such as grand birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, corporate events, children’s parties and more.  The possibilities are endless.  Edible giveaways can also be made by request.

To view some of their works of art, you may visit their official Facebook and Instagram accounts. Online inquiries are welcome and areas outside Metro Manila can be served upon proper arrangements with the cake artist.

Joy Lyn on Specific Factors that Makes a Cake Request Difficult

Joy Lyn on Specific Factors that Makes a Cake Request Difficult

Captain’s Mix & Magic, Owner and Cake Artist

“For someone who has been baking and cake decorating for quite a while now, I have come across a handful of difficult cakes, but these cakes are difficult in their own certain way in such that it may be the time constraint, lack of specific raw materials, skill level requirement and so on. By definition, difficulty is a situation that is hard to accomplish, deal with or understand as well as it may be dangerous.

What can be difficult for one would be easy for another. In this line, I suppose cake difficulty depends on how prepared a supplier is to deliver the client’s desire. We must look at the main factors of creating a major celebration cake.

  1. Logistics– date, time, address, traffic weight on the day of the delivery.
  2. Raw material availability– are the ingredients, packaging and set up materials readily available, provided that these can be transformed into the ordered cake in due time?
  3. Baker/decorator skill– does the art and baking method of the one accepting the order match the requested cake? Can the person fulfill it?
  4. External elements that affect the integrity of the cake. Can the cake withstand weather challenge?
  5. Contingency plan– if any of the four factors above may be a concern, does the supplier have a backup plan?

These are the factors that I consider that make up whether a cake is difficult or easy. And sometimes, these are addressed to in progression.

Example, during a cake inquiry we will be clarifying the logistics. If we can still accommodate another cake production for that particular date but the delivery is rather tight in schedule, then the cake will be difficult. Sourcing the ingredients wouldn’t be difficult, baking and decorating would be within the skill set of our team. Weather is fine and dandy on the day, but we would have to consider a contingency plan for delivery.

Another example is when the ordered cake would need a component that needs to be procured overseas or across a region. These would entail cost which will be added onto the cake quote.  If the client is amenable to the arrangement and there is also no problem with the time of preparation, then the cake would not be difficult. If the client’s response is not particularly favorable yet insisting on the inclusion of that specific element, then the cake is difficult.

Perhaps the most frequent mistake that bakers or cake decorators or both would commit is to accept an order that may be beyond their skill set. Even more dangerous is if the baker or cake decorator does not test or practice before the actual cake order. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Second to this would be giving the incorrect quote for the order. This would limit the capacity of the supplier to accomplish the order.

My identification of the above factors are learned the hard way. In the early years, mistakes would really be made and cake fails will happen if you really do not plan ahead. Online videos truly look easy to do but if you do not actually practice, it will boggle your mind how it was done so seemingly easily then when you actually do it, it is a mountain of a challenge. I believe these are the situations that gave birth to “cake expectation vs. reality” memes. It is funny when we look at it but these cake fails are actually hours of gruesome work to the point of tears for some.

However, frustrations can also be seen as a pivotal point of improvement. One is frustrated because he or she knows better can be done. Thus, a better procedure next time can be applied. Eventually, something difficult becomes easy.”

Artist’s Bio: Captain’s Mix & Magic had its humble beginnings from hotcakes. It was the first mix that introduced us to the magic of baking and pastry.

As enthusiasts of baking cakes, cupcakes, brownies and cookies, we have grown to experiment and test several recipes that eventually built our product base. Formal culinary instruction and industry experience made this interest into a passion. Now, every cake, every slice, every pie, every cookie and every dessert snack is made with utmost care and quality. As the canvass, paint and brush are the tools of an artistic painter, so are the cake, sugar and piping bag for the artistic baker. We have come to the mission of bringing the banquet cake back to its prime significance to the celebration and that is being part of the banquet itself; not just an item for display. Our aim is to foster a more meaningful banquet experience by serving the cake as the star of the dessert selection.

Whether it is a child’s birthday, a young lady’s debut, a couple’s engagement, the bride and groom’s wedding, a husband and wife’s anniversary or a business’ grand opening or product launching, each design goes through an intricate process of finding the balance between client preference, value and product quality.

You are the most important component of the design. We work to ensure you get the product of your dreams and because cakes are meant to be eaten, you also get the product that your palate deserves.


Key Takeaway

Have you ever experienced inquiring for a cake customization and being responded to with an inquiry about your location? Indeed, cakes can be a handful of work — from the planning, execution, and last-minute changes to the delivery of the actual product. All these factors affect the final product of a cake, a bit similar to how the best catering services in Manila work on their forte. It is upon every artist’s technique and best practices as to how they can succeed every other client’s cake request.

Now that you’ve made it this far, here’s our conclusion as to how you can succeed a difficult cake request from a client – whetheryou are working on your own line or from one of the best catering services in Manila:


Collaborate. For a product to be considered successful, it is important that artists know how to collaborate with their respective clients and the people they work with such as their chosen catering service in Manila. Best ask what they want and what they don’t. This will help you pattern your design especially if you are only given an idea, and not the exact inspiration itself, in a seamless manner. This will also help avoid miscommunications between you and the client, thus, earn positive feedback from your clients.


Execute. Every other artist has their own way of creating cakes, which we call techniques. In the process, they learn how to execute these techniques in the operations to create unique and original designs, and plan their own strategies in order to make the impossible possible for their clients. This goes most significantly for special custom-made cakes as these are unusual to make. However, don’t be afraid of making mistakes as these are most probably the best way to grow in your craft. Even the best catering service in Manila do, too.

take action

Take Action. Given that there would be times that you will encounter last-minute changes and mishaps during the making of the cake, it is important to take action instead of dwelling on it. You have to clear your mind and think quickly to resolve the problem in order to succeed in your craft.


Explore. For a cake artist to succeed in the industry, it is most important that you are willing to go beyond your comfort zone and explore other techniques in making a cake. Even the best catering services in Manila go out their way – tofind better, quality supplies and equipment to make better, innovative products. However, it’s as significant to note that you maintain your trademark to establish a unique and original persona in the field of artistry.

Whether you are a client looking for a cake artist or a fellow cake artist working in one of the best catering services in Manila who’s looking for some inspiration, we hoped you found your missing piece from this article.

If you are looking for a catering service in Manila that’ll best pair with your cake artist, visit Juan Carlo. They offer the best deals around Manila, and even in the outskirts of the Metro that you should not miss!

The Best Sports Foods as Recommended by the Best Catering Services in Manila

What are some of the best foods you could eat when watching sports games?

  1. Breakfast burritos: The best food to eat for morning games.
  2. Wings: Best with beer and sports.
  3. Potato skins: The go-to snack that is easy to eat while watching your favorite sports event.
  4. Corndogs: The classic arena food.
  5. Quesadillas: The perfect timeout snack.
  6. Pizza pie: Everyone loves it.


Early warning! If you’re on a diet… this article might not be for you. But read on anyway if you’re curious.

Have you ever thought of watching the upcoming UAAP, NBA, PBA, and NFL games with the best catering services in Manila? Well, restaurants and bars certainly get the idea when they hold viewings of these epic matchups that Filipinos flock. In fact, you can see passersby viewing these games from the outside. But the ones who get to sit down and enjoy the best food while watching will not only have the best viewing, but also the best eating experience.

The exciting part about all this is that you could host your very own sports viewing event. Gather all your friends and family with you and hire the best catering services in Manila, so all of you will not go hungry! Afterwards, find out what kinds of food they can (or you want them to) serve. To give you a clue, however, here are some of the best “sports food” to eat:

Breakfast Burritos

Breakfast Burritos

Breakfast burritos are a good sports meal, especially when you want to watch the NBA or NFL live. Trust us, you would want food that can double as your breakfast since these are shown during the mornings in the Philippines.

Breakfast burritos are full of nutrients that will energize you, not just for the day ahead, but for the excitement that the intense game will bring! The best catering services in Manila know exactly what to put inside: eggs, bacon, sausages, shredded cheese, and salsa – nothing like an explosion of flavor to bring out the spirit of the game!



A lot of things go well with beer, but when it comes to beer AND sports, wings will be your best friend. They’re so delicious that you might feel guilty. Plus, they take almost no time to prepare. You can cook these yourselves easily. But think of how much the best catering service in Manila can whip up! You’ll surely get juicy chicken meat without having to go and cook them yourself and miss crucial moments of the game. This will, for sure, save you a lot of time!

Potato Skins

Potato Skins

When it comes to eating food while watching something, it’s best to keep it simple. That’s why food served in arenas and cinemas are often uncomplicated to consume. One of the best foods is potato skins! You can choose to buy them in bags or make your own, but both choices will make you leave the front of the screen when you run out, which will happen because it’s so easy to eat.

As an alternative, call the best catering in Manila to make them for you! Ask them to serve up classy versions of this awesome sports food in your event; potato skins topped with bacon, cheese, and sour cream will surely make your guests’ day!


Corndogs or Pigs in Blankets

Pigs in Blankets are just a term that the best catering services in Manila use for corndogs – the beloved chow that sports lovers devour while screaming from the stands. Although, there is a slight difference, because pigs in blankets are made with Vienna sausages filled with cheese and croissant dough. Just like the other items on this list, it’s the classier version of the common sports food. This means that it’s best for a family gathering, where you’d like to keep it a bit upscale while watching your favorite games.



During the breaks of the game, you can scarf down on something a little more complex, such as a quesadilla! Catering services serve this up with grilled chicken or steak, salsa, guacamole, and cheese. Just imagine that explosion of flavor. It will surely get you hyped for the second half of those epic PBA games.


Pizza Pie

When you’re having trouble thinking of something to make sure your guests enjoy the game at your house, then look no further than serving up some pizza pie! First of all, who doesn’t like pizza? Even when it’s cold, it still tastes good. Take this suggestion further by having a catering service serve up fresh slices of pizza whenever the action in the game gets very exciting!


Key Takeaway

After working up a sweat in sports facilities and gyms, serve these foods up at home and invite your fellow sports friends for a night – or day – of excitement. There shall be no shortage of great games, excellent company, and amazing food choices among all of you.

7 Best Foods around the World to Include in Your Best Catering Services in Manila

What are some of the best foods around the world?

  1. Lechon from the Philippines
  2. Laksa from Malaysia
  3. Fajitas from Mexico
  4. Buttered Popcorn from United States
  5. Paella from Spain
  6. Chicken Rice from Singapore
  7. Poutine from Canada


An event wouldn’t be complete without the availability of foods from none other than the best catering services in Manila. After all, Filipino people do love to eat!

Many would argue that life is simply dull without people tasting their favorite food no matter where they came from. Thankfully, the world is filled with delicious global cuisines that offer an abundance of flavors and variety that will entice and tantalize anyone’s taste buds.

The Philippines, the pearl of the orient, has many tasty dishes that can make people’s mouths water. The same could be said for other countries with different backgrounds and culture. In this article, we shall explore some of the best foods around the world that you could definitely add to your wedding menu. Here they are now:

Lechon (Philippines)

Lechon (Philippines)

There are 7,107 islands within the Philippines, and among those, there is only one collective choice for being the best food around the country: Lechon.

Lechon is one of those foods that can definitely attract people. The thought of a roasted pig with crispy skin being the entrée in any occasion is enough to send anyone running to the table and hoping to get some skin. In fact, there are numerous variations to this dish, furthering its diversity in Pinoy tastes.

Besides the well-known lechong baboy, there are also different variations of the dish such as lechong kawali, and lechong manok. No matter what choice you make, you’ll definitely enjoy one of the many food wonders of the Philippines.

Laksa (Malaysia)

Laksa (Malaysia)

Everyone loves something that’s a little hot every once in a while, especially when it’s placed in a bowl. In Malaysia, you definitely get that with one of their signature dishes: Laksa.

Laksa is a noodle dish that contains fresh prawns and rice vermicelli that are bathed in either a spicy curry coconut sauce or even a sour asam. If you’re looking for a dish that can satisfy your late-night cravings, then this is the dish for you! Plus, you can even add this in your own personal wedding menu and trust Manila’s best catering services to deliver the dish to your ultimate satisfaction.

Fajitas (Mexico)

Fajitas (Mexico)

Down in the land where they really know how to handle their cuisine, fajitas are definitely one of Mexico’s spotlight dishes. If you’re looking for something authentic and savory, these are definitely one of your best options to indulge in.

Another thing that makes fajitas great is that not only do they taste really good, they are also extremely easy to prepare. As long as you have the dish itself served in a tortilla bread, your Mexican nights are sure to get the kick it deserves.

Buttered Popcorn (United States)

Buttered Popcorn (United States)

Going to the movies is one of the Americans’ favorite past times, especially when enjoyed with this particular snack: Buttered Popcorn. No movie night shall be complete without it!

Though this item on this list may not be a concrete dish by itself, buttered popcorn is still just as filling on anyone’s stomachs, which makes this snack ideal for something as long as watching movies.

For those who cannot enough of this snack, you should put more butter on your popcorn; the greasier it becomes, the more delicious it will taste.

Paella (Spain)

Paella (Spain)

Spain is one of those countries that showcases their rich history in cuisine, especially with this particular dish. Whatever you put in it, as long as you have rice as the main ingredient, paella can definitely fill you up. In fact, you can even add this to your menu for the best catering services in Manila to deliver.

Chicken Rice (Singapore)

Chicken Rice (Singapore)

It may look like just chicken atop of rice for some, but to many others, especially those from Singapore, it may just be the best addition to numerous catering services to handle. In fact, this is also often called as Singapore’s ‘national dish.’

Poutine (Canada)

Poutine (Canada)

Everyone loves fries, especially when dipped into something. But for Canadians, they go best with gravy and cheese, which they would call a nice bowl of poutine!

Poutine is basically fries bathed in gravy and smothered in cheese curds. With all those ingredients around in a bowl just for you, what more can you ask of from fries?


Key Takeaway

These 7 dishes are some of the best of the best around the world. With each of them showing off their different tastes and ingredients, they may just serve as inspiration for the best catering services from Manila to handle.

10 Uniquely Australian Desserts

lamingtons juan carlo catering

What are unique Australian desserts?

  1. Lamingtons
  2. Fairy Bread
  3. Pavlova
  4. Tim Tam
  5. Mint Slice
  6. Chocolate Crackle
  7. Caramel Slice
  8. Vegemite
  9. Jelly Slice
  10. Anzac Biscuits

One of the best things about connecting the world through the internet is the ability to discover other cultures and their practices with a click of the mouse. With just a few clicks, you will quickly discover that people all over the world eat different kinds of foods in several different ways. From a food festival in Europe to an event with catering in Manila; no two countries enjoy delicious food the same way.

Food is also closely tied with a country’s past because it too is a reflection of its growth and development. In connection with this, a country with a fascinating history is that of Australia. While they may be known for their gorgeous summer destinations, their cuisine should also be etched into your memory; most especially their desserts. There’s nothing as deliciously sweet as a treat from Australia.

From early Australian food to English inspired dishes, here are a few examples of traditional Australian treats:


A lamington is a delicious treat that is described as a sugary sponge cake coated with chocolate and shaved coconut. With a description like that, who wouldn’t want to grab a bite of this?  Sometimes this is served with cream sandwiched in the middle. This variation provides a delicious contrast that compliments the chocolate over cream taste. This is what lamingtons are known for.

Fairy Bread

Among the simpler treats on this list is Fairy Bread which is a snack that many kids enjoy. Essentially, it is white bread – or even American bread – covered with candy sprinkles and coated with butter. This is a tasty treat and is definitely delicious but it should be consumed in moderation as it is high in sugar and lacking in nutritional value.

australian pavlova juan carlo


Pavlova is a dessert based on meringue. It has a crispy crust that houses a soft and creamy inside. What makes this cake unique is that it is topped with cuts of fresh fruit that complements the creamy taste of the meringue with a tangy goodness. Chill this treat to enjoy it at its best.

Tim Tam

Tim Tams are famous treats that were originally popularized in Australia. These are chocolate cookies with chocolate filling that’s coated by, you guessed it, chocolate. It’s no wonder why this triple threat chocolate combo is enjoyed by kids. While they enjoy its deliciousness, their parents rejoice because it’s affordable. However, like fairy bread, consumption of Tim Tams is sinful so consuming them in moderation is recommended.

Mint Slice

Like Tim Tams, Mint Slice is a famous Australian treat that’s often eaten for dessert. What makes this treat memorable is the minty aftertaste it leaves after enjoying the chocolate coated cookie inside.

Chocolate Crackle

There’s nothing more sought-for than any dessert related to chocolate. But chocolate with added crunch to it? Even better! That’s exactly what you get with Chocolate Crackle.

Eating this is a great way of satisfying your craving for both chocolate and cereal. You get both of them in one dessert instead of having to look for them separately. It’s convenient as it is tasty.

Caramel Slice

Everyone knows that caramel and chocolate are great when paired up. So, why not bake them together to create a spectacular treat that is sure to bring smiles to people’s faces.

Best served cold, caramel slices are the perfect dessert if ever you crave for something sweet and refreshing at the same time. It’s perfect for any occasion and missing out on this treat would be considered a travesty for fellow sugar enthusiasts.


While this may be an unorthodox choice of food to make it to this list, this spread can contribute to the creation of some of the best desserts. Whether it be cake, ice cream, or any other pastry in mind, this handy little ingredient is sure to be your go-to additive.

In fact, not only does this heighten your dessert experience, but this also makes a great addition to your breakfast roster. No matter how intense their flavor may be, there’s no denying that this sweet and sugary spread will amplify any treat.

Jelly Slice

This dessert is a more interesting spin on your classic cake slice. It is made by adding some custard, getting something to serve as the base and crust, and topping it off with your favorite choice of flavored jelly.

This dessert has a unique taste that keeps in touch with the sweetness of custard and the tartness of the fruit. This flavor combination will surely make you devour the entire thing at once and quickly yearn for more.

Anzac Biscuit

If you’re looking for a more classic Australian treat, then this treat is for you. Even though Anzac biscuits were made during the First World War, it is one of those treats that stood the test of time.

The golden texture of this treat is enough to entice anyone to take a big bite of it. But the great thing about it is that it can be paired with other desserts. Whether you choose to add it to your ice cream, cake, or even have it topped with some whipped cream or custard, you can never go wrong with this indulgence. Just remember not to eat too much though as you would want to save some room for more desserts.

Key Takeaway


While this may be a lot, there are a lot of other desserts from Australia that you should give a try such as the Iced VoVo and the Golden Gaytime. After tasting these, you are sure always be left craving for a bite.

Indeed, there are many more unique Australian desserts that are available on the market even here in the Philippines. What make these treats unique is their taste as well as the enjoyment that they bring with each and every bite that these sweet treats offer.

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5 Wedding Catering Foods for Kids

kids wedding catering

What are catering food do kids enjoy at weddings?

  1. Mini Cheeseburgers
  2. Fruit and Vegetable Cups
  3. Smoothie Popsicles
  4. Macaroni and Cheese
  5. Peanut Butter and Jelly

Sure they’re adorable, but there can be times where children can be a bit too much to handle. This is why many couples prefer to keep their wedding children-free. Nonetheless, there are circumstances where they can’t help but allow their guests to bring children. Besides, no matter how one may feel about the notion, children are a joy to be around if they are well-behaved.

With that said, the soon-to-be married couple must incorporate some kid-friendly foods in the menu of their wedding catering in the Philippines. That way, they won’t have to worry about any guest of any age feeling left out of the party and being rowdy because of it.

If you wish to keep the little ones entertained and full, have a look at these fun and creative food ideas that could leave even the grown-up guests a tad bit envious:

Mini cheeseburgers

Everyone loves cheeseburgers; most especially the kids. Keep this fast food classic on the menu of your catering to make sure you have happy kids at your celebration.

However, you have to keep in mind that they will be wearing fancy outfits as well that the parents don’t want to get dirty. You can keep these cheeseburgers mess-free for the kids by making cheeseburgers using mini buns! Not only are these bite-sized cheesy meaty goodness super delicious, they look super cute too (don’t deny it!).

To add a bit more fun to it, why not have your little ones have a pick of their own toppings to add on their burgers? It’s a great way to get their creative juices flowing and an even fun way for both children and adults to bond with one another.

But if burgers are not your thing, try making mini hotdog sandwiches. Then allow the kids to have fun by letting them draw on their sandwiches using the ketchup and mustard. Just have a babysitter nearby to keep an eye on the kids to avoid a huge mess and possible food fights.

Fruit and vegetable cups

In a wedding, or any occasion in general, fruits and vegetables are a common sight in every feast. While meat and other poultries are ideal for a celebration, nothing beats the numerous health benefits provided by fruits and vegetables. Especially when served in cups for a more convenient experience, fruits and vegetables are here to stay in every menu around.

With that said, the cups idea is great for wedding over the traditional salad. Everyone eats with their eyes especially kids; they will eat what looks appealing to them. If you choose to do this, then serve them with some sort of dip like yogurt for the fruits and mayonnaise for the vegetables. To level up the creativity, make fruit and vegetable kebabs then use the cups as containers for the dips. You can even add a little extra flavoring for the vegetables to give kids a new and exciting taste

Another thing that makes this dish a standout for kids is that you get to control the quantity of how much you’d want to put. Whether you choose to tip the scale in favor of fruits and vice-versa, this dish will surely garner massive amounts of likes.

Image: Lorraine Cryan Photography

Image: Lorraine Cryan Photography

Smoothie popsicles

In any wedding, one of the most sought-out courses during the celebration is none other than dessert. After the newlyweds feed each other cake, numerous sweet teeth are sure to flock around the table yearning for a bite of some pastries.

There are many options for desserts other than the wedding cake itself. But one thing’s for sure: Popsicles will always remain a hit to kids, even more so when smoothie popsicles are added to the table.

While the rest of your guests are feasting on fancy desserts, serve smoothie popsicles to the little ones. This will keep them cool and satisfied especially during a hot wedding. But of course, you can also whip up a batch of grown-up friendly smoothies as additional dessert. Just make sure they are separated from one another so there won’t be any accidents of an alcohol-laced pop being served to one of the flower girls (yikes).

Also, for these treats on sticks, why not make things interesting by making a game out of it? Engrave one of the popsicles sticks with an emblem or symbol of sorts and distribute these popsicles to the children. Whoever gets the lucky stick wins a prize from the bride and groom. What a way to turn your tasty ideas into an even better one.

Macaroni and cheese

Macaroni and cheese is a certified hit with kids and is many parents’ go-to to make sure their kids have happy tummies. You can have this at your wedding as well, but you’ll have to get creative to make them feel like they’re eating special macaroni and cheese. Go serve this recipe in small colorful bowls or get creative by making mini mac and cheese pies. Fried mac and cheese balls is also a good alternative because you can skewer them with sticks for a fun, lollipop-like look.

Peanut butter and jelly

Along with macaroni and cheese, the PBJ is a classic among young and the young at heart. It has made its way into every lunch box throughout the years and has continued to bring smiles into children’s faces.

Rather than serving these in the traditional sandwich at your wedding, let your creativity shine through by making peanut butter and jelly sushi – bread strips with peanut butter and jelly then rolled up to look like sushi – or peanut butter and jelly muffins. You can even use different kinds of peanut butter and jelly to twist things up in a fun and exciting way.

Key Takeaway

These foods are a sure way to satisfy the kids – and their parents. Serve these up in a separate station for kids only so they can form a line altogether without having to mix up with the adults. Try also to set up an activity section for the kids where they can quietly entertain themselves all throughout the reception. That way, you have kept your guests and their kids happy and worry-free.

This Again? Wedding Foods That People Need to Stop Serving Right Now

When it comes to wedding food, the husband and wife-to-be not only have to think about the possible dishes they can serve for their celebration, but also those that need to be left out. This is particularly because multiple dishes can cause stress and hassle to wedding guests.

Admittedly, this detail in your wedding can easily be overlooked. But don’t worry, you can check out our examples below so you can have an idea.

Complicated Appetizer/Hors D’oeuvres

Complicated Appetizer/Hors D’oeuvres

Given that cocktail hour is usually done in a standing room with a few cocktail tables, the appetizers or hors d’oeuvres served during this time should be simple. As a rule of thumb, these should be easily consumed with one hand so that guests can have a drink in the other.

Complicated appetizers usually need two hands to eat, meaning your guests would need to put their drink down, which is difficult to do when there is only limited space on the table. Also, such hors d’oeuvres could spill and get on the guests’ attire. This is sure to put them out of the mood – the exact opposite of what a cocktail hour is for.

Signature Cocktails

Signature Cocktails

The desire to make the drinks unique often drives couples to add signature cocktails during cocktail hour or dinner. While the intention makes sense, the problem with this is that people have different drink preferences. For instance, not everyone from your guest lists will like sweet and sugary drinks. Plus, it would be safer to assume that they do not have similar alcoholic tolerances with each other.

This is the reason why beer and wine are two of the best alcoholic drinks you can serve at a wedding. This is because they provide your guests the option of controlling the amount they drink. In other words, they can enjoy the wedding the way they want to.

However, this doesn’t mean that cocktails have to be off the menu completely. Having a few choices ready is good for those that prefer these over beer and/or wine. But these should be the more traditional choices such as martinis, daiquiris, and mojitos.

Chewy Chicken

Chewy Chicken

While chicken is an easy crowd pleaser, rubbery chicken is not. This could be the case in reception buffets, where poultry has been waiting too long. By the time people sink their teeth into it, the once tender chicken could become hard to chew. Even with the best catering in town, this could still happen if the cooking is not timed well.

Ideally, the food should be served fresh. The key to doing this is efficient communication between the parties working behind the scenes. Any delay in the program should immediately be relayed to catering and their crew so that they can time their cooking well, so that the chicken will still be fresh once dinner comes.

Lots of Fish

Lots of Fish

When fish is offered in a buffet, one must make sure that it is served in a simple recipe. This is because complicated fish recipes are more prone to having unsavory textures, when left out over time. This is especially true when they are served in big amounts. That is just the nature of many buffet fish dishes such as fish fillet.

Vegetable Sides

Vegetable Sides

When it comes to sit down dinners, it is a good idea to go for safe choices for the menu. Thus, the better side dish to choose for a set course is mashed potatoes or rice. Those are loved by all. Offering just vegetables at the side is sure to upset some guests, especially those who do not like vegetable dishes – like children! This simply cannot be forced onto people. Also, most people consider weddings as an epic cheat day.

Gluten-Free Food

Gluten-Free Food

Even with gluten-free food being trendy nowadays – just like vegetable sides – not everyone enjoys such diets, particularly during wedding parties. Buffets and sit down dinners can have special sections in the menu for those that want to eat gluten-free, but it is never a good idea to have the entire menu to follow any certain diet.

Remember: the more general your menu, the better it is. This is especially true for the dessert table, which people look forward to in order to satisfy their sweet tooth. They may be disappointed to munch down on a lackluster cupcake because it is gluten-free. But couples should still make sure to accommodate those that are intolerant.

Cakes without Icing

Cakes without Icing

Naked cakes are trendy nowadays, but mostly because of aesthetic reasons. But when it comes to taste, guests secretly dread them because the icing is what seals the flavor in any flavorful cake. Without it, it’s just a fancy version of bread that is bland and dry.  If couples really insist on having such a design of cake, then they must consider compensating by stepping up their dessert game.

Food Trucks

Food Trucks

This is another trend that is welcome in food parks, but it is a bad idea, when you put in a wedding. For weddings, these are usually used to provide midnight snacks for those, who are hungry after sweating it out on the dance floor.

However, waiting for food from a food truck is a hassle, especially when guests are already tired. This is because food trucks have limited equipment, which means they cannot cook multiple dishes at once. This means that guests will have to wait long in line, which isn’t desirable for tired their feet in leather shoes and heels. Instead, couples should consider having the catering prolong their waiting service in order to accommodate their guests.

Food Favors

Food Favors

Don’t be mistaken. Food favors are great, especially when the wedding and reception are in a far location. However, this is meant to give a great send-off for the guests to thank them for making the long trip, taking the time, and making the effort to attend.

If you are going to provide them a food favor, then you have to be sure that it is more than worth it and a great snack for them to enjoy on their way home. Failure to make satisfying food favors could leave guests disappointed and disgruntled.

Anything with Black Ink

Anything with Black Ink

In an event where most people wear white, it’s easy to see why black ink is a sight for sore eyes. It’s either they will choose not to eat the dish or eat it while exercising excessive caution, which will cause them stress.

As much as possible, weddings should be carefree and avoid dishes with black ink as a favor to any of their guests.

Key Takeaway

Generally, a wedding must be relaxed and enjoyed by your guests. This must be evident not only during your reception, but also to your food choices – especially since the majority of the celebration is held during dinner time.