Author Archives: nikki

Food And All That Jazz: Famous Foods of the ‘60s

What foods were popular in the 60s?

  1. Instant Noodles
  2. Fondue
  3. Hamburger
  4. Tuna Casserole
  5. Shrimp Cocktail
  6. Meat Loaf
  7. Lipton Onion Soup Dip
  8. Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Pizza Mix.
  9. Campbell Soup
  10. Jell-O Pudding Pops
  11. Pop Tarts

Food is a passion that transcends culture and time. The 60s were filled with phenomenal years of people becoming more aware in various aspects of life. People’s tastes and cultures were influenced by music and the lifestyle of love and peace. At the time, political strife was present everywhere and the post-war modern world was still struggling to find its own identity after a grueling era filled with fighting and dispute. Such is the influence of the revolution of the food that it even affected events in the South East. From working lunches to simple wedding catering service, everything changed with the emergence of the golden age of food.

These turbulent times were aptly put into words by Bob Dylan when he sang “The times, they are a changing.” As a wave of change hit the world like a tsunami, so did the food that people enjoyed. Most of the popular food of this era is marked by their foreignness to the people who only started to enjoy them. They were all imported from other countries by immigrants and these new foods slowly changed the landscape that was a part of the American field of influence.

Thus, here are 11 examples of food that were popular during the 60’s:

Instant Noodles

Originally introduced in the late 50s, it wasn’t until the 60s that instant noodles hit the market by storm. It was more expensive back then so it was considered a luxury food. It revolutionized the way people prepare, enabling them to store and serve noodles for years to come. People called it “Space Ram” because, according to inventor Momofuku Ando, “People have to eat no matter where they go, even outer space.”


Originally popular in European countries, the “dip” based food was brought over to the United States by European immigrants. Fondue is enjoyed by melting various cheeses in a pot; while the heat is maintained by a slow burner, food is then dipped. Meats are the more traditional food that are dipped in fondue. Chocolates, marshmallows, vegetables and fruits may be used as substitutes.

catering sixties


While the Hamburger was originally invented in the 1800’s, it wasn’t until the 60’s that the Hamburger started to take the modern shape and taste that we are familiar with today. One could say that the 60’s were the industrial revolution for the Hamburger.

Meat Loaf

People were initially skeptical of the meat loaf because they (wrongly) believed that it was made by using materials of questionable origin. In reality, the meatloaf is essentially a mixture of ground beef and eggs so, in a way, it was kind of like the hamburger only served in more volume.

Tuna Casserole

Effortless to make while being delicious and affordable, the Tuna Casserole took the world by storm when it was popularized in the 60’s. Various recipes and versions of this classic meal exist, but the appeal of the original Tuna Casserole stands strong even today.

catering meat loaf

Shrimp Cocktail

The shrimp served in those custom-made, fancy martini glasses people could see on various 60s TV Shows? Yup, those were real and they were extremely popular because of how easy it was to make. The shrimp cocktail was also regarded as one of the earliest hors d’oeuvres in the West.

Jell-O Pudding Pops

This delightful low-calorie snack grew such a fandom in the 60s that there are petitions that exist to bring it back since its disappearance somewhere during the 80s and 90s. While many other websites have recipes that show people how they can make their own, the original will always be better. If you do want to see Kraft Foods bring this 60s trend back on modern shelves, then you can help out by signing this petition that already has 11,457 signatures.

Lipton Onion Soup Dip

Onion dip was wildly popular in the 60s and the best one was the onion soup mix that Lipton created. This was considered a real treat in many households, especially when served with ridged Lay’s or Ruffles potato chips.

Although this is no longer available, people can create their own version that is healthier than the original. The recipe can be found here.

Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Pizza Mix

Even people from Oregon, which has some of the best pizza in the USA, would walk a mile just to get a box of Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee. This was a pizza mix in a box that allowed people to create their own delicious pizza at home. One that was successfully made would end up having a thin crust and a rich spicy sauce. Families usually enjoyed this while watching their favorite TV shows. Although one box can only give each family member 2 slices, those slices were holy relics to the people of the 60s and would satisfy any craving stomach.

These were some of the foods that made an impact in the western world back in the 60s. As you can see, many of them are still popular today. Safe to say, they made some good memories for the folks who got to enjoy them in their prime.

Campbell Soup

These were so popular in the 60s probably due to the catchy jingle that would invade the screens at home and cause people to crave for Campbell Soup. This came in alphabetical, vegetable, chicken noodle, and tomato variations; all of which were delicious. The chicken noodle version, however, was known for causing kids to be sick… which made kids love it even more because they get a free pass to skip school. The alphabet soup, of course, was a great way dish to eat and play with at the same time. Most kids ended up eating cold soup because they were too busy trying to spell their names. Another big trend was to combine the tomato soup version with Wonder Bread for a quick delicious snack.

Pop Tarts

The glorious Pop Tarts come in all sorts of flavors: strawberry, blueberry, and blackberry. This assortment of flavors was common to find on the shelves of households and were common snacks to give kids to pack for school or for breakfast.

Key Takeaway

These were some of the foods that made an impact in the western world back in the 60s. As you can see, many of them are still popular today. Safe to say, they made some good memories for the folks who got to enjoy them in their prime.


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11 Steak Cuts for Fine Dining


What are the different steak cuts?

  1. Ribeye
  2. Sirloin
  3. Tenderloin
  4. T-Bone
  5. Filet Mignon
  6. Porterhouse
  7. Tri-Trip
  8. New York Strip
  9. Flank
  10. Hangar
  11. Flat Iron

Steak has been a staple main course for the longest time. From a beautiful wedding catering experience to an everyday office working brunch, steaks are good for any occasion (except of course for a vegetarian’s birthday). It stands on top of the food pyramid and considered timeless and has been tested throughout all of known history.

However, even if a paragon amongst food can stand the test of time, can it do so perpetually? That’s a debatable question for sure. One thing is for sure though: people just generally love good food, and a perfectly good steak is exactly that.

The beautiful cut of meat that people know and love was once a necessity for hard laborers looking to start the day with a hearty meal. The steak they knew back then is worlds apart from the steak we know today. Firstly, their cuts were the cheap unwanted cuts that the nobles and the wealthy disliked. The method of preparation for steak however, isn’t all that different from the way we prepare steak now. People would usually just salt their cuts and then proceed to grill or roast them – but without minding the degree of doneness of their meats. It was a necessity back then and their knowledge in the field of cuisine at the time was severely lacking.

Over time, the methods of cooking and preparing steak evolved into something akin to that of art. The method of actually choosing a cut was found and the many different cuts that we know today were born.


It is a cut from the midsection or the ribs. Described as tender and flavorful, this cut is perfect for roasting or grilling.


Cut from the back or rear portion of the animal, there are types of sirloin cuts aptly called top sirloin and bottom sirloin. The top sirloin cut is considered a premium cut whilst the bottom sirloin, while not terrible, is considered an ordinary cut.


Cut from the loin of beef, tenderloin is known for being soft and tasty. This cut is perfect for grilling or baking.


This is a cut of beef from the short loin, this cut sports a noticeable “T” shaped bone on both sides of the meat. This cut is considered a tad heavier than the other cuts and it is perfect for searing and grilling.

Filet Mignon

This cut is taken from the tenderest part of the cow. Although the lack of bone also makes it lack in flavor compared to other cuts, it is still popular cut because it can be wrapped in bacon and served with different sauces and spices. It must be broiled or grilled quickly in order to retain all of its flavor.

The French call this cut as filet de boeuf which means beef fillet.


This particular cut is commonly known as the “king of steaks” because it is actually two steaks in one. The two steaks are a combination of the two previously discussed cuts: a New York strip and a large filet mignon. This thick cut has a bigger tenderloin portion than loin. It is best enjoyed when it is grilled, but is also good when sautéed, broiled, or fried.


The Tri-Tip is extremely popular in the Central Coast and Valley regions of California and it is commonly known as a Santa Maria steak. It is also beginning to become popular in other places because of its full flavor at affordable prices while still being low in fat. This flavor is attained because of the excellent marbling which means that this cut will stay tender as long as it isn’t over cooked. It is best enjoyed when it is marinated and then grilled.

New York Strip

Any good steakhouse will have this staple. The New York Strip has an excellent amount of marbling with a full flavor. To experience the best natural tender texture from this cut, one must ask the steakhouse to serve it rare or blue and grilled.

It is known under different names; depending on where it is being served. In the USA, it is known as either New York strip, strip loin, shell steak, or Kansas City strip steak while it is called the club steak internationally.


Although this is less tender than most cuts, it still boasts a great flavor due to the prevalence of connective tissue. This is what makes it one of the most popular cuts despite it being a bit chewy. Just like the Tri-Tip, it is best cooked when marinated then grilled. One can also choose to broil it. Once it is cooked, it is usually cut across the grain and into thin slices so that it is easier to eat.


Although it may lack in tenderness, it makes up for it in its flavor. This cut is best enjoyed when the meat is marinated and quickly cooked at high temperatures via broiling or grilling to be rare or medium-rare.

Flat Iron

This is the top blade steak that comes from the tender top blade roast. These have quite the amount of marbling which makes it one of the finest cuts available. It is best served when it has been broiled or grilled.

This is also known as the butler’s state in the United Kingdom while in Australia and New Zealand, it is called the Oyster Blade Steak.

Key Takeaway


Different cuts of steak means different ways to enjoy them. Traditionally, steak is served with some vegetables like potatoes that could either be mashed or cubed, carrots, peas and asparagus. Another essential ingredient for non-grilled steak is butter melted and poured on the meat akin to that of a glaze while people prefer serving steak with sauces like gravy or fruit-based sauces. There are a lot of ways to enjoy meat and people have their own likes and preferences but one thing is for sure – steaks are definitely not going out of style.

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15 Great Summer Sweet Treats

What sweet treats to have for the summer season?

  1. Blueberry Tart
  2. Mint Chip Ice Cream Pie
  3. S’mores in a Jar
  4. Frozen Yogurt (Pops)
  5. Mango-Strawberry Crumble
  6. Strawberry Ice Cream Sandwiches
  7. Summer Fruit Pie
  8. Milk Chocolate Banana Pudding
  9. Tri-Berry Trifle
  10. Blackberry Lime Cream Puffs
  11. Banana Ice Cream Sandwiches
  12. Peanut Butter Pie Pops
  13. Fruit Cheesecake Pie
  14. Oreo Cheesecake
  15. Summer Shakes (S’mores)

Summer is just around the corner and that means plenty are planning their getaways or cookouts that are going to serve as their best vacation! Even catering in Manila ramp up during these times because more parties happen in the summer. You’re bound to see some of the tantalizing sweet treats on their menus. The best part is that these are also easily made at home. So whether you find yourself whether you’re looking for some tantalizing sweets at a party or want to make your own, this list is for you.

  1. Blueberry Tart

Tarts will definitely be the craze come summertime because of their yummy, sweet and addicting taste. With just a dash of cool blueberries, this pastry will definitely put a glamorous twist on your summertime snacking. This is especially because the traditional recipe includes a refreshing lemon-infused cream cheese filling, which is sure to get your mouth watering!

  1. Mint Chip Ice Cream Pie

Ice cream cakes are really delicious, especially during the hot days, but they cannot beat a good slice of mint chip ice cream pie. The best part about this dessert is that it’s easy to make. All you would need is some mint ice cream. Just stuff it in bread – or a similar pastry – and it’s good to go!

  1. S’mores in a Jar

Smores in a jar

When you think about summer activities, camping is sure to be one of them and no campfire cookout is complete without s’mores! This classic campfire treat is great in  itself, but it can be a lot classier. You can do this by putting them in a jar and storing it in the fridge for a while before consuming. Not only will it help the flavor, but it’ll also turn it into a cool treat perfect for any time; even when you’re not in front of a fire!

  1. Frozen Yogurt (Pops)

Who doesn’t love a good fro-yo? It’s the trendiest summer treat. You should definitely have this if you’re planning a summer party. Pick you and your guests’ favorite flavor of yogurt, then request your caterer to turn it into a Popsicle; that will be sure to keep the heat away! You and your guests will definitely enjoy indulging themselves in this fabulous treat.

  1. Mango-Strawberry Crumble

Our country is blessed to have plenty of mangoes and strawberries because sweet flavors are best balanced by tangy ones. But you can’t really call these fruits  summery unless you place these in desserts. If you’re wondering what desserts you can turn them into, then the best versions are vibrant strawberry and mango crumble. The fruits’ perfect pairing and contrasting colors make for a dish that tastes as cheerfully indulgent as it appears.

  1. Strawberry Ice Cream Sandwiches

Strawberry Ice Cream Sandwich

A good cup of ice cream is the most reliable dessert one can turn to anytime it gets too hot. But this common food can be upgraded by whipping up a strawberry ice cream sandwich. When you make these, just be sure to have enough time to freeze it for up to three days. It’ll be a total hit for your younger friends and family.

  1. Summer Fruit Pie

Fruit Pie

The essence of summertime is perfectly captured in this fruity crust pie. No matter what your favorite fruits are, you find a couple or more of them as the main star of this dessert. If you want to do this on your own, then don’t forget to blend the ingredients together so you get that perfect fruity and summery feeling.

  1. Milk Chocolate Banana Pudding

Pudding is a classic sweet treat, but like many of the other items in this list, it can still be taken up a notch. If layers of banana, wafers, milk, and a chocolate pastry cream is added, then the result will be a richer and more indulgent pudding dish. This can be made perfect when topped with curled chocolate shavings for an elegant finish.

  1. Tri-Berry Trifle

Berry Trifle

Summer isn’t complete without a trifle; a dessert made up of fruits, a thin layer of sponge fingers (or cake), and layers of jelly, custard and cream. But it must be kept in mind that a trifle isn’t complete without whipped cream on top of it for added satisfaction.

  1. Blackberry Lime Cream Puffs

Up for some puffs? This blackberry lime cream puff recipe is just the right finger food you’ll need for a summer at the beach. To do this, just split the profiteroles into halves first. Then, fill it with some citrusy lime cream and ripe blackberries. The end result should be mouthwatering out-of-this-world blackberry lime cream puffs.

  1. Banana Ice Cream Sandwiches

Make everyone’s day great with these banana ice cream sandwiches – one of the most loved baked goods for the summer! You can make this yourself by grilling buttermilk-based banana bread and filling it with an ice cream flavor that should suit the taste of the crowd. To top it all, you and your family will definitely love the rich, natural sweet-tasting bananas that the roasted banana bread will bring you.

  1. Peanut Butter Pie Pops

Pops are best enjoyed during the summer, but they’re pretty common. So why not make your own usual flavor? Try this frozen peanut butter pie in popsicles that both kids and adults will definitely enjoy. Plus, you don’t need to worry about the time consumed making the recipe. This is because it’s the kind of recipe you make easily and leave overnight. You can sleep on it and enjoy the sweet treat the next day.

  1. Fruit Cheesecake Pie

Fruit Cheesecake

Thinking of ways to make use of your fresh fruits in the refrigerator? Well, here’s one you could try that’s perfect for the weather. This fruit cheesecake pie only requires some fresh fruits, tea biscuit crust, and some cream cheese filling! Just because it’s called a pie doesn’t mean that you need to bake it. All you need is a refrigerator to do the work for you.

  1. Oreo Cheesecake

Oreo Cheesecake

First off, everybody loves Oreo. Second, everyone loves cheesecake. Combine these two and you’re ready for the summer! When making this, it only takes a bit of effort to crush them the Oreo into bits. From there, it’s easy to incorporate the flavorful cookies and cream into a cheesecake that could become your ultimate dessert favorite to add it to your summer favorite.

  1. Summer Shakes (S’mores)

Summer shouldn’t pass without having one of the various versions of the classic shakes – from the basics to the ultimate shake experiment of the era: the S’mores Shake. It shall bring you nostalgic memories while at a campfire on a summer night; definitely a getaway done right.

Key Takeaway

It might be getting hot outside, but with the cool, sweet treats that are aforementioned you can definitely enjoy it more than ever.

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4 of the Best Corporate Catering Themes for Your Next Office Party!

What creative party themes are best suited for corporate events?

  1. Masquerade Ball
  2. BBQ Party
  3. Retro Party
  4. Beach Party

Offices are known to be places of rigid professionalism. However, that doesn’t mean that the office party scene should be the same way. Work celebrations – no matter the occasion – should be just as fun and exciting as any other party. So, if you’re looking to spice up your next work event, consider getting some quality corporate catering to take care of both the food and the theme. But it is recommended that you give the catering good suggestions for the latter because you would know what would be fun for your employees.

When it comes to parties like these, there’s no limit to what you can do, so here’s a list of creative party themes you can choose from that are sure to be perfect for setting your next event’s atmosphere!


A Masquerade Ball

It may seem overdone, but there’s a reason for that. Masquerade balls have an air of mystery about them that no other kind of party can replicate. The sheer excitement of trying to find out who is who in a sea of covered faces is enough to bring loads of fun and excitement for all the participants.

Décor: Enhance the “mystical” experience by adorning the party venue with similarly intricate and mysterious decorations. Long, heavy curtains and low lights will do a lot to set the overall tone. Throw in a couple of grandiose set pieces here and there such as sparkling chandeliers, sophisticated table top centerpieces, and maybe even a small fountain of liquor for that extra bit of pizzazz. As for the colors, feel free to go with either a lush red, violet or blue as these three hues are commonly associated with wealth.

Food: Try to include ingredients that have a rich, sweet taste such as honey or chocolate as they would go well with the overall feel of the party. Serve the chosen menu in the finger food form, so guests are free to walk around and talk to “strangers”. It will help to have some people walk around serving the food to the guests too. Try to keep everyone on their feet and avoid having a buffet table that they may hover around in; as long as everything is in motion then it should be smooth sailing all throughout.


An Outdoor Barbeque

Outdoor barbecues are best for those who are looking for a more casual get-together without sacrificing any of the fun. This will feel like a homey and friendly gathering which is especially great for those who are looking to break down the usual “professional” barriers.

Décor: Barbecues are best conducted outdoors where the smoke won’t fill the area. If this isn’t possible, then you could go for a well-ventilated space instead. For decorations, there’s not much to go on but if you really want to spice things up, then go for simple picnic paraphernalia coupled with a traditional picnic cloth. Wooden furniture would definitely be fitting to the outdoors.

Food: Well, a barbecue isn’t a barbecue without any grilled meat. Bring fresh cuts of meat that everyone can choose from – beef, pork, chicken, or even fish! Couple that with some delicious rice, vegetables, and/or breads as side. As for drinks, any will do, but citrus-y or refreshing ones are definitely recommended.

A Retro-Themed Party

Why not bring back the 60s and 70s in your corporate event? It may seem old-fashioned, but your employees will definitely appreciate the instant time machine. Plus, the retro era displays peace and love which is sure to put anyone in a good mood. Give in to the groove and replicate the era of retro with crazy clothing and let your employees dance in the music of Jackson 5 and The Foundations.

Décor: You can identify a retro theme through its décor, hence it’s important to incorporate the details from top to bottom. Add the right mood setter by bringing in a disco ball and colored lights. A difficult but worthy addition is a black and white checkered flooring where your employees (and you) can showcase distinct funky moves. It’s particularly important to understand retro, before anything else. With that said, you can request a dress code or background color code that goes from green, red, and yellow. Or anything that contrasts or blends well, really. Don’t forget the bell-bottom pants, too!

Food: In serving retro-themed foods, you should very well consider simpler, nostalgic dishes as this works perfectly for this kind of theme.

  • Vintage cocktails: Side Cars, Black Russians, Classic Martinis, Harvey Wallbangers, Philadelphia Fish House Punch, Gimlet, Brandy Alexander, and Manhattan
  • Finger foods: Cheese Puffs, Shrimp Cocktail, Spiced Lamb Meatballs, Cheese Balls, Rye Bread Served with Olive Dip, French Onion Dip and Crackers Served with Cheese Spread
  • Desserts: Baked Alaska Pie, Sparkling Jell-O Mold, Yodels, Ring Dings, Classic Party Fondue, Broken Window Glass Cake, Junket, and Tunnel of Fudge Cake

A Beach Luau

Of course, let’s not leave out a beach-themed party. Definitely, this is one of the most anticipated party themes. Whether it is on an actual beach or a man-made beach setting, everyone loves the beach and its tropical atmosphere. If you choose these suggestions, then be sure to add the popular summer hula dance craze!

Décor: To pull off this extremely versatile theme, you can choose from many styles: Tiki, surf-style, or Hawaiian tropical. Once decided, you can apply it to everything from your invitations to the actual venue. Line up some Palm Trees with flower bouquets on the walls and entry path for a tropical scene setter. But if you really want to go all out, then place a waterfall with hula girl and boy stands on a corner of the hall for photo-ops. For an even more perfect setting, make the bar stand out with the use of a lantern garland. Use good lighting to make the bar glow.

Food: If you’re familiar with Luau parties, then you wouldn’t leave out the traditional mood setters. These are Poi, Haupia, Mahi Mahi, pineapple, and coconut desserts. Be sure to ask your catering service about this. Chances are that they are familiar with the authentic Luau food menu and you wouldn’t need to worry about it anymore.

Key Takeaway

The next time you find yourself at a loss for ideas for your next big party, consider the aforementioned themes and have a blast with your coworkers!

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9 Ideas For Delicious Home Meals

What are good dishes that can be made and served at home?

  1. Macaroni and Cheese
  2. Pot Roast
  3. Steamed Vegetables
  4. Roast Chicken
  5. Baked Salmon
  6. Beef Stew
  7. Carbonara
  8. Baked Eggplant Parmesan
  9. Shrimp, Leek, and Spinach Pasta

Food is always a delectable topic to talk about and it’s not surprising to experience for yourself a myriad of flavors and tastes that leave you breathless and wanting for more – but that appeal will only last anyone for so long. People love food, sure, but people are also prone to getting tired of their favorite things from time to time. Whether it is a simple lunch, a hearty dinner or the most sumptuous catering in Manila, spicing things up every now and then is sure to reignite the spark that made you love food anew.


Compiled in this list are a few good examples of delicious food to help you give your meals a jump in flavor:

Macaroni and Cheese

Ah, the classic Mac n’ Cheese. Relive the taste of your childhood by serving up a hot and cheesy plate of Macaroni and Cheese to your family and guests. Oozing cheesy goodness, the classic Mac n’ Cheese is sure to fill stomachs and put smiles in everybody’s faces.

The best part of this meal is that it can be enjoyed in many ways because of the abundance of recipes; some of which pair it up with other foods. It goes great with chicken ranch and pizza in particular.

Ingredients can even be added or used in higher or lower amounts. Have you even tried mac n’ cheese with jalapeno, bacon, or cavatappi. You should! It will change your perspective on the well-known dish. There is even a dish that uses an Italian three-cheese recipe. That seems out of this world and people will only keep on experimenting.

At home, you can try what you and your family would love the best. Eventually you’ll come across your own family recipe that you can pass on for ages!

Pot Roast

The elegant pot roast cooked to perfection. Imagine slicing up that pristine first piece of meat from the hot and tender pot roast. Delicious.

For those that haven’t the pleasure of having pot roast, it’s a braised beef dish. Usually, this is cooked by using a technique called browning. This squeezes out any excess fat. In doing so, the beef gets a brown color; thus, the name. Also, there is a distinct taste and tender texture that results from this (this phenomenon is called the Maillard reaction).

Both filling and hearty, the pot roast has been a staple in most American gastronomy. So why not have a taste of American culture at home? Try serving it with carrots, potatoes and onions to enjoy what is called a “Yankee pot roast” in North America.

Steamed Vegetables

Delicious and healthy, steamed vegetables are the perfect companion for food. Fish, Chicken, Beef, Pork and even Pasta is perfectly complimented by this buttery meal.

Roast Chicken

Chicken is a great meal for any occasion and roasted chicken is definitely one of the safest ways to prepare your chicken. Healthy and addicting, the juicy chicken meal is sure to delight your family.

Baked Salmon

If you want something healthy and filled with good for your heart vitamins, Salmon is the way to go. Baked Salmon is good for any holiday and it goes great with wine!

If ever you find yourself craving for more than just baked salmon, then try it along with a creamy cucumber-fennel salad. It’s a quick and easy meal that you can do. If you’re in a particular rush, then you can prepare the side salad ahead of time; around 12 hours in advanced. Create it with some cucumbers and fennel which will give it a satisfying crunch. For aesthetic purposes, you can reserve some fennels for some garnishing to please the eye. Store this in the fridge so that you can grab it any time you whip up some baked salmon. The marriage of these two scrumptious is a home meal that you will always crave for.

Beef Stew

Stewed to perfection (no puns intended), the traditional beef stew is the epitome of dinner time meals. Easy to prepare and even easier to consume, surprise your family and friends by bringing out this titan of a meal.


Creamy, cheesy and meaty, the pasta carbonara is the Italian’s homey taste of family. This meal is extremely versatile as you can prepare it with any number of cheeses, with beef, fish, chicken or pork and you can’t ever go wrong with a hot plate of carbonara on your dinner table.

Baked Eggplant Parmesan

Where have you ever read the phrase cheesy and healthy? Why here, of course. The baked eggplant parmesan is the healthy alternative to the other pasta meals on this list. Eggplant is rich dietary fiber and is rich in various vitamins and minerals. Delicious, healthy and cheesy, the Baked Eggplant Parmesan is truly a gift from the heavens.

Shrimp, Leek, and Spinach Pasta

This dish is the answer if you are in search for a meal that’s light, hearty, and full of vegetables and protein. While it may seem like the adult health buff’s dream dinner, it’s also great for kids because it tastes like macaroni and cheese. They will eat what seems like a guilty food trip to them. They won’t know or mind that there two vegetables mixed in it when it tastes so good.

The leeks and shrimp are sautéed on butter while the pasta cooked. With a warm past, the spinach will naturally wilt to it. Topping it off with a light cream sauce with a bit of lemon added will be what you need to satisfy that palate. The best part is all of this will be prepared in just 20 minutes.


Key Takeaway

There are a lot of other meals that you can prepare to compliment the food on this list, some cheeses, fruits and salads but what makes a meal great is sharing it with friends and family. Give your special someone a smile and make them a delicious meal that they will never forget.

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The Characteristics of a Quality Caterer

What makes a good caterer?

  1. Being adaptable to provide any menu at the best quality.
  2. Being able to perform the service in a timely manner.
  3. Being able to manage a large team to work as one.
  4. Being able to keep the client happy.
  5. Being able to keep their employees.
  6. Complying to food safety regulations.

Hiring catering in Manila can seemingly be a daunting task for anyone. Luckily, in this article, we will teach you what characteristics you should looks for in a catering service to know if they can deliver.

What makes a caterer good are really just a few basic things. It’s how the caterer is able to balance all these things altogether that will give him a name in the business. By being able to take simple cogs and form them into a complex set of gears that work together, a caterer can turn even the simplest dining event into a grand gathering. This is the type of service that you want

However, in this article, we’re going to focus on you, the consumer, and we’re going to help you choose the caterer that’s best for you. That’s right, today we’re going to be discussing the qualities that make up a quality caterer!

food laid out on a counter

What Makes a Good Caterer?

This particular subject may be a bit complex to hear, but important nonetheless. What makes a caterer good are a few basic things that altogether form a larger, more complex series of gears that mesh together to make a great event even better. Here are a few things that may shed some light with the matter at hand:

The Menu: Delicious No Matter What

Firstly, the most basic and essential ingredient in making the perfect caterer is the menu. But when the word “menu” is mentioned here, it doesn’t mean the caterer’s own personal menu full of his own specialties; it means his his ability to create any quality menu.

The keyword is in the name of the service itself: “cater”. A good catering service must do exactly what this word means by knowing how to adjust their menu to serve its client’s needs. But not only that; they also need to know to pull off the said menu without compromising quality and integrity then that’s perfect. Basically, it has to taste like it’s their specialty; even though it isn’t.

That being said, it’s a big plus if the caterer is highly knowledgeable in different cultures, customs, and religions. That way, they can provide quality food no matter what an event’s guest list may be while knowing the appropriate manners and gestures to use while serving.

Furthermore, the menu is the lifeblood of any catering service. Even if the food looks great, if it doesn’t taste great then that’s going to be a problem. The caterer has to be willing to go the extra mile to ensure that their food tastes as good as it looks.

Logistics and Practice: Efficiency of Service

While being adaptable to create any menu is a good quality of a caterer, another is the passion for food service. This may be a given already considering that they are in the catering business, but what’s being referred to here is the willingness to go through the various processes of such a service. This entails that they must study, master, and continuously improve their storage, transportation, cooking, and presentation methods.

Organizational Skills: Management of Resources

Being a caterer doesn’t just mean food and service. It means management of a team and all the resources needed to run the entire service during the event proper. With both a front and back end staff to manage, you will want a caterer that can manage both smoothly. Since food presentation and preparation takes a while, you must be able to trust a caterer that they know how to organize and time their actions to make sure food is always coming out of the kitchen.

The Customer Experience: Care for Work

In connection to the caterer’s willingness to adapt to suit the client’s needs, a suitable customer service experience is expected of the caterers as well. This means that the staff of the service must have good work ethic, be well-mannered, and care for the services they provide; the making of any good customer service. This is especially because they will be working closely with with the customer in designing their menu and fine-tuning everything for the event. Doing so requires time, patience, diplomacy, and good communication; some of the facets of a good customer experience. After all, there is no point for a caterer to be willing to adapt if they offend the customer along the way.

Employee Motivation: A Reflection of their Empathy

This article already discusses in length why a caterer must provide good customer service must be adaptable to the customer’s need. But the underlying reason as to why you need to find these qualities in a caterer is because these show their motivation to work. When a caterer and their staff are motivated, they are also sincere with their work. This means that they are 100% willing to provide their service.

This can work backwards. Meaning that you can see if a catering service is good if their employees look motivated. If they do not, then take this a warning sign that it’s possible that the service doesn’t care for their own employee satisfaction. Be wary of this because it may be a reflection of how the treat their clients or at least their sincerity in doing so.

Details, Details: Giving Your Event the Attention it Needs

Another quality that makes a caterer good is their attention to detail. Like what we discussed earlier, everybody wants to make their event as perfect as possible and one way of doing so is fine-tuning details with the customer and for the caterer to meet the client’s demand, the caterer has to both be attentive and willing. Attention to detail entails acknowledgement, planning and execution of small ideas with little to no mistakes to help them form the bigger idea that is the event.

For a caterer, this means that they have to be attentive and willing to plan with the client. If they can do this then you will know that the value the roles of all the small factors when it comes to planning an event. In other words, they must understand that the tiniest details are the building blocks of the whole event. But not only that; they must execute said details well and with little mistakes.  A caterer that gives these little things attention is one that cares for you and your event.

chef sniffs ingredients

Food Safety: Catering Common Sense

Finally, what makes a good caterer great is of course, food safety. Obviously, the food must be safe to eat. Nobody wants to get sick and no caterer is willing to risk their client’s safety; not mention their name! Thus, you can check if a caterer has good standards if he knows they are updated with food safety laws always and comply with them.

Look at how they store, cook, and handle food. Also, try to know if they prioritize fresh food over frozen ones.

Key Takeaway

We’ve been talking about the caterer’s willingness throughout the article but I’d like to discuss that in more detail. Why would a caterer be unwilling to provide service or to adapt themselves to suit the client’s needs? The answer is motivation. The caterer and their staff have to be motivated and sincerely willing in order for them to provide a satisfactory customer service experience. Remember, a good catering service not only provides quality food but they also have to treat their people well and how caterers treat their employees may be a reflection of how they treat people in general, customers included.

Finally, what makes a good caterer great is of course, acquiesce. Quality in terms of food safety and their willingness to adapt to suit the client’s needs while maintaining their standards. Obviously, food safety is an important issue for both the caterer and the consumer. Nobody wants to get sick and no caterer is willing to risk their client’s safety, especially us at Juan Carlo.

Sure there are a lot more qualities to consider but these basic qualities are what we believe to be the frame the supports a business and we believe that these qualities make a good caterer, great.

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Thom ngon! Vitalizing Vietnamese Dishes

Image from PhoCafe UK

Image from PhoCafe UK

Expand your food choices from catering in Manila and request something different— Vietnamese cuisine. This Southeast Asian country has been capturing the palettes of different nationalities around the world, and you and your guests are sure to enjoy these Asian delicacies. If you don’t know what to serve, these dishes are sure to hit the right spot.


Goi Cuon

Ranking number 30 on CNN Go’s 2011 World’s 50 Most Delicious Foods, Goi Cuon is definitely a must try dish for anyone new to Vietnamese cuisine. Also known as Vietnamese Spring Roll, this dish is composed of pork, shrimp, a variety of vegetables and rice vermicelli (locally known as bún) all wrapped up in a bánh tráng (rice paper). It is traditionally served with tuong xao (hoisin sauce) or peanut sauce. Goi Cuon is a favorite in any Vietnamese restaurant around the world, proving that it is indeed and truly one of the most delicious foods on this planet.  

Ca Phe Sua Da

Ah, coffee. Where would we be without this bittersweet drink? Some of us cannot function in the morning without our cup of Joe, while others simply must have it if they plan to burn the midnight oil.  Yup, students, we’re talking to you. In Vietnam, there is a special kind of coffee any caffeine addict must try: the Ca Phe Sua Da. Passing by the cafes in Vietnam, you may have noticed glasses topped with astrange silverware. This is the Ca Phe sua da. At the bottom of the glass is sweetened condensed milk and the instrument on top is the cà phê phin or French Dip Filter. From it, locally produced dark roast coffee mixed with water will slowly trickle down the condensed milk. After it’s done dripping, the cà phê phin is removed and the coffee mixture is poured over ice. The result is a delicious, ice cold drink perfect for a hot day.


The first dish most people would think of when Vietnamese Cuisine is mentioned is usually the noodle soup “Pho”. Follow it with the protein and “Pho” becomes “Pho Ga” for chicken or “Pho Bo” for beef. It is said you can find its origins in Northern Vietnam in early 20th century. Its first appearance in a dictionary can be traced to a 1931 dictionary, being defined as a dish comprised of slivers of rice cake boiled with beef. These days this bowl is made of rice noodles, broth and a protein. Its garnishes include basil, bean sprouts and lemon.

Banh Xeo

It may looked like an overstuffed omelet at first, but with just one bite you will no longer be left wondering why many foreigners fall for the Bánh xèo. Meaning “sizzling cake”, it can be described as a savory fried pancake made from rice flour, turmeric powder, and water then stuffed with a variety of ingredients such as pork sliced, bean sprouts and shrimp. In some regions, it’s made with coconut milk while others disregard the turmeric powder. When eaten, one usually wraps it inside a lettuce leaf or a rice paper wrapper then dipped into a sweet and sour diluted fish sauce. 

Chè Trôi Nuoc

There are numerous varieties of Che, but Chè trôi nuoc is definitely one of the best known. It has a glutinous rice dumpling with mung bean paste in the center. This dessert is served in sweet ginger syrup and served warm with a garnishing of sesame seeds.


Vietnamese cuisine is healthy and delicious. For sure your guests will be saying Thom ngon (Vietnamese for ‘delicious’) at the end of their meal.

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11 Fun Ways to Serve Wedding Reception Food

Jaclyn Simpson Photography

Jaclyn Simpson Photography

What are fun ideas on ways to serve food in a wedding reception?

  1. Serving Mini Dishes
  2. Serving Kebabs and Barbecue
  3. Innovating Your Comfort Food
  4. Including Food Options for Vegans
  5. Planning an All-Day-Breakfast-themed Reception
  6. Having an Abundance in Variety
  7. Having an Ice Cream Sundae Bar
  8. Serving Mexican Food
  9. Having a Bar Dedicated to Popcorn
  10. Serving Carnival-themed Food
  11. Serving Different Kinds of Beer ‘Oktoberfest’ style

One of the best things about having catering in manila is that you get to try dishes you’ve never even tasted before. Not only can it widen the variety of dishes in your menu, but it can also give your guests something new and unique for them to enjoy.

While you can opt for a set menu and serving your guests all the same things, it could be fun to mix up a little. If you think it’s time to think outside the box and explore different flavors, here are a few suggestions we have for you:

Mini Dishes

Sometimes miniature versions of your favorite meals make even more of a statement than their full-sized counterparts, especially with the amount of flavor many of them pack in one bite. For example, instead of dining in the comfortable taste of a huge bowl of spaghetti, use a single meatball and top it with spaghetti with a bit of sauce. It will be more fun to eat that way, plus the guests can consume it in just a couple of bites. Also, this is a chance for your guests to have a bit of everything in the menu served at your reception.

Kebabs and Barbecues

Although they are considered to be ‘cook-out’ food that is best reserved for more casual get-togethers, kebabs and barbecues are actually still good to serve at weddings. Your guests will surely love them. Aside from crowd favorites like barbecue and meat kebabs, you can serve lamb and meatballs on toothpicks for extra-easy devouring.

Innovate your Comfort Food

Home-cooked favorites are instantly elevated when served in unexpected ways. Like for example, love the taste of grilled cheese but you’re scared they’re not fancy enough to be served at a wedding? Worry not because your caterer will surely be able to find a way to reinvent them. You can have mini grilled sandwiches served on toothpicks with dainty tomato soup shooters to make it more formal and fit for the occasion.

Braedon Photography

Braedon Photography

Vegan Delight

Appetizers usually entail the serving of heavy carbs like potatoes and the likes. Keep it healthy by appealing to the lighter portion of your guests. Put in a few delicious ‘good-for-you’ options on the menu, such as baby-Greek salad – serve this mouth-watering appetizer in mini cup and voila you’ve got yourself a healthy delight.

All-Day Breakfast

Many people only like mornings because of the food. This comes as no surprise as breakfast is a scrumptious meal that jumpstarts your day. So why not serve it at your wedding? A good example of a breakfast dish would be a bacon cup filled with scrambled eggs. This dish will surely give an elegant twist on the classic morning staple.

An Abundance of Variety

An abundant buffet is a great way to ensure everyone in your reception will get what they want. But it can also become an appetizing focal point. Be mindful and intricate about your buffet and whip up something like a cheese station with an array of mild and strong flavors of different cheeses from goat, cow and sheep milk, which can then be paired with wine. Don’t forget to add labels so guests know exactly what they’re having. From fruits, breads and nuts, there are plenty of things to think of to serve.

Ice Cream Sundae Bar

This wedding reception idea may be a common sight in multiple weddings; but, it’s a great addition nonetheless. The thought of being able to create your very own ice cream sundae is enough for anyone to gather around and devour this sugary feast.

Mexican Madness

Everyone loves to eat food with their hands, especially if said food is smothered in meat and cheese. With this idea to serve for your wedding reception, don’t hesitate to go all-out with everything you got. No quesadilla, taco, nacho, or even burrito is off limits on your special day.

Popcorn Bar

For all those who love popcorn, this idea is definitely for you! Not only does this make a great snack for the occasional binge-watch session, but it also makes a great and unique pre-appetizer for your wedding reception.

In fact, if you really wish to kick it up a notch, why not add a wide selection of flavors and toppings for your guests to choose from? Adding extra butter or caramel on your popcorn? Now that’s a definite guarantee for a good time.

Carnival Craziness

Carnival food is something that really tantalizes your child-like taste buds, especially with the amounts of sweetness coupled with this idea. With all the cotton candy, caramel apples, corndogs, and funnel cakes you can indulge in, there’s definitely no mistake to be made with this wedding reception idea.

Oktoberfest in Matrimony

Beer is an all-time favorite for every drinker out there, especially with the Germans with their ever-famous Oktoberfest; and with this idea in your wedding reception, it’s definitely certain that the party will be given a flavorful kick.

For this, feel free to explore the different kinds of beer you and your guests can enjoy. In fact, you can even serve them from taps to give them a sense of authenticity and ingenuity. As long as moderation in drinking is practiced, your guests will be able to have as much fun as they want.

Key Takeaway

There are numerous other ways you can serve wedding reception food that are just as fun and exciting. As such, it’s important to branch out and let your creativity and ingenuity shine.

 Also, when it comes to having a fun and stomach-filled reception, caterers are your best friends. Talk to your local catering service and inquire about the variety of foods you can serve at your wedding.

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11 Edible Wedding Giveaways

Wedding Catering Cake in Jar

What are good edible wedding favors?

  1. Ice cream
  2. Personalized liquor
  3. Caramel apples
  4. Cake in a jar
  5. Chocolates
  6. Fruity treats
  7. Popcorn
  8. Marshmallow sandwiches/cookies
  9. Brownies
  10. Candy
  11. Personalized cookies

Whether it be company events with corporate catering or fancy, dream-like weddings, it’s no secret that guests love eating the dishes served and receiving giveaways. What if we tell you that you can combine them? You can also give out food items as giveaways and souvenirs, especially on your wedding day.

With the right kind of caterer and these suggestions it, you can give your guests another set of memorable sweet and fabulous treats aside from than the event itself. With tons of savory options, give a delicious edible favor as your wedding thank you. Check out these 7 crowd-pleasing favorites:

Caramel Apples

These aren’t your typical stall created caramel apples; they are tailored for your special day. Most of these are formed in a shape of a bride and a groom, they’re pretty gorgeous to the point you wouldn’t want to eat them actually. The bride is dressed with white chocolate, while the groom is cloaked in a dark and white chocolate tuxedo.

Cake in a Jar

Usually guests are already very full by the end of the night, hence some wedding cakes remain untouched. The best way to let them have a taste of your wedding cake is by sending some cake-in-a-jar. Surely your guests will feel happy that they can end the night on a sweet note.


Love and chocolates are always synonymous and with hand-made chocolates that are rich in flavor, you wouldn’t need more than two.  Personalize your chocolates with your monogram, logo or any design which represents the bride and groom. You can simply pack them in cute boxes, then voila; you’ve got the sweetest treat in the world.

Wedding giveaway cookies by Petit Gateau. Photo by Cheryl Joy Miner

Wedding giveaway cookies by Petit Gateau. Photo by Cheryl Joy Miner

Personalized Cookies

Who doesn’t love this pastry? Add a little kick to your cookies by making it more personal and special. Use your favorite flavor like, for example, chocolate-covered Oreos; then style them up with pretty candy hearts. Be imaginative and use your creative juices to decorate your cookie souvenir. Plenty of your guests will definitely be happy.

Ice Cream

You can use your names as the brand of the ice cream and that’s pretty awesome. Go for a single-serving ice cream cup and create your very own custom blend, there are plenty of flavors to choose from. And you can even go crazy with the mix-ins and toppings you’d want to include.

Personalized Liquor

End the night with a toast! Customize your very own mini sparkling wine, vodka or champagne. Be stylish and decorate the bottles with tags and ribbons that match your color palette. There is a variety of liquor you can choose from seasonal drinks to Bourbon-infused drinks.

Fruity Selections

After a night filled with fried appetizers, indulgent entrees and an abundance of sweets, your guests may appreciate taking home a healthy giveaway. With a wide selection of fruits to choose from, you can pick one then have it imprinted with the design of your choice. Also, you can add a ‘thank you’ message on the back for that personal touch.


Who doesn’t love popcorn? People eat this popped snack everywhere: in the movie house, at home, at parties, and even at your wedding. But if you’re going to give this as a wedding favor, then avoid the common flavors to make it special. One perfect example would be Garrett’s signature mix, which is a combination of caramel and cheese flavored popcorn. Your guests will love this marriage of savory and sweet just as much as yours. No matter what unique flavor you choose, pick out a small and stylish packaging, buy a lot of these, and stuff some popcorn in them and you are good to go.

Marshmallow Sandwiches

Not only are marshmallow sandwiches (or cookies) an unconventional treat, but also it’s made with zero preservatives which make it a healthier option than many others. It comes in flavors such as raspberry hibiscus and spiked espresso, which is fun for both adults and younger guests.

Pair this up with a chocolate bar and you have the perfect food station for a cold wedding. Enjoying this with a hot cup of cocoa with a marshmallow sandwich may be all you need to make your celebration memorable (but of course you wouldn’t want your guests to remember your wedding just because of the food).


Not all your guests will be so free to enjoy unlimited sweets. In fact, most of them probably have dietary restrictions; with some even having their life depend on it. For the sake of their health, you may want to go for favors that can please both them and the free-spirited. Such a flexible treat is the brownie. These yummy delicacies remain delicious no matter what form they are in; whether they are sweetened, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, soy-free, or kosher. Just find a caterer or baker that can slay the brownie game no matter what dietary restrictions there may be.


Giving out an assortment of candy at your wedding is a great way to give a favor that is both stylish and easy to share. Thus, this is a great option when you know a lot of couples will be attending. After a long day at your celebration, all the couples will be able to share the candy with each other and keep their energy up as they make their way home. Just be sure you know exactly who is bringing a plus one. You don’t want two single guests awkwardly finding that they are meant to share one set of candies.  For these guests, give them a smaller serving they can enjoy for themselves.

Key Takeaway

Today’s modern age gives us the opportunity to be more innovative and creative with everything. You should take advantage of this and make your wedding a unique experience. Thus, you should try something new and fun when you are pondering on which edible giveaway you should have. The list above will help you to think about which one is perfect for you.

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