Author Archives: nikki

Food to Speed Up your Metabolism

Metabolism is the complex process of how your body converts whatever you consume into energy. This is important because it is the main process that fuels your body to function properly. These days, people are more health-conscious and they know that a faster metabolism means that calories are burned at a faster rate, leading to weight loss. That is why plenty of people are trying to find ways to speed up their metabolism. They work out regularly and change their lifestyles so that they can eat all the delectable foods served in restaurants and by caterers in Manila.

However, do you know that aside from the ones mentioned above, there are more ways to speed up your metabolism? For instance, you can incorporate the following foods in your daily meal plans. These are 6 foods that you should eat to improve your metabolism: 



Foods that are high in calcium, like broccoli, are known to boost metabolism and help people lose weight as well. This vegetable also has high levels of fiber that assist in speeding up your metabolism. More than that, it is full of natural antioxidants and it contains vitamins C, K, and A. Make sure to add this to your shopping list to speed up your metabolism. 


Not only does this fruit keep the doctor away, it keeps your gym trainer away too. One serving of apple every meal is known to enhance metabolism and weight loss. More than that, this fruit is high in fiber and pectin which affects the cells in your body and their ability to absorb fats. Finally, you should incorporate apples in your daily meal plans because it is a great option for natural detox. 


Iodine is important for your body because it promotes the production of hormones that help regulate your metabolism. And seaweed is a great natural source of iodine! Plus, more than just boosting metabolism, it can also prevent the digestion of fat in your system because it contains alginate. 


Most people avoid fats. However, do you know that your body still needs this type of nutrient? You can get them through almonds, which contain the essential fatty acids that can help increase metabolism. The great thing about almonds is that it is readily available and you can enjoy it at any time of the day.  



The combination of nutrients in beans helps your metabolism react positively. Usually, most people avoid them especially since they are known as a musical food. However, you should still incorporate beans in your diet particularly because, aside from helping with your metabolism, they are also a great substitute for carbs. Plus, they go well with most proteins! 


Celery is full of calcium and is a staple snack for any health junkie out there. As you know, food with high calcium content is very good for the metabolism. Plus, the fact that celery is known to be a thermogenic food is another advantage for you. Pair it up with some peanut butter and enjoy.

Incorporate these different types of food in your everyday meals and remember to always enjoy what you are eating. At the end of the day, these foods will help you stay healthy but above all, it’s always your attitude that will determine whether you could hit your fitness goals or not.

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3 Healthier Substitutes for Rice

Rice – whether white, red, or brown – has been a staple ingredient in many cuisines around the world, especially in Asian countries. Some of the best examples of dishes that use rice as its key ingredients are risotto, fried rice, buttered rice, sushi, maki, gimbap, and even some onigiri.

In the Philippines, most especially, people can’t seem to have enough rice in their meals. Elders even have a proverb saying that a person cannot be full without eating rice. Because of this, many food establishments in Manila – even catering services – are offering various deals like unli-rice to encourage more Filipinos to buy more from them; and for most cases, this gimmick seems like it is working!

But let’s face it, Filipinos does not really have to go out of the comfort of their homes in order to eat rice. All they have to do is stay in and prepare their own home-cooked meals. Essentially, they can eat rice as a side dish to most of their food, such as adobo, sinigang, tinola, and bulalo.

However, rice – especially white rice – is not always the best choice, especially if you want a healthier diet. Basically, it is a source of simple carbohydrates, which primarily means that it is composed of basic sugars, meaning it has no nutritional value whatsoever. In short, white rice shouldn’t be a viable option if you want to partake in a healthy lifestyle. It is also not a good food for people prone to numerous health problems like diabetes.

Admittedly, carbohydrates (which rice provides) are still essential to the body. They are responsible for providing you energy that gets you through the day. But the truth is, you don’t have to get your carbohydrates from rice. You can get them from other substitutes, like the following:



A great gluten-free option is quinoa – a grain that has been gaining popularity just recently. Quinoa is a great source of carbohydrates because of the additional nutritional value it contains. Amazingly, it also provides Omega 3 fatty acids or good fats that counter the bad effects of excessive carbohydrate intake. Omega 3 also helps regulate digestion and the processing of different calories that your body digests.

This rice substitute also has high percentages of fiber and is a good source of protein. Quinoa is a great rice replacement because it is very adaptable as well. More than that, it goes well with a lot of delectable dishes and can be incorporated in many nutritious and healthy recipes.

Here is an example:


  • 1 cup salsa
  • 6 cups spinach leaves
  • 4 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil
  • ¼ tsp. ground pepper
  • ½ tsp. dried basil
  • ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 egg whites
  • ¼ tsp. salt
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • ¾ cup rinsed quinoa
  • 1 ½ cups water


  • Get a saucepan and heat water until it boils. Afterwards, add salt, garlic, quinoa. Cover the pan and let it simmer for about 10 minutes. Uncover it and continue cooking for two more minutes. Then, transfer it to a big bowl and let it cool.
  • Preheat your oven to 175-degree Celsius.
  • Now, heat 2 tsp. olive oil using a non-stick skillet. Cook the quinoa pancakes until they are golden on both sides. Then, move them onto your baking sheet.
  • For about 5 minutes, bake the pancake until they are heated thoroughly. You can serve them with spinach and salsa.



Barley, the other grain on the list, is a perfect alternative to rice as well! This one is high in fiber and contains numerous vitamins and nutrients that are significant for the cardiovascular system. It also contains potassium, zinc, and calcium – all of which are great for the well-being and improvement of your liver and intestines.

Also – like quinoa – barley can be served with your meals as a direct replacement for rice. In some countries, barley is being boiled for people to drink the juice it produces. You can certainly follow their example, because by doing so, you can get the full benefits barley offers.

Here is a simple recipe you can follow:


  • 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp. paprika
  • 1 tsp. curry powder
  • 1 tsp. dried parsley
  • ½ tsp. ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. white sugar
  • 1 tsp. garlic powder
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 15 oz. drained garbanzo beans
  • 1 chopped zucchini
  • 5 diced tomatoes with juice
  • 2 chopped celery
  • 2 chopped carrots
  • 1 cup uncooked barley
  • 2 quarts vegetable broth


  • In a large pot, pour the vegetable broth. Then, mix in the bay leaves, onion, garbanzo beans, zucchini, tomatoes, celery, carrots, and barley. Season your mixture with Worcestershire sauce, paprika, curry powder, parsley, pepper, salt, sugar, and garlic powder. Cover the pot and let it simmer for about 90 minutes. Remove the bay leaves and serve!



There is bound to be a non-grain option on the list and it is here: cauliflower. Cauliflowers are also gluten-free, perfect if you loathe gluten products. It is also packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Plus, it is good for your digestive system since it is a natural antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory effects.

The cauliflower is usually seen as a side dish; just another vegetable that is usually forgotten (or feared by children). But you can easily make it more appetizing by throwing it in the food processor. Or you could also boil them and mashing them so that you can serve it as you would typically serve mashed potatoes – creamy and smooth in texture. Enjoy this dish with your favorite protein source, perhaps with some white meat, in order to complete the whole healthy and hearty dish you are going for.

Key Takeaway

With these three substitutes, you can say goodbye to white rice. Not only are these three nutritious, they are also very tasty. In addition to this, they are very versatile compared to rice. Plus, you can let your imagination run wild with them while preparing your meals – so you can have variety!

If the recipes included above do not satisfy you, you can always check out and follow other recipes that will suit your taste. Don’t be afraid to experiment with these substitutes!

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The Ultimate Wedding Checklist for Brides and Grooms

You recently got engaged and you and your partner are at a high and are full of excitement. As you fantasize about your big day and what the future holds, certain concerns and questions start popping up. You start worrying about who offers the best catering in Manila, locations for receptions, and who to invite. You also start thinking about the planning process; you probably have all these ideas in your head but you don’t know where to begin.

Take a deep breathe, look at your partner, and continue reading because the key to dispelling all of these worries is through organizing your ideas and making a plan. 

Set your Budget and Consider Who are Invited

Settle how much you are willing to spend on your wedding and reception. It is one of the most important events you’ll ever celebrate so make sure you have a big enough budget for your essential wedding features without going broke afterwards. Considering the people who will be there with you to celebrate your big day is also important. Carefully deliberate who to invite because they will form the group that will be immortalized in photos and videos. 

Setting (Theme, Site, Date)

Time to set the when and where of your wedding. Decide the theme and color schemes that your wedding will revolve around, as well as when the big day will be. Make a list of locations where you can hold your wedding and reception. Then, narrow them down based on price and whether it can accommodate your needs. Make sure the date coincides with the availability of the venue and will not clash with any other occasions to ensure that all of your guests can come. 


Bridal Party

Decide on your bridal party, the groomsmen, and bridesmaids. These are the people who will be by your side from now until the wedding. Make sure that your closest and most reliable friends and family members are in your bridal party. Take this opportunity to figure out what they will wear and what all their roles would be as well. 


Now that you have a date and place set, it’s time to notify your guests. Make sure to create the invitations in accordance with your themes. Also, see to it that all the necessary information are clearly indicated in the invitation. 

Food, Flowers, Film

Look up the different services you’re going to need. Check the best catering services you can afford; then, consider whether you and your guests will enjoy the food and, again, if they are in line with your theme. Flowers and decorations are also important because they will frame your wedding. These things will help modify the ambience in the venue. Filming, may it be photos or video, is something you need to book early. Make sure that your videographers clearly understand how you want to present your wedding. 



Find the best DJ or Band to play all your favorite songs. They will be in-charge of the music that will play during the entrance, as well as the different moments in your wedding. The music they play and their performance will influence the atmosphere on your wedding and reception so make sure to choose only the best musicians. Lastly they have the burden of making sure everyone has fun in your reception – there should be no one sitting when the dancing begins!

These are the things you have to take note of to make your wedding a happy and memorable experience. Make sure to enjoy the planning process because you will only experience this once in your life.

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Making Comfort Food Healthy

Various people deal with stress differently. While some love to hang out with friends to take their minds off their current problems, others prefer to spend a relaxing evening at home. There are also people who cope with stress by eating their comfort foods. It doesn’t have to be fancy; it can be that tasty main course from the catering in that wedding you just attended or a simple but delectable dessert from your favorite store. What matters most is how it automatically erases your problems, even if only for a moment, with just one bite.

Most of the time though, that food or cuisine you crave may be packed with calories that do more harm than good to your body. This doesn’t mean that you need to completely give up your comfort food though. Get the best of both worlds and enjoy the best comfort foods without worrying about health risks! Check their healthier versions below.

Oven Baked Chicken

The only thing better than a good old fried chicken is fried chicken smothered in gravy. With so many options for fried chicken around, it’s only a matter of time before you give in to that voice in your head and sink your teeth in a perfect mix of crunchy chicken skin and tender, juicy white meat.


However, fried foods can be unhealthy, especially since they increase the risk of developing cancer or diabetes. If you want a healthier alternative, substitute that deep fryer for an oven and remove all those excess oils. Instead of using a regular breading mix where all the unnecessary calories come from, utilize a simple bread crumbs mix using whole wheat. The baking process will naturally draw out the juices from the chicken and perfectly crisp the outside, giving you the same sensation that you get when eating fried chicken. 

No Bread BLTs

BLT is the go-to sandwich for plenty of people. One can easily order it from fast food restaurants or make one at home since it’s pretty simple to make. This prominent sandwich mixes crispy bacon, zesty tomatoes, and refreshing lettuce. Topped with a helping of mayonnaise and your favorite bread, the BLT is simply delicious.

In spite of this, you should think of replacing the bacon, mayonnaise, and bread with healthier alternatives. For instance, instead of using regular white bread, use whole wheat bread or even Iceberg Lettuce to reduce your carbohydrate intake. In addition, instead of frying the bacon, use your oven to take out those nasty oils from your sandwich. You can also mix your own mayonnaise using yogurt and pepper to add more flavor. 

Light Mac N Cheese


Nothing compares to the combination of melted cheese and fun macaroni pasta. This is the epitome of comfort food and it’s hard to think that there is any alternative for this dish. But the truth is, you can actually make your mac and cheese healthier just by changing some of the ingredients. Don’t worry because doing so will not entirely make your favorite comfort food taste differently.

There are many variations of this dish; you can create it with different kinds of cheeses and various toppings – the options and ideas are basically limitless. However, the main factor you can change in your macaroni and cheese recipe is the cheese mix. Look at alternative low-fat or skim cheeses and milk to replace the usual in order to cut your fat intake. Same with the butter and sour cream because changing these will give you a lighter version of this dish . If you want, you can also try using whole wheat macaroni as well.

With these healthier versions of your favorite comfort foods, you won’t have to sacrifice health for comfort anymore. You can truly have the best of both worlds now! Just learn to use the right ingredients as well as methods and you can enjoy your favorite foods on a regular basis.

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Top 3 Holiday Drinks to Serve Your Guests

It’s one of the most awaited time of the year once again. The holiday season is upon us – a time when you get to meet up with friends you haven’t seen in ages and relatives you haven’t spoken to for quite some time. You are probably planning on inviting them over for a small reunion. However, before sending the invitations, you have a few things to prepare, such as food and beverage. After all, an event – no matter how small or informal it might be – is never perfect without something to munch on and drink. If you are pressed for time or on a budget and cannot hire a catering in Manila, don’t worry.

For the food, you can always follow any of the numerous recipes available online. And for the beverages, just serve any of the following drinks.  They will definitely help impress your family and friends from the get-go. 

Christmas Cookie

This drink is best had when you are just relaxing with your family and friends. Made up of 3 different kinds of alcohol, the Christmas cookie is a sweet treat that really packs a punch. To make this, you will need an ounce of each of the following: peppermint schnapps, Kahlua, and Carolan’s Irish Cream. Mix everything in a cocktail shaker, throw in some ice, and strain it in your favorite glass. Put on your favorite Christmas tunes and serve this drink with a plate of cookies! 



In some countries, it wouldn’t be a holiday without eggnog. Like presents, this is a staple during Christmas celebrations. That is not exactly the case in the Philippines but nevertheless, you can still serve a tasty eggnog this Christmas if you wish. How? In a saucepan, simmer 2 cups of heavy cream, half a cup of sugar, and a quarter teaspoon of nutmeg. Blend 4 large eggs on low for 1 minute and, while the motor is running, slowly add the hot cream mixture. Continue blending the ingredients for a few more seconds. After a while, add brandy to the mixture. Make sure to blend the drink after adding the alcohol to mix it properly. This drink is best served warm – to heat you up on cold holiday nights. 



Who knew that cinnamon and tequila could go so well together? Snowball is a blended drink that is quite chilly. The cinnamon flavor will surely satisfy the kid in you while the tequila will definitely appeal your adult side. To make this beverage, all you need is a blender, 3 ounces of Tequila Cream Liqueur, 3 drops of Vanilla, crushed ice, an ounce of evaporated skim milk, half an ounce of Kahlua, cinnamon powder, and cinnamon sticks. Blend all of the ingredients together except for the cinnamon powder and stick. Afterwards, pour it on your favorite glass and garnish the top with the cinnamon powder. Then, mix the drink using the cinnamon stick. It’s easy!

Impress your guests this holiday season with these three must-try drinks. It will surely make your Christmas celebration more fun and exciting!

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7 Foods You Should Never Ever Eat Again

What are the foods that should never be eaten again?

  1. Fruit Juice
  2. Margarine
  3. Microwaved Popcorn
  4. Atlantic Salmon
  5. Soy
  6. Sugar Alcohol
  7. Shrimp

Are there types of food that you refuse to eat even if everybody seems to love them? It might be because of the taste, smell, or its negative impact on your health. Regardless of the reason, there is no doubt that it’s easy to stay away from these snacks; what’s hard to stay away from are the delectable meals served by the best catering in Manila or top restaurants in Makati even if they are might be bad for you. Sadly, there is a chance that you are consuming certain foods that are unknowingly threatening your health. To avoid this, check the following foods; they are a few favorites that you should probably stay away from especially if you’re trying to lose a few pounds. 

Fruit Juice

There’s a health myth that drinking fruit juice is a great way to lose weight because of the vitamins they contain. However, people tend to disregard or forget about the sugars that go into the flavoring of the juice. Sometimes certain juices have as much sugar as soda or even more. And too much sugar is harmful to your health. 



Margarine has long been regarded as a healthy substitute for butter because it has lower levels of cholesterol and saturated fat. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that margarine is the better alternative. While it is true that it has a lower amount saturated fat, you should know that it also has high trans-fat and sodium content. The high levels of trans fat are a real health risk because it increases the chances of heart disease. Meanwhile, high levels of sodium can cause weight gain. So maybe, sticking to good old fashioned butter is the best option… unless you want to start clogging up your arteries. 

Microwave Popcorn

Microwave popcorn has to be one of the most popular snacks that you can have at home – it’s convenient and it comes in so many flavors! Some popcorn bags even claim to have low fat options and less sodium, which encourages consumers to buy. What you don’t probably know is that the popcorn bags are lined with perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) that increases your risk of developing cancer and negatively affects fertility. Some popcorns even have additional trans-fat and MSG in their flavoring, making them more toxic than healthy. You’re better off buying organic kernels and popping them yourself before adding the right amount of butter and salt. 


Atlantic Salmon

This is another name for farmed salmon. It’s true that fish contains healthy fats and oils that your body needs. Salmon, especially wild salmon, is usually a good choice for people who are looking to eat food with high omega-3 content. However, studies show that farmed salmon contains only half of the omega-3 content of wild salmon. In addition, farmed salmon may also increase your risk of developing cancer because it contains high levels of dioxin.


Many believe soy to be healthy. However, what many do not know is that this is only true for fermented soy. The unfermented kind actually has harmful effects. This is because this type of soy is genetically modified to be able to take in glyphosate, which is found in the pesticide known as Roundup. With this modification, farmers can use the deadly chemical freely on the soy. So, when people eat nonorganic soy, they are ingesting large amounts of pesticide as well. Given that glyphosate has been linked to human cell death, you should definitely avoid eating nonorganic soy.

Sugar Alcohol

For those that don’t know, sugar alcohol is a natural product extracted from fruits and berries, but is chemically altered to become a sugar substitute. This is what is put in gum and baked goods that are “sugar-free”. The most popular form of sugar alcohol is Xylitol. Other examples include erythritol, isomalt, lactitol, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol. While these do allow products to remain sweet without any sugar content, these are also harmful as well. This is because of the chemical process it goes through to make it usable and tasty. Also, the sugar alcohol itself is usually extracted from genetically modified fruits and berries. Consuming too much of these foreign substances leads to allergic reactions, headaches, SIBO symptoms, rashes, and gassiness.

If you really desire for sweetness in your food, then try adding green stevia, monk fruit or raw honey instead.


There are many harmful effects that eating shrimp can bring to your body. This is because of the malpractices made by factories when farming shrimp. These are the following:

  • A food additive called 4-hexylresorcinol is added to prevent the shrimp from getting discolored. This chemical can act like estrogen, which could increase the risk of breast cancer and lower the sperm count.
  • Shrimp farms are usually treated with eurotoxic organophosphate pesticide. When eating shrimp that have been contaminated with this, the consumers can develop symptoms of ADHD, memory loss and tremors.
  • Malachite green, a substance capable of causing cancer, is used on these farms as well to kill fungus in shrimp eggs. This can stick to the skin of a shrimp for as long as 200 days.
  • Rotnone is used in a pond to kill fish so that farmers can turn it into a shrimp pond. If this substance is inhaled, it could cause respiratory paralysis.
  • Similar to the previous item, organotin compounds are used to kill mollusks before creating a shrimp farm. This also has estrogen-like qualities which can mess with the hormones of a person and make him prone to obesity.
  • 25% of shrimp products that is marketed as being made from wild shrimp are actually made from farm shrimp.

Key Takeaway

Next time you’re in the market, make sure to read labels and know what you’re putting in your cart. Food that seem like a healthy option at first may actually be bad for you in the end. More than that, be sure to research before buying new products from new brands.

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Bridal Shower Checklist: 7 Things to Remember

What should be in my checklist when planning a bridal shower?

  1. Find the most convenient date.
  2. Pick out the closest friends and family to attend.
  3. Pick a theme to bride-to-be will appreciate.
  4. Choose a venue that will fit the guestlist and theme.
  5. Make the invitations and make sure everyone gives their RSVP.
  6. Pick out the food based on the time and theme of the shower.
  7. Decorate the venue before the event.

Imagine this situation: your best friend just asked you to be one of her bridesmaids in her upcoming wedding. But not only that; she also requested that you plan her bridal shower. Of course, you say yes, because you love her. The thing is, you don’t know the first thing about planning a bridal shower! Oh no! Your mind starts going crazy and you begin hastily canvassing the best hotels, hosts, and catering in Manila. There are also gifts to find, guests to talk to, and food to taste – it’s all so confusing and overwhelming!

Nonetheless, there’s no need for you to panic and, if this ever happens to you, always remain calm. Just take it step by step by creating a checklist and you’ll see how simple it actually is. No matter what your best friend’s preferences are, you need the following items on this checklist to organize any bridal shower:

The Most Convenient Date

First, you have to set a date. Conducting it two to four weeks before the big day is a safe bet. Ideally, this is the time when the bride would’ve finished majority – if not all – of the wedding planning already. She will be ready to relax and de-stress with you and the girls. This will also give the bride’s closest (socially) but farthest (geographically) friends a chance to attend the shower; especially since they’ll be travelling to the bride’s city or nearby for the wedding proper. 

A Guest List of the Closest

Traditionally, bridal showers are reserved for female guests only. The usual firsts on this list are the family members and relatives of the bride and groom. However, bridal showers nowadays don’t follow these customs too closely anymore. More and more male guests are invited to these parties and the guest lists even favor more friends over family.

With this in mind, you should never assume the guest list. Your best friend may want it more or less traditional than usual. It all really depends on her and who she wants to unwind with at her bridal shower. So when making the guest list, the best approach is to coordinate with the bride regarding who to invite. Make sure that everyone who is important to her will be attending and you will ensure that your best girl will have the time of her life; even if the shower is just a simple dinner.


The Best Theme

After setting the date and guests, you need to plan the theme because this will dictate the remaining items on this list, such as the decorations, program, venue, invitation design, and food.

It doesn’t have to be so complicated; it just has to make the shower meaningful and memorable. As a best friend, you would know best what the bride-to-be would love. But if you’re not entirely sure, then brainstorm with the other bridesmaids in order to come up with a theme that the bride would appreciate. You and the girls can get inspiration from bride’s favorites when it comes to cuisine, destinations, movies, etc. 

Consider the mood as well! Ask yourself if your best girl would like a formal, casual, or semi-formal party. You can base the theme off of this! Of course, you wouldn’t want a masquerade theme if she wants a more casual celebration.

A Fitting Venue

Now that you have a guest list and theme, you have to decide where to hold the shower.

As mentioned above, it has to be fitting to the theme. Some locations would fit more with a theme than others. For example, holding a formal shower on the beach would be uncomfortable for everyone. This is why the location is important. In fact, the perfect venue can elevate the theme and the entire shower to the most memorable party your best friend will ever experience. After all, you’re looking for the perfect send off for the bride-to-be.

Of course, you also have to make sure that the location can accommodate the number of guests invited. So, when you find the perfect venue online, you must schedule an ocular to see for yourself. Keep parking, tables, chairs, and accessibility in mind.

Invitations and RSVPs

It’s time to let the guests know that they’re invited to the bridal shower! Include essential information in your invitation, such as location, theme, attire, and the RSVP deadline. After all, you don’t want to go through the trouble of getting the perfect location to the theme if people don’t show up with the right clothes at the right time.

Chances are, some will not reply immediately. Be patient when this happens; people get busy and forget. But just make sure to follow up by calling these guests. It’s important to note that, somehow, RSVP etiquette has been lost throughout the years. But you just need to give people a kind reminder at times. So when you do call for a follow up, politely mention to them that you need to know because you’ll need to make the proper accommodations.

As for the invitation design, again, you must take inspiration from the theme. It must give the guests a sense of cohesiveness and anticipation for the event. Look at Pinterest and similar websites or articles for great ideas that can possibly save some money as well.


Food and Time of the Event

It’s mentioned again and again, but the theme will dictate this as well. You would want the food and drinks to be fitting to set the mood and make the event cohesive.

But food is also dictated by the time. Of course, a bridal shower set during lunch time will require full meals. When it comes to an afternoon shower, light snacks would suffice. Whatever time you decide to have the event, you just make sure that you don’t overspend. If you’re getting catering, then the RSVP is even more important because you will need to know how much food to ask the service to prepare. For a more informal celebration, talk to your friends and see if you can provide the food yourselves.

Decorations and Ingress

Finally, decorate the location just to add icing on top of the cake. If you conducted an ocular of the venue, then you should know exactly what decorations are needed; but make a second visit if you need to. Then, arrive at the venue early on the day of the celebration to set up the necessary décor. If the locations should allow, then you can ingress these the night before so you and the bride can rest well on the day itself. No matter when you choose to do it, check if the theme is reflected. Make sure that all the elements – such as lighting, centerpieces, tables, and chairs – are as you want them to be.

Key Takeaway

Now that it’s broken down, planning a bridal shower isn’t that complicated anymore. Just make sure that the bride, or someone close to the bride, is part of your planning so that you can organize the shower that she deserves.

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Wedding Practices: Traditions or Clichés?

There is a plethora of decisions that couples must face before their big day, spanning from what flowers to use for decoration, all the way to the wedding catering. Also included in this list of decisions are different wedding traditions. Couples must choose whether to follow or to change some of the customary practices that usually take place during weddings. Unfortunately, while some of these traditions come across as either nostalgic and romantic, others are played out and clichéd. Here’s a list of some of the more common practices during weddings and the consensus of the mass. Do you agree or disagree?

Bridesmaids and Groomsmen

Groomsmen and Bridesmaids are basically the friends and family that have been supporting the bride and groom respectively throughout their lives. Traditionally these roles have been gender specific; groomsmen should be male and bridesmaids should be female. What about the groom who has a close female friend or vice versa? If this practice was followed their friend may not be able to participate the way they want to during the wedding. Phasing out this tradition allows the bride and groom the freedom to choose who they want to have by their side on their big day. 

Verdict: Cliché


Asking Permission

Asking for the bride’s hand in marriage is done by the groom as a sign of respect towards the bride’s family. Permission is also asked from any elders that are important to the bride such as her grandparents or any of their aunt and uncles. A gesture of respect should never be lost in an important event such as this. Starting a marriage with respect is a good sign of things to come and shows the character of the groom to be. 

Verdict: Tradition

Giving Away of the Bride

There are many ways to view this custom. There was a notion that the bride belongs to her family and during the wedding, she will be passed on to her husband to start her own family. However, some view this custom as the bride’s parents honoring the groom by blessing him with their daughter while others see this as the transferring of the responsibility of protecting and caring for their daughter to her husband. Passing of a blessing is a beautiful practice since it views the bride as a blessing or a gift to be cared for and protected. This gesture also gives the groom a sense of peace that the bride’s family has faith in him to give him someone as precious as their daughter. 

Verdict: Tradition


Using Traditional Vows

The exchange of wedding vows is the moment in the wedding where the bride and groom vocally commit to each other. There are common formats for these vows that have been used in most weddings throughout the years. In spite of this, it is actually not necessary for a couple to strictly follow these formats. Don’t you think that vows should be personal and come from the heart of the couple? Composing these vows themselves makes it more personal, making it mean more to the couple and truly reflecting the relationship they share. 

Verdict: Cliché

These are just some of the many customs that are present in weddings, some of which have been around for decades. Like every decision in a wedding, it comes down to the bride and the groom to include them or not. Just remember that each wedding is unique to the relationship of the couple and what could be clichés to others may be strict traditions to some. How about you? Do you think the mentioned wedding practices are traditions that should be followed or clichés that should be altered?

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7 Healthy Substitutes for Sinful Snacks

What are healthy substitutes for sinful snacks?

  1. Kale Chips
  2. Sweet Potato Fries
  3. Mashed Cauliflower
  4. Mushroom Chicharon
  5. Chocolate Trail Mix
  6. Greek Yogurt and Berries
  7. Dark Chocolate

Everyone snacks, may it be in the morning, afternoon, at home, or at work. Even catering in Manila offers different snacks that guests at certain events can munch on while a speaker talk or as the birthday celebrant opens their gifts. Unfortunately, snacking is not a healthy habit, especially if the food that you choose to chew on have high amounts of sugar, calories, and fatty acids. If you’re not sure which you should avoid, here is a list of snack items and their substitutes that won’t weigh on your conscience too much:

Kale Chips

Plenty of people love to snack on potato chips; but do you know that most of these products contain different kinds of fat and sodium? Moreover, it has low nutritional value even if you’ll get a whole lot of satisfaction at every crunch.

If you want to snack on something equally tasty, but healthier, then you should try making some kale chips. This substitute does not contain excess fat and sodium, but keeps all that crunchy goodness. To start making this, first take some fresh kale and cut the leaves from the thick stems. Lay them out on a pan that is lined with parchment paper and start drizzling olive oil on the leaves. Sprinkle some salt and pepper before placing the pan in an oven that is preheated at 170 degrees C. Take them out 10-15 minutes later or when the edges of the leaves are brown but not burnt.

Now you have a serving of chips that have a good amount of carbohydrates and dietary fiber without all those calories. Plus, you’ll get a large amount of potassium, iron, and Vitamin A from every serving too.


Sweet Potato Fries

Sweet potato fries are a substitute for one of the most popular side dishes on history – French Fries. Do you want to prepare this healthier alternative? Basically, you’ll just replace the potato with a sweet potato and, instead of deep frying this delicious vegetable, you need to use an oven. Preheat the oven at 230 degrees Celsius; then, take your sweet potato and slice them about ¼ in. Place them in a bowl and drizzle some olive oil as well as seasoning such as salt, pepper, and paprika. Toss the ingredients around until the sweet potatoes are coated evenly. Lay out the fries evenly in a pan lined with parchment and bake for 20 minutes.

For an even finish, make sure to turn the fries occasionally. This alternative provides you with more dietary fiber, potassium, and Vitamin A. Also, the fact that an oven was used lets you control the amount of fat per serving.

Mashed Cauliflower

Mashed potato is sometimes perceived as a staple side dish; but did you know that by substituting potatoes for cauliflower, you can make a side dish that is lower in carbs and fat? Mashed cauliflower is not just a healthier alternative, it can also go with any kind of meat.

To make this, first steam the cauliflower heads until they are tender; then, take a skillet and cook minced garlic with olive oil. Finally, take a food processor, or a blender, and blend the cauliflower with the garlic, ¼ cup of Parmesan cheese, 1 tbsp of cream cheese, salt, and pepper. Be careful when adding the ingredients and make sure that the cauliflower is added one head at a time and not all at once.


Mushroom Chicharon

Chicharon is an old Filipino favorite. This is traditionally made with pork, but to make it healthier, you can try switching the staple of this dish to Oyster Mushrooms. It is very easy to get Oyster Mushrooms as you can find them in your local market, either fresh or canned; however, it would be better to grab a fresh pack of mushrooms and wash them instead.

Cover the mushrooms with flour, salt, and pepper evenly. Heat up olive oil in a wok and start drying the mushrooms until they are golden brown. Pat down all the excess oil and serve them with vinegar. Now you can enjoy all that crunch and flavor without all the fat and extra calories.

Chocolate Trail Mix

Candy is always one of the most popular snacks among children and adults alike; however, it is not a snack that you could not count on to give you some health benefits. For a healthier and sweet choice of snack, you can go for a bag of chocolate trail mix. Trail mixes are a combination of nuts and dried fruits that are not only delicious, but are also healthy as well. With chocolate in the mix, you get some added sweetness that kids will enjoy. Along with great taste, your body also receives high-quality carbs.

Greek Yogurt and Berries

Yogurt is another popular dessert and snack that has a variety of flavors and can also be mixed with different ingredients. Not many people know about its healthier alternative, which is Greek Yogurt. Like regular yogurt, Greek Yogurt also gives you delicious flavor, while being thicker, having more protein, which gives your body that energy boost. Adding berries to the yogurt will give it some sweetness and extra nutrition that would benefit you in the long run.

Dark Chocolate

People know that chocolate is a well-beloved sweet snack that can also be added to various desserts and pastries. Despite how delicious a bar of chocolate may be, it is a snack that should be taken in moderation, as it is not a healthy snack.

The healthy alternative to chocolate is dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is a purer version of chocolate, which means it won’t have the sweetness of your normal chocolate. Despite that, dark chocolate contains flavonols, which is good for your heart, and also keeps your skin hydrated and your brain sharp. It’s best to look for cocoa products that contain 70% cacao and less added sugar to give you a healthy experience.

Key Takeaway

Snacking doesn’t have to be sinful or bad and now you can make delicious snacks in the comfort of your own home. Say goodbye to all the guilt that you feel every time you munch on something now that you have these alternatives; you can go back on the couch and watch your favorite TV series with your new favorite snacks!

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