8 Tips for Writing a Wedding Day Love Note

How can one write a wedding day love note?

  1. Agree to it if you want to exchange letters.
  2. Write it casually as if you’re talking to your partner comfortably.
  3. Dedicate time to do it, whether you choose to do it on the day itself or not.
  4. Find a quiet and/or meaningful place to write it.
  5. Write it in a way that will give your partner confidence that he/she made the right choice to get married.
  6. Talk about your love and your future with each other.
  7. Don’t sweat over misspelling, and grammar.
  8. Keep it personal.

Of all the elements that go into the big day – from the actual ceremony to the wedding catering – the wedding day love note is hands down the most romantic and personal part of it. These notes are usually written days in advanced or on the night before the wedding day when emotions are overwhelming. The note is meant for the respective partners to read on the morning of the big day, as a reminder of its purpose and to prepare each other for the vows they are about to make.

There are no strict rules about what or how it should be written, but there are things to keep in mind.

Agree to It

While writing a love note may be tradition for some families, your partner may not have the same traditions. If you want to exchange love notes, then it is important that you discuss it with your partner.

When it comes to this, it’s important to not just do it out of nowhere. This could lead to your partner being surprised and, possibly, being pressured into writing one for the sake of it; you want the letter to be honest. That being said, discuss with your partner days in advanced so both you have enough time to gather the right words to show your love for each other. Of course, you could always write a love note without expecting one – if you’re really the one for surprises. Just be sure that you do it a way that doesn’t pressure your partner to rush to create his or own.

Keep it Simple

You don’t have to write like you’re the greatest poet this century has ever seen, nor use big words and complex metaphors to wow your partner. Remember that your partner loves you for who you are and should know you inside and out. A sprinkle of elegant language here and there will be good to show some class but for the most part sound like yourself because that is what matters most.

Dedicate Time to It

This is a very meaningful note for your partner, dedicate some time for it. May it be weeks or days ahead or even the day before, don’t rush this letter because it will be a something you and your fiancé will likely keep and cherish for many years. Find time to plan and reflect on your relationship together. Embrace all the emotions you’re feeling and find inspiration in them. Have enough time to write down your thoughts in a relaxed state and look back at the note and see if it’s the love note your partner deserves.

Now, love is a great big ball of emotions and you may have a hard time sorting out your feelings. It will be helpful for you to list down these thoughts in a notebook or your smartphone so you can reflect afterwards.

Gather Your Thoughts

As just mentioned, you want to dedicate time to writing the letter. However, many would recommend that you write it the night before the wedding or even on the day itself! This is because this is the time when both sides have overwhelming emotions about the big day; finally, their love will reach its peak. Even though things may be running crazy in your mind during this time with all the planning, you must remember that the most important part of any wedding is the love you have for your partner. With that in mind, find a quiet spot to think. Even better, go to a place special for the both of you to further amplify your feelings.

If you choose to make it on the morning of your wedding, then do it just a short while after you wake up. You will be really busy on the day itself and waking up could be your only time alone for the day.

Give Your Partner Confidence

This is your opportunity to be the voice your partner needs, to remove all their jitters and give them the confidence boost they need. Your wedding day is a very nerve racking day for both parties so it will be really help to know that the person you are marrying is confident in this decision. Remind each other of the reasons you are together and why this will be the best decision you’ll ever make.

Write What You Love About Them and More

It is important for your partner to feel loved, to know that every part of who they are is important to you. This will give them confidence and assurance in your relationship with each other.

Aside from that you should write about your relationship, write about the future, and your hope for each other individually and as partners. Remind your partner of the love that you share and the numerous years to come together and how it makes you feel. Then, talk about the future – the honeymoon, having kids, travelling around the world, etc. – to let him/her feel secure about the rest of his/her life.

It’s Not a Formal Letter

Your fiancé loves you – flaws and all. So, don’t worry about making grammar mistakes or misspellings. If you notice them, then don’t start over. Just cross it out and leave it messy; but at the same time don’t make it look like you rushed it. Maybe you can even apologize in the letter itself by adding a quirky disclaimer such as, “I’m sorry I have so many mistakes in this letter. You know me: forever fidgety”. It’s these nuances that will make your partner know that the note is honest and personal. Speaking of personal…

Keep it Personal

Remember, it is not just about what you feel right now, it is about what you plan ahead and how you want your marriage to be. The most important thing in this note is that it comes from you, not based on what your friends or family say, but from you alone. Pour your heart out and just let your partner feel the love you feel through this simple gesture.

Key Takeaway

The key to writing a touching love note is remembering. Think back to all the love you’ve shared over the years. Even the fights you’ve had which you overcame to learn how accept each other more. Remember all the things that made you say yes to the marriage. Then word it well in an honest letter. When your partner reads the letter, he/she will be reminded why you are celebrating in the first place. Then later on in the day, you both will no longer just be partners; you will be each other’s husband/wife.

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