Author Archives: nikki

Public vs Private Marriage Proposals

What are the pros and cons of public and private proposals?

  • Private proposals
    • Pros: Easier to plan
    • Pros: Feel more intimate
    • Cons: Limited grandeur
    • Cons: Could lack the surprise factor
  • Public proposals
    • Pros: Grander expression of love
    • Pros: Emotional support can be provided by your close friends and family members
    • Cons: Difficult to plan
    • Cons: May add unnecessary pressure on your partner


Marriage proposals are exciting! Sometimes you will get so eager that you will find yourself already looking for the best wedding catering in the Philippines. But don’t get ahead of yourself just yet. You have to get your partner to say “Yes!” first!

When planning your proposal, you can go one of two ways: either privately or publicly. One is more intimate, while the other is more extravagant. You’ll have to decide based on what your partner would like in order to avoid either unnecessary pressure or a lackluster gesture.

To help you out, here are the pros and cons of private and public marriage proposals:


Private Proposal

Private Proposal

When you do a private proposal, it means that only you and your partner will be the only ones present. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to be done at home. You can choose to do it in any secluded area. Choose one that is romantic for the both of you. You can go to your favorite beach, the park where you had your first kiss, or the place you first laid eyes on each other.

Whatever spot you choose, it must be where you can revisit the most romantic memories. Though in the end, it is important for you to have the words to say that will make your partner feel like he/she will be loved for the rest of his/her life.


If you and your partner don’t like being in the center of attention, then this type of marriage proposal could be the most ideal one for you. Sure, no one would be there to witness it. But this could mean that you are free to communicate whatever you need to express to your partner to let them know you are ready for the next part of your lives.

Aside from that, you will also have a lot more control. Since it’s just you and your partner, your setup can be simple. Not to mention, it will be easier to keep a secret when you don’t need to tell a big amount of people about your plan.


Regardless of the setup being simple, the execution still has to be perfect. In fact, there could be more pressure with a private proposal because it can seem to be less grand if you don’t do it right. Your wording, venue, and setup all need to be perfect to get your partner’s feelings through the roof.

Also, you could lack in the surprise factor, which could be what you need if your partner loves extravagant stuff and momentous occasions.


Public Proposal

Public Proposal

If you choose to go for this type of proposal, then it means you are going to have an audience of some sort. Whether it’s going down on one knee in the middle of a busy mall or hiring the help of a grand flash mob, the point of this proposal is that people will be watching and you are not afraid to scream to the world that you love your partner.

This type of proposal is usually the type you would see going viral on the internet because of how sweet and creative these could get. Planning an extravagant proposal such as this is truly a great way to show love that can’t be bound by words.


If you and your fiancé-to-be love theatrics, then your partner will definitely appreciate this. The wonders of an all-out production could speak more volumes of your feelings for your beloved than what you could possibly arrange with words.

You can also bring your partner’s closest friends and family involved. This is important as it could make him/her feel as if everyone is rooting for him/her to say “Yes,” which could be the reassurance that he/she needs to make the right choice.


This is definitely much harder to pull off because of the planning needed. Think of it as a trial by fire before the wedding planning; you need to go through this to prove that you can plan a wedding. With a public proposal, you have to get permits and abide by certain rules and regulations of whichever venue you plan to make your grand gesture in. Not to mention, the practice you will need to do in secret will be difficult to keep from your beloved.

Another big issue you may face with a public proposal is that you could be putting unnecessary pressure on your partner. You wouldn’t want him/her to say yes just for the sake of pleasing a crowd. If you’ve heard the horror stories of proposals being accepted publicly but being rejected privately, then you definitely don’t want the same thing to happen to you. Thus, you should only do this if you are sure that your partner will truthfully accept and appreciate it.


Key Takeaway

When planning a wedding proposal, the key is knowing your partner well. Does he/she love intimate and romantic moments or grand and theatrical displays? Use this article as a guideline about which one is perfect for your proposal and you will surely make your partner say “Yes!”

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Good Morning, Good Taho!



What is Taho?

  • It is a refreshing and tasty snack that is usually enjoyed during breakfast in the Philippines.
  • It is made of tofu, arnibal (caramel), and sago pearls.
  • These are sold by a vendor called magtataho and are usually contained in aluminum buckets. This allows them to walk or ride around a city or village to sell the snack.
  • It is so popular in the Philippines that Filipino adults and children alike enjoy it.
  • It has been around since the pre-Spanish colonial period and it is still being served to this day.

There is nothing better than a good breakfast to start a good morning. Know what else makes it better? The moment you hear that sweet sound of your local magtataho yelling that sweet word you’ve been wait for since you woke up: Taho!

Taho is one of the most versatile foods in the country because it can be enjoyed as a snack, dessert, or part of your breakfast. One of the best things about it is that though it is in actuality a simple dish, it will not look out of place among the best of the best in wedding catering in Manila.


Taho is indubitably one of the most popular snacks in the Philippines for both adults and children. Its origins aren’t clearly defined but most scholars agree that this snack is definitely derived from the Chinese traders.

Common accounts claim that taho is a product of the trading relationship between the Philippines’ ports and the Chinese trader who sought business with us. It was in this trade where the Filipinos at the time adapted a Chinese snack called “douhua” (which means “tofu pudding” or “soybean pudding” and called it “taho”. This happened decades before the Spanish colonization of the Philippines.

The Filipinos at the time sought for the snack because of its cool and refreshing taste. It was unique to them as it piqued interest and also because sweet snacks were for the rich and powerful. Taho is a snack that everyone can definitely afford and enjoy.


Taho vendors, or magtatahos, would prepare the ingredients before dawn. The most important ingredient is the tofu; which serves as the core of the snack. This fresh and soft tofu is processed in a way that makes its consistency and texture similar to that of custard. This can also be made from scratch with a tofu mix.

When it comes to sweetening this snack, an ingredient known as arnibal is used, which is made by turning brown sugar into syrup. This is done by heating, caramelizing, and mixing it with water; creating a thick, amber-colored liquid. Sometimes, other flavors such as vanilla are added to this. Sago pearls, which can be bought from the local market, is boiled until the consistency becomes gummy and the appearance becomes a translucent white.

These ingredients are then put into two aluminum buckets that are connected with a yoke or placed in a pedicab (a common Filipino mode of transport that involves a bike with a side car attached). In one bucket – usually the bigger one – is the tofu base while the smaller bucket contains the arnibal and sago mixed together.


The vendors travel around cities and villages to sell taho. They usually market their product by using a very distinct and projected voice to loudly say the name “Taho!” while walking or riding down an area. Filipinos would recognize it and, since the voice is usually projected well, they would hear it from the insides of their homes. Most magtatahos would have a regular business path at a regular schedule; usually in the morning as it is a great breakfast meal or snack. However, it is also common to see these vendors still selling their products in the afternoon or the evening.

When they make a sale, they must first use a metal watch glass to toss out the excess water on the surface of the bean curd. Then, they use a long metal ladle to get and put together the ingredients in front of their buyer in a plastic cup – usually available in two sizes – and serves it to their customer along with a plastic spoon for them to eat wherever they please. One may also choose to use their own cup as it is also common for households to give the vendor a pitcher to be filled with taho so that they can have their own supply of the tasty snack at home; at a higher price, of course. Families would then put the pitcher in their refrigerator and simply need to place the taho in a cup or glass and heat it to be able to eat it or even enjoy it chilled.


Taho is popular because it is both delicious and affordable, even with children. It can be found almost anywhere because the demand for it is as strong as when it was first introduced. Its target market is on such a wide scale that it’s almost impossible to measure it in the first place. Simply put, many people from different walks of life enjoy and love taho for what it is: a brief, but sweet escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.


The thing about taho is that it is a timeless food that will never go out of fashion, at least not in the foreseeable future. Timelessness is something that food needs in order to become a staple; this is something that food chains try to strive for by showing commercials and promos that promote family and happiness. By showing these elements in their commercials, they are essentially telling people that by eating their food, they will remember their happier times; as well as evoking the feeling of love that can only be achieved by dining together with family.

Taho, on the other hand, needs nothing like that. The reason why taho is purely timeless because our grandparents ate taho when they were children, our parents enjoyed taho when they were younger and so on. In short, taho is something that markets itself with nostalgia simply because it is something that almost every Filipino has eaten at least once during a period of their life.


Essentially, taho is one of those foods that people look for when they need comfort, a quick fix, or both. It’s great for any time of the day and its appeal is definitely a lasting one. However, any food can achieve this feeling so long as they are enjoyed with the people that we love. Are you interested in creating a lasting memory with food, surrounded by the people you love? Give Juan Carlo’s catering a try!

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15 Stand-out Debut Theme Ideas

What are unique theme ideas for a debut party?

  1. Kiddie Party
  2. Charity Debut
  3. Picnic at the Park
  4. Cosplay at a “Comic Convention”
  5. Enchanted Forest
  6. Tea Party
  7. Harry Potter
  8. Stranger Things
  9. Disco
  10. Cute Safari
  11. Avengers
  12. Gossip Girl
  13. K-pop
  14. The Greatest Showman
  15. Emo Po-Punk


When thinking of unique themes for a debut in the Philippines, wedding catering services can give many great suggestions. This is primarily because these catering services also offer packages for debuts – as well as corporate events, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. They’ve seen and served it all. From parties at grand ballrooms to local barangay covered courts, there is no place they would refuse to serve.

You can be sure that they’ve also seen many wonderful debut themes over the years. If you’re stumped and don’t know what theme to go for in order to stand out from the rest, then take a look at these suggestions from caterers:

Kiddie Party

1. Kiddie Party

This idea is great for two reasons: budget and childhood.

Who says that a debut has to be expensive? By holding your debut at home with fast food style meals, you and your family can save so much money. At the same time, it won’t be boring because no one really out grows a kiddie party. The food is delicious and the games are fun.

Sure, you could say that 18 is an age when most kids are considered to be adults. So why not celebrate one last day as a kid with an appropriately themed party?

A Charity Debut

2. A Charity Debut

A lot of less-fortunate kids have no means to celebrate their birthday with a huge bash. So here’s a suggestion, why not spend your debut budget to throw a party for them instead?

You can collaborate with an institution or your local barangay to set up a party in their establishment or at the local covered court. Be sure to hire awesome entertainment and have your caterer provide great food.

Not only will you show them a great time and make them feel special, but you will also feel like a princess in more ways than most maturing girls imagine. The laughter and joy that you will be giving these neglected children will fill your heart and make you feel like you’re making a big difference – and you will be.

Picnic at the Park

3. Picnic at the Park

Another great budget-friendly idea is an afternoon picnic/merienda at a park. There will be no need to spend on high-cost main course meals; only snacks. You can concentrate on having the caterer arrange a whole array of merienda bites in large amounts that will be sure to satisfy your guests’ cravings and leave them full.

The lighting outdoors is also really great, meaning you get to take good pictures with your close friends and families – a huge bonus to commemorate your party later on. Just be sure to choose a park with a wonderful view that would surely be Instagram-worthy. It could be at a scenic neighborhood park or one that is out of town with many natural wonders.

You can also up the picture game by investing in a Polaroid camera or you can rent out an Instagram printing service. Such a service will search for images with your assigned hashtag on the popular photo-sharing app and print it out on the spot. Both choices are a great way to get on the fly printer photos that will make your debut memorable, even though it’s fairly simple.

Cosplay at a “Comic Convention”

4. Cosplay at a “Comic Convention”

If you and your closest friends are nerds or nerds-at-heart, then this one is for you. Invite everyone to dress up as their favorite character and set up a venue to look like your very own comic convention. It will certainly be a treat for you and your friends to let go and bring characters from different universes to life.

The food can be superhero themed as well. Good examples would be a hulk burger with a green patty or drinks served in hero (or villain) tumblers.

An Enchanted Forest

5. An Enchanted Forest

Although debuts are usually held in a big function room, this usual classy hotel look is what makes all debuts look alike. To avoid this uniformity, why not go for the completely opposite look? You can hold your debut in a forest-y area – a park with a lot of trees – but still make it feel grand. In fact, this outdoor appeal may just be exactly what you need to feel like a princess.

With a complete enchanted forest look, you can make your debut look like a scene taken directly from a Disney movie. To do this, you must first pick a good location with very green plants and trees. Make sure it’s safe and easy to decorate. Then, have earthy decorations and food such as log seats and caramel apple desserts. Top it all off by asking your guests to come as fairies or any other enchanted creatures/characters.

Tea Party

6. Tea Party

Want to feel like Alice, who’s about to go on an adventure, on your 18th birthday? Then, a Tea Party is certainly what you want to do on your birthday!

For this, just set up a long table filled with cakes, cupcakes, and other kinds of sweets to go along with your favorite tea! You can hold this during the afternoon—which is the perfect time for high tea!

Harry Potter

7. Harry Potter

It’s time to bring out the magic spells! Decorate the walls with Hogwarts house banners, owl balloons, and Patronus stickers. And don’t forget to serve some butterbeer!

Stranger Things

Source: Pinterest

8. Stranger Things

The hit Netflix show brings horror and fun to your debut. Try to replicate the darkness of the TV series by holding the party at night. Light up the venue with some string lights and paint the words “Happy Birthday” eerily on the wall.

Of course, the party wouldn’t be complete without Eleven’s favorite waffles for dessert while 80’s music is playing on the background.


9. Disco

Not a fan of 80’s music? Then, let’s time travel to the 70’s!

Go ahead and bring out your dancing shoes. A Disco Party is all you need to become a Dancing Queen feeling the beat only 18!

Cute Safari


10. Cute Safari

This debut style calls for the wild side of everyone! To make it more feminine and fun, invite your guests to come in their cutest animal onesies.


11. Avengers

The Avengers movie series from the MCU has delighted people of all ages. Your guests will surely be excited to celebrate your debut, dressed up as their favorite Marvel characters!

 Gossip Girl


12. Gossip Girl

This popular teen drama was well known for having episodes that showcase preppy and high-end parties. Have one by hosting a classic and formal brunch, with white walls and decorations just like in episode 2.

 KPOP party


13. K-pop

Are you a self-declared K-pop fan? Then, you’d this theme!

Invite your friends and tell them to dress up as their favorite idols. Have an all Korean menu with a delicious barbecue that will make your guests’ mouths water. Of course, it won’t be complete without blasting some K-pop songs all night long!

The Greatest Showman

Source: YouTube

14. The Greatest Showman

Just like the movie, this theme combines the beauty of music, circus performances, and self-expression. Decorate the venue in red and white. Then, set up a karaoke stand for guests to sing their hearts out!

Emo Pop-Punk

15. Emo Pop-Punk

For a lot of 2000 kids, they spend their childhood listening to pop-punk bands such as Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and Panic! at the Disco.

Just imagine blasting their songs all night long as you and your closest friends sing your heart out!


Key Takeaway

Thinking out of the box goes a long way to make your debut unique. With these simple ideas you can make sure your 18th birthday will be very memorable to your friends and family!

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How to Pick the Perfect Song for the First Dance

How do I find the perfect song for our perfect dance?

  • Choose your dedicated song for each other
  • Remember songs that played during key moments in your relationship
  • Pick a song from a common favorite artist
  • Pay homage to your parents by choosing the song that played during their first dance
  • Decide on what kind of dance you want to do on your wedding
  • Listen to the lyrics to find out which is the most appropriate for a wedding


Love is a big emotion, which is why celebrating it should also be grand. From hiring the best wedding catering in Manila to booking your favorite local artist, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do in order to showcase your love at the wedding.

But it is also this complex emotion that will make it hard for you to decide on the perfect song for the first dance, for your first dance. This is because, in all honesty, there are just too many romantic pieces for you to choose from; all of which can potentially give you and your partner something to enjoy during your big day.

Now, the question of how you are going to narrow them down should be answered. But don’t worry because we’re here to help you out. Just follow these simple tips:

Choose “Your” Song

Choose “Your” Song

No doubt, if you and your fiancé have a song that you consider to be “your song” for each other, then there may not be any need to look any further. That is, if the song is fitting for a dance. If not, then you may need to dig a bit deeper much like those other couples, who don’t have any dedicated song, and look on to the other tips below.


Remember Romantic Moments with Music in the Background

Think back to the most epic moments in your relationship. Usually these are your firsts: the first date, the first time you held hands, the moment you realize you’ve fallen in love, etc. Try to remember if there was any music playing that amplified your emotions and made your heart explode during these romantic episodes in your life.

Who knows? That certain song or piece could work its magic again for your first dance.

Look at Your Favorite Artist’s Repertoire

Look at Your Favorite Artist’s Repertoire

Maybe you and your fiancé have a common favorite artist or, even better, have seen said artist perform live in concert. Whether you listen to a whole discography or remember what he/she played in their live set, you will most likely find that one song that is special to you and your partner.

Be sure to pick one that can be your favorite, the one that speaks volumes about your relationship, and the one that can showcase your love to each other (that words simply can’t express). If this song also happens to have a good feel and/or beat to dance to, then you’ve found the perfect piece.


Uphold Tradition and Heritage

If your parents and/or grandparents still remember the song they danced to, then considering re-using it. While the first dance is usually done to celebrate the newly bound couple, it doesn’t mean that you can’t also celebrate the bond created in the past.

By playing the same song that was playing in your parents’ or grandparents’ wedding, you can pay homage to the bond that kept you alive and guided you through life to be who you are today – the same person that your fiancé fell in love with in the first place.

You can say that, without your ancestors, you may have never ended up with the love of your life.

Decide Based on the Type of Dance You’ll Do

Decide Based on the Type of Dance You’ll Do

Just like the song, the type of dance that you choose to do must be special to you and your fiancé. Most couples choose to do a slow dance, but you could be a bit more creative than that. Especially, if you and your partner have a love for dance, you may choose to do a rumba, waltz, or even hip hop dance. Whatever you choose, the song must fit the dance.

Listen to the tempo of your favorite songs for dancing and use this as requirement for the song you will choose. If a song has meaning to you, but it doesn’t fit the style of dance you want, then you may need to reconsider it or cross it off your selection. Once you have a shortlist of songs, try dancing along to it and see what feels the best.


Write Down All the Possibilities and Read the Lyrics

Once you have a short list of all the potential first dance songs, you’re going to want to read all the lyrics. This is important because beats and melodies could sound happy, but the lyrics could be pretty inappropriate for a union.

Many, if not most, love songs are actually about breaking up. You don’t want to accidentally pick a break up song for the first dance to send your guests and yourselves an ominous message that the relationship won’t last. You would want something that will celebrate it and strengthen it instead.


Key Takeaway

Deciding the perfect song for your first dance is all about choosing something that has meaning. Any song that is special to you, your fiancé, and your family has potential. Just be sure that it is fitting for a wedding.

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7 Things You Should Know Before Planning Your Debut

What are the things that you should know before planning for your debut?

  1. Limitation on the number of guests
  2. Consider your venue
  3. Strategy with the making and distribution of invitations
  4. Check your options for your catering packages
  5. Know your priorities
  6. The people who will take part in your 18’s
  7. Follow your budget


Nowadays, it’s a common way to avail catering packages for weddings, corporate events, and even debut parties to avoid the hassle during the event. After all, celebrations – particularly a daughter’s 18th birthday – may only come once in a lifetime. With that being said, it can be expected that most parents will grant the wishes of their daughters and throw them a magical, grand party.

However, planning for such a party is not easy. In particular, there are specific things that one has to know before planning for a debut. Here are some of them:

Limitation on the number of guests

Limitation on the number of guests

The guest list is a common factor during planning your debut. However, it may come off as overwhelming if you do plan on inviting people, even going back to your primary school years. Hence, it’s important to note that there is a limitation on the number of guests – usually ranging from 100 to 200 people.

 More so, the number of guests affects the food menu and even the size of the venue. Therefore, it’s better to think about the numbers before you even answer your planner’s question regarding your guest list.

 The venue

The venue

Another factor that can confuse you from planning out your debut party well is the venue (especially if you have already been thinking about a 5-star hotel hall throughout the years). Having said that, it is highly recommendable that you consider the number of guests, which you have already thought about, and use it in choosing the venue that you prefer.

There are various options for you to consider. You can use your own house or even a private hall that will accommodate the guests. However, you must think hard about how your venue should include: bathrooms, a kitchen, and electrical outlets. This is so your party will run smoothly.

 Strategy with the making and distribution of invitations

Strategy with the making and distribution of invitations

Party invitations are one of the things you can directly input your creative juices into. You can even ask a few of your girlfriends to help you out – though be mindful that this could only be fun if you have a few guests coming to your party. If you are planning to bring in 100-200 people, then it would be best to consider merely designing your invites and have them printed out.

Instead of creating all of them by hand, you can concentrate your efforts in choosing the theme to use on the cards, as well as the paper and materials the printing company will be using.

With regards to the distribution of invitations, you can hand them out personally. By doing so, you will also have the time to catch up with them (if neither one of you is busy). However, if time is working against you, then you can always contact a courier to help you send out the invitations.

Options on catering packages

Options on catering packages

In narrowing down your options for catering packages, you need to look for those that can multitask. More often than not, there are suppliers, who can provide packages while offering another service.

It may be an event organizer, who can provide floral arrangements, or a venue provider, who also collaborates with other event suppliers. By looking for this type of services, you will be able to experience a cost-efficient and worry-less debut party. Search them up and start filtering your choices!



One way to make the planning of your debut party stress-free is through knowing your priorities. This can either be what you want best for your debut – a sophisticated gown, a grand multi-layered cake, or a majestic fireworks display. Sorting them properly would allow you to not only save a lot of cash, but also a lot of effort in planning the details on your debut.

 The people who will take part on your 18’s

The people who will take part on your 18’s

Choosing the people that will partake in your 18’s (roses, candles, treasures, etc.) can be quite overwhelming, especially if most people in your life want to be in them. This is why you should make a list beforehand.

In most cases, people assign 18 men (who have become part of your life) to partake for the 18 roses, 18 women (who have played significant roles in your life) for the 18 candles, and 18 people (who have guided you) for the 18 treasures. This is done traditionally. But you can also change them up, if you want to break from that.

The sacred budget

The sacred budget

By being aware of the budget, you’ll be able to plan out your debut in a more organized manner. Of course, it would be better for you to talk to your parents beforehand so both of you can work on a budget that you can follow. It will also do you good for you to always consult your parents at every step of your planning process. After all, they are the ones, who will be paying for your party.

Key Takeaway

Surely, you’d want to have the best debut experience to remember all throughout the following years. Hence, think about these particular factors, when you approach a planner – this will make it easier to plan out the details of your dream debut.

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10 Uniquely Australian Desserts

lamingtons juan carlo catering

What are unique Australian desserts?

  1. Lamingtons
  2. Fairy Bread
  3. Pavlova
  4. Tim Tam
  5. Mint Slice
  6. Chocolate Crackle
  7. Caramel Slice
  8. Vegemite
  9. Jelly Slice
  10. Anzac Biscuits

One of the best things about connecting the world through the internet is the ability to discover other cultures and their practices with a click of the mouse. With just a few clicks, you will quickly discover that people all over the world eat different kinds of foods in several different ways. From a food festival in Europe to an event with catering in Manila; no two countries enjoy delicious food the same way.

Food is also closely tied with a country’s past because it too is a reflection of its growth and development. In connection with this, a country with a fascinating history is that of Australia. While they may be known for their gorgeous summer destinations, their cuisine should also be etched into your memory; most especially their desserts. There’s nothing as deliciously sweet as a treat from Australia.

From early Australian food to English inspired dishes, here are a few examples of traditional Australian treats:


A lamington is a delicious treat that is described as a sugary sponge cake coated with chocolate and shaved coconut. With a description like that, who wouldn’t want to grab a bite of this?  Sometimes this is served with cream sandwiched in the middle. This variation provides a delicious contrast that compliments the chocolate over cream taste. This is what lamingtons are known for.

Fairy Bread

Among the simpler treats on this list is Fairy Bread which is a snack that many kids enjoy. Essentially, it is white bread – or even American bread – covered with candy sprinkles and coated with butter. This is a tasty treat and is definitely delicious but it should be consumed in moderation as it is high in sugar and lacking in nutritional value.

australian pavlova juan carlo


Pavlova is a dessert based on meringue. It has a crispy crust that houses a soft and creamy inside. What makes this cake unique is that it is topped with cuts of fresh fruit that complements the creamy taste of the meringue with a tangy goodness. Chill this treat to enjoy it at its best.

Tim Tam

Tim Tams are famous treats that were originally popularized in Australia. These are chocolate cookies with chocolate filling that’s coated by, you guessed it, chocolate. It’s no wonder why this triple threat chocolate combo is enjoyed by kids. While they enjoy its deliciousness, their parents rejoice because it’s affordable. However, like fairy bread, consumption of Tim Tams is sinful so consuming them in moderation is recommended.

Mint Slice

Like Tim Tams, Mint Slice is a famous Australian treat that’s often eaten for dessert. What makes this treat memorable is the minty aftertaste it leaves after enjoying the chocolate coated cookie inside.

Chocolate Crackle

There’s nothing more sought-for than any dessert related to chocolate. But chocolate with added crunch to it? Even better! That’s exactly what you get with Chocolate Crackle.

Eating this is a great way of satisfying your craving for both chocolate and cereal. You get both of them in one dessert instead of having to look for them separately. It’s convenient as it is tasty.

Caramel Slice

Everyone knows that caramel and chocolate are great when paired up. So, why not bake them together to create a spectacular treat that is sure to bring smiles to people’s faces.

Best served cold, caramel slices are the perfect dessert if ever you crave for something sweet and refreshing at the same time. It’s perfect for any occasion and missing out on this treat would be considered a travesty for fellow sugar enthusiasts.


While this may be an unorthodox choice of food to make it to this list, this spread can contribute to the creation of some of the best desserts. Whether it be cake, ice cream, or any other pastry in mind, this handy little ingredient is sure to be your go-to additive.

In fact, not only does this heighten your dessert experience, but this also makes a great addition to your breakfast roster. No matter how intense their flavor may be, there’s no denying that this sweet and sugary spread will amplify any treat.

Jelly Slice

This dessert is a more interesting spin on your classic cake slice. It is made by adding some custard, getting something to serve as the base and crust, and topping it off with your favorite choice of flavored jelly.

This dessert has a unique taste that keeps in touch with the sweetness of custard and the tartness of the fruit. This flavor combination will surely make you devour the entire thing at once and quickly yearn for more.

Anzac Biscuit

If you’re looking for a more classic Australian treat, then this treat is for you. Even though Anzac biscuits were made during the First World War, it is one of those treats that stood the test of time.

The golden texture of this treat is enough to entice anyone to take a big bite of it. But the great thing about it is that it can be paired with other desserts. Whether you choose to add it to your ice cream, cake, or even have it topped with some whipped cream or custard, you can never go wrong with this indulgence. Just remember not to eat too much though as you would want to save some room for more desserts.

Key Takeaway


While this may be a lot, there are a lot of other desserts from Australia that you should give a try such as the Iced VoVo and the Golden Gaytime. After tasting these, you are sure always be left craving for a bite.

Indeed, there are many more unique Australian desserts that are available on the market even here in the Philippines. What make these treats unique is their taste as well as the enjoyment that they bring with each and every bite that these sweet treats offer.

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5 Wedding Catering Foods for Kids

kids wedding catering

What are catering food do kids enjoy at weddings?

  1. Mini Cheeseburgers
  2. Fruit and Vegetable Cups
  3. Smoothie Popsicles
  4. Macaroni and Cheese
  5. Peanut Butter and Jelly

Sure they’re adorable, but there can be times where children can be a bit too much to handle. This is why many couples prefer to keep their wedding children-free. Nonetheless, there are circumstances where they can’t help but allow their guests to bring children. Besides, no matter how one may feel about the notion, children are a joy to be around if they are well-behaved.

With that said, the soon-to-be married couple must incorporate some kid-friendly foods in the menu of their wedding catering in the Philippines. That way, they won’t have to worry about any guest of any age feeling left out of the party and being rowdy because of it.

If you wish to keep the little ones entertained and full, have a look at these fun and creative food ideas that could leave even the grown-up guests a tad bit envious:

Mini cheeseburgers

Everyone loves cheeseburgers; most especially the kids. Keep this fast food classic on the menu of your catering to make sure you have happy kids at your celebration.

However, you have to keep in mind that they will be wearing fancy outfits as well that the parents don’t want to get dirty. You can keep these cheeseburgers mess-free for the kids by making cheeseburgers using mini buns! Not only are these bite-sized cheesy meaty goodness super delicious, they look super cute too (don’t deny it!).

To add a bit more fun to it, why not have your little ones have a pick of their own toppings to add on their burgers? It’s a great way to get their creative juices flowing and an even fun way for both children and adults to bond with one another.

But if burgers are not your thing, try making mini hotdog sandwiches. Then allow the kids to have fun by letting them draw on their sandwiches using the ketchup and mustard. Just have a babysitter nearby to keep an eye on the kids to avoid a huge mess and possible food fights.

Fruit and vegetable cups

In a wedding, or any occasion in general, fruits and vegetables are a common sight in every feast. While meat and other poultries are ideal for a celebration, nothing beats the numerous health benefits provided by fruits and vegetables. Especially when served in cups for a more convenient experience, fruits and vegetables are here to stay in every menu around.

With that said, the cups idea is great for wedding over the traditional salad. Everyone eats with their eyes especially kids; they will eat what looks appealing to them. If you choose to do this, then serve them with some sort of dip like yogurt for the fruits and mayonnaise for the vegetables. To level up the creativity, make fruit and vegetable kebabs then use the cups as containers for the dips. You can even add a little extra flavoring for the vegetables to give kids a new and exciting taste

Another thing that makes this dish a standout for kids is that you get to control the quantity of how much you’d want to put. Whether you choose to tip the scale in favor of fruits and vice-versa, this dish will surely garner massive amounts of likes.

Image: Lorraine Cryan Photography

Image: Lorraine Cryan Photography

Smoothie popsicles

In any wedding, one of the most sought-out courses during the celebration is none other than dessert. After the newlyweds feed each other cake, numerous sweet teeth are sure to flock around the table yearning for a bite of some pastries.

There are many options for desserts other than the wedding cake itself. But one thing’s for sure: Popsicles will always remain a hit to kids, even more so when smoothie popsicles are added to the table.

While the rest of your guests are feasting on fancy desserts, serve smoothie popsicles to the little ones. This will keep them cool and satisfied especially during a hot wedding. But of course, you can also whip up a batch of grown-up friendly smoothies as additional dessert. Just make sure they are separated from one another so there won’t be any accidents of an alcohol-laced pop being served to one of the flower girls (yikes).

Also, for these treats on sticks, why not make things interesting by making a game out of it? Engrave one of the popsicles sticks with an emblem or symbol of sorts and distribute these popsicles to the children. Whoever gets the lucky stick wins a prize from the bride and groom. What a way to turn your tasty ideas into an even better one.

Macaroni and cheese

Macaroni and cheese is a certified hit with kids and is many parents’ go-to to make sure their kids have happy tummies. You can have this at your wedding as well, but you’ll have to get creative to make them feel like they’re eating special macaroni and cheese. Go serve this recipe in small colorful bowls or get creative by making mini mac and cheese pies. Fried mac and cheese balls is also a good alternative because you can skewer them with sticks for a fun, lollipop-like look.

Peanut butter and jelly

Along with macaroni and cheese, the PBJ is a classic among young and the young at heart. It has made its way into every lunch box throughout the years and has continued to bring smiles into children’s faces.

Rather than serving these in the traditional sandwich at your wedding, let your creativity shine through by making peanut butter and jelly sushi – bread strips with peanut butter and jelly then rolled up to look like sushi – or peanut butter and jelly muffins. You can even use different kinds of peanut butter and jelly to twist things up in a fun and exciting way.

Key Takeaway

These foods are a sure way to satisfy the kids – and their parents. Serve these up in a separate station for kids only so they can form a line altogether without having to mix up with the adults. Try also to set up an activity section for the kids where they can quietly entertain themselves all throughout the reception. That way, you have kept your guests and their kids happy and worry-free.

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This Again? Wedding Foods That People Need to Stop Serving Right Now

When it comes to wedding food, the husband and wife-to-be not only have to think about the possible dishes they can serve for their celebration, but also those that need to be left out. This is particularly because multiple dishes can cause stress and hassle to wedding guests.

Admittedly, this detail in your wedding can easily be overlooked. But don’t worry, you can check out our examples below so you can have an idea.

Complicated Appetizer/Hors D’oeuvres

Complicated Appetizer/Hors D’oeuvres

Given that cocktail hour is usually done in a standing room with a few cocktail tables, the appetizers or hors d’oeuvres served during this time should be simple. As a rule of thumb, these should be easily consumed with one hand so that guests can have a drink in the other.

Complicated appetizers usually need two hands to eat, meaning your guests would need to put their drink down, which is difficult to do when there is only limited space on the table. Also, such hors d’oeuvres could spill and get on the guests’ attire. This is sure to put them out of the mood – the exact opposite of what a cocktail hour is for.

Signature Cocktails

Signature Cocktails

The desire to make the drinks unique often drives couples to add signature cocktails during cocktail hour or dinner. While the intention makes sense, the problem with this is that people have different drink preferences. For instance, not everyone from your guest lists will like sweet and sugary drinks. Plus, it would be safer to assume that they do not have similar alcoholic tolerances with each other.

This is the reason why beer and wine are two of the best alcoholic drinks you can serve at a wedding. This is because they provide your guests the option of controlling the amount they drink. In other words, they can enjoy the wedding the way they want to.

However, this doesn’t mean that cocktails have to be off the menu completely. Having a few choices ready is good for those that prefer these over beer and/or wine. But these should be the more traditional choices such as martinis, daiquiris, and mojitos.

Chewy Chicken

Chewy Chicken

While chicken is an easy crowd pleaser, rubbery chicken is not. This could be the case in reception buffets, where poultry has been waiting too long. By the time people sink their teeth into it, the once tender chicken could become hard to chew. Even with the best catering in town, this could still happen if the cooking is not timed well.

Ideally, the food should be served fresh. The key to doing this is efficient communication between the parties working behind the scenes. Any delay in the program should immediately be relayed to catering and their crew so that they can time their cooking well, so that the chicken will still be fresh once dinner comes.

Lots of Fish

Lots of Fish

When fish is offered in a buffet, one must make sure that it is served in a simple recipe. This is because complicated fish recipes are more prone to having unsavory textures, when left out over time. This is especially true when they are served in big amounts. That is just the nature of many buffet fish dishes such as fish fillet.

Vegetable Sides

Vegetable Sides

When it comes to sit down dinners, it is a good idea to go for safe choices for the menu. Thus, the better side dish to choose for a set course is mashed potatoes or rice. Those are loved by all. Offering just vegetables at the side is sure to upset some guests, especially those who do not like vegetable dishes – like children! This simply cannot be forced onto people. Also, most people consider weddings as an epic cheat day.

Gluten-Free Food

Gluten-Free Food

Even with gluten-free food being trendy nowadays – just like vegetable sides – not everyone enjoys such diets, particularly during wedding parties. Buffets and sit down dinners can have special sections in the menu for those that want to eat gluten-free, but it is never a good idea to have the entire menu to follow any certain diet.

Remember: the more general your menu, the better it is. This is especially true for the dessert table, which people look forward to in order to satisfy their sweet tooth. They may be disappointed to munch down on a lackluster cupcake because it is gluten-free. But couples should still make sure to accommodate those that are intolerant.

Cakes without Icing

Cakes without Icing

Naked cakes are trendy nowadays, but mostly because of aesthetic reasons. But when it comes to taste, guests secretly dread them because the icing is what seals the flavor in any flavorful cake. Without it, it’s just a fancy version of bread that is bland and dry.  If couples really insist on having such a design of cake, then they must consider compensating by stepping up their dessert game.

Food Trucks

Food Trucks

This is another trend that is welcome in food parks, but it is a bad idea, when you put in a wedding. For weddings, these are usually used to provide midnight snacks for those, who are hungry after sweating it out on the dance floor.

However, waiting for food from a food truck is a hassle, especially when guests are already tired. This is because food trucks have limited equipment, which means they cannot cook multiple dishes at once. This means that guests will have to wait long in line, which isn’t desirable for tired their feet in leather shoes and heels. Instead, couples should consider having the catering prolong their waiting service in order to accommodate their guests.

Food Favors

Food Favors

Don’t be mistaken. Food favors are great, especially when the wedding and reception are in a far location. However, this is meant to give a great send-off for the guests to thank them for making the long trip, taking the time, and making the effort to attend.

If you are going to provide them a food favor, then you have to be sure that it is more than worth it and a great snack for them to enjoy on their way home. Failure to make satisfying food favors could leave guests disappointed and disgruntled.

Anything with Black Ink

Anything with Black Ink

In an event where most people wear white, it’s easy to see why black ink is a sight for sore eyes. It’s either they will choose not to eat the dish or eat it while exercising excessive caution, which will cause them stress.

As much as possible, weddings should be carefree and avoid dishes with black ink as a favor to any of their guests.

Key Takeaway

Generally, a wedding must be relaxed and enjoyed by your guests. This must be evident not only during your reception, but also to your food choices – especially since the majority of the celebration is held during dinner time.

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7 Ultimate Wedding Catering Trends for 2017

Planning out something different to serve at your wedding reception could be problematic. But you don’t have to worry much, if the service for your wedding catering in Manila is a highly experienced one.

In most cases, the people behind them are very much adept to the various trends in the food industry – particularly in the wedding scene. Truly, they deserve commendation for keeping up with the different trends that seem to come and go every year.

The year 2017 has so far shown an assortment of trends that many couples have used on their special day. Are you also looking for ones to incorporate into your own wedding?

To give you a few ideas, here are some examples:


  1. A ‘Mini’ Party

Have you ever paid attention to the appetizers? If you do, you’ll definitely agree that their sizes are just too cute, and when served by quality caterers, they turn to be the star of the menu (unknowingly).

For this year, among the best wedding trends is serving miniature lobster cakes, shrimp cocktails, and bite-sized breaded chicken pieces served with sweet and spicy sauce. That’s an awesome menu right there.

Brunch Wedding Menu

  1. Brunch Wedding Menu

While having your reception in daytime may come off as uncommon – it turns out to be one of the most practiced wedding trends for a while. It’s particularly popular in the West, as they are less expensive than afternoon and dinner receptions.

Furthermore, it allows a variety of new flavors that you and your guests can enjoy devouring. You can incorporate omelettes, bacons, pancakes, and crepes – the usual breakfast menu – along with mimosa and Bloody Mary’s! Who knows, you could leave your guests wanting for more!

Food Station Variety

  1. Food Station Variety

2017 makes everything possible – breaking away from the usual wedding reception setup of champagnes towers, cocktails, and fountains – it’s bringing you food stations.

Food stations are your best bet if you and your soon-to-be spouse are undecided with your food menu. For example, if you two cannot decide whether to serve kebab or another cuisine, you two can compromise on having a little bit of both by installing food stations at your reception.

Organic and Fresh

  1. Organic and Fresh

These days, more and more couples are shifting from a grand reception to a simple one. Some would choose a simple, fresh salad made from organic greens and fruits for dessert. This helps maintain a healthy menu that your guests will definitely appreciate.

It is important to note, however, that this theme shouldn’t stop at the food. You could also coordinate with your wedding caterer and request for fresh and organic tequilas, wines, or vodkas to go with the dishes featured on your menu.

Bring in the Sweets

  1. Bring in the Sweets

This is something you shouldn’t leave out – certainly, this menu has been a trend for decades. You can serve your guests with a variety of culinary treats, from brownies to cupcakes to pastries and place them along with everyone’s favorite, the magical chocolate fountain.

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the beverages; include some mint tea, chilled coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade, and mimosas for your guests to choose from. Your wedding reception menu will definitely be the sweetest to date!

For Him and For Her Cocktails

  1. For Him and For Her Cocktails

Bring back the old tradition, serve your guests with a for him and for her cocktail menu! For this type of cocktail menu, the bride and the groom will select their preferred choice of cocktails and those are the only cocktails that the guests will be offered – along with a couple of beers and wines, of course!

This menu helps save budget from the liquor menu, as the couple will only need to purchase those that are needed to make the cocktails. For a twist, you can make your very own signature cocktails and name it after your names.

Local Produce

  1. Local Produce

Looking for something to make your menu memorable? Level up your menu by using the specialty in your local area! Do some research and coordinate with your wedding caterer to make a memorable dish out of the place’s staple ingredient and get yourself some inspiration. You’ll not only surprise yourself with the outcome, but also introduce your guests to a flavorful dish that they’ll definitely never forget.

Key Takeaway

Given the different catering trends that is being adapted by more and more weddings for the year 2017, do not hesitate to pick one and incorporate it in yours! Serving your wedding something different will make it even more memorable, that is, aside from your already-spectacular dream wedding coming true.

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