Useful Tips For A Bride Planning Her Own Wedding

What are some tips for planning your own wedding?

  1. Set a budget and stick to it
  2. Do bridal research
  3. Join online forums and groups
  4. Attend bridal fashion events
  5. Make a priority list
  6. Choose your service providers carefully


Congratulations on the engagement! You are one step closer to having the wedding you have always dreamed about. If you wish to plan your own wedding, here are some helpful bride planning tips.

From budget and guest list concerns to a wedding gown or dress selection, this article will give you tips that can help you out. Have an enjoyable wedding experience the moment you open your eyes in the morning all the way until you close your eyes wearing the wedding ring.


Set a Budget and Stick to It

When setting the budget, you must carefully consider the venue, guest list, caterer, wedding dress, and miscellaneous fees. Budgeting can simply include approximates to the initial expenses you list down. Along the way, you will most likely find other important expenses to include on the list.

The process of budgeting continues until after you have made transactions and purchases. With that, having enough wiggle room for unforeseeable expenditures will allow you to strictly stick to your budget. On a final note, recognize that your budget will either dictate or influence every choice you have to make. Often, couples choose to overestimate rather than get caught wondering how to cover for other expenses.


Do Bridal Research

Girl smiling in front of her laptop

Fire up your laptop and do extensive research regarding anything and everything about weddings. From the weather, dates, flowers, themes, and other aspects of a wedding ceremony. Refer to some of the checklists you can find online. Gather all the information you may need like helpful tips and pitfalls to avoid. Find what you are not looking for in wedding books, brochures, and especially online.

When doing research, you should be able to trim down the long lists of information to ones that are applicable to your needs. In some instances, you will come across templates for wedding planning that include factors you may not require. Unknowingly including those factors in your list might be confusing to you and divert your attention to things that matter the least.


Join Online Forums and Groups

There are plenty of wedding forums, discussions, and group chats available online. Often, members consist of brides-to-be, wives, wedding planners, and financial advisors as well as vendors or photographers. Choose active, popular ones, and up to date communities to obtain faster and reliable responses.

Say you wanted to inquire about the planning process. You will obtain immediate and diverse responses that enable you to find the best possible advice and suggestions. Aside from obtaining solid advice from other brides, you will also have the opportunity to connect with caterers and vendors.


Attend Bridal Fashion Events

A chair with bridal items

You may feel overwhelmed with the options presented to you while planning your wedding. This could be in terms of the number of wedding gown inspiration ideas you have pinned to your boards or screenshots of details saved on your phone. The moment you realize you are having a hard time choosing, take a step back and go back to square one. Your wedding dress should fit your personality, not what you think will gain attention and likes on social media.

One of the few things you must consider is your comfort. While a low back or turtle neck will look gorgeous in pictures, will you be comfortable wearing either? Consider the activities at your wedding. You might look amazing in the pictures yet be feeling uncomfortable and uneasy half of the time.

Finally, have your dress designed and tailored to your movements. Are you the type to move your arms around? Might as well skip the off-shoulder wedding dress. Find a piece that will allow you to move around, dance all night, sit however you want, and most importantly, be able to eat.


Make a Priority List

Some brides would put the guests first before the venue. These are couples with a large group of friends, colleagues, as well as massive families. Others would choose to celebrate their wedding intimately by inviting those who hold a special place in their hearts. Whatever floats your boat, here are possible wedding expenses that you should consider adding to your priority list.


  • Bride’s dress and groom’s suit
  • Entourage attire
  • Hair and makeup artists
  • Church and reception venue
  • Photographer and videographer
  • Wedding coordinator
  • Catering services
  • DJ, band, and performers
  • Giveaways
  • Wedding cake
  • Getaway vehicle
  • Venue decorations and lights


Choose Your Service Providers Carefully

Close up of a waiter in uniform

If you think that choosing the venue and location is a tedious part of wedding planning, wait until you encounter issues with your service providers. Avoid those backing out at the last minute by establishing a professional relationship with them. Instead of just talking to them over the phone, pay their office a visit. Talk to them personally and tell them your wishes. With that, they will recognize their services are vital to the wedding’s success. Here are some of the important vendors you might need to work with for your wedding.


  • Photographers and videographers
  • Catering services
  • Florists


Key Takeaway

Not all bride planning tips are a one-size-fits-all kind of template. Every bride’s priorities are different, and no single advice should tell you exactly what to cut from the wedding priority list. A final tip: the key to keeping track of everything is to organize. Have plenty of time to plan for the wedding. If you are stuck with the question of where to begin, make a priority list. It should help you align your budget and strictly stick to it.

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