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Pumpkin Spice Latte-Flavored Desserts


Wedding catering is one of the most important aspects that you need to plan in preparation of your big day. After all, what’s a celebration without delectable food and drinks? In your wedding day, keep the festivity going by serving the most scrumptious meals at the reception!

When preparing the menu, you need to remember that your appetizers and main course are essential. However, it is safe to assume that most of your guests are also looking forward to the desserts you have concocted as well. Why not serve them something trendy and in season like pumpkin spice latte-flavored desserts?

Here are some ideas and recipes that you can follow. 

Pumpkin Spice Latte Brownies

For this recipe, you will need to bake brownies and make some frosting. Below are the ingredients for these two:

Mocha Brownies

Pumpkin Buttercream Frosting

After preparing the necessary ingredients, it’s time to start making pumpkin spice latte brownies. Just follow these steps:

Mocha Brownies

Pumpkin Buttercream Frosting


Pumpkin Spice Latte Chocolate Pudding

If the brownies are too much work, make pumpkin spice latte chocolate pudding instead! To start, prepare the following ingredients:

Do you have all the ingredients already? Begin making this dessert by following the steps below:


Pumpkin Spice Latte Cookie Balls

This one’s an easier recipe. Begin by gathering the following ingredients:

Once you have all the ingredients, start making your pumpkin spice latte cookie balls by following these directions:

Serve these pumpkin spice latte-flavored desserts at your wedding reception, especially if you have an autumn-themed wedding. They will surely be a hit!